Part 12. Freedom of Religion

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“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though having died in 1998. She admitted that she
outwardly we are wasting away, yet started living with Luciano Quilapio, Jr.
inwardly we are being renewed day by without the benefit of marriage more
day.” than twenty years ago when her husband
2 Corinthians 4:16 was still alive but living with another
woman. She also admitted that she and
Quilapio have a son. But as a member of
the religious sect known as the Jehovah’s
Witnesses and the Watch Tower and Bible
Tract Society, respondent asserted that
their conjugal arrangement is in
SECTION 5. No law shall be made conformity with their religious beliefs and
respecting an establishment of has the approval of her congregation.
religion, or prohibiting the free In fact, after ten years of living
exercise thereof. The free exercise and together, she executed on July 28, 1991, a
enjoyment of religious profession and “Declaration of Pledging Faithfulness.” For
worship, without discrimination or Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Declaration
preference, shall forever be allowed. allows members of the congregation who
No religious test shall be required for have been abandoned by their spouses to
the exercise of civil or political rights. enter into marital relations . The
Declaration thus makes the resulting
WHAT ARE THE TWO union mora l and binding within the
CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES congregation all over the world except in
UNDER SECTION 5? countries where divorce is allowed. As
1. Non-Establishment of religion; and laid out by the tenets of their faith, the
2. Free Exercise of religion Jehovah’s congregation requires that at
the time the declarations are executed,
the couple cannot secure the civil
NON-ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION authorities’ approval of the marital
relationship because of legal
impediments. Only couples who have
ESTRADA v. ESCRITOR (2006) been baptized and in good standing may
FACTS: n a sworn-letter complaint dated execute the Declaration, which requires
July 27, 2000, complainant Alejandro the approval of the elders of the
Estrada requested Judge Jose F. Caoibes, congregation. As a matter of practice, the
Jr., presiding judge of Branch 253, marital status of the declarants and their
Regional Trial Court of Las Piñas City, for respective spouses’ commission of
an investigation of respondent Soledad adultery are investigated before the
Escritor, court interpreter in said court, declarations are executed. Escritor and
for living with a man not her husband, Quilapio’s declarations were executed in
and having borne a child within this the usual and approved form prescribed
live-in arrangement. Estrada believes that by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, approved by
Escritor is committing an immoral act elders of the congregation where the
that tarnishes the image of the court, thus declarations were executed, and recorded
she should not be allowed to remain in the Watch Tower Central Office.
employed therein as it might appear that Moreover, the Jehovah’s
the court condones her act.[2] congregation believes that once all legal
Consequently, respondent was charged impediments for the couple are lifted, the
with committing “disgraceful and immoral validity of the declarations ceases, and
conduct” under Book V, Title I, Chapter the couple should legalize their union. In
VI, Sec. 46(b)(5) of the Revised Escritor’s case, although she was
Administrative Code. widowed in 1998, thereby lifting the legal
Respondent Escritor testified that impediment to marry on her part, her
when she entered the judiciary in 1999, mate was still not capacitated to remarry.
she was already a widow, her husband Thus, their declarations remained valid. In

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sum, therefore, insofar as the meant to protect the church from the
congregation is concerned, there is state.
nothing immoral about the conjugal FIRST STANDARD: Strict
arrangement between Escritor and Separation and Strict
Quilapio and they remain members in Neutrality/Separation The STRICT
good standing in the congregation. SEPARATIONIST believes that the
Establishment Clause was meant to
HELD: In our decision dated August 4, protect the state from the church, and
2003, after a long and arduous scrutiny the state’s hostility towards religion
into the origins and development of the allows no interaction between the two.
religion clauses in the United States (U.S.) According to this Jeffersonian view, an
and the Philippines, we held that in “absolute barrier” to formal
resolving claims involving religious interdependence of religion and state
freedom (1) BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY needs to be erected. Religious institutions
OR ACCOMMODATION, whether could not receive aid, whether direct or
mandatory or permissive, is the spirit, indirect, from the state. Nor could the
intent and framework underlying the state adjust its secular programs to
religion clauses in our Constitution; and alleviate burdens the programs placed on
(2) in deciding respondent’s “plea of believers. Only the complete separation of
exemption based on the Free Exercise religion from politics would eliminate the
Clause” (from the law with which she is formal influence of religious institutions
administratively charged), it is the and provide for a free choice among
COMPELLING STATE INTEREST TEST, political views, thus a strict “wall of
the strictest test, which must be applied. separation” is necessary.
In sum, a review of the Old World Strict separation faces difficulties,
antecedents of religion shows the however, as it is deeply embedded in
movement of establishment of religion as American history and contemporary
an engine to promote state interests, to practice that enormous amounts of aid,
the principle of non-establishment to both direct and indirect, flow to religion
allow the free exercise of religion. from government in return for huge
Religion Clauses in the U.S. amounts of mostly indirect aid from
Context U.S. history has produced TWO religion. For example, less than
identifiably different, even opposing, twenty-four hours after Congress
strains of jurisprudence on the religion adopted the First Amendment’s
clauses. prohibition on laws respecting an
First is THE STANDARD OF establishment of religion, Congress
SEPARATION, which may take the form of decided to express its thanks to God
either (a) strict separation or (b) the tamer Almighty for the many blessings enjoyed
version of strict neutrality or separation , by the nation with a resolution in favor of
or what Mr. Justice Carpio refers to as the a presidential proclamation declaring a
second theory of governmental neutrality. national day of Thanksgiving and Prayer.
Although the latter form is not as Thus, strict separationists are caught in
hostile to religion as the former , both are an awkward position of claiming a
anchored on the Jeffersonian premise constitutional principle that has never
that a “wall of separation” must exist existed and is never likely to.
between the state and the Church to The tamer version of the strict
protect the state from the church . Both separationist view, the STRICT
protect the principle of church-state NEUTRALITY OR SEPARATIONIST VIEW,
separation with a rigid reading of the (or, the governmental neutrality theory)
principle. finds basis in Everson v. Board of
On the other hand, the second Education, where the Court declared that
standard, the BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY Jefferson’s “wall of separation”
OR ACCOMMODATION, is buttressed by encapsulated the meaning of the First
the view that the wall of separation is Amendment.

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However, unlike the strict the American ideal of church-state

separationists, the strict neutrality view separation,” in real life, church and state
believes that the “wall of separation” does are not and cannot be totally separate.
not require the state to be their This is all the more true in contemporary
adversary.” Rather, the state must be times when both the government and
NEUTRAL in its relations with groups of religion are growing and expanding their
religious believers and non-believers. spheres of involvement and activity,
“State power is no more to be used so as resulting in the intersection of
to handicap religions than it is to favor government and religion at many points.
them.” The strict neutrality approach is SECOND STANDARD: Benevolent
not hostile to religion, but it is strict in Neutrality/Accommodation
holding that religion may not be used as a The theory of benevolent
basis for classification for purposes of neutrality or accommodation is premised
governmental action , whether the action on a different view of the “wall of
confers rights or privileges or imposes separation,” associated with Williams,
duties or obligations. Only secular criteria founder of the Rhode Island colony.
may be the basis of government action. It Unlike the Jeffersonian wall that is meant
does not permit, much less require, to protect the state from the church, the
accommodation of secular programs to wall is meant to protect the church from
religious belief. the state Benevolent neutrality
The problem with the strict recognizes that religion plays an
neutrality approach, however, is if applied important role in the public life of the
in interpreting the Establishment Clause, United States as shown by many
it could lead to a de facto voiding of traditional government practices which,
religious expression in the Free Exercise to strict neutrality, pose Establishment
Clause. As pointed out by Justice Clause questions. Among these are the
Goldberg in his concurring opinion in inscription of “In God We Trust” on
Abington School District v. Schempp] American currency; the recognition of
strict neutrality could lead to “a brooding America as “one nation under God” in the
and pervasive devotion to the secular and official pledge of allegiance to the flag;
a passive, or even active, hostility to the the Supreme Court’s time-honored
religious” which is prohibited by the practice of opening oral argument with
Constitution.Professor Laurence Tribe the invocation “God save the United
commented in his authoritative treatise, States and this Honorable Court”; and the
viz: practice of Congress and every state
To most observers strict neutrality legislature of paying a chaplain, usually of
has seemed incompatible with the very a particular Protestant denomination, to
idea of a free exercise clause. The lead representatives in prayer. These
Framers, whatever specific applications practices clearly show the preference for
they may have intended, clearly one theological viewpoint— the existence
envisioned religion as something special; of and potential for intervention by a god
they enacted that vision into law by — over the contrary theological viewpoint
guaranteeing the free exercise of religion of atheism. Church and government
but not, say, of philosophy or science. The agencies also cooperate in the building of
strict neutrality approach all but erased low-cost housing and in other forms of
this distinction. Thus it is not surprising poor relief, in the treatment of alcoholism
that the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected and drug addiction, in foreign aid and
strict neutrality, permitting and other government activities with strong
sometimes mandating religious moral dimension.
classifications. Examples of accommodations in
Thus, the dilemma of the American jurisprudence also abound,
separationist approach, whether in the including, but not limited to the U.S.
form of strict separation or strict Court declaring the following acts as
neutrality, is that while the Jeffersonian constitutional: a state hiring a
wall of separation “captures the spirit of Presbyterian minister to lead the

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legislature in daily prayers, or requiring practical, in enacting laws of general

employers to pay workers compensation application. But when the legislature fails
when the resulting inconsistency to do so, religions that are threatened and
between work and Sabbath leads to burdened may turn to the courts for
discharge; for government to give money protection.
to religiously-affiliated organizations to Thus, what is sought under the
teach adolescents about proper sexual theory of accommodation is not a
behavior; or to provide religious school declaration of unconstitutionality of a
pupils with books; or bus rides to facially neutral law, but an exemption
religious schools; or with cash to pay for from its application or its “burdensome
state-mandated standardized tests. effect,” whether by the legislature or the
As with the other rights under the courts . Most of the free exercise claims
Constitution, the rights embodied in the brought to the U.S. Court are for
Religion clauses are invoked in relation to exemption, not invalidation of the facially
governmental action, almost invariably in neutral law that has a “burdensome”
the form of legislative acts. Generally effect.
speaking, a legislative act that purposely Sherbert, Yoder and Smith The
aids or inhibits religion will be challenged pinnacle of free exercise protection and
as unconstitutional, either because it the theory of accommodation in the U.S.
violates the Free Exercise Clause or the blossomed in the case of Sherbert v.
Establishment Clause or both. This is true Verner, which ruled that state regulation
whether one subscribes to the that indirectly restrains or punishes
separationist approach or the benevolent religious belief or conduct must be
neutrality or accommodationist approach. subjected to strict scrutiny under the
But the more difficult religion Free Exercise Clause . According to
cases involve legislative acts which have a Sherbert, when a law of general
secular purpose and general applicability, application infringes religious exercise,
but may incidentally or inadvertently aid albeit incidentally, the state interest
or burden religious exercise. Though the sought to be promoted must be so
government action is not religiously paramount and compelling as to override
motivated, these laws have a the free exercise claim. Otherwise, the
“burdensome effect” on religious exercise. Court itself will carve out the exemption.
The benevolent neutrality theory It is certain that not every
believes that with respect to these conscience can be accommodated by all
governmental actions, accommodation of the laws of the land; but when general
religion may be allowed, not to promote laws conflict with scruples of conscience,
the government’s favored form of religion, exemptions ought to be granted unless
but to allow individuals and groups to some “compelling state interest”
exercise their religion without hindrance. intervenes. Thus, Sherbert and
The purpose of accommodations is to subsequent cases held that when
remove a burden on, or facilitate the government action burdens, even
exercise of, a person’s or institution’s inadvertently, a sincerely held religious
religion. belief or practice, the state must justify
As Justice Brennan explained, the the burden by demonstrating that the law
“government may take religion into embodies a compelling interest, that no
account to exempt, when possible, from less restrictive alternative exists, and that
generally applicable governmental a religious exemption would impair the
regulation individuals whose religious state’s ability to effectuate its compelling
beliefs and practices would otherwise interest. As in other instances of state
thereby be infringed, or to create without action affecting fundamental rights,
state involvement an atmosphere in negative impacts on those rights demand
which voluntary religious exercise may the highest level of judicial scrutiny. After
flourish.” In the ideal world, the legislature Sherbert, this strict scrutiny balancing
would recognize the religions and their test resulted in court-mandated religious
practices and would consider them, when exemptions from facially-neutral laws of

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general application whenever unjustified was extensive. Only extremely strong

burdens were found. governmental interests justified
Then, in the 1972 case of Wisconsin impingement on religious conduct, as the
v. Yoder, the U.S. Court again ruled that absolute language of the test of the Free
religious exemption was in order, Exercise Clause suggests.
notwithstanding that the law of general A free exercise claim could result
application had a criminal penalty. Using to THREE KINDS OF ACCOMMODATION:
heightened scrutiny, the Court a. those which are found to be
overturned the conviction of Amish constitutionally compelled, i.e.,
parents for violating Wisconsin required by the Free Exercise
compulsory school-attendance laws. Clause;
The Court, in effect, granted b. those which are discretionary or
exemption from a neutral, criminal legislative, i.e., not required by the
statute that punished religiously Free Exercise Clause but
motivated conduct. The cases of Sherbert nonetheless permitted by the
and Yoder laid out the following Establishment Clause; and
doctrines: c. those which the religion clauses
a. Free exercise clause claims were prohibit.
subject to heightened scrutiny or MANDATORY ACCOMMODATION
compelling interest test if results when the Court finds that
government substantially accommodation is required by the Free
burdened the exercise of religion; Exercise Clause, i.e, when the Court itself
b. Heightened scrutiny or compelling carves out an exemption. This
interest test governed cases where accommodation occurs when all three
the burden was direct, i.e., the conditions of the compelling interest test
exercise of religion triggered a are met:
criminal or civil penalty, as well as 1. a statute or government action has
cases where the burden was burdened claimant’s free exercise
indirect, i.e., the exercise of of religion, and there is no doubt
religion resulted in the forfeiture as to the sincerity of the religious
of a government benefit; and (c) belief;
the Court could carve out 2. the state has failed to demonstrate
accommodations or exemptions a particularly important or
from a facially neutral law of compelling governmental goal in
general application, whether preventing an exemption; and
general or criminal. 3. that the state has failed to
The Sherbert-Yoder doctrine had demonstrate that it used the least
five main components. First, action was restrictive means.
protected—conduct beyond speech, In these cases, the Court finds that
press, or worship was included in the the injury to religious conscience is so
shelter of freedom of religion. Neither great and the advancement of public
Sherbert’s refusal to work on the Sabbath purposes is incomparable that only
nor the Amish parents’ refusal to let their indifference or hostility could explain a
children attend ninth and tenth grades refusal to make exemptions. Thus, if the
can be classified as conduct protected by state’s objective could be served as well or
the other clauses of the First Amendment. almost as well by granting an exemption
Second, indirect impositions on religious to those whose religious beliefs are
conduct, such as the denial of twenty-six burdened by the regulation, the Court
weeks of unemployment insurance must grant the exemption. The Yoder
benefits to Adel Sherbert, as well as direct case is an example where the Court held
restraints, such as the criminal that the state must accommodate the
prohibition at issue in Yoder, were religious beliefs of the Amish who
prohibited. objected to enrolling their children in
Third, as the language in the two high school as required by law.
cases indicate, the protection granted

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The Sherbert case is another inalienable right, not one dependent on

example where the Court held that the the grace of legislature. Religious freedom
state unemployment compensation plan is seen as a substantive right and not
must accommodate the religious merely a privilege against discriminatory
convictions of Sherbert. legislation. With religion looked upon
PERMISSIVE ACCOMMODATION , with benevolence and not hostility,
the Court finds that the State may, but is benevolent neutrality allows
not required to, accommodate religious accommodation of religion under certain
interests. The U.S. Walz case illustrates circumstances.
this situation where the U.S. Supreme US Constitution and jurisprudence
Court upheld the constitutionality of tax vis-à-vis Philippine Constitution By
exemption given by New York to church juxtaposing the American Constitution
properties, but did not rule that the state and jurisprudence against that of the
was required to provide tax exemptions. Philippines, it is immediately clear that
The Court declared that “the limits of one cannot simply conclude that we have
permissible state accommodation to adopted—lock, stock and barrel—the
religion are by no means coextensive with religion clauses as embodied in the First
the noninterference mandated by the Amendment, and therefore, the U.S.
Free Exercise Clause.” Other examples are Court’s interpretation of the same. Unlike
Zorach v. Clauson, allowing released time in the U.S. where legislative exemptions
in public schools and Marsh v. Chambers, of religion had to be upheld by the U.S.
allowing payment of legislative chaplains Supreme Court as constituting permissive
from public funds. Parenthetically, the accommodations, similar exemptions for
Court in Smith has ruled that this is the religion are mandatory accommodations
only accommodation allowed by the under our own constitutions.
Religion Clauses. Thus, our 1935, 1973 and 1987
PROHIBITED ACCOMMODATION . Constitutions contain provisions on tax
as when the Court finds no basis for a exemption of church property, salary of
mandatory accommodation, or it religious officers in government
determines that the legislative institutions, and optional religious
accommodation runs afoul of the instruction. Our own preamble also
establishment or the free exercise clause, invokes the aid of a divine being. These
it results to a In this case, the Court finds constitutional provisions are wholly ours
that establishment concerns prevail over and have no counterpart in the U.S.
potential accommodation interests. To Constitution or its amendments. They all
say that there are valid exemptions reveal without doubt that the Filipino
buttressed by the Free Exercise Clause people, in adopting these constitutions,
does not mean that all claims for free manifested their adherence to the
exercise exemptions are valid. An example benevolent neutrality approach that
where accommodation was prohibited is requires accommodations in interpreting
McCollum v. Board of Education, where the religion clauses.
the Court ruled against optional religious The argument of Mr. Justice Carpio
instruction in the public school premises. that the August 4, 2003 ponencia was
Given that a free exercise claim could lead erroneous insofar as it asserted that the
to three different results, the question 1935 Constitution incorporates the Walz
now remains as to how the Court should ruling as this case was decided
determine which action to take. In this subsequent to the 1935 Constitution is a
regard, it is the strict scrutiny-compelling misreading of the ponencia. What the
state interest test which is most in line ponencia pointed out was that even as
with the benevolent early as 1935, or more than three decades
neutrality-accommodation approach. before the U.S. Court could validate the
Under the benevolent-neutrality exemption in Walz as a form or
theory, the principle underlying the First permissible accommodation, we have
Amendment is that freedom to carry out already incorporated the same in our
one’s duties to a Supreme Being is an Constitution, as a mandatory

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accommodation. There is no ambiguity provisions should be reconciled and

with regard to the Philippine harmonized in a manner that will give to
Constitution’s departure from the U.S. all of them full force and effect.
Constitution, insofar as religious From this construction, it will be
accommodations are concerned. It is ascertained that the intent of the framers
indubitable that benevolent neutrality- was to adopt a benevolent neutrality
accommodation, whether mandatory or approach in interpreting the religious
permissive, is the spirit, intent and clauses in the Philippine constitutions,
framework underlying the Philippine and the enforcement of this intent is the
Constitution.[128] As stated in our goal of construing the constitution
Decision, dated August 4, 2003: We therefore reject Mr. Justice
The history of the religion clauses Carpio’s total adherence to the U.S.
in the 1987 Constitution shows that these Court’s interpretation of the religion
clauses were largely adopted from the clauses to effectively deny
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution accommodations on the sole basis that
xxxx Philippine jurisprudence and the law in question is neutral and of
commentaries on the religious clauses general application. For even if it were
also continued to borrow authorities from true that “an unbroken line of U.S.
U.S. jurisprudence without articulating Supreme Court decisions” has never held
the stark distinction between the two that “an individual’s religious beliefs [do
streams of U.S. jurisprudence i.e., not] excuse him from compliance with an
separation and benevolent neutrality. One otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct
might simply conclude that the Philippine that the State is free to regulate,” our own
Constitution and jurisprudence also Constitutions have made significant
inherited the disarray of U.S. religion changes to accommodate and exempt
clause jurisprudence and the two religion. Philippine jurisprudence shows
identifiable streams; thus, when a religion that the Court has allowed exemptions
clause case comes before the Court, a from a law of general application, in
separationist approach or a benevolent effect, interpreting our religion clauses to
neutrality approach might be adopted and cover both mandatory and permissive
each will have U.S. authorities to support accommodations.
it. To illustrate, in American Bible
Or, one might conclude that as the Society v. City of Manila, the Court
history of the First Amendment as granted to plaintiff exemption from a law
narrated by the Court in Everson of general application based on the Free
supports the separationist approach, Exercise Clause. In this case, plaintiff was
Philippine jurisprudence should also required by an ordinance to secure a
follow this approach in light of the mayor’s permit and a municipal license as
Philippine religion clauses’ history. As a ordinarily required of those engaged in
result, in a case where the party claims the business of general merchandise
religious liberty in the face of a general under the city’s ordinances. Plaintiff
law that inadvertently burdens his argued that this amounted to “religious
religious exercise, he faces an almost censorship and restrained the free
insurmountable wall in convincing the exercise and enjoyment of religious
Court that the wall of separation would profession, to wit: the distribution and
not be breached if the Court grants him sale of bibles and other religious
an exemption. These conclusions, literature to the people of the Philippines.”
however, are not and were never Although the Court categorically held that
warranted by the 1987, 1973 and 1935 the questioned ordinances were not
Constitutions as shown by other applicable to plaintiff as it was not
provisions on religion in all three engaged in the business or occupation of
constitutions. It is a cardinal rule in selling said “merchandise” for profit, it
constitutional construction that the also ruled that applying the ordinance to
constitution must be interpreted as a plaintiff and requiring it to secure a
whole and apparently conflicting license and pay a license fee or tax would

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impair its free exercise of religious liberty “not only for a minority, however
profession and worship and its right of small- not only for a majority, however
dissemination of religious beliefs “as the large but for each of us” to the greatest
power to tax the exercise of a privilege is extent possible within flexible
the power to control or suppress its constitutional limits.
enjoyment.” The decision states in part We now resume from where we
“The constitutional guaranty of the free ended in our August 4, 2003 Decision. As
exercise and enjoyment of religious mentioned, what remained to be resolved,
profession and worship carries with it the upon which remand was necessary,
right to disseminate religious information. pertained to the final task of subjecting
Any restraint of such right can only be this case to the careful application of the
justified like other restraints of freedom compelling state interest test, i.e.,
of expression on the grounds that there is determining whether respondent is
a clear and present danger of any entitled to exemption, an issue which is
substantive evil which the State has the essentially factual or evidentiary in
right to prevent. nature.
At this point, we must emphasize There has never been any question
that the adoption of the benevolent that the state has an interest in
neutrality-accommodation approach does protecting the institutions of marriage
not mean that the Court ought to grant and the family, or even in the sound
exemptions every time a free exercise administration of justice. Indeed, the
claim comes before it. This is an provisions by which respondent’s
erroneous reading of the framework relationship is said to have impinged, e.g.,
which the dissent of Mr. Justice Carpio Book V, Title I, Chapter VI, Sec. 46(b)(5) of
seems to entertain. Although benevolent the Revised Administrative Code, Articles
neutrality is the lens with which the 334 and 349 of the Revised Penal Code,
Court ought to view religion clause cases, and even the provisions on marriage and
the interest of the state should also be family in the Civil Code and Family Code,
afforded utmost protection. This is all clearly demonstrate the State’s need to
precisely the purpose of the test — to protect these secular interests. Be that as
draw the line between mandatory, it may, the free exercise of religion is
permissible and forbidden religious specifically articulated as one of the
exercise. fundamental rights in our Constitution. It
While the Court cannot adopt a is a fundamental right that enjoys a
doctrinal formulation that can eliminate preferred position in the hierarchy of
the difficult questions of judgment in rights — “the most inalienable and sacred
determining the degree of burden on of human rights,” in the words of
religious practice or importance of the Jefferson. Hence, it is not enough to
state interest or the sufficiency of the contend that the state’s interest is
means adopted by the state to pursue its important, because our Constitution itself
interest, the Court can set a doctrine on holds the right to religious freedom
the ideal towards which religious clause sacred. The State must articulate in
jurisprudence should be directed. specific terms the state interest involved
We here lay down the doctrine in preventing the exemption, which must
that in Philippine jurisdiction, we adopt be compelling, for only the gravest
the benevolent neutrality approach not abuses, endangering paramount interests
only because of its merits as discussed can limit the fundamental right to
above, but more importantly, because our religious freedom. To rule otherwise
constitutional history and interpretation would be to emasculate the
indubitably show that benevolent Free Exercise Clause as a source of
neutrality is the launching pad from right by itself. Thus, it is not the State’s
which the Court should take off in broad interest in “protecting the
interpreting religion clause cases. The institutions of marriage and the family,” or
ideal towards which this approach is even “in the sound administration of
directed is the protection of religious justice” that must be weighed against

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respondent’s claim, but the State’s narrow practices should not be permitted to
interest in refusing to make an exception override laws relating to public policy
for the cohabitation which respondent’s such as those of marriage.”
faith finds moral. In other words, the The above arguments are mere
government must do more than assert the reiterations of the arguments raised by
objectives at risk if exemption is given; it Mme. Justice Ynares-Santiago in her
must precisely show how and to what dissenting opinion to our Decision dated
extent those objectives will be August 4, 2003, which she offers again in
undermined if exemptions are granted. toto. These arguments have already been
This, the Solicitor General failed to do. addressed in our decision dated August 4,
To paraphrase Justice Blackmun’s 2003. In said Decision, we noted that
application of the compelling interest Mme. Justice Ynares-Santiago’s dissenting
test, the State’s interest in enforcing its opinion dwelt more on the standards of
prohibition, in order to be sufficiently morality, without categorically holding
compelling to outweigh a free exercise that religious freedom is not in issue.] We,
claim, cannot be merely abstract or therefore, went into a discussion on
symbolic. The State cannot plausibly morality, in order to show that:
assert that unbending application of a a. The public morality expressed in
criminal prohibition is essential to fulfill the law is necessarily secular for in
any compelling interest if it does not, in our constitutional order, the
fact, attempt to enforce that prohibition. religion clauses prohibit the state
In the case at bar, the State has not from establishing a religion,
evinced any concrete interest in including the morality it sanctions.
enforcing the concubinage or bigamy Thus, when the law speaks of
charges against respondent or her “immorality” in the Civil Service
partner. The State has never sought to Law or “immoral” in the Code of
prosecute respondent nor her partner. Professional Responsibility for
The State’s asserted interest thus lawyers, or “public morals” in the
amounts only to the symbolic Revised Penal Code, or “morals” in
preservation of an unenforced the New Civil Code, or “moral
prohibition. character” in the Constitution, the
Incidentally, as echoes of the distinction between public and
words of Messrs. J. Bellosillo and Vitug, in secular morality on the one hand,
their concurring opinions in our Decision, and religious morality, on the
dated August 4, 2003, to deny the other, should be kept in mind;
exemption would effectively break up “an b. Although the morality
otherwise ideal union of two individuals contemplated by laws is secular,
who have managed to stay together as benevolent neutrality could allow
husband and wife [approximately for accommodation of morality
twenty-five years]” and have the effect of based on religion, provided it does
defeating the very substance of marriage not offend compelling state
and the family. interests;
The Solicitor General also argued c. The jurisdiction of the Court
against respondent’s religious freedom on extends only to public and secular
the basis of morality, i.e., that “the morality. Whatever
conjugal arrangement of respondent and pronouncement the Court makes
her live-in partner should not be in the case at bar should be
condoned because adulterous understood only in this realm
relationships are constantly frowned where it has authority.
upon by society”; and “that State laws on d. Having distinguished between
marriage, which are moral in nature, take public and secular morality and
clear precedence over the religious religious morality, the more
beliefs and practices of any church, difficult task is determining which
religious sect or denomination on immoral acts under this public and
marriage. Verily, religious beliefs and secular morality fall under the

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phrase “disgraceful and immoral that gives room for accommodation of

conduct” for which a government religious exercises as required by the Free
employee may be held Exercise Clause. Thus, in arguing that
administratively liable. Only one respondent should be held
conduct is in question before this administratively liable as the arrangement
Court, i.e., the conjugal she had was “illegal per se because, by
arrangement of a government universally recognized standards, it is
employee whose partner is legally inherently or by its very nature bad,
married to another which improper, immoral and contrary to good
Philippine law and jurisprudence conscience,” the Solicitor General failed
consider both immoral and illegal. to appreciate that benevolent neutrality
While there is no dispute that could allow for the accommodation of
under settled jurisprudence, respondent’s morality based on religion, provided it
conduct constitutes “disgraceful and does not offend compelling state
immoral conduct,” the case at bar involves interests.
the defense of religious freedom, Finally, even assuming that the
therefore none of the cases cited by Mme. OSG has proved a compelling state
Justice Ynares-Santiago apply. There is no interest, it has to further demonstrate
jurisprudence in Philippine jurisdiction that the state has used the least intrusive
holding that the defense of religious means possible so that the free exercise is
freedom of a member of the Jehovah’s not infringed any more than necessary to
Witnesses under the same circumstances achieve the legitimate goal of the state,
as respondent will not prevail over the i.e., it has chosen a way to achieve its
laws on adultery, concubinage or some legitimate state end that imposes as little
other law. as possible on religious liberties. Again,
We cannot summarily conclude the Solicitor General utterly failed to
therefore that her conduct is likewise so prove this element of the test. Other than
“odious” and “barbaric” as to be immoral the two documents offered as cited above
and punishable by law. which established the sincerity of
In this case, the government’s respondent’s religious belief and the fact
conduct may appear innocent and that the agreement was an internal
nondiscriminatory but in effect, it is arrangement within respondent’s
oppressive to the minority. In the congregation, no iota of evidence was
interpretation of a document, such as the offered. In fact, the records are bereft of
Bill of Rights, designed to protect the even a feeble attempt to procure any such
minority from the majority, the question evidence to show that the means the state
of which perspective is appropriate would adopted in pursuing this compelling
seem easy to answer. Moreover, the text, interest is the least restrictive to
history, structure and values implicated in respondent’s religious freedom.
the interpretation of the clauses, all point Thus, we find that in this particular
toward this perspective. Thus, substantive case and under these distinct
equality—a reading of the religion clauses circumstances, respondent Escritor’s
which leaves both politically dominant conjugal arrangement cannot be
and the politically weak religious groups penalized as she has made out a case for
equal in their inability to use the exemption from the law based on her
government (law) to assist their own fundamental right to freedom of religion.
religion or burden others—makes the The Court recognizes that state interests
most sense in the interpretation of the must be upheld in order that freedoms -
Bill of Rights, a document designed to including religious freedom - may be
protect minorities and individuals from enjoyed. In the area of religious exercise
mobocracy in a democracy (the majority as a preferred freedom, however, man
or a coalition of minorities). stands accountable to an authority higher
As previously discussed, our than the state, and so THE STATE
Constitution adheres to THE INTEREST sought to be upheld must be
BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY APPROACH so compelling that its violation will erode

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the very fabric of the state that will also deny government the power to use
protect the freedom. either the carrot or the stick to
IN THE ABSENCE OF A SHOWING influence individual religious
THAT SUCH STATE INTEREST EXISTS, beliefs and practices.
● A profession of faith to an active
IN ESTRADA v. ESCRITOR, THE SC power that binds and elevates man
DISCUSSED THE FREE EXERCISE to his Creator. (Aglipay v. Ruiz)
CLAUSE AND THE ● The definition of religion in this
NON-ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE OF THE case is a theistic concept because
CONSTITUTION. IN ITS 2003 DECISION the center of the belief to be
THESE 2 CONSTITUTIONAL considered as a religion must be
GUARANTEES ARE ALWAYS IN belief in God however He may be
THE SC EXPLAINED IT BY SAYING THAT ● In Estrada v. Escritor [2003], the
UNDER THE NON-ESTABLISHMENT SC discussed the etymology of the
CLAUSE, IT IS A GUARANTEE THAT THE word ‘religion’. ‘Religion’ came
WILL INFLUENCE RELIGION BECAUSE ‘religioun’ and from Old French
THE STANCE OF THE GOVERNMENT IS ‘religion’ and the Latin ‘religio’, all
ALWAYS NEUTRALITY. WHILE UNDER these terms mean "bond between
THE FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE, THE man and the gods." Thus,
GOVERNMENT MUST ENSURE THAT etymologically the word ‘religion’
THE PEOPLE CAN ENJOY THEIR RIGHT is a theistic concept. But this
TO RELIGIOUS PROFESSION WHICH concept was extended to
MEANS THAT THE GOVERNMENT non-theistic belief. According to
MUST DO ANYTHING POSSIBLE the SC, a system of belief or
WITHIN ITS POWER IN ORDER THAT philosophy may be considered as a
CITIZENS CAN ENJOY RELIGIOUS religion if it complies with the 4
FREEDOM. HENCE THEY CANNOT requisites citing US v. Seeger
● NO. Free Exercise Clause and OF BELIEF OR PHILOSOPHY MAY BE
Non-Establishment Clause can CONSIDERED AS A RELIGION
co-exist because both are 1. There must be belief in God or
intended to deny the government some parallel belief that occupies a
the power to influence religious central place in the believer’s life;
belief. The Establishment and Free 2. The religion must involve a moral
Exercise Clauses, it should be code transcending individual
noted, were not designed to serve belief, i.e., it cannot be purely
contradictory purposes. They have subjective;
a single goal — to promote 3. A demonstrable sincerity in belief
freedom of individual religious is necessary, but the court must
beliefs and practices. In simplest not inquire into the truth or
terms, the Free Exercise Clause reasonableness of the belief
prohibits government from 4. There must be some associational
inhibiting religious beliefs with ties (Estrada v. Escritor [2003])
penalties for religious beliefs and
practice, while the Establishment SUPPOSING THAT A PERSON IS BEING
Clause prohibits government from CHARGED WITH BIGAMY, CAN SHE
inhibiting religious belief with CONVERT TO ISLAM TO ESCAPE
rewards for religious beliefs and LIABILITY?
practices. In other words, the two ● No. The 3rd requisite is not
religion clauses were intended to present i.e. sincerity of belief.

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UNDER SEC. 6 OF ART. 2. THE WALL OF ● Exemption of
ARE? because of public
1. Separationist approach policy.
a. Strict separationist ● Example: Victoriano
● There is an absolute v. Elizalde Rope
impregnable wall Workers’ Union.
that separates the
● Activities of the THAT IS MANDATED BY THE
church shall only be CONSTITUTION?
done by the church ● Benevolent neutrality
● Roads built by the
government cannot UNDER THE CONSTITUTION
be used for religious PARTICULARLY SEC. 29, ART. 6, PUBLIC
used as basis to FUNDS OR PROPERTY FOR AN
favor or discriminate ACTIVITY THAT HAS RELIGIOUS
● Whatever applies to CONSTITUTION?
secular activity ● NO. Public funds or property may
should also be be used as long as there is some
applied to religious secular legislative purpose
activity. If employees involved in the activity.
are required to work
organizations who COLOR MAY BE ALLOWED?
cannot work on a ● Lemon Test (laid down by the SC
Saturday because of in Lemon v. Kurtzman)
religious belief ● Under the Lemon Test, in order to
2. Benevolent neutrality approach validly use public funds or
(wall of accommodation - a property for activities that have
religious practice can be some religious color it is required
accommodated or exempted from that the activity must be have:
the coverage of mandatory law 1. Secular legislative purpose;
either civil, criminal, or 2. Neither promotes nor
administrative) prohibit religion; and
a. Mandatory 3. It does not foster excessive
● An accommodation entanglement with religion
or exemption of
religious activity
based on the
Constitution. FACTS: The petitioner, Mons. Gregorio
● Example: Par. 3, Sec. Aglipay, Supreme Head of the Philippine
28, Art. 6 - Independent Church, seeks the issuance
exempting from this court of a writ of prohibition to
prevent the respondent Director of Posts
from issuing and selling postage stamps

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commemorative of the Thirty-third mandate is not inhibition of profound

International Eucharistic Congress. reverence for religion and is not a denial
In May, 1936, the Director of Posts of its influence in human affairs. Religion
announced in the dailies of Manila that he as a profession of faith to an active power
would order the issuance of postage that binds and elevates man to his Creator
stamps commemorating the celebration is recognized. And, in so far as it instills
in the City of Manila of the Thirty- third into the minds the purest principles of
International Eucharistic Congress, morality, its influence is deeply felt and
organized by the Roman Catholic Church. highly appreciated. When the Filipino
In spite of the protest of the petitioner's people, in the preamble of their
attorney, the respondent publicly Constitution, implored "the aid of Divine
announced having sent to the United Providence, in order to establish a
States the designs of the postage for government that shall embody their
printing ideals, conserve and develop the
patrimony of the nation, promote the
HELD: The prohibition herein expressed general welfare, and secure to themselves
is a direct corollary of the principle of and their posterity the blessings of
separation of church and state. Without independence under a regime of justice,
the necessity of adverting to the liberty and democracy," they thereby
historical background of this principle in manifested their intense religious nature
our country, it is sufficient to say that our and placed unfaltering reliance upon Him
history, not to speak of the history of who guides the destinies of men and
mankind, has taught us that the union of nations.
church and state is prejudicial to both, for The elevating influence of religion
occasions might arise when the state will in human society is recognized here as
use the church, and the church the state, elsewhere. In fact, certain general
as a weapon in the furtherance of their concessions are indiscriminately
respective ends and aims. The Malolos accorded to religious sects and
Constitution recognized this principle of denominations. Our Constitution and
separation of church and state in the laws exempt from taxation properties
early stages of our constitutional devoted exclusively to religious purposes
development; it was inserted in the Treaty (sec. 14,subsec. 3, Art. VI, Constitution of
of Paris between the United States and the Philippines and sec. 1, subsec.
Spain of December 10, 1898, reiterated in Ordinance appended thereto; Assessment
President McKinley's Instructions to the Law, sec. 344, par [c], Adm. Code)
Philippine Commission, reaffirmed in the sectarian aid is not prohibited when a
Philippine Bill of 1902 and in the priest, preacher, minister or other
Autonomy Act of August 29, 1916, and religious teacher or dignitary as such is
finally embodied in the Constitution of assigned to the armed forces or to any
the Philippines as the supreme expression penal institution, orphanage or
of the Filipino People. It is almost trite to leprosarium (sec. 13, subsec. 3 Art. VI,
say now that in this country we enjoy Constitution of the Philippines). Optional
both religious and civil freedom. All the religious instruction in the public schools
officers of the Government, from the is by constitutional mandate allowed (sec.
highest to the lowest, in taking their oath 5, Art. XIII, Constitution of the
to support and defend the Constitution, Philippines, in relation to sec. 928, Ad.
bind themselves to recognize and respect Code).
the constitutional guarantee of religious Thursday and Friday of Holy Week,
freedom, with its inherent limitations and Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and
recognized implications. Sundays are made legal holidays (sec. 29,
It should be stated that what is Adm. Code) because of the secular idea
guaranteed by our Constitution is that their observance is conducive to
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, not mere beneficial moral results. The law allows
RELIGIOUS TOLERATION. RELIGIOUS divorce but punishes polygamy and
FREEDOM, however, as a constitutional bigamy; and certain crimes against

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religious worship are considered crimes Church, was not the aim and purpose of
against the fundamental laws of the state the Government. We are of the opinion
(see arts. 132 and 133, Revised Penal that the Government should not be
Code). embarrassed in its activities simply
Act No. 4052 contemplates no because of incidental results, more or less
religious purpose in view. What it gives religious in character, if the purpose had
the Director of Posts is the discretionary in view is one which could legitimately be
power to determine when the issuance of undertaken by appropriate legislation.
special postage stamps would be The main purpose should not be
"advantageous to the Government." Of frustrated by its subordination to mere
course, the phrase "advantageous to the incidental results not contemplated.
Government" does not authorize the
violation of the Constitution. It does not IN AGLIPAY v. RUIZ, WHAT WAS THE
authorize the appropriation, use or SECULAR LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE FOR
application of public money or property THE RELEASE OF THE
for the use, benefit or support of a COMMEMORATIVE STAMP?
particular sect or church. In the present ● For tourism purposes— it is to
case, however, the issuance of the promote tourism and not to
postage stamps in question by the promote the activity.
Director of Posts and the Secretary of ● It is significant to note that the
Public Works and Communications was stamps as actually designed and
not inspired by any sectarian feeling to printed, instead of showing a
favor a particular church or religious Catholic Church chalice as
denominations. The stamps were not originally planned, contains a map
issued and sold for the benefit of the of the Philippines and the location
Roman Catholic Church. Nor were money of the City of Manila, and an
derived from the sale of the stamps given inscription as follows: "Seat XXXIII
to that church. International Eucharistic
On the contrary, it appears from Congress, Feb. 3-7,1937." What is
the letter of the Director of Posts of June emphasized is not the Eucharistic
5, 1936, incorporated on page 2 of the Congress itself but Manila, the
petitioner's complaint, that the only capital of the Philippines, as the
purpose in issuing and selling the stamps seat of that congress.
was "to advertise the Philippines and
attract more tourists to this country." The
officials concerned merely took advantage
of an event considered of international FACTS: The barangay council of Valencia,
importance "to give publicity to the Ormoc City issued four (4) resolutions
Philippines and its people". It is significant regarding the acquisition of the wooden
to note that the stamps as actually image of San Vicente Ferrer to be used in
designed and printed, instead of showing the celebration of his annual feast day.
a Catholic Church chalice as originally One of the resolutions further provided
planned, contains a map of the Philippines that the barangay council, in accordance
and the location of the City of Manila, and with the practice in Eastern Leyte,
an inscription as follows: "Seat XXXIII Councilman Tomas Cabatingan, the
International Eucharistic Congress, Feb. Chairman or hermano mayor of the fiesta,
3-7, 1937." What is emphasized is not the would be the caretaker of the image of
Eucharistic Congress itself but Manila, San Vicente Ferrer and that the image
the capital of the Philippines, as the seat would remain in his residence for one
of that congress. It is obvious that while year and until the election of his
the issuance and sale of the stamps in successor as chairman of the next feast
question may be said to be inseparably day.
linked with an event of a religious Several days after the fiesta or on
character, the resulting propaganda, if April 11, 1976, on the occasion of his
any, received by the Roman Catholic sermon during a mass, Father Osmea
allegedly uttered defamatory remarks

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against the barangay captain, Manuel C. church when the mass was celebrated. If
Veloso, apparently in connection with the there is nothing unconstitutional or illegal
disputed image. That incident provoked in holding a fiesta and having a patron
Veloso to file against Father Osmea in the saint for the barrio, then any activity
city court of Ormoc City a charge for intended to facilitate the worship of the
grave oral defamation. Father Osmea patron saint (such as the acquisition and
retaliated by filing administrative display of his image) cannot be branded as
complaints against Veloso on the grounds illegal. As noted in the first resolution, the
of immorality, grave abuse of authority, barrio fiesta is a socio-religious affair. Its
acts unbecoming a public official and celebration is an ingrained tradition in
ignorance of the law. rural communities. The fiesta relieves the
Meanwhile, the image of San monotony and drudgery of the lives of the
Vicente Ferrer remained in the Catholic masses.
church of Valencia. Because Father The barangay council designated a
Osmea did not accede to the request of layman as the custodian of the wooden
Cabatingan to have custody of the image image in order to forestall any suspicion
and "maliciously ignored" the council's that it is favoring the Catholic church. A
resolutions, the council enacted another more practical reason for that
resolution, authorizing the hiring of a arrangement would be that the image, if
lawyer to file a replevin case against placed in a layman's custody, could easily
Father Osmea for the recovery of the be made available to any family desiring
image. On June 14, 1976, the barangay to borrow the image in connection with
council passed another resolution, prayers and novenas.
appointing Veloso as its representative in The contradictory positions of the
the replevin case. The replevin case was petitioners are shown in their affidavits.
filed in the city court of Ormoc City Petitioner Garces swore that the said
against Father Osmea and Bishop resolutions favored the Catholic church.
Cipriano Urgel. After the barangay council On the other hand, petitioners Dagar and
had posted a cash bond of eight hundred Edullantes swore that the resolutions
pesos, Father Osmea replevin, he assailed prejudiced the Catholics because they
the constitutionality of the said could see the image in the church only
resolutions library. once a year or during the fiesta. The
Later, he and three other persons, Court finds that the momentous issues of
Andres Garces, a member of the separation of church and state, freedom
Aglipayan Church, and two Catholic of religion and the use of public money to
laymen, Jesus Edullantes and Nicetas favor any sect or church are not involved
Dagar, filed against the barangay council at all in this case even remotely or
and its members (excluding two indirectly. It is not a microcosmic test
members) a complaint in the Court of case on those issues. This case is a petty
First Instance at Ormoc City, praying for quarrel over the custody of a saint's
the annulment of the said resolutions. image. It would never have arisen if the
The lower court dismissed the complaint. parties had been more diplomatic and
It upheld the validity of the resolutions. tactful and if Father Osmea had taken the
trouble of causing contributions to be
HELD: The wooden image was purchased solicited from his own parishioners for
in connection with the celebration of the the purchase of another image of San
barrio fiesta honoring the patron saint, Vicente Ferrer to be installed in his
San Vicente Ferrer, and not for the church.
purpose of favoring any religion nor There can be no question that the
interfering with religious matters or the image in question belongs to the barangay
religious beliefs of the barrio residents . council. Father Osmea claim that it
One of the highlights of the fiesta was the belongs to his church is wrong. The
mass. barangay council, as owner of the image,
Consequently, the image of the has the right to determine who should
patron saint had to be placed in the have custody thereof. If it chooses to

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change its mind and decides to give the patron saint, San Vicente Ferrer,
image to the Catholic church that action and not for the purpose of favoring
would not violate the Constitution any religion nor interfering with
because the image was acquired with religious matters or the religious
private funds and is its private property. beliefs of the barrio residents. The
The council has the right to take barrio fiesta is a socio-religious
measures to recover possession of the affair. Its celebration is an
image by enacting Resolutions Nos. 10 and ingrained tradition in rural
12. Not every governmental activity which communities.
involves the expenditure of public funds ● THE SECULAR PURPOSE IS THAT:
and which has some religious tint is The fiesta relieves the monotony
violative of the constitutional provisions and drudgery of the lives of the
regarding separation of church and state, masses. In short, it is intended to
freedom of worship and banning the use entertain the people.
of public money or property.
In Aglipay vs. Ruiz, 64 Phil. 201, UNDER THE EXERCISE OF RELIGIOUS
what was involved was Act No. 4052 FREEDOM, THERE ARE THINGS THAT
which appropriated sixty thousand pesos EACH INDIVIDUAL CAN PROFESS
for the cost of plates and the printing of THEIR RELIGIOUS FAITH WITHOUT
postage stamps with new designs. Under INTERFERENCE FROM THE
the law, the Director of Posts, with the GOVERNMENT. DOES RELIGIOUS
approval of the Department Head and the FREEDOM ALSO INCLUDE THE ACT OF
President of the Philippines, issued in PROSELYTIZING?
1936 postage stamps to commemorate the ● This is the activity involved in
celebration in Manila of the 33rd American Bible Society v. City of
International Eucharistic Congress Manila, proselytizing is the
sponsored by the Catholic Church. The distribution of religious materials
purpose of the stamps was to raise as a form of religious ceremony.
revenue and advertise the Philippines. The SC, in the case, included this
The design of the stamps showed a map activity.
of the Philippines and nothing about the
Catholic Church. No religious purpose
was intended. The instant case is easily
distinguishable from Verzosa vs.
Fernandez, 49 Phil., 627 and 55 Phil. 307, FACTS: Plaintiff-appellant is a foreign,
where a religious brotherhood, La non-stock, non-profit, religious,
Archicofradia del Santisimo Sacramento, missionary corporation duly registered
organized for the purpose of raising funds and doing business in the Philippines. In
to meet the expenses for the annual fiesta the course of its ministry, plaintiff's
in honor of the Most Holy Sacrament and Philippine agency has been distributing
the Virgin Lady of Guadalupe, was held and selling bibles and/or gospel portions
accountable for the funds which it held as thereof (except during the Japanese
trustee. Finding that the petitioners have occupation) throughout the Philippines
no cause of action for the annulment of and translating the same into several
the barangay resolutions, the lower Philippine dialects.
court's judgment dismissing their On May 29, 1953, the acting City
amended petition is affirmed. Treasurer of the City of Manila informed
plaintiff that it was conducting the
IN GARCES v. ESTENZO WHAT WAS THE business of general merchandise since
SECULAR LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE OF November, 1945, without providing itself
THE PURCHASE OF THE WOODEN with the necessary Mayor's permit and
IMAGE OF SAN VICENTE FERRER? municipal license. Plaintiff protested
● The wooden image was purchased against this requirement, but the City
in connection with the celebration Treasurer demanded that plaintiff deposit
of the barrio fiesta honoring the and pay the sum of P5, 891.45 which it

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paid under protest. A suit was brought by "In the case of Murdock vs.
plaintiff against defendant. Pennsylvania, it was held that an
ordinance requiring that a license be
HELD: The constitutional guaranty of the obtained before a person could canvass or
free exercise and enjoyment of religious solicit orders for goods, paintings,
profession and worship carries with it the pictures, wares or merchandise cannot be
right to disseminate religious information. made to apply to members of Jehovah's
Any restraint of such right can only be Witnesses who went about from door to
justified like other restraints of freedom door distributing literature and soliciting
of expression on the grounds that there is people to 'purchase' certain religious
a clear and present danger of any books and pamphlets, all published by the
substantive evil which the State has the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. The
right to prevent. 'price' of the books was twenty-five cents
The fees under Ordinance No. each, the 'price' of the pamphlets five
2529, as amended, cannot be applied to cents each. It was shown that in making
appellant, for in doing so it would impair the solicitations there was a request for
its free exercise and enjoyment of its additional 'contribution' of twenty-five
religious profession and worship as well cents each for the books and five cents
as its rights of dissemination of religious each for the pamphlets. Lesser sum were
beliefs. There is a difference when the tax accepted, however, and books were even
is imposed upon the income or property donated in case interested persons were
of the religious organization and one without funds.
imposed against the acts of disseminating On the above facts the Supreme
religious information. To tax the latter is Court held that it could not be said that
impair the free exercise and enjoyment of petitioners were engaged in commercial
its religious profession and worship as rather than a religious venture. Their
well as its rights of dissemination of activities could not be described as
religious beliefs regardless of the amount embraced in the occupation of selling
of such fees. books and pamphlets. Then the Court
As to Ordinance No. 3000 continued: 'We do not mean to say that
requiring the obtention of a mayor’s religious groups and the press are free
permit before any person can engage in from all financial burdens of government.
any of the businesses, trades or See Grosjean vs. American Press Co., 297
occupations enumerated therein, we do U.S., 233, 250, 80 L. ed. 660, 668, 56 S. Ct.
not find that it imposes any charge upon 444. We have here something quite
the enjoyment of a right granted by the different, for example, from a tax on the
Constitution, nor tax the exercise of income of one who engages in religious
religious practices. Ordinance No. 3000 activities or a tax on property used or
cannot be considered unconstitutional, employed in connection with those
even if applied to plaintiff Society. activities. It is one thing to impose a tax
But as Ordinance No. 2529 of the on the income or property of a preacher.
City of Manila, as amended, is not It is quite another thing to exact a tax
applicable to plaintiff-appellant and from him for the privilege of delivering a
defendant appellee is powerless to license sermon. The tax imposed by the City of
or tax the business of plaintiff Society Jeannette is a flat license tax, payment of
involved herein for, as stated before, it which is a condition of the exercise of
would impair plaintiff's right to the free these constitutional privileges.
exercise and enjoyment of its religious The power to tax the exercise of a
profession and worship, as well as its privilege is the power to control or
rights of dissemination of religious suppress its enjoyment. Those who can
beliefs, We find that Ordinance No. 3000, tax the exercise of this religious practice
as amended, is also inapplicable to said can make its exercise so costly as to
business, trade or occupation of the deprive it of the resources necessary for
plaintiff. its maintenance. Those who can tax the
privilege of engaging in this form of

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missionary evangelism can close all its ● NO. It would impair plaintiff's right
doors to all 'those who do not have a full to the free exercise and enjoyment
purse. Spreading religious beliefs in this of its religious profession and
ancient and honorable manner would worship, as well as its rights of
thus be denied the needy. dissemination of religious beliefs
It is contended however that the ● The power to tax the exercise of a
fact that the license tax can suppress or privilege is the power to control or
control this activity is unimportant if it suppress its enjoyment. Those who
does not do so. But that is to disregard can tax the exercise of this
the nature of this tax. It is a license tax -a religious practice can make its
flat tax imposed on the exercise of a exercise so costly as to deprive it
privilege granted by the Bill of Rights. The of the resources necessary for its
power to impose a license tax on the maintenance. Those who can tax
exercise of these freedoms is indeed as the privilege of engaging in this
potent as the power of censorship which form of missionary evangelism can
this Court has repeatedly struck down. It close all its doors to all those who
is not a nominal fee imposed as a do not have a full purse. Spreading
regulatory measure to defray the religious beliefs in this ancient and
expenses of policing the activities in honorable manner would thus be
question. It is in no way apportioned. It is denied the needy.
a flat license tax levied and collected as a ● The power to impose a license tax
condition to the pursuit of activities on the exercise of these freedoms
whose enjoyment is guaranteed by the is indeed as potent as the power of
constitutional liberties of press and censorship which this Court has
religion and inevitably tends to suppress repeatedly struck down. It is not a
their exercise. That is almost uniformly nominal fee imposed as a
recognized as the inherent vice and evil of regulatory measure to defray the
this flat license tax.' expenses of policing the activities
Nor could the dissemination of in question. It is in no way
religious information be conditioned apportioned. It is a flat license tax
upon the approval of an official or levied and collected as a condition
manager even if the town were owned by to the pursuit of activities whose
a corporation as held in the case of Marsh enjoyment is guaranteed by the
vs. State of Alabama or by the United constitutional liberties of press
States itself as held in the case of Tucker and religion and inevitably tends
vs. Texas. In the former case the Supreme to suppress their exercise. That is
Court expressed the opinion that the almost uniformly recognized as the
right to enjoy freedom of the press and inherent vice and evil of this flat
religion occupies a preferred position as license tax
against the constitutional right of
property owners. DOES THAT MEAN THAT THE
ORDINANCE 2529? ● Yes. A tax on the compensation of
the religious ministers is not a tax

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on the religious activity. The religious dogma. Once a religious

privilege of accepting activity violates a law the State can
compensation is not part of their interfere.
religious activity, it is ONLY
incidental, but it is not part of the TO WHAT EXTENT IS THE FREEDOM OF
● The freedom of religion is
SUPPOSING THE PRIEST RECEIVES AN guaranteed to the extent that a
MONEY. IS IT TAXABLE? CAN WE SAY 1. Worship God according to
THAT OFFERING IS PART OF THE the dictates of his
EXEMPT IT FROM TAXATION)? 2. Not to worship God at all;
● No, it is not taxable. An offering is 3. Entertain notions
not subject to taxation for an respecting his relationship
offering is part of the religious with God;
activity, which is prohibited by the 4. Exhibit sentiments in such
Constitution. form of worship not
injurious to the equal rights
BEFORE THEY CAN ENGAGE IN THE 5. Prohibit any legislation for
ACT OF DISTRIBUTING MATERIALS, the support of religion
THEY HAVE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT because the State cannot
FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY establish a church, aid one,
MAYOR. IS IT APPLICABLE TO THE aid all and participate in
ACTIVITIES OF THE PETITIONER IN purely religious activities.
● No, similar to Ordinance 2529.
● We do not find that it imposes any
charge upon the enjoyment of a FACTS: Petitioner Iglesia ni Cristo, a duly
right granted by the Constitution, organized religious organization, has a
nor tax the exercise of religious television program entitled "Ang Iglesia ni
practices. Cristo" aired on Channel 2 every Saturday
and on Channel 13 every Sunday. The
program presents and propagates
petitioner's religious beliefs, doctrines
and practices often times in comparative
WHAT ARE THE 2 ASPECTS OF studies with other religions. Petitioner
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM? submitted to the respondent Board of
1. Freedom to believe; and Review for Moving Pictures and Television
2. Freedom to act on one’s belief the VTR tapes of its TV program Series
(Iglesia ni Cristo v. CA) Nos. 116, 119, 121 and 128. The Board
classified the series as "X" or not for
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? public viewing on the ground that they
● Freedom to believe is absolute, "offend and constitute an attack against
while the other is subject to other religions which is expressly
regulation. (Iglesia ni Cristo v. CA) prohibited by law."
● According to Justice Frankfurter: In its first course of action against
‘The constitutional provision on respondent Board, INC appealed to the
religious freedom terminated Office of the President where it was
disabilities, it did not create new favored and then again, before the
privileges. It gave religious liberty, Quezon City RTC alleging that the
not civil immunity. Its essence is respondent Board acted without
freedom from conformity to jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
religious dogma, not freedom from discretion in requiring petitioner to
conformity to law because of submit the VTR tapes of its TV program

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and in x-rating them, where it INC again religion. For sure, we shall continue to
won but was directed to refrain from subject any act pinching the space for the
attacking other religions. The Court of free exercise of religion to a heightened
Appeals reversed the same. scrutiny but we shall not leave its rational
exercise to the irrationality of man. For
HELD: The right to religious profession when religion divides and its exercise
and worship has a TWOFOLD ASPECT, viz destroys, the State should not stand still.
., (1) freedom to believe and (2) freedom to First, The evidence shows that the
act on one's beliefs. respondent Board x-rated petitioners TV
The “first is absolute” as long as series for "attacking" either religions,
the belief is confined within the realm of especially the Catholic church. An
thought. The “second is subject to examination of the evidence will show
regulation” where the belief is translated that the so-called "attacks" are mere
into external acts that affect the public criticisms of some of the deeply held
welfare. We thus reject petitioner's dogmas and tenets of other religions . The
postulate that its religious program is per videotapes were not viewed by the
se beyond review by the respondent respondent court as they were not
Board. Its public broadcast on TV of its presented as evidence. Yet they were
religious program brings it out of the considered by the respondent court as
bosom of internal belief. Television is a indecent, contrary to law and good
medium that reaches even the eyes and customs, hence, can be prohibited from
ears of children. The Court reiterates the public viewing under section 3(c) of PD
rule that the exercise of religious freedom 1986.
can be regulated by the State when it will This ruling clearly suppresses
bring about the clear and present danger petitioner's freedom of speech and
of some substantive evil which the State is interferes with its right to free exercise of
duty bound to prevent , i.e., serious religion.
detriment to the more overriding interest Second, even a side glance at
of public health, public morals, or public section 3 of PD No. 1986 will reveal that,
welfare. the ground "attacks against another
A laissez faire policy on the religion" in x-rating the religious program
exercise of religion can be seductive to of petitioner, is not among the grounds to
the liberal mind but history counsels the justify an order prohibiting the broadcast
Court against its blind adoption as of petitioner's television program. The
religion is and continues to be a volatile ground "attack against another religion"
area of concern in our country today. was merely added by the respondent
Across the sea and in our shore, the Board in its Rules. This rule is void for it
bloodiest and bitterest wars fought by runs smack against the hoary doctrine
men were caused by irreconcilable that administrative rules and regulations
religious differences. Our country is still cannot expand the letter and spirit of the
not safe from the recurrence of this law they seek to enforce.
stultifying strife considering our warring Third, in x-rating the TV program
religious beliefs and the fanaticism with of the petitioner, the respondents failed
which some of us cling and claw to these to apply the clear and present danger
beliefs. rule. In American Bible Society v. City of
Even now, we have yet to settle the Manila, this Court held: "The
near century old strife in Mindanao, the constitutional guaranty of free exercise
roots of which have been nourished by and enjoyment of religious profession and
the mistrust and misunderstanding worship carries with it the right to
between our Christian and Muslim disseminate religious information. Any
brothers and sisters. The bewildering rise restraint of such right can be justified like
of weird religious cults espousing other restraints on freedom of expression
violence as an article of faith also proves on the ground that there is a clear and
the wisdom of our rule rejecting a strict present danger of any substantive evil
let alone policy on the exercise of which the State has the right to prevent."

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In Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope be, religious freedom, like all the
Workers Union, we further ruled that "it is other rights guaranteed in the
only where it is unavoidably necessary to Constitution, can be enjoyed only
prevent an immediate and grave danger with a proper regard for the rights
to the security and welfare of the of others. It is an error to think
community that infringement of religious that the mere invocation of
freedom may be justified, and only to the religious freedom will stalemate
smallest extent necessary to avoid the the State and render it impotent in
danger." protecting the general welfare.
Lastly, the records show that the The inherent police power can be
decision of the respondent Board, exercised to prevent religious
affirmed by the respondent appellate practices inimical to society. And
court, is completely bereft of findings of this is true even if such practices
facts to justify the conclusion that the are pursued out of sincere
subject video tapes constitute religious conviction and not
impermissible attacks against another merely for the purpose of evading
religion. There is no showing whatsoever the reasonable requirements or
of the type of harm the tapes will bring prohibitions of the law.
about especially the gravity and ● Justice Frankfurter: The
imminence of the threatened harm. Prior constitutional provision on
restraint on speech, including religious religious freedom terminated
speech, cannot be justified by disabilities, it did not create new
hypothetical fears but only by the privileges. It gave religious liberty,
showing of a substantive and imminent not civil immunity. Its essence is
evil which has taken the life of a reality freedom from conformity to
already on the ground. religious dogma, not freedom from
conformity to law because of
IN THE CASE OF INC v. CA, THE MTRCB religious dogma.
AND SO MTRCB HAS NO AUTHORITY ● NO, the SC cannot rule on such.
TO REVIEW AND CLASSIFY ITS SHOWS. There is a difference between
AS TO THAT ARGUMENT OF THE attacking and offending. Offending
PETITIONER, DID THE SC AGREE? ● religious feeling is a criminal act
● No. The mere invocation of the under the RPC. But attacking does
right does not render the not necessarily mean offending.
government totally powerless in According to the case, “In a State
restricting or regulating the where there ought to be no
activity. Even religious activities difference between the
may be subjected to governmental appearance and the reality of
regulations. For when religion freedom of religion, the remedy
divides and its exercise destroys, against bad theology is better
the State should not stand still. theology. The bedrock of freedom
● But where the individual of religion is freedom of thought
externalizes his beliefs in acts or and it is best served by
omissions that affect the public, encouraging the marketplace of
his freedom to do so becomes dueling ideas. When the luxury of
subject to the authority of the time permits, the marketplace of
State. As great as this liberty may ideas demands that speech should

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be met by more speech for it is the

because this is between Ang Dating
spark of opposite speech, the heat of
Daan and INC. The SC said that the
colliding ideas that can fan the
issue involved violation of law and not
embers of truth.”
who has a better doctrine. In that
regard, the Court said that when
exercise of religion destroys the court
cannot standstill, it must interfere
● As held in the case of Diocese of FOR THE EXERCISE OF RELIGIOUS
Bacolod v. COMELEC, “Clearly, not RIGHTS?
all acts done by those who are ● NO
priests, bishops, ustadz, imams, or
any other religious make such act IN THE CASE OF ESTRADA v. ESCRITOR,
immune from any secular THE SC DETERMINED WHETHER THE
regulation. The religious also have ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN THE
a secular existence. They exist RESPONDENT AND HER PARTNER IS
within a society that is regulated MORALLY PERMISSIBLE. WHAT
CONSIDERATIONS. IT IS NOT ALWAYS ● Secular morality because the
EASY TO DETERMINE IF THE ACT IS Courts are courts of law and the
ECCLESIASTICAL OR SECULAR. SC, only standard they can apply is law
HOWEVER, IN THE CASE OF AUSTRIA v. and not religious standard. Which
NLRC, GAVE 4 PROCEEDINGS WHICH means that applying secular
ARE BEYOND THE JURISDICTION OF standard, the arrangement of the
THE COURTS, AND THEREFORE ARE respondent and her partner is
“ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS.” WHAT ARE immoral, because it is not allowed
THESE? for a married person to cohabit
1. Proceedings for excommunication; with another person. Therefore, it
2. Ordinations of religious ministers; is secularly immoral. The next
3. Administration of sacraments; and question is whether such activity
4. Other activities with attached be exempted from the coverage of
religious significance. a secular law. In determining
whether an arrangement can be
regulated by a mandatory law,
ATTY GAB: There is a case involving
whether criminal, civil or
Ang Dating Daan and Iglesia ni Cristo.
administrative, the law must apply
In the television show of Ang Dating
the compelling State interest test.
Daan, Bro. Soriano said that members
All the questions provided for in
of the INC are being killed inside the
the test must be in the
church. Members of the INC filed libel
affirmative—if one of the questions
complaint against him. According to
is no, then the governmental
Bro. Soriano the court cannot interfere
regulation failed the test.

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Therefore, the government If one of the questions is answered

regulation cannot be applied to the in the negative, the religious
religious activity. activity is exempted.


● The SC applied the compelling AND ADULTERY, THE ADMIN. CODE,
state interest test based on REQUIRING ADMINISTRATIVE
benevolent neutrality in OFFICERS TO LIVE A MORAL LIFE; SO
determining whether a religious CAN WE SAY THAT THE LAWS UNDULY
practice can be exempted from the BURDEN THE EXERCISE OF RELIGIOUS
coverage of mandatory law. FREEDOM OF THE RESPONDENT?
● Yes. Because the respondent
WHAT ARE THE 3 QUESTIONS THAT would have to choose whether to
MUST BE ANSWERED UNDER THE follow the law or to follow her
COMPELLING STATE INTEREST TEST? religious beliefs, which means that
1. Have the statutes or laws created a her religious belief was
burden on the religious freedom? compromised by a law. So either
2. Is there a sufficiently compelling she follows the church or she
state interest involved to justify follows the government, so
the infringement on religious definitely, there is a burden.
● Generalized statement of WOULD THE PUNISHMENT OF THE
principles is not enough. ARRANGEMENT IN ESTRADA V
There must be specific ESCRITOR BE THE ONLY WAY OF
government to show that MARRIAGE?
there is a need to regulate ● NO. There are other means that
the activity. can be taken. Therefore, it cannot
3. Did the state in achieving its restrict the religious freedom.
legitimate government interest use
the least intrusive means so as not DOES THE CONSTITUTIONAL
to interfere with the religious GUARANTEE OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM
freedom no more than what is ONLY COVER TRADITIONAL RELIGIOUS
necessary to achieve its purpose? PRACTICES?
● Least intrusive means - the ● No, it also covers bizarre religious
governmental action is the practice. As held in the case of
only way in order to achieve Ebralinag v. Division
its purpose. It requires that Superintendent of Cebu, the
the compelling state religious belief sought to be
interest cannot be achieved professed by the student is not
through any other means. singing the national anthem, which
The only way that a is not a traditional religious
government can achieve its practice. But the SC considered it
legitimate interest is by as covered by the Constitutional
interfering with the guarantee since however "bizarre"
religious activity. may be, so long as it is part of
● If the above mentioned questions religious activity, the State cannot
are answered in the affirmative, interfere with it.
the governmental regulation can
be applied in the religious activity.

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Rights which guarantees their rights to

free speech and the free exercise of
religious profession and worship.
FACTS: All the petitioners in these two Religious freedom is a fundamental
cases were expelled from their classes by right which is entitled to the highest
the public school authorities in Cebu for priority and the amplest protection
refusing to salute the flag, sing the among human rights, for it involves the
national anthem and recite the patriotic relationship of man to his Creator. The
pledge as required by Republic Act No. right to religious profession and worship
1265 and by Department Order No. 8 of has a TWO-FOLD ASPECT, vis., freedom
DECS making the flag ceremony to believe and freedom to act on one's
compulsory in all educational institutions. belief.
Jehovah's Witnesses admittedly teach The first is absolute as long as the
their children not to salute the flag, sing belief is confined within the realm of
the national anthem, and recite the thought. The second is subject to
patriotic pledge for they believe that regulation where the belief is translated
those are "acts of worship" or "religious into external acts that affect the public
devotion" which they "cannot welfare The sole justification for a prior
conscientiously give to anyone or restraint or limitation on the exercise of
anything except God". They feel bound by religious freedom is the existence of a
the Bible's command to "guard ourselves grave and present danger of a character
from idols — 1 John 5:21". They consider both grave and imminent, of a serious evil
the flag as an image or idol representing to public safety, public morals, public
the State. health or any other legitimate public
They think the action of the local interest, that the State has a right (and
authorities in compelling the flag salute duty) to prevent." Absent such a threat to
and pledge transcends constitutional public safety, the expulsion of the
limitations on the State's power and petitioners from the schools is not
invades the sphere of the intellect and justified.
spirit which the Constitution protect The SC is not persuaded that by
against official control However, the exempting the Jehovah's Witnesses from
petitioners herein have not raised in issue saluting the flag, singing the national
the constitutionality of the above anthem and reciting the patriotic pledge,
provision of the new Administrative Code this religious group which admittedly
of 1987. They have targeted only Republic comprises a "small portion of the school
Act No. 1265 and the implementing orders population" will shake up our part of the
of the DECS. globe and suddenly produce a nation
"untaught and uninculcated in and
HELD: The 30-year old decision of SC in unimbued with reverence for the flag,
Gerona upholding the flag salute law and patriotism, love of country and
approving the expulsion of students who admiration for national heroes". After all,
refuse to obey it, is not lightly to be trifled what the petitioners seek only is
with. It is somewhat ironic however, that exemption from the flag ceremony, not
after the Gerona ruling had received exclusion from the public schools where
legislative cachet by its in corporation in they may study the Constitution, the
the Administrative Code of 1987, the democratic way of life and form of
present Court believes that the time has government, and learn not only the arts,
come to reexamine it. sciences, Philippine history and culture
The idea that one may be but also receive training for a vocation of
compelled to salute the flag, sing the profession and be taught the virtues of
national anthem, and recite the patriotic "patriotism, respect for human rights,
pledge, during a flag ceremony on pain of appreciation for national heroes, the
being dismissed from one's job or of being rights and duties of citizenship, and moral
expelled from school, is alien to the and spiritual values as part of the
conscience of the present generation of curricula. Expelling or banning the
Filipinos who cut their teeth on the Bill of

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petitioners from Philippine schools will invader, saluted the Japanese flag and
bring about the very situation that this bowed before every Japanese soldier.
Court had feared in Gerona. Forcing a Perhaps, if petitioners had lived through
small religious group, through the iron that dark period of our history, they
hand of the law, to participate in a would not quibble now about saluting the
ceremony that violates their religious Philippine flag.
beliefs, will hardly be conducive to love of For when liberation came in 1944
country or respect for duly constituted and our own flag was proudly hoisted
authorities. aloft again, it was a beautiful sight to
To believe that patriotism will not behold that made our hearts pound with
flourish if patriotic ceremonies are pride and joy over the newly-regained
voluntary and spontaneous instead of a freedom and sovereignty of our nation.
compulsory routine is to make an Although the Court upholds in this
unflattering estimate of the appeal of our decision the petitioners' right under our
institutions to free minds. Constitution to refuse to salute the
When they diversity are so Philippine flag on account of their
harmless to others or to the State as religious beliefs, we hope, nevertheless,
those we deal with here, the price is not that another foreign invasion of our
too great. But freedom to differ is not country will not be necessary in order for
limited to things that do not matter our countrymen to appreciate and
much. That would be a mere shadow of cherish the Philippine flag.
freedom. The test of its substance is the
right to differ as to things that touch the
heart of the existing order.
Furthermore, let it be noted that FACTS: 14 petitions and 2
coerced unity and loyalty even to the petitions-in-intervention were filed in
country, — assuming that such unity and Court assailing the constitutionality of
loyalty can be obtained through coercion R.A. 10354, otherwise known as the
— is not a goal that is constitutionally Responsible Parenthood and
obtainable at the expense of religious Reproductive Health Act of 2012, or the
liberty. A desirable end cannot be RH Law, for short.
promoted by prohibited means.
Moreover, the expulsion of HELD: In view of the seriousness, novelty
members of Jehovah's Witnesses from the and weight as precedents, not only to the
schools where they are enrolled will public, but also to the bench and bar, the
violate their right as Philippine citizens, issues raised must be resolved for the
under the 1987 Constitution, to receive guidance of all. After all, the RH Law
free education, for it is the duty of the drastically affects the constitutional
State to "protect and promote the right of provisions on the right to life and health,
all citizens to quality education . . . and to the freedom of religion and expression
make such education accessible to all and other constitutional rights. Mindful of
(Sec. 1, Art. XIV). SC holds that a similar all these and the fact that the issues of
exemption may be accorded to the contraception and reproductive health
Jehovah's Witnesses with regard to the have already caused deep division among
observance of the flag ceremony out of a broad spectrum of society, the Court
respect for their religious beliefs, entertains no doubt that the petitions
however "bizarre" those beliefs may seem raise issues of transcendental importance
to others. Nevertheless, their right not to warranting immediate court adjudication.
participate in the flag ceremony does not More importantly, considering that it is
give them a right to disrupt such patriotic the right to life of the mother and the
exercises . unborn which is primarily at issue, the
It is appropriate to recall the Court need not wait for a life to be taken
Japanese occupation of our country in away before taking action.
1942-1944 when every Filipino, regardless The principle of separation of
of religious persuasion, in fear of the Church and State is based on mutual
respect. Generally, the State cannot

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meddle in the internal affairs of the though the burden may be characterized
church, much less question its faith and as being only indirect. But if the state
dogmas or dictate upon it. It cannot favor regulates conduct by enacting, within its
one religion and discriminate against power, a general law which has for its
another. On the other hand, the church purpose and effect to advance the state's
cannot impose its beliefs and convictions secular goals, the statute is valid despite
on the State and the rest of the citizenry. its indirect burden on religious
It cannot demand that the nation follow observance, unless the state can
its beliefs, even if it sincerely believes that accomplish its purpose without imposing
they are good for the country. such burden.
In short, the constitutional In the case at bench, it is not
assurance of religious freedom provides within the province of the Court to
two guarantees: the Establishment Clause determine whether the use of
and the Free Exercise Clause. contraceptives or one’s participation in
The establishment clause the support of modern reproductive
"principally prohibits the State from health measures is moral from a religious
sponsoring any religion or favoring any standpoint or whether the same is right
religion as against other religions. It or wrong according to one’s dogma or
mandates a strict neutrality in affairs belief. For the Court has declared that
among religious groups." Essentially, it matters dealing with “faith, practice,
prohibits the establishment of a state doctrine, form of worship, ecclesiastical
religion and the use of public resources law, custom and rule of a church are
for the support or prohibition of a unquestionably ecclesiastical matters
religion. which are outside the province of the civil
On the other hand, the basis of the courts.” The jurisdiction of the Court
free exercise clause is the respect for the extends only to public and secular
inviolability of the human conscience. morality. Whatever pronouncement the
Under this part of religious freedom Court makes in the case at bench should
guarantee, the State is prohibited from be understood only in this realm where it
unduly interfering with the outside has authority. Stated otherwise, while the
manifestations of one's belief and faith. Court stands without authority to rule on
Explaining the concept of religious ecclesiastical matters, as vanguard of the
freedom, the Court, in Victoriano v. Constitution, it does have authority to
Elizalde Rope Workers Union wrote: The determine whether the RH Law
constitutional provisions not only contravenes the guarantee of religious
prohibits legislation for the support of freedom.
any religious tenets or the modes of In the same breath that the
worship of any sect, thus forestalling establishment clause restricts what the
compulsion by law of the acceptance of government can do with religion, it also
any creed or the practice of any form of limits what religious sects can or cannot
worship, but also assures the free do with the government. They can neither
exercise of one's chosen form of religion cause the government to adopt their
within limits of utmost amplitude. It has particular doctrines as policy for
been said that the religion clauses of the everyone, nor can they not cause the
Constitution are all designed to protect government to restrict other groups. To
the broadest possible liberty of do so, in simple terms, would cause the
conscience, to allow each man to believe State to adhere to a particular religion
as his conscience directs, to profess his and, thus, establishing a state religion.
beliefs, and to live as he believes he ought Consequently, the petitioners are
to live, consistent with the liberty of misguided in their supposition that the
others and with the common good. Any State cannot enhance its population
legislation whose effect or purpose is to control program through the RH Law
impede the observance of one or all simply because the promotion of
religions, or to discriminate invidiously contraceptive use is contrary to their
between the religions, is invalid, even religious beliefs. Indeed, the State is not

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precluded to pursue its legitimate secular of the State, on the other, to provide
objectives without being dictated upon by access and information on reproductive
the policies of any one religion. One health products, services, procedures and
cannot refuse to pay his taxes simply methods to enable the people to
because it will cloud his conscience. The determine the timing, number and
demarcation line between Church and spacing of the birth of their children, the
State demands that one render unto Court is of the strong view that the
Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and religious freedom of health providers,
unto God the things that are God’s. whether public or private, should be
In a situation where the free accorded primacy. Accordingly, a
exercise of religion is allegedly burdened conscientious objector should be exempt
by government legislation or practice, the from compliance with the mandates of
compelling state interest test in line with the RH Law. If he would be compelled to
the Court’s espousal of the Doctrine of act contrary to his religious belief and
Benevolent Neutrality in Escritor, finds conviction, it would be violative of “the
application. In this case, the principle of non-coercion” enshrined in
conscientious objector’s claim to religious the constitutional right to free exercise of
freedom would warrant an exemption religion.
from obligations under the RH Law, The Court is not oblivious to the
unless the government succeeds in view that penalties provided by law
demonstrating a more compelling state endeavour to ensure compliance. Without
interest in the accomplishment of an set consequences for either an active
important secular objective. Necessarily violation or mere inaction, a law tends to
so, the plea of conscientious objectors for be toothless and ineffectual. Nonetheless,
exemption from the RH Law deserves no when what is bartered for an effective
less than strict scrutiny. implementation of a law is a
The Court is of the view that the constitutionally protected right the Court
obligation to refer imposed by the RH Law firmly chooses to stamp its disapproval.
violates the religious belief and conviction The punishment of a healthcare service
of a conscientious objector. Once the provider, who fails and/or refuses to refer
medical practitioner, against his will, a patient to another, or who declines to
refers a patient seeking information on perform reproductive health procedure
modern reproductive health products, on a patient because incompatible
services, procedures and methods, his religious beliefs, is a clear inhibition of a
conscience is immediately burdened as he constitutional guarantee which the Court
has been compelled to perform an act cannot allow.
against his beliefs. As Commissioner The conscientious objection clause
Joaquin A. Bernas (Commissioner Bernas) should be equally protective of the
has written, at the basis of the free religious belief of public health officers.
exercise clause is the respect for the There is no perceptible distinction why
inviolability of the human conscience. they should not be considered exempt
Though it has been said that the act of from the mandates of the law. The
referral is an opt-out clause, it is, protection accorded to other
however, a false compromise because it conscientious objectors should equally
makes pro-life health providers complicit apply to all medical practitioners without
in the performance of an act that they distinction whether they belong to the
find morally repugnant or offensive. They public or private sector. After all, the
cannot, in conscience, do indirectly what freedom to believe is intrinsic in every
they cannot do directly. One may not be individual and the protective robe that
the principal, but he is equally guilty if he guarantees its free exercise is not taken
abets the offensive act by indirect off even if one acquires employment in
participation. the government.
In case of conflict between the The Court finds no compelling
religious beliefs and moral convictions of state interest which would limit the free
individuals, on one hand, and the interest exercise clause of the conscientious

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objectors, however few in number. Only thru distribution of periodicals and

the prevention of an immediate and grave other religious materials,
danger to the security and welfare of the Ebralinag v. Division
community can justify the infringement of Superintendent — religious
religious freedom. If the government fails freedom thru salute), the
to show the seriousness and immediacy applicable test is clear and present
of the threat, State intrusion is danger test. But when religious
constitutionally unacceptable. Freedom of freedom is exercised exclusively,
religion means more than just the not with the cognate rights under
freedom to believe. It also means the Sec. 4 of Art. 3, compelling state
freedom to act or not to act according to interest test is applicable.
what one believes. And this freedom is
violated when one is compelled to act
against one’s belief or is prevented from
acting according to one’s belief.


● No. Because religious freedom
cannot be impaired directly or
● Though it has been said that the
act of referral is an opt-out clause,
it is, however, a false compromise
because it makes pro-life health
providers complicit in the
performance of an act that they
find morally repugnant or
offensive. They cannot, in
conscience, do indirectly what
they cannot do directly. One may
not be the principal, but he is
equally guilty if he abets the
offensive act by indirect


● If the subject is religious freedom
together with other rights under
Sec. 4 of Art. 3 (INC v. CA —
religious freedom thru television;
ABS v. Manila — religious freedom

A.Y. 2019-2020 YOU DO NOTE(s) 28 of 28

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