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Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic

radiation with the longest wavelengths in the
electromagnetic spectrum, typically with
frequencies of 300 gigahertz and below. At 300
GHz, the corresponding wavelength is 1mm, which
is shorter than the diameter of a grain of rice.

FM and AM radios
AM radio alters the signal's
amplitude for sound
transmission, while FM radio
modulates the frequency.
When tuning, the dial displays
the broadcast frequency in
kiloHertz or megaHertz. Hertz
measures wave cycles per
second, with AM expressed in
kiloHertz and FM in

Military Communication
Military Communication -
Today, radio is an integral part
of modern warfare. We use
military radios for everything
from coordination between
units to communicating with
aircraft and drones. Radio
waves can also detect enemy
forces’ presence, making them
an essential tool for battle
Microwaves are defined as electromagnetic
radiations with a frequency ranging between 300
MHz to 300 GHz. In contrast, the wavelength
ranges from 1 mm to around 30 cm. Microwave
radiation is commonly referred to as microwaves.
They fall between infrared radiation and radio
waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Sattelite is used for
broadcasting and receiving
signals. The signals are
transmitted to space where
these satellites are positioned
and it retransmits the signal
to the appropriate location. It
acts as a repeater as it only
receives the signal and
retransmits it.

The radar transmits a focused
pulse of microwave energy
(yup, just like a microwave
oven or a cell phone, but
stronger) at an object, most
likely a cloud. Part of this
beam of energy bounces back
and is measured by the radar,
providing information about
the object.
Infrared is electromagnetic radiation in the
spectral band between microwaves and visible
light. It is invisible to the human eye. IR is
generally understood to encompass wavelengths
from around 750 nm to 1000 μm.

Thermal Imager
All objects emit infrared
energy, known as a heat
signature. An infrared
camera (also known as a
thermal imager) detects
and measures the infrared
energy of objects. The
camera converts that
infrared data into an
electronic image that
shows the apparent surface
temperature of the object
being measured.
Infrared remotes, also known
as transmitters, utilize light to
transmit signals to the
controlled device. They emit
pulses of unseen infrared light,
each linked to unique binary
codes representing commands
like turning on, adjusting
volume, or changing channels.
The visible light spectrum is the segment of the
electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye
can view. More simply, this range of wavelengths
is called visible light. Typically, the human eye
can detect wavelengths from 380 to 700
Laser Therapy
Lasers for therapeutical usage
must not exceed 500 mW pr.
cm2 skin due to the fact, that
the laser energy converts into
heat in the tissue.The energy
will deposit in the pigments of
the skin, hair follicles and
blood vessels, causing a burn
in the tissue. If the laser
energy is higher than 500 mW,
the laser energy must be
spread by optics. The energy
will then distribute widely.

Optical Fiver
Visible light is used in optical
communication systems, such
as fiber-optic networks, which
transmit data through pulses
of light at high speeds.
Illumination: Visible light is
used for illumination in various
settings, from residential and
commercial spaces to outdoor
environments and public
UV lights helps in tanning and killing
bacteria.used in industrial processes and in
medical and dental practices for a variety of
purposes. such as, creating fluorescent effects,
curing inks and resins, phototherapy and
Disinfecting Equipment
UV light disinfecting
equipment is utilized to
eliminate harmful bacteria,
viruses, and pathogens on
surfaces in diverse settings,
ranging from healthcare
facilities and laboratories to
homes and public spaces.

UV Flashlight
A UV flashlight is commonly
employed to detect and
highlight fluorescence in
various substances, such as
forensic investigations, leak
detection, or verifying the
authenticity of UV-reactive
X-rays are used to see inside the body for medical
diagnoses.X-rays play an important role in the
fight against cancer, with high energy radiation
used to kill cancer cells and shrink tumours.Not
Only in medical purposes it is also used in
security like Airport security for to check inside
Industrial X-ray Machines
This are used for non-
destructive testing of
materials, detecting defects in
welds, and examining the
internal structure of objects in
manufacturing and

Dental X-ray Machines

X-ray machines are employed
for intraoral and extraoral
imaging to diagnose dental
issues and plan treatments.
Gamma rays are utilized in cancer treatment and
food preservation.And Most of its use are Sterilize
medical equipment,Sterilize food (irradiated
food),Used as tracers in medicine and etc. Also in
Radio Therapy In oncology, to kill cancerous cells

Gamma Irradiators
These devices use gamma rays
for sterilization of medical
equipment, food products, and
certain materials to eliminate
bacteria, parasites, and other

Gamma Cameras
In nuclear medicine, gamma
cameras are used to capture
images of the distribution of
radioactive tracers within the
body for diagnostic purposes.

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