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Rule for being a superstar (salesperson):

1. Think about prospecting every single day. Breathe prospecting. The best Salesperson always
think about prospecting while eating, sleeping, travelling. And they don’t only think about
prospecting it is the most important thing for them. They believe in keeping their pipeline full.
They are not like other intelligent but fool, hardworking but procrastinating peoples who just
think that they will get a client with some YouTube tricks remember.,
“The brutal fact is the number one reason for failure in sales is an empty pipe, and, the root
cause of an empty pipeline is the failure to prospect.”
2. In sales easy is the only reason of being a mediocre sales person. Remember, in any field if you
want to get successful you have to come out of that mediocre thinking and work. Because a
mediocre person can never be a superstar. Mediocrity is when you ought for easy things.
Superstars are those who tries to get deals when it is time to do lunch. Remember that
prospecting is the hardest part of the career you are choosing. But you have to get up and use
the phone.
3. To get your pipeline full you have to do COLD CALL. There is no hack that you can implement to
make your pipeline full. It might be difficult for you but if you want a client you have to do it.
There are other ways to outreach too but the most, most effective is COLD CALLING. You just
have to do it.
4. In sales, if you consistently rely on a single method for outsourcing you will fail. You have to
diversify your approach to see in which method you will fit best. But remember never rely on a
single method. Just like in investment you diversify your investment in order to get out of risk.
The same thing happens with prospecting.
The Three Laws of sales:
1. The universal law of need:
This law states that if you were desperate to get anything you are much likely going to be
failed while to get it. For example, Last month you have not done prospecting like you did
every month and moreover you have not closed any deal in this month. Now you have to
close a deal at any cost. This is the point where you are desperate to close a deal. And when
you are desperate about anything you will not get it because of your behavior to it. So it
means that you have to do every single thing in a systematic way. So that your flow must be
2. The 30 day rule:
It means that if you stop prospecting for 30 days. You will get beaten up somewhere in the
next 90 days and this is true.
3. The law of replacement:
Let’s say, you have a rate of conversion of 10%. So you have 30 prospects. You have closed
one deal. It means the potential prospects you have is 20. Because on every 10 prospects
there is a chance of closing 1. So this means always makes your pipeline full so that you
don’t have need to worry in the time of closing the deal.
(Go and read the Three laws in the book or chapter 5.)
4. If you ever get into a sale slump the only rule to get out of this is to go and do the basic
things for a month and you will see results. The basic thing is you have to prospect every day
to close. Of course make your own time table but the thing is that you have to prospect
every single day in your life.

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5. You have to make a track of every single month and every single prospecting outreach you
make. This is very important. This will help you track your activity performance and
efficiency in all of the activities you are making.

The 3p’s that are holding you back

1. Procrastination: To be a fanatical prospector you have to develop the habit of doing
little bit of prospecting each day. You can’t wait for the end of the month or end of the
year to prospect you have to prospect each day.
2. Perfectionism: To be a superstar remember that too much perfectionism Is never good.
If you thrive for perfectionism in every single aspect you will not be even able to do what
you are planning all this for. (Read page number 58)
3. Paralysis from Analysis: Call reluctance is an easy label to apply because it seems to
cover all sales sins. But some people aren't reluctant—they are just in the wrong job. If
you are that person, so afraid to call that you can't will your fingers to dial the phone or
your feet to move, so afraid of calling on strangers that you find it hard to go to work or
even get out of bed—quit. Go do something else. This book won't help you. You don't
have call reluctance, you are doing something you hate, and trust me on this: Life is too
short to spend doing something you hate.
4. Disruption from the 3ps: If you are finding any of these 3ps in yourself You just have
to take the action and call. In the beginning you might shiver from what will happen if
this or that will happen. Remember the worst which can happen is that you might not
get any client in the first day, month or year but you will get it

Save the Golden hours:

1. The difference between top performers and all of the other salespeople who are picking crumbs
up off of the floor is top sales pros are masters at maximizing prime selling time for…selling.
2. Remember if you want sales Just focus on prospecting in the prime hours do everything else on
any other time. And as a social media marketing agency owner you have to make a time table
and you have to be very disciplined on every thing
3. If you invest just an hour a day to make 25 to 50 tele prospecting calls and another hour for
e-mail and social prospecting, I can absolutely and unequivocally guarantee that in less than 60
days, your pipeline will be packed. You have to adjust your time table fully dedicate and hour or
two or three to prospecting a day with a goal such as 100 cold calls and 100 fully personalized
emails in 3 hours.
4. Prospecting blocks should be scheduled or “blocked” on your calendar like any other
commitment. They are appointments with yourself. The key to making prospecting blocks work is
to treat them as sacred—in the same manner you view a set meeting with a customer, prospect,
your boss, or an important event with your family. If you have mentioned 1 hour for prospecting
in your day that 1 hour should only be used for prospecting not logging the details of client in
CRM, checking e-mails, etc.
5. You cannot be efficient when you are constantly being distracted. Besides the distraction itself, it
takes time to remember where you left off before you were distracted. This is why time blocking
and concentrating your power inside those prospecting blocks will make you so much more
productive. Placing your attention on one thing at a time is the key.

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6. The Law of Triviality describes the human tendency to waste time on unimportant activities
while mission-critical tasks are ignored. It's why so many salespeople allow non-selling activities
to become an excuse for their failure to focus on selling activities. It's not uncommon for
salespeople to waste 50 percent or more of their time on low-value activities

Objectives of sales:
1. Developing a defined objective makes you effective because on each prospecting call, e-mail,
social media touch, networking event, or referral request, you know exactly what to ask for and
how to bridge to your prospect's problems to give them a compelling reason to accept your

2. Setting an appointment: To be absolutely clear, an appointment is a meeting that is on your

calendar and your prospect's calendar; in other words, they are expecting you to show up in
person or by phone, video call, or web conference at a specific time and date. Many salespeople
confuse “Just stop by,” “I'll be here anytime,” and “Call me maybe” statements from their
prospects to be a commitment for an appointment. Let's not mince words. “Call me maybe” and
“Just stop by anytime” are not appointments. To believe that they are, and to put them on your
calendar as such, is pure delusion, and, as we've already learned, in sales you cannot be
delusional and successful at the same time

3. Gathering information and qualify: Savvy sales professionals are super disciplined in qualifying
prospects. They understand that time is money and it is a waste of time to work with prospects
that are not going to buy. They know that qualified buyers are scarce, and a moment spent with
a prospect who will never buy takes them away from their most important task—finding
prospects that will buy.

4. Define the strike zone: The first step in qualifying is to clearly define the strike zone. Far too
many companies (especially start-ups and small businesses), sales organizations, and sales
professionals fail to develop a profile of a qualified prospect (persona). This includes the optimal
time for engaging the prospect prior to the opening of the buying window.

5. Close the deal: When closing the sale is your objective, the prospecting interaction gets a bit
more complicated because you've got to engage, qualify, and ask them to commit to giving up
their time for a sales conversation right on the spot.

Leveraging the prospect pyramid:

1. While starting to do prospecting you have to call the most qualified leads first you have to make
a pattern and you have to put efforts in according to that pattern. For example, in your pattern
pyramid you may first call the most qualified prospect then the prospect who is much likely to be
qualified and then so on the bases of information you have for them. Never call any one directly
without classifying them in this pyramid on the CRM.
2. Top performers have no interest in hunting and pecking for opportunities, so they design their
lists to make prospecting blocks efficient and effective. They segment their prospects by
potential or size of the opportunity and the probability the prospect will convert into a sale. They

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organize their prospecting block to get themselves in position to win with highly qualified
prospects who are in the buying window. (Read page 104-105)

3. Being a more efficient and effective prospector begins and ends with an organized, targeted
prospecting list. A high-quality prospecting list is like a track for your prospecting train. It
eliminates wasted time hunting and pecking for qualified prospects and helps you focus on a
specific objective within a particular prospecting channel.

Owning your CRM:

1. For any sales person in the arena of sales the most important tool for them in their arsenal is
their database. Database is the most important weapon for a sales person. Our database or CRM
must be filled with every single information we have about any prospect. We should never
procrastinate on the matter of filling the database we should own our CRM.
2. If you are not updating and managing your CRM every day you are just killing your job.

The law of familiarity:

1. The more your prospect is familiar with you, your brand, and your company, the more likely they
will be to accept and return your calls, open your e-mails, accept a social media connection
request, respond to text message and ultimately do business with you.
2. It’s in the best of your interest to invest time and effort to build familiarity with your prospects.
Familiarity lubricates prospecting because it makes the prospect’s decision to give you their time
feel less risky.
3. The most powerful and direct path to familiarity is a referral or introduction. The referral gives
you instant credibility because you get to ride on the coat tails of a person who is already trusted
by your prospect.

The social selling:

1. Social selling will not solve your pipeline woes or provide an endless stream of inbound leads
with little effort. It takes far more than a LinkedIn connection, content curation, and hope to

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move today's buyers to take action. Social Selling is time consuming and intellectually draining,
and it requires a long slog of consistent daily effort to see any results.
2. Nothing can replace cold calling the fact is that you have to create a balanced prospecting
strategy from different mediums. You cannot totally rely on a single prospecting method.
3. Providing insight and education to prospects is also a brilliant way to nurture high-value
prospects as part of a strategic prospecting campaign (SPC). Strategic prospecting is a long-term,
comprehensive effort that spans multiple prospecting channels. SPCs are designed to warm up
and nurture contact relationships in anticipation of a future buying window. The core objectives
of strategic prospecting are: Providing insight and education to prospects is also a brilliant way to
nurture high-value prospects as part of a strategic prospecting campaign (SPC). Strategic
prospecting is a long-term, comprehensive effort that spans multiple prospecting channels. SPCs
are designed to warm up and nurture contact relationships in anticipation of a future buying
4. Social media is a smorgasbord of data. You can gather an impressive amount of information
about prospects that can be plugged into your CRM, used to develop prospecting messages, and
leveraged for decision-maker mapping and pre-call planning. LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, and
Twitter offer powerful search capabilities that give you access to detailed information about
prospects. You can also keep tabs on your competitors.

Message matters:
1. Prospects meet with you for their reasons, not yours. You must articulate the value of spending
time with you in the context of what is most important to them. Your message must
demonstrate a sincere interest in listening to them, learning about them, and solving their
unique problems. This is how you break down initial resistance so that you earn an appointment,
gain the opportunity to gather qualifying information, or engage in a sales conversation right in
the moment.
2. Cuddy's research demonstrates that “power posing,” physically standing in a posture of
confidence, even when you don't feel confident, impacts testosterone and cortisol levels in the
brain, and that influences confidence.
3. Here's where the research became interesting. When the researcher gave a nonsensical reason
like, “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the copier? Because I have to make copies,” the
person still said yes 93 percent of the time. It was a truly stunning finding. Saying the word
because—giving a reason—was more important and powerful than the reason itself.
4. The real secret to crafting prospecting messages that convert into meetings, information, or
sales is staring with a simple but powerful premise: People make decisions based on emotion
first and then justify with logic.
5. (Read tables from page 170)

The Ultimate way of success is to schedule the phone book:

1. Fanatical prospectors set up daily telephone phone blocks of one to two hours. During this time,
they remove all distractions—shutting off e-mail and mobile devices, and letting those around
them know that they are not to be disturbed. They set clear goals for how many calls they will
make. This call block is a booked appointment on their schedule and it is sacred. Nothing

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The five steps to do cold call:
1. Get their attention by using their name.
2. Tell them about yourself: “My name is Hassan and I am from SHA marketing agency.”
3. Tell them why are you calling.
4. Bridge-give them a because: “I just read an article online that said your company is going to add
200 new sales positions over the next year. Several companies in your industry are already using
Sales Gravy exclusively for sourcing sales candidates and they are very happy with the results we
are delivering.”
5. Position your angle of meeting.

6. As soon as you get on the cold call you do not have to stutter come to the main objective respect
your clients time.
7. In the First Phase Don't ask, “How are you doing?” and don't pause or leave any awkward
silence. Say their name and keep moving. (Read page 192-193 while making script)

Leaving a Voice mail:

1. While there are no definitive answers to any of these questions, knowing how to leave voice mail
messages is important because prospects do listen to and return voice mail.
2. For example, if you are dialing a list of prospect you should not leave a voice mail to the least
qualified prospect it should be specified for prospects you know more.
3. Read page 198. Five steps to voice mail

Prospecting timing:
1. There is no perfect time for telephone prospecting call you can call the prospect anytime within
the business hours but the fact which is contradictory to this is that you have to call every single
2. Frenchman Nicholas Cham fort advised people to “swallow a toad in the morning if you want to
encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day.” In his book Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy
says that your “frog” is “the hardest, most important task of the day. It is the one task that can
have the greatest positive impact on your life and results at the moment.”
3. At the beginning of the day you must finish your prospecting block because at the beginning
prospects have more time to do things.

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Reflex response, Brush-offs and Objection: -
1. A brush-off is your prospect telling you to bug off nicely. “Call me later,” they'll say when they
want to avoid confrontation and be kind enough to let you down easy. They have learned that
salespeople, for the most part, are willing to accept these falsehoods and go away because
salespeople want to avoid conflict too, and the brush-off doesn't feel as much like rejection.

Planning for RBOS:

1. You have to rehearse your script every single day to be confident. You must also have a script for
turning around RBOS.

The three step turn-around:

When your prospect has any RBO, instead of flipping your wings just calm down and anchor your mind in
to the sea of peace and calmness don’t worry try to manage the rejection.

Rather than saying the same thing and arguing with your prospect just go with their answer and admit
their response, it will be a complete change for their mind that you accepted their answer instead of
arguing for example:

1. When they say they're happy, instead of arguing that you can make them happier if they just give
you a chance, say, “Awesome. If you're happy, you shouldn't even think about changing!” This is
completely unexpected.
2. When they say they're busy, instead of arguing them into how you will only take a little bit of
their time, say, “I figured you would be.” Agreeing with them disrupts their thought pattern.
3. When they say, “Just send me some information,” say, “Tell me specifically what you are looking
for.” This calls their bluff and forces engagement. When they say, “I'm not interested,” say, “That
makes sense. Most people aren't.” Their brain isn't ready for you to agree with them.

You may deliver the perfect turnaround, but if you don't ask again for commitment, you won't get what
you want. You must ask confidently and assumptively for a specific commitment of time or information,
without any hesitation or awkward pause, directly following your turnaround script. About half of the
time when you ask they'll throw out another RBO—one that tends to be closer to the truth. You will
want to be prepared to handle it and ask again. What you should never do is fight. It isn't worth it. When
you get two RBOs and still can't turn your prospect around, graciously move on and come back at them
another day.
Turn around script instances:
You have to make your own script according to the market and RBOS you are dealing with the most.

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1. Prospect: “Look, Jeb, I'm busy.”
“Nancy, that's exactly why I called.”
(Anchor: This is a simple statement that gives my logical brain just a moment to take control of my
emotional brain. By agreeing with her, I immediately disrupt her expectation that I will try to talk her out
of being busy.)
“I figured you would be, so I want to find a time that is more convenient for
(Disrupt: It also acknowledges that she is busy right now and disrupts that
pattern by asking her to think about a more convenient time.)
“How about we get together next Wednesday at 3:00 PM instead?”
(Ask: This makes an assumptive, direct, and specific request.)
2. Prospect: “We're not interested.”
“You know, that is what a lot of my current clients said the first time I called.”
“Most people say they aren't interested before they see how much I can save
them. I don't know if my service will be a good fit for you and your company,
but doesn't it make sense for us to at least get together for a short meeting to find
out?” (Disrupt)
“How about Friday at 2:00 PM? (Ask)
3. Prospect: “We're really happy with our current provider.”
“That's fantastic!” (Anchor)
“Anytime you are getting great rates and great service, you should never think
about changing. All I want to do is come by and get to know you a little better.
And even if it doesn't make sense to do business with me at the moment, I can at
least give you a competitive quote that will help you keep those other guys
honest.” (Disrupt)
“How about I come by on Tuesday at 11:30 AM?”

Keys to dealing with gatekeeper

Remember that the gatekeeper is just a person like you so step into his shoes and examine whether how
can you impress her. Be polite don’t be rude the job of gatekeeper is to keep people like you off. You can
never get an appointment with the client if the gatekeeper is not ready. Appreciate their position make
them laugh. If you want to get to the boss directly do networking, write e-mails, send handwritten notes,
go meet them directly on an event.

Email Prospecting
Email prospecting is one of the most important thing you can do out of your phone block time. There are
three cardinal rules of e-mail Prospecting:

1. Make sure your e-mail is landing into the inbox. Use strategies like warming in the e-mail before
sending e-mails. Try to avoid hyperlinks, attachments, images, videos because the spam software
are most likely to consider it as a spam e-mail. Do not send too many e-mails to multiple persons
and the same person. Because if your response rate is too low you are not going to land in the
prospect primary inbox. Do not use ALL CAPS in the headline of the e-mail.
2. Make sure your e-mail is going to be opened:

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● Familiarity with the prospect will get your e-mail to be opened. If you are going to send an
e-mail to a prospect it would be a wiser decision for you to first go on his linked-in and social
media accounts and get familiar to him by messaging, commenting, reacting on his post, etc.
● Try to make your headline between 40-50 characters because nowadays nobody will want to
read you 3 sentences long headline email. Do not use question mark and questions.

● Your e-mail must convert:

You have to write personalize e-mails so there is a chance of getting convert. It doesn’t mean
that you have to create an e-mail from scratch. You must create a template for certain
industries or individuals.
3. The four elements of e-mail prospecting:
1. Hook: Get their attention with a compelling subject line and opening sentence/statement.
2. Relate: Demonstrate that you get them and their problem. Show empathy and authenticity.
3. Bridge: Connect the dots between their problem and how you can help them. Explain the WIIFM.
4. Ask: Be clear and straightforward about the action you want them to take, and make it easy for them
to do so.

Read this topic.

Prospecting through text message:

1. According to the Lead360 study that covered 3.5 million lead records from more than 400
companies, a text message sent alone converts at 4.8 percent. That same message, sent after a
phone contact, increases conversion by 112.6 percent. Why? The Law of Familiarity.
2. Text messaging can play an integral role in nurturing prospects with whom you have a
relationship but are not yet in the buying window. A quick, value-added text message is an easy
way to remain top of mind without seeming too intrusive. For example, Matt, who sells a
cloud-based business intelligence program, has done an outstanding job of using text messaging
to nurture his relationship with me.

Four pillars of mental toughness in sales:

1. Desire: You must have a desire to do anything. The desire is the goal you have without which you
cannot live.
2. Outlearn=Outearn: You always have to learn. Read the books. Never ever leave the habit of
reading the books.
3. Physical resilience:

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● Exercise regularly for 30 minutes a day. It doesn’t matter whether you play Football or
something else.
● Sleep regularly for 7 to 9 hours.
● Try to eat healthy food.

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