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Name of the community: Talon Dos, Las Pinas City Population: 24,816 (present) Situated on southernside of mid section of Las Pinas City Out of 26 residential village in Talon Dos, we have chosen 1 village to determine and identify some health problems for supplementary assessment and intervention. We have chosen the Satima Village, as our target area for prompt intervention with regards to their health condition and nature of living.

Based on our survey and interview with regards to identifying problems about their health condition, out of 8 morbidity cases we have discovered in the village, the Acute Respiratory Infection are majority in the village. Therefore, out of 45 families, we have chosen 1 family, and based on our interview, we have gathered some necessary information about 1 member of their family who is commonly experiencing this illness. Name: Patient X Address: Talon Dos Age: 17 years old Date of Birth: September 17, 1993 Place of Birth: Las Pinas City Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Subjective cues: Apatnaaraw nap o akongsinisipon at inuubo, at medyonahihirapanakonghumingadahilbara dopoangilongko

SATIMA VILLAGE: 45 Residence/Families The constant number of residence in the village we have interviewed is altered from the number of each person or members of the family living in one household.

Age: Ranging from 21 to 30 years of age is common among the citizen in the village Males got the percentage of 28% Females got the percentage of 21% Therefore, the male got the highest frequency of age.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: For past 3 years he experienced Dengue Hemorrhagic fever stage 2, but fortunately he survived. CHILDHOOD ILLNESS: (+)chicken pox (+)mumps (+)measles IMMUNIZATIONS: FIC-FULLY IMMUNIZED CHILD BCG 1 OPV1 OPV2 OPV3 DPT1 DPT2 DPT3 Hepa B1 Hepa B2 Hepa B3 Measles

Gender: Each residence have different number of members, therefore, out of 221 people, the frequency of female which is 116 is higher than of the male which is 105 only. NURSING HEALTH HISTORY


OPERATION: (+)minor surgery-circumcision INJURIES Fall from stairs Abrasions ALLERGIES: Dust 5.



6. 7. 8.

1. HEALTH PERCEPTION-HEALTH MANAGEMENT PATTERN Nagtatakipnalangakongpanyosailongk apag may nalalanghapakongalikabok,perolalolang kasiakongnahihirapanghuminga. Ineffective health maintenance because of inability to identify,manage,and/or seek out help to maintain health 2. NUTRITIONAL- METABOLIC PATTERN hindiakokumakainnggulay. Patient X verbalized. Also, the mother of Patient X states that her son loves to eat meaty foods, junk foods, and sodas and he has lack of interest in nutritious foods. Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements because of not eating nutritious food.

Patient X states that he cant go around and play. Diversional activities deficient because of tardiness SLEEP- REST PATTERN Madalaspoakongnagpupuyat, minsankakalaropongdota Disturbed sleep pattern because of needless activity. COGNITIVE-PERCEPTUAL PATTERN The patient is normal SELF-PERCEPTION-SELF CONCEPT PATTERN ROLE- RELATIONSHIP PATTERN His mother takes care of him when he was ill. His mother is the one maintaining his medication. He has group of friends which helps him to be happy. His father sometimes used the money for alcohol. Family Processes,dysfunctional: alcoholism related to abuse of alcohol.

9. SEXUALITY-REPRODUCTIVE PATTERN The patient is not sexually active. He is not engaged in any sexual activities. 10. COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE PATTERN Ineffective coping because of lackm of knowledge about stressors. 11. VALUE-BELIEF PATTERN His family is Roman Catholic. They always go to church together every Sunday. Readiness for enhanced spiritual being because of ability to integrate meaning and purpose in life through connection with power greater than oneself.

3. ELIMINATION PATTERN The Patient states that her elimination pattern is normal. The child has a normal elimination pattern. 4. ACTIVITY-EXERCISE PATTERN

NURSING CARE PLAN Subjective cues: Apatnaaraw nap o akongsinisipon at inuubo, at medyonahihirapanakonghumingadahilbara dopoangilongko Objective cues: Patient experiences sore throat followed by clear watery discharge; sneezing and productive cough for 4 days.

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