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Granados 1

Ana Granados

Dr. Sharity Nelson

English 1301

29 Septemeber 2023

REVISED A little more about posters

Recently there was a new poster put up at Texas A&M International University. Around campus,

you can see many posters on billboards or walls to inform people about a piece of information. This new

poster's title is “Food Allergy Awareness” and it's located at the Student Center inside the Dusty Dinner

and inside the Starbucks in the Killam Library. This poster's main purpose is to target students and faculty

staff with any type of food allergy to be aware of some of the ingredients the cafeteria may use in the

food. The creator of this banner is Aramark, which is the main company that provides food to TAMIU,

and it was published on November 29, 2022.

The first thing someone notices about the poster is the title. The title is located at the very top in

big letters and it is “Food allergy awareness”. One of the main characteristics of a poster is that the title

has to be big to catch the audience's attention and this is not an exception. The title that the author chose

for this poster makes someone understand very quickly that the sign is mainly about food and allergies.

It's easy to tell that this poster is directed to people with allergies who would stay and read the poster.

Another thing important to quote from the sign is “Please be advised.” The author may have chosen this

set of words and the big font to alert people. The arlet mainly explains that there a several ingredients that

the kitchen may use. There´s a list of some of the common ingredients people may have allergies to and

the author used this so that the people are aware of what ingredients are in the food they are getting. For

many reasons, it makes it easier to catch someone's attention with a bigger font rather than a tiny font for

the text. The author used big letters to show the most important things and the things that someone needs

to look at first in the poster. On the other hand, short texts can even take you seconds to read and you’ll

be informed about the information the sign is giving.

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The main purpose for Aramark to create this poster is to alert people with food allergies. As the

poster says “If you or someone in your party has a food allergy, please contact a foodservice manager”.

People at TAMIU probably have seen this poster a lot of times and they are already aware of the allergies

they could get by getting food in the cafeteria. An example of why the author decided to use this genre it's

that in the poster it says “Please be advised” and this is a great example because the author wants to

inform someone about this. The main purpose of posters is to be informative and with this information,

we can definitely tell that Aramark wanted to advise people about the possible allergies you could get at

the cafeteria. This is mainly to not cause something way worse, and so that people know and take

precautions with the food received in the cafeteria. Aramark made a good direction with what the poster

contains because is precise with the information and short and illustrative to people.

After everything mentioned before, it is easy to notice the purpose and the characteristics of the

genre, but what are the effects of using this genre? The main one will be that people are going to be well

aware of the possible allergies someone could get if they ingest the food of the dusty dinner. This will

make people who tend to have allergies to food ask for the ladies at the cafeteria and let them know the

type of allergies they can have and if it is possible to arrange something for them. The most common case

is that they can probably help them and give them something without that specific food but in other cases,

the food has that exact ingredient and they can’t just do something for you without it.

To sum up, everything that´s been stated so far by the new poster put up at Texas A&M

International University is direct to the point the author wants to make and its poster characteristics

are good for attracting someone's attention. For example the “Please be advised” subtitle in the

poster makes it noticeable that the poster is and precaution for something. People just need to

read to learn what the poster is about, and Aramark made a good example for a poster to be

precise and direct in giving someone information.

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Work Cited Page

Aramark “Food Allergy Awareness” TAMIU, November 29, 2023

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