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Usman Nursusanto

Main Functions
(Power System protection)

1. To safeguard the entire system

to maintain continuity of
2. To minimize damage and repair
3. To ensure safety of persons,
property, and livestock.
Basic Requirements
(Power System protection)

1. Selectivity
2. Stability
3. Speed
4. Sensitivity

Electrical hazards which are described as: Electric shock, Fire,

Burns, and Injury from mechanical movement of electricity
actuated machinery.
(Power System protection)

1. Dependability: It MUST when called upon.

2. Security : It must NOT trip when not

supposed to.
Basic Components
(Power System protection)

1. Voltage Transformers
and Current

2. Relays

3. Fuses

4. Circuit Breakers

5. DC Batteries
What the problem??
What must we DO??




a. Identification of installed loads
b. Identify power usage
c. Security identification installed
d. Cable identification used
e. Redesign the load sharing system
f. Analysis and Calculation
g. Discussion and Approval
h. Reinstall

1. Design

2. Installation

3. Inspection and Test

Any person involved with the installation of wiring in buildings takes on both legal and

moral responsibilities for safety. A high level of technical and practical competence is
essential. This can only be achieved with the apropriate study.
1. Design
All technical design must be recorded. IEE
guidance is that it is essensial to prepare a full
spesification prior to commencement or
alteration of an electrical installation. The size
and content of the spesification will
correspond with the complexity of the work.
For simple jobs a few lines may suffice.
2. Installation
The installer has the responsibility to ensure that equipment is installed correctly
and in accordance with the spesification, supplemented by manufactures information.
The installer is often delegated other task such as negotiating with the electricity
supply company and verifying local licensing requirement.
3. Inspection and Test
Self certification is normally acceptable provided that the contractor has the
competence and equipment to test correctly. The inspector must be given the full
design documentation with amendments showing any relevant on-site modifications.
The inspector must arrange for inspection during the course of erection or receive
certified confirmation that the work is satisfactory.
1. Operatives
Any person carry out electrical work
must be competent, trained, and skilled
in the type of installation work being
carried out. Where trainees or unskilled
operatives are employed for electrical
work they must be appropriately

2. Materials
The regulations require that every
item of equipment shall comply with a
British Standard or European Standard.
Alternatively, equipment complying with a
relevan foreign standard may be used
provided that the designer confirms that
the equipment provides a degree of safety
acceptable to the Regulations.
1. Labelling and Documentation

2. Spesification and Manual

3. Regulations

4. Electrical Installation Certificate

Studi Kasus
“Instalasi Ulang Jaringan Listrik Gedung Auditorium Ki Hajar Dewantara
LPMP Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta”

Address: Kalasan, Karang Nongko, Tirtomartani, Sleman, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah

Istimewa Yogyakarta 55571
Data Beban Terpasang

TL Downlight LED KK
Jenis Beban
36 W 13 W 36 W 3W 400 W

Penerangan 8 bh 19 bh 24 bh 4 bh 12 bh

Split Wall Standing Floor

Jenis Beban
1 PK 2 PK 5 PK

Tata Udara 1 unit 3 unit 2 unit

Analisa Beban Total

Beban Penerangan
No Beban Analisis Daya (W) Arus (A)

1 TL 36*8 288 1,54

13*19 247 1,32

2 Downlight
36*24 864 4,62

3 LED 3*4 12 0,06

4 KK 400*12 4800 25,67

TOTAL 6211 33,21

Analisa Beban Total

Beban Tata Udara

No Beban AC Analisis Daya (W) Arus (A)

1 1 PK 746*1 746 2,9

2 2 PK 1492*3 4476 17,3

3 5 PK 3730*2 7460 9,6

TOTAL 12682 29,8

Regrouping dan Penyeimbangan Beban
Material Panel Hubung Bagi (PHB)
Hasil Perakitan PHB
PHB tampak depan
Bagian dalam PHB MCCB Utama 250A

Pemasangan MCB
Hasil Perakitan PHB

Busbar dan Grounding Pengukuran Tegangan

Pengukuran tahanan pentanahan R-S : 365 volt

0,4 ohm. R-T : 370 volt
S-T : 367 volt
R-N : 218 volt
S-N :215 volt
T-N : 218 volt
Hasil Perakitan PHB

Fuse dan Holder Pengukuran Arus

R : 28,6 ampere
S : 29,7 ampere
T : 27,2 ampere
Pemasangan instalasi listrik sebuah bangunan yang aman dan handal sangat dibutuhkan
untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan. Konsep aman dan handal tersebut harus didukung oleh
kemampuan perancang (desainer) dan pelaksana yang handal serta komponen yang
digunakan sesuai standar SNI. Instalasi yang aman dan handal diharapkan mampu
menjaga kontinuitas pelayanan energi listrik.
Instalasi ulang yang dilaksanakan pada gedung auditorium LPMP DIY merupakan
kegiatan perbaikan, regrouping, dan pemasangan Panel Hubung Bagi (PHB) jaringan
listrik. Komponen pengaman yang terpasang pada PHB auditorium LPMP DIY
disesuaikan dengan beban dan estimasi jika ada kemungkinan ditambahkan beban listrik
baru. Pengaman utama yang digunakan untuk auditorium LPMP DIY adalah MCCB
3ph/40A/25kA yang dibagi untuk beban penerangan (lampu dan kotak kontak) dan tata
udara. Beban penerangan dan tata udara (0.5 – 2 pk) digunakan MCB 1ph/16A/20kA
sedangkan untuk instalasi tata udara kapasitas 5 pk berupa MCCB 3ph/20A/20kA.

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