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Part 1:

Keeping in contact with people:

1. How do you usually contact your friends? [Why?]

Answer: I usually contact my friends over the phones by having a voice chat. I prefer
this contact method over the others mainly because talking over the phones makes it
more personal and engaging where I can express my emotions much more easily.

2. Do you prefer to contact different people in different ways? [Why?]

Answer: No, I don’t necessarily contact different people in a “pre-defined” sort of
different ways mainly because I don’t know for sure what methods of contact are more
appropriate, based on the time, circumstances and location of both me and the other
people at the other end.

3. Do you find it easy to keep in contact with friends and family? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I certainly find it easy to keep in contact with my friends and family mainly
because I can rely on more than just one mode of communication. If my phone is not
working, I can always send email messages to them. But even if my emails are not
functioning properly, I could always leave an online or offline message on different chat
apps and messengers.

4. In your country, did people in the past keep in contact in the same ways as
they do today? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: No, people in Brazil didn’t use to contact others in the same ways as they do
today. In the past, we used to rely heavily on the postal mails and land telephones (but
only sometimes) to contact with others if they were far away from us. Sometimes, we
even used ‘telegraphs” for urgent contact. But, today, we use mostly mobile/cell phones
and the internet to contact others whether they live close by or far away from us.

Part 2
Describe a party that you enjoyed.
You should say:
 whose party it was and what it was celebrating
 where the party was held and who went to it
 what people did during the party
and explain what you enjoyed about this party.

Model Answer 2:
Celebrating special occasions with family and friends is always enjoyable. Among such
celebrations, family parties hold a special place. Here, I am going to talk about a family
party that my aunt held, which I enjoyed a lot.
Whose party it was and what it was celebrating:
It was my aunt's party and she was celebrating her promotion at her workplace. My aunt
has always been an ambitious woman, and we were all proud of her achievements.
Therefore, my aunt decided to throw a party to celebrate her promotion, and she invited
all her family members and close friends.
Where the party was held and who went to it:
The party was held in a community hall near my aunt's house. It was a spacious and
well-decorated hall with tables, chairs, and a dance floor. The party was attended by my
aunt's family members, including my parents, grandparents, siblings, and cousins.
Additionally, some of her colleagues and close friends also attended the party.
What people did during the party:
The party started with a delicious dinner, including different cuisines. After dinner, the
music started, and people started dancing and enjoying the music. There were a lot of
games arranged for the kids, and the adults played some fun games too. The highlight
of the party was a cake-cutting ceremony, where my aunt cut a beautiful cake, and
everyone wished her good luck and congratulated her on her recent achievement.
And explain what you enjoyed about this party:
I enjoyed this party a lot. I met my cousins and family members after a long time, and it
was great catching up with them. The atmosphere was so lively, and everyone was in a
cheerful mood. Moreover, the music was amazing, and I loved dancing with my family.
And last but not least, the food was mouth-watering, and I relished every bite of it.
Overall, the party was full of fun, laughter, and joy, and I cherish those moments even

Model Answer 4:
Parties are always a great source of enjoyment and provide a much-needed break from
the monotony of daily life. I am fortunate enough to have attended many such parties in
my life, but the one I want to talk about was organized by one of my colleagues from
work. I enjoyed it so much that I still remember it so well.
Whose party it was and what it was celebrating:
The party was thrown by one of my colleagues named Spencer. He had recently been
promoted to a higher position, and the party was thrown to celebrate his success. It was
a surprise party organized by his team members to make him feel special.
Where the party was held and who went to it:
The party was held at a rooftop restaurant in the city centre, which had a stunning view
of the city skyline. All the members of Spencer's team were invited to the party, along
with a few other colleagues from different departments. It was a small gathering of
around 20 people, but it was perfect for the occasion.
What people did during the party:
The party began with everyone congratulating Spencer on his promotion and wishing
him all the best in his future endeavours. The restaurant served delicious food, and
everyone enjoyed their meal while chatting and laughing. Spencer was presented with a
cake, and we all congratulated him. The highlight of the party was when Spencer's team
members prepared a short skit, highlighting his journey from an intern to a team leader.
It was hilarious, and we all had a great time watching it.
And explain what you enjoyed about this party:
The thing I enjoyed most about this party was the friendly atmosphere and the feeling of
togetherness. Although everyone was from the same company, we didn't always get the
chance to interact with each other, especially those working in different departments.
This party provided us with the opportunity to get to know each other better, and it felt
like we were part of one big family. The food, music, and beautiful view from the rooftop
restaurant also added to the overall enjoyment of the party. It was a memorable
evening, and I felt lucky to be a part of it.

Part 3

1. What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?
Answer: We Brazilian people just love to celebrate and have fun whether we are having
a private family party or any other public festivals. Anyway, some of the family parties,
which we organize in our country, are birthday parties, wedding parties, Christmas
parties, and “pregnancy craving” parties. While all of these family parties are celebrated
by following the normal western and Christian traditions, “pregnancy craving” parties are
little unique in Brazil where it is a tradition to give a small treat, along with a picture of
the new baby, to people or family who come to visit when a baby is born.

2. In some places, people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special
family events. Is this ever true in your country? Do you think this is a good trend
or a bad trend?
Answer: Like some other places in the world, unfortunately, Brazilian people also spend
a lot of money on family parties. In fact, Brazilian wedding parties can easily be
considered as some of the most expensive and extravagant in the world. But, I don’t
really think that this is such a good trend since the extra money, which people spend in
celebrating these parties, could actually be used by the newly-wedded couple in order
to give them a good start in their new life. Besides, spending more money than needed
is like a “waste” of money to me which could always be used to help out poor people.

3. Are there many differences between family parties and parties given by
friends? Why do you think this is?
Answer: No, I don’t really think that there are many differences between family parties
and parties given by friends primarily because both kinds are aimed at providing fun and
happiness to the participants of the parties. Besides, whatever we do in those parties in
order to have a good time are pretty much the same. But, of course, it all depends on
what kind of people attends the parties. However, family parties can be little lesser
messy and more ‘solemn’ than the parties, thrown by friends.

Discussion topics: National celebrations:

4. What kinds of national celebration do you have in your country?
Answer: Brazil is well-known for many of its festivals and national celebrations. In fact,
no matter what time of year tourists visit our country, they are sure to notice the friendly
ambience and merry characteristics of the Brazilian locals. Anyway, some of our
national celebrations are New Year’s Day, Good Friday & Easter Sunday (March or
April), Labor Day, Christmas, and National Carnival. While most of these celebrations
are celebrated just like the rest of the western and Christian world, "Carnival" is the one
which is pretty unique to Brazil.

5. Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more - young people or old people?
Answer: While celebrations are just “celebrations”, the reality is some of the national
celebrations are enjoyed more by the young while some are enjoyed more by the old.
Usually, old people, perhaps because of their “maturity”, tend to enjoy those
celebrations more which have religious “fervour and tone” and which are “solemn” in
nature. On the other hands, celebrations to young people usually are all about having
fun and a good time without any “holding back”. Therefore, it is only natural that the
young people would prefer celebrations which would allow them to dance, sing and
drink to the full content of their hearts.

6. Why do you think some people think that national celebrations are a waste of
government money? Would you agree or disagree with this view? Why?

Answer: I would respectfully like to disagree with those people who tend to think that
national celebrations are a waste of government money mainly because national
celebrations bring unity and solidarity among the citizens of a country more often than
not. Besides, national celebrations, or any other kind celebrations for that matter, get
the entire nation into a happy mood which is certainly good for the mental health and
spirit of all the people. And, the more spirited and happy a nation is, the more will it
prosper in the national and international arena.

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