Divine Dilemmas Folha de Foto

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Graduation Ceremony

Divine Dilemmas:
Na Olympian Odyssey in the Modern Age

Narrator 1 (Ana Beatriz): Planet Earth, 2023. The world has changed. Greek gods find themselves with no
place in modern society. As humanity evolves with technological skills, the once-important Greek gods are
now almost forgotten. Their ancient wisdom and powers seem distant and useless in the modern world.

Narrator 2 (Alice): Little do they know their ancient wisdom will soon be needed. After a really long time
away, the Greek gods feel like they need to help with the problems happening now. They are really unhappy
about modern issues, like wars, ocean pollution and deforestation. So, they're getting back into action to
make things better!

Narrator 1 (Ana Beatriz): From left to right: Hermes, the messenger of gods. Aphrodite, the goddess of
love and beauty. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Ares, the god of war. Poseidon, the god
of the seas.

Narrator 2 (Alice): Artemis, the goddess of hunting and wildlife. Demeter, the goddess of the harvest.
Hestia, the goddess of home and family. Hera, the goddess of women and marriage.

Zeus (Tomás): Well, well. It's been quite a while since we last gathered like this, hasn't it? It feels just like
the old times. What brings you here?

Ares (Bernardo Ferro): Humans, of course. Your so-called perfect creation. Once too good to ask for help,
now lost and full of problems they created.

Athena (Beatriz Menezes): Ares is too pessimistic, father. Humans indeed lost their way. But that doesn’t
mean they’re lost forever.

Poseidon (Bernardo V.P): I wouldn’t be so sure. As the lord of the seas, I feel angry about their reckless
ways. They treat the oceans as playgrounds, overfishing and polluting the waters that give life.

Artemis (Isabella Orsini): Not to mention the way they treat wildlife. The destruction of the forests and the
killing of innocent creatures have destroyed the purity of nature.

Demeter (Isabela Souza): I share their anger and sadness. Humans keep on mistreating the earth. They are
reckless and exploit natural resources. I’ve gone mad, you see.

Aphrodite (Isabela Santos): Well, I have to say my heart full of sadness but filled with hope. I've seen
humans misusing love and creating impossible beauty standards. But I still think they can find their way

Hestia (Maria Eduarda): Aphrodite speaks wisely. And so does Athena. I, Hestia, guardian of home, come
to you with optimism. Yes, our faith in mortals has been tested, their actions have caused problems, but I
still see hope.

Hera (Ana Carolina): Fellow gods and goddesses, hear me! I, Hera, queen of the heavens, come before you
with hope. Despite humans’ mistakes, I know their resilience and determination. Yes, they aren’t perfect, but
who is?
Hermes (Arthur Manhães): Very inspiring, Hera, thank you. I, Hermes, messenger of the divine, bring
evidence of the problems affecting mortals. Yes, humans have lost their way, and I can prove it.

Narrator 1 (Ana Beatriz): Mount Olympus is divided. While some gods pity humans and truly believe they
can fix their mistakes, others see this meeting as a chance to get rid of humanity.

Narrator 2 (Alice): To prove their point of view, gods use their powers to show humans’ bad actions. They
show examples of human attitudes to decide if humans deserve a second chance.


Hermes (Arthur Manhães): Take a look. These modern times are full of fake news and misinformation.

Matheus: Hey, look! Our school has announced on Instagram that bullying other students is now allowed! I
can’t believe it!

João Campos: Does it mean that now people can say whatever they want and be disrespectful to others?
That’s insane!

Lara: I heard some rumors about the school being shut down in 2025. Maybe everything is connected.

Carolina: This is breaking news! I need to announce it in today’s newspaper. I think everybody will freak
out about this.

João Campos: But what if people fell hurt? This could be very serious. You know how fake news can affect
people’s lives.

Matheus: Besides, this sounds so strange. Don’t you guys think we should check if this information is true?

Lara: Of course it is! If you saw it online, it has to be true. Just tell everyone. We must spread the word.
This is the most important: everybody will buy our newspaper.

Carolina: You’re right. No one cares if we are telling the truth or not, we must focus on selling our product.

Artemis and Demeter

Hunter (Eduardo): HAHAHA look at this animal, so distracted… perfect time to hunt it!
Demeter (Isabela Souza): Artemis, this hurts my eyes. This hunter is taking the life of this poor animal.
Artemis (Isabella Orsini): Demeter, that’s true. My eyes burn with this painful sight.
Lumberjack (João Navega): This time of the year is the best to cut trees. The trees are huge!
Artemis: Demeter, look at that mere mortal. He is destroying your creation!
Demeter (Isabela Souza): Artemis, even though it hurts me, I’m already used to this habit of humans.
Lumberjack (João Navega): HAHAHAHA today is a good day to burn this forest!
Demeter (Isabela Souza): Oh my God, that mere mortal is burning his future.
Artemis (Isabella Orsini): He is ending his own life.
Aphrodite, Hera and Hestia

Aphrodite (Isabela Santos): I’m Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. I’m really unhappy with this
family. Look what they are doing!

Hera (Ana Carolina): Yes, I understand what you are saying because I am Hera, the goddess of family and
all women. This family is arguing too much.

Hestia (Maria Eduarda): I understand you too. I’m Hestia, the goddess of home, family and fire. Wow!
The family has been bad to that little girl...

Father (Caio): You are so slim and dehydrated… you need to eat more.

Brother (João Victor): Yes, that’s right! But don’t eat too much, or you’ll get too fat. You are so ugly!

Caio: Don’t get involved, João Victor!

Brother (João Victor): Whatever, I will go to my room. I’m so tired of you, I’m tired of this place.

Daughter (Olívia Tinoco): The food here is very bad, the vegetables are old and disgusting! I hate this

Father (Caio): But you need to eat something. I will talk to your stepmother. I never had patience with girls,

Daughter (Olívia Tinoco): Ok! She understands me more than you do! You never take responsibility for

Hera: You see, they keep fighting and forgetting about what’s important.

Aphrodite: And the girl is so worried about being thin, that she doesn’t want to eat. These beauty standards
have nothing to do with the beauty I created.

Brother (João Victor): What are you doing? Why are you carrying a bag?

Daughter (Olívia Tinoco): I am running away from this house! I can’t stand this place anymore.

Brother (João Victor): You can’t do this! Father will get angry when he finds out. And what about me?
Don’t leave me alone in this place. Don’t leave me alone with him.

Daughter (Olívia Tinoco): Yes, I can, and I will. Bye bye. He is your problem now.


Olívia Cardoso: (with a can in her hands) Where is the trash can?
Patrícia: I can’t see any... let’s throw the trash in the sea.
Olívia Cardoso: But there is a sign saying that we can’t throw trash in the sea.
Patrícia: It’s only one! There’s no problem. Besides, look around. This beach is full of trash everywhere.
One more will make no difference at all.

Olívia Cardoso: Ok, then, if you say so... Look! Those boys are fishing!

Fred: I told you! This is a marine protected area. We shouldn’t fish in here.
Gabriel: So what? No one cares about that. This is a great spot to fish. Think about all the money we can
make. To be honest, I don’t care about sea animals or the environment. In the future, I won’t be here
Fred: But what about your children? Or their children? Don’t you want them to have a planet to live on?
Gabriel: I don’t care about the future. I only care about right here and right now! I’ve had an idea: let’s
compete and see who catches the most fish.

Poseidon (Bernardo V.P.): You see, my fellow gods; our beautiful waters are feeling a bit sad these days.
Well, it’s because of the reckless way humans treat the ocean and the marine life. I think humans are a lost

Ares and Athena

Ares (Bernardo Ferro): I have to say I am already satisfied with modern wars. Even though the reasons are
silly. Especially because I’m the god of war. I think humans are doomed.

Athena (Beatriz Menezes): I agree with you. The reasons are silly, indeed. As the goddess of wisdom and
battle strategy, I expected more from humans. See this...

Luana: What did you say? So, you don’t agree with me? Enough!

Arthur Miguel: That’s it. Let’s finish him off since he was the only one left!

Leonardo: Oh, no, stop it! I lost my family, my friends and my home. What else do you want to take from
me? I have nothing left.

Luana: What are your final words?

Leonardo: I hate wars! There’s nothing good about them. I think humans should stop fighting because we
are all part of the same community. Wars are bad for us.

Narrator 1 (Ana Beatriz): And so, after expressing their discontent towards humans’ behavior, the time
has come for gods to finally decide on the fate of humanity.

Narrator 2 (Alice): But wait, despite all the discussion, the final word is Zeus’ to give. After all, he is the
ruler of Mount Olympus.

Zeus (Tomás): I, father of the gods, call this debate based on the problems of today’s society. Many wars,
ocean pollution, illegal hunting, violence, fake news and family issues are some of them. I heard your
complaints carefully, but the final decision is mine to make.
Dear fellow immortals, despite their reckless ways, I believe humanity should be saved. They carry
hope in their hearts. Let’s give them another chance to learn, to grow, and to honor the gifts of nature.

The End

Where is the love?

By Black Eyed Peace

People killing, people dying
Children hurt, hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Or would you turn the other cheek?
Father, Father, Father, help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questioning
Where is the love (love)
Where is the love? (The love)
Where is the love? (The love)
Where is the love, the love, the love?

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