Discursive Essay Writing

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What is a discursive essay ?

• An essay is an extended piece of writing, in which a writer

expresses his /her point of view on the topic given.

• A discursive essay is objective and aims to give a balanced view of

both sides of an argument.

• The writer considers various aspects of the topic under discussion

and presents opposing views impartially.
Consider the following BEOFRE you begin
writing out your essay…

• You should understand and be able to ref lect both sides of the
argument in an impartial and informative way.

• The writing must be lucid, rational and objective. CALM and WELL -
SUPPORTED statements should be made.

• The tone should be unemotional and convincing WITHOUT being


• The writer may give an indication of his / her opinion at the end of
the essay, this should ONLY be added in the CONCLUSION.
1. Have I considered all viewpoints ?

2. Have I considered what evidence I am

going to include ?

3. Have I structured my essay ?


Does my introduction
Have I stated my
provide some context/
argument ?
background ?

Have I outlined areas of Have I written in the third

focus ? person ?

1. Does my introduction provide some

context / background ?

2 . Is t h e e v i d e n c e p r o v i d e d r e l e va n t ?

3 . H a ve I l i n ke d t h e e v i d e nc e t o t h e
question ?

4 . D o m y p a ra g ra p h s e a c h d e a l w i t h O N E
m a i n i s s u e O N LY ?

1 . Is m y c o n c l u s i o n c o n s i s t e n t
with the argument made in
t h e e s s ay ?

2. Does my conclusion
s u m m a r i ze m y a r g u m e n t ?

3. Have I introduced new

i n fo r m a t i o n i n t h e

1. Have I used linking words ?

2. Does my essay f low logically ?

3. Is my writing style formal / informal ?

4. Have I proofread and edited my work ?

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