Scrim Sessions

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Scrim Sessions [Version 2]

Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all
investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding
to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of
experience, and risk appetite.
Decisions to buy, sell, hold or trade in securities and other investments involve risk and are best
made based on the advice of qualified financial professionals. Any trading in securities or other
investments involves a risk of substantial losses. The practice of “Day Trading” involves
particularly high risks and can cause you to lose substantial sums of money. Before undertaking
any trading program, you should consult a qualified financial professional. Please consider
carefully whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition and ability to
bear financial risks.
No information or opinion contained in this PDF should be taken as a solicitation or offer to buy
or sell any currency, equity or other financial instruments or services. I ‘Scrim’ will not accept
liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise
directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on information contained on this site. Past
performance is no indication or guarantee of future performance.

[Non-Disclosure Agreement]

A non-disclosure agreement is a legally binding contract that establishes a confidential

relationship. The party or parties who attend the 1-1 session or purchase this online pdf are
agreeing that sensitive information will not be made available to any others. This NDA may also
be referred to as a confidentiality agreement. This is my personal plan I am sharing with you
and I wish for it to be respected. Any leaked content found will be found out quickly and
appropriate legal action will be taken which may include large fines. If you intend to use this
information to share with others please do remove yourself now and respect the privacy of
myself and my clients.

Thank-you for respecting my privacy and I welcome you to start learning from this PDF I
have put together.


Let’s get straight into it.

This trading model is based on following the open of London and New York sessions to catch
short bursts in the market using order flow. We are looking to do this on the time frames 5m
and below such as; 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m. These will be regarded as our main time frames - or
the time frames we are locating the 3 steps from (If you are unfamiliar with the steps please
refer to ‘The 3 Step Process PDF’ found inside the Discord server).

Assuming you know basic forex concepts before you are reading this. If not, take the time to
learn structure in the first section of this PDF and by looking at the past trade examples and
really practise it. Furthermore, use the resources on sites such as Babypips or inside the
Discord before you start here.

Structure is the sole most important concept of trading and it should not be rushed as you will
find yourself on the wrong side of the market over and over again, especially with this trading
style I am about to show you. This trading style is relatively paced scalping the time frames
mentioned below are preferred but if you do not have access to the M2 or M4 do not worry. You
can still trade this strategy; it just means that some price action may not be as clear as others.

The Edge Breakdown:

Strategy Time Frames (Minutes) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sessions - London, New York
Pairs: EU, GU, AU, NU and UC
Risk per trade: Dependent on trader

The concepts this PDF will cover are on the following page and these will get you on a good
path towards laying the foundations for this strategy. Some traders will pick this up in the first
couple of days and others will take countless losses and weeks of disappointment.. but nothing
good comes easy, right? Stick with it, track your progress and you will get there.

Preferred Brokers: ICMarkets or Fusion Markets as they offer ‘Raw Spread Accounts’ to ensure
you get triggered into the trades exactly where you want. If you have brokers with larger
spreads you need to factor in your spreads.



1. Structure
2. Order Blocks (a) Order Block Ranges (b)
3. Entries Overview (a) Entry Options (b)
4. Orderflow (Mitigation)
5. Targets
6. Trade Management
7. Putting it all together - The 3 Step Process

Important details to know before we start.

‘R’ is known as risk and this is the amount you are prepared to risk depending on your
position. Some traders use 0.5% and others use 1%. These percentages will all have different
monetary values which are personal to you and your risk appetite.


BOS - Break of Structure

OB - Order Block
OBR - Order Block Range
R - Risk
TP - Take Profit
SL - Stop Loss
BE - Break Even
OF - Order Flow
POI - Point of Interest
BFI - Banks and Financial Institutions
EOF - Expectational Order Flow


Concept 1 - Structure

How to determine your structure - We know that price does not move in straight lines and it
primarily creates zigzag motions across the charts. In order to determine trends I set a 2 break
rule. If price causes 2 bos in any given direction my trend has confirmed to have changed. You
will notice in ‘The 3 Step Process’ I want 2 BOS and a 50% mitigation - this confirms my
change of trend and order flow in my intended trade direction.

Bullish structure:
We see price putting in Higher Highs (HH)
followed by Higher Lows (HL). Price is flowing in
waves to the upside.
In order to confirm our HL’s we need price to body
close above our previous structure point creating
our new Higher High.

Bearish structure:
We see price putting in Lower Lows (LL) followed
by Lower Highs (LH). Price is flowing in waves to
the downside.
In order to confirm our LH’s we need price to body
close below our previous structure point creating
our new Lower Low.

Something to note regarding structure:

My structure rules are slightly different to the usual ‘Supply and Demand’ trading due to the fact
I trade the 1 minute - 5 minute and I need to get into the moves as low as possible in the leg to
make the trade worthwhile. I simply wait for body breaks above or below the previous candle
and this will confirm my structure as shown below:

Bearish Example

This structure is extremely clear to me and I can see where price intends to go. Following our
ranges we can see new lower lows being created and we are left with an entry POI at the
premium of our range. This is a perfect set up and makes complete sense in terms of trading
extremes of ranges and following structure and order flow. I will simply not take a trade if I
cannot make clear sense of price action. This requires a lot of discipline which will come in time.

Bullish Example

If you are unfamiliar with how to read structure or basic structural terms such as higher highs
and lower lows then make sure to check out content on baby pips to get up to scratch. Take
notes and practice regularly. Structure is the foundation for most strategies and without it you
will find yourself trading from zones that make no sense resulting in a very poorly constructed
edge and a lot of ‘guesswork.’ This should not be super hard to follow. Ignore the wicks and
focus solely on body breaks as this is what is most important when I view structure.
Remember these key rules:

A low is not confirmed until a new high is set in place - wait for candle closures!
A high is not confirmed until a new low is set in place.

Wait for candles to close and trade what is completely clear. If there is any confusion just leave
it. Structure is the key to most strategies so do not skip past it. It is something you need to be
testing at least 1 hour per day if you can. Get so good you don’t need to question a thing.

Concept 2(a) - Order Blocks (Point of Interests)

A Point of Interest or ‘POI’ for short is a key level which I will look to enter from. Knowing which
levels are high probability will massively increase your win rate and your overall profitability so
this is something you really need to journal and take note of. A POI comes from an order block
(OB) and without a valid OB there can be no POI. If you need examples of OB’s I have plenty of
examples in the Discord but also make sure to look out for them for yourself whilst backtesting.

In the example above we have a very clear 1 candle OB which caused the whole sell move. The
way you decide if your candle is an OB is because an OB MUST break structure. Repeat this
sentence until it is ingrained in your head. It takes a lot of power to break market structure and
as retail traders we cannot move the market in such a way. This is how we know there are
Banks and Financial Institutes (BFIs) present in the market. We are looking to ride the waves
that they create.

If you select a strong OB we will get a reaction 8 out of 10 times. Occasionally OB’s do get
violated but please remember we are trading an edge and all edges fail at times but more often
than not they will give us a reaction.

Concept 2(b) - Order Block Ranges (OBR)

What is an OBR vs an OB?

An order block range is simply the last ‘buy to sell’ move, or ‘sell to buy move’ that created the
break in market structure. Unlike an Order Block which is refined down to 1 candle an OBR
mostly consists of 2-3 candles and this shows us where the last selling or buying pressure was
before the market shift occurred.

The example below shows us that there was a bullish push up before the market changed
direction and pushed to the downside which broke our major structure (using my structure
rules). The chart below is a great example because it includes;

1. The last buy candle including the wick

2. The first sell candle including the wick
3. It also includes inefficient pricing which was created by this OBR (added confluence)

Top Tip: Make sure to include your wicks because this is where the reaction takes place. The
last bit of buying pressure is inside the wicks and it is the first area where sellers take over from
buyers. This is what price comes back to mitigate. Wicks are extremely important!

Concept 3(a) - Entries Overview

Important Information: I use limit orders to enter my trades and if you are unfamiliar with how
to use limit orders I will include a section inside the Discord FAQ. I understand a lot of traders
prefer to manual execute and this can be done too but it comes with a higher risk of error
chosen at the traders own accord.

Once you have completed 50+ entries it ends up like clockwork. I don't even think about how to
take the entry - it just occurs naturally to me. The important part is to ensure you are taking the
entry from a high probability POI which this PDF will teach you how to do.

Why do we use limit orders?

Limit orders allow traders to get into the market exactly where they want without getting filled
into a trade higher or lower than planned. If the limit order does not trigger I will wait for the next
set up. Do not try to chase a trade once it has reacted and left without you. Doing this leads to
poor psychological habits and shows a lack of discipline to your plan. Depending on your
spreads you will need to add some room to your position to make sure you get triggered and to
keep your SL safe. Examples of all my entries and how to adjust for spread will be inside the
Discord but this is how to enter on paper.

Minutes time frame entries:

1. Locate a High Probability POI (3 Steps Complete)

2. Mark 50% of the Entry POI using a Fibonacci Tool

3. Set a limit order either at the Base or the 50% of the Entry POI

4. Wait for the trade to trigger and set to BE using the Trade Management rules

5. Set your TP at the next major BOS or at 5R. Whichever comes first - be realistic and


Concept 3(b) - Entry Options

Base Entry Option (Entry Option 1)

The Base Entry Details:

In this chart image we have [the 3 steps complete] and we have our Entry POI marked with our
Fibonacci Tool. From here we set a sell limit at The Base of the Fib Tool (Where it starts) and
have our stop loss covering the Fib Tool high (OB/OBR High). This setup is now ready to go and
all we do is wait for price to retrace and trigger us in.

The Base Entry is best for traders who:

- Are new to this style of trading (less than 2 months experience)
- Work full time and have limited chart access
- Who are doing funded challenges and want to allow room for spread/error

The Base Entry downsides:

- Takes longer to hit target due to reduced RR
- Comes with more potential drawdown
- Risk takes longer to come off (Set to BE later)

The 50% Entry Option (Entry Option 2)

Same exact scenario as the previous image where we have [the 3 steps complete] and we have
our Entry POI marked with our Fibonacci Tool. The difference here is that we have set the sell
limit at The 50% (Halfway point) of the Fib Tool and have our stop loss covering the Fib High
(OB/OBR High).

The 50% Entry is best for traders who:

- Are more experienced (over 2 months experience)
- Have more chart time access and can monitor trades closer
- Are confident in refinement and locating precise order blocks and reaction points

The 50% Entry downsides:

- You will miss more trades due to overrefinement
- Requires more patience
- Can be prone to ‘chasing’ trades that react off the Base Entry

Concept 4 - Mitigation (Order flow)

This concept is the glue that holds the whole strategy together and it has taken the smart money
industry by surprise. Understanding the ‘why’ in these moves is very important and takes away
the guesswork that a lot of traders have. This concept makes full sense and most importantly it
works extremely well when understood correctly. The term order flow essentially means the
mitigation of large bank orders and once these orders have been mitigated the BFIs will push
price to the following target in line with expectational order flow. All we are doing is entering the
market at these mitigation levels and riding the BFI waves to their following targets.

Mitigation = Order flow

Mitigation can vary in how it looks and it can make sense for 1 person and not for someone else
much like any price action. That is why this edge uses an extremely systematic approach to
mitigation which has been tried and tested and shown that the probabilities are in the traders
favour time and time again. For this to work we are looking for a 50% mitigation of the
OB/OBR that caused our first initial BOS (B1). Make sure to note that down as we move
forward and I will include a clear example of an OBR mitigation below.

Order Block Range (OBR) Mitigated at 50% - Valid

Further Examples of Mitigation:

In the example above you can see price has pushed down creating B1 and returned back up to
mitigate the OBR - we are now waiting on B2 to be created for our trade set up. This OBR is a
great example as it was the catalyst of the whole down move that broke structure.

Extra tips and confluences for order block mitigations:

- Mitigation must be of a valid order block/order block range (50% must be hit)

- Using single candle order blocks will give you less trades but higher probability situations

- To qualify as an order block the candle must have caused the break in market structure

Some homework to get familiar with this concept

1. Find clear breaks of structure with strong volume (imbalance is important)

2. Locate the OB/OBR that created the break of structure

3. See if price has returned and reacted to the OB/OBR at the 50% level

4. If it did, did it respect it and break structure again? Focus on Session times.

Concept 5 - Targets

When trading the session scalps we need to be realistic and ask ourselves ‘where is the
liquidity’ as this is usually a good first target. We know liquidity sits above highs and below lows.
We also know that once price creates a BOS on a given time frame we can expect a pullback.
For this trade plan we want to target the liquidity zones and set our Full TP at this level which
should be around 5R. These targets can be hit extremely quickly using this method as we are
trading with expectational order flow.

This strategy does not focus on 50-100R trades. It focuses on achieving 5R consistently. Try to
think where liquidity is sat and decide for yourself if the trade is worth holding. If you can bank
5R early in the week it will allow you 5 free trades essentially to use to your advantage. Our
ideal aim will be 10R a month as this is enough to compound and generate great profits. Focus
on sticking to your plan and don’t let greed get in the way.

Target the next major high or low - be realistic.

We are here to make consistent money.

Concept 6 - Trade Management

The trade management plan will refer to the 5R model and the aim of this model is to build
confidence in newer smart money traders with the goal of securing them consistent profits over
time. It is a template for traders to take away and alter if they want to but it is advised to collect
adequate data before making changes to see what works best for you.

The trade management plan is detailed below:

1. Once the trade has triggered we will wait for the next major BOS on the main time frame

we are using and set it straight to breakeven.

2. When the risk is off we will set a hard TP at 5R or take 80% off at 5R and leave small

volume to run on.

3. Further targets are down to you guys to decide but our main goal is that initial 5R as this

will give us 5 times our risk and we can use this to enter future trades.

Further management notes:

- If the major BOS is too far away we can set it to BE once we are 2-3R in profit.

- The goal for most new traders today is to become funded. That is why it is suggested

that we close either 80% or 100% at the 5R target as it is not worth risking the funded

account as challenges fees do add up.

- If you can consistently make 5R per week you are 90% ahead of most traders. Stay in

your own lane and focus on your personal trade discipline.

- You can zoom out and see if price is reacting from a M15-H1-H4 POI and this can

sometimes help you decide if a trade is worth holding.

Concept 7 - The 3 Step Process [Checklist]

Step 1: A break of structure (BOS) in any direction (B1)

Step 2: A 50% mitigation of the OB or OBR that created the first break of structure
Step 3: A new break of structure in the same direction as Step 1 (B2)

Step 1 - The First Break (B1):

The First Step is a clear break of structure (BOS) in any given direction - this will show us
where price intends to go during the session we are trading (London/New York).

Once we get this BOS we will label this as our B1 and this will begin our trade story. If you do
not understand the structure rules please refer to the content inside the VIP or Discord and take
your time to learn it before rushing into live markets.

Ideally we want large trade volume and inefficient pricing to make it clear to us that Banks
and Financial Institutions were involved in the market at this point in price.

Step 2 - The Mitigation (50% of OB/OBR):

The Second Step is a clear mitigation at the 50% level of the order block (OB) OR order block
range (OBR) that caused the First BOS (B1). The mitigation will confirm that order flow is in the
market and all we need to do now is wait for our second break (B2). This step is the piece that
holds the trade puzzle together.

There is a reason why price returns back up like this and if a mitigation is completed correctly
price should go on to break structure again thus creating our textbook trade set up. Mitigations
can vary in how they look but it is important that you make clear sense of them as trading is of
course a personal journey. Refer to my examples in the Discord for reference.

*A Buy to sell range (B2S) or Sell to buy range (S2B) usually consists of 2-3 candles (more
examples of this will feature in the Discord content)

Step 3 - The Second Break (B2):

The Third Step is the exact same as step one which is a new break of structure in the same
direction as the first. It is invalid if there is not a clear mitigation at the 50% of the ‘B1 OB/OBR’
so pay close attention and do not rush into this. When I am confident with a mitigation I will
simply mark it with a green line to show it’s confirmed. The second break confirms our LTF trend
is in our desired trade direction and we are ready to go.

The entry will be taken at the order block or order block range that caused the new break of
structure. Refinement is key for our Entry POIs and there will be multiple examples inside the
discord with tips and tricks on this. I personally like my POI to be less than 2.5 pips.

Try not to complicate this strategy as it can be made extremely effortless with adequate practice
and experience over time. I will include some examples at the end of this PDF to review.

The 3 Step Process - Full Setup

This is how the desired set up would be using The 3 Step Process and this will create a very
high probability trade setup if the steps are followed correctly and with discipline. Make sure to
pay close attention to Step 2 which will likely be a new concept to a lot of traders reading this
but it is quickly becoming apparent that it’s a game changer and providing traders with a whole
new set of eyes when viewing the market.

Remove the guesswork and understand the WHY in the market and you will progress very
quickly. Pair this with a systematic approach and persistence and you will be unstoppable.

PDF Summary:

This is the end of The Scrim Session Course and the following pages will consist of textbook
examples of the ‘3 Step Process’ which I expect you guys to study and get to grips with.

This is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY intraday setup you can get from these session scalps and
the model has proven itself time and time again. They will not always look as clear as the
following examples but when they appear on my screen I am ready to get involved. Be patient
with it and screenshot and journal the ones you do see.

I hope that is clear and I am aware it is a lot to take in but what I suggest is following price
action from London/NY Open and getting very good at marking out OB’s/OBR’s, breaks of
structure and mitigation. Ask yourself where high probability POIs are and see how price reacts
to these zones. After a few weeks it will become a lot more natural I can assure you. I will
typically watch London for 1-2hr during the Open and same for NY. If you are unable to do this
then I suggest starting on the 3-5m and setting alerts following the next structure breaks.

Examples of how to build a trade plan will feature in the Mini-PDF and everything else inside the
Sessions FAQ.

I appreciate your efforts in getting to the end of this PDF but that was the easy part. Let’s get to


Textbook Examples (Including Sessions Indicator)

Description: Price was pushing down from the start of London Open - all I had to do was find a
continuation point. It is important to study structure before you are comfortable with
understanding these examples but as we can see price created a high and broke to the
downside again putting in our first session BOS (B1). This BOS came from the doji candle and
this candle was mitigated at the 50% mark so I marked it with a green trendline. Once we had
our second break (B2) I marked out the extreme buy candle that created the whole sell move
and as we can see price came back here and tagged our ‘Entry POI’ following expectational
order flow.

No entry as the POI was too large in this example but a perfect example of order flow.


Description: Super clear example and my personal favourite of this bunch. Price pushed up
and left our B1 low to be broken by a clear B2S range which created strong volume and
imbalance. This range was mitigated at the 50% mark so I marked it off with a green trendline
for simplicity. Following the B2 BOS I refined my Entry POI to the wick that caused the whole
sell move. A simple wick refinement and more on this inside the FAQ section of the Discord.

Entry taken at the 50% of the POI and 5R achieved. Base entry also gave us our 5R. Entry
options are always down to the individual.


Description: This one is easier to understand if you have studied the session structure
correctly. As we can see price made a high as the B1 candle closed above the previous candle
and I waited for this high to be broken with a body break. The wick that created the BOS was
my OB in this example and I explain why I use wicks inside the FAQ section of the Discord.
Inside this wick is where the last sell pressure was before the buyers took over and created the
BOS - this is extremely important to understand and it will make more sense with market
experience. The wick OB was quickly mitigated by the following wick before price went on to
create the next BOS and give us our entry POI on our second OB.

Base Entry taken on the POI and 5R secured.


Description: Price pushed up from London Open therefore I was anticipating a correction and a
retrace back down. I waited for The 3 Steps including the 50% mitigation of the B2S Range -
this one was more unclear than others but I knew the move originated from the extreme so I
highlighted that candle as my OB. The second OB which created B2 was a very clear single
candle OB to set a limit on and once triggered in price ran to the target of 5R following
expectational order flow.


Description: A simple textbook set up - make sure to understand structure here as there was a
candle body closure below the previous candle therefore our B1 low was formed. Once the B1
low broke there was a clean B2S range responsible which got mitigated at the 50% and price
went on to create our second BOS (B2). The Entry POI was the OB that created the second
BOS (B2) and a simple base entry taken and 5R secured.


Description: Clear bullish intentions following London Open. A few sweeps of liquidity which is
common on GU but with The 3 Steps we do not need to think too much. Simply confirm the
mitigation at the 50% of the OB/OBR and locate our Entry POI. Slightly larger SL here at just
over 6 pips but a quick 5R secured from this trade. This is not complicated and anyone can
achieve this.


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