Go Ishi Nadine R.

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Guide Questions

1. Describe briefly the community profile pointing out all the social determinants for health.

The strategic location of Tandubuay, San Pablo makes it a community where people thrive on making
a living by the sea through fishing. However, with people living nearby the shore, come with
detrimental effects to their health and to the environment. The most concerning factor in the
community are their:

Physical environment
1. The absence of restrooms and adequate sanitation facilities for waste management
2. Because individuals and households do not have access to the restrooms, comfort rooms, or drainage
systems that are designed for their trash, they are forced to dispose of their waste in public areas.
3. Some people keep their pigs and other livestock animals, including chickens and goats, in the
basements of their homes, which leads to the excrement from these animals being dumped into the

These factors led to a decline in the quality of the marine life, which in turn increased the danger to the
safety and health of people.

Lack of access to healthy options

1. A number of establishments in Tandubuay that sell food and groceries to the locals are operating
without having obtained the necessary health certifications and sanitary permits, which has led to an
increase in the number of instances of diarrhea, utis, and other gastrointestinal illnesses.
2. Because of the low number of homes who cultivate their own vegetable and fruit supplies, the
prevalence of malnutrition, particularly in children, is considerable.
3. There are only a few houses that have access to a supply of safe and drinkable water, and the majority
of households instead choose to consume water from wells or other questionable sources, which puts
them at danger of being contaminated.

2. Identify at least five ( 5 ) health problems affecting the community and their interventions. Fill out
the table below:
Health Problems Interventions Outputs Outcome
Lack of access to Communicated with Formation of solid 100% of households
safe and potable the community waste management gave safe access to
water members, discussions board clean water and have
about problem solving toilets
Road rehabilitations
Imposing strict
compliance of Mineral Water
republic act 9003 Analysis
(Ecological Solid
DAR & DILG gave
the barangay a water
Waste Management fund to fix the water
of Year 2000) system
Lack of comfort Communicated with Making of Toilet 100% of households
rooms the community Bowls gave safe access to
members, discussions clean water and have
about problem solving toilets

Making of ordinances

Lack of access to Communicated with Imposition of No more vendors/

healthy options the community barangay health and food stalls that are in
members, discussions sanitation certificates business without
about problem solving and permits proper permits

Making of ordinances All residents should

have plant, crops and
vegetable sources
Diseases (diarrhea, Communicated with DOH’s initiative: No more cases of
UTI, typhoid fever, the community Deworming diarrhea, dengue and
dengue) members, discussions typhoid fever
about problem solving Salt testing
The mothers are
Making of ordinances Breastfeeding more attentive to the
program welfare of their
household and
Infant and young children.
child feeding

Establishment of

Hand washing
lectures by DepEd

Clean up drives

Imposition of
barangay health
Lack of proper waste Communicated with Making of drainage All households have
system the community per household their own MRF and
members, discussions Compost piles
about problem solving Imposition of having a
designated compost No more people
Making ordinances bin each household throwing garbage
everywhere and
Collection of garbage defecating in the
2 times a month waters/ sea.


3. What factors facilitated and hindered their success? Please provide justification.

One of the reasons for their level of success is because they have a powerful leader who wields a significant amount
of influence on the people. Their leader was aware of the issues they were having and, with the members' assistance,
he resolved them. Their leader has demonstrated compassion for the difficulties faced by the people, and he is also
motivated to assist them. The fact that the members contributed to the projects also played a role in the
organization's overall success.
It was not stated in the video, but somehow, in a normal setting, there will always be people who are non-compliant
to the new ordinances, or to the interventions that are being done to solve the problem. This was a factor that
hindered their success and was also a factor that its people were responsible for. Although there will always be
people who break the rules and refuse to participate, the fact that these people exist is one of the many reasons why
we should keep working toward their objectives.
Another aspect to consider is the availability of funds. Given that the local economy is dependent solely on fishing
and other forms of subsistence agriculture, it is reasonable to anticipate that the programs' budgets will be
inadequate. Thankfully, however, there are organizations that have assisted the community in achieving their goals.

4. What are your inferences from this documentary film? How do communities grow and develop? How
should the public health nurse work with communities? How can you apply your learnings gained in
actual community health nursing practice?

Through watching this documentary video, I've gained the knowledge that if a community is intent on
accomplishing a goal, they can do so via dedication to the task at hand and bayanihan. I feel that the
people behind the projects built a strong and appropriate relationship with the people, which
translated into more people volunteering for the projects after they were implemented, despite the fact
that maintaining the initiatives that were implemented is not easy. Communities thrive and advance
because of the people who live in them, from the elected leaders to the average citizen. If everyone in
the community takes part in problem-solving efforts and actively communicates with one another, the
community will prosper. If individuals have a robust sense of ties with one another and work toward a
shared objective, then developments are likely to occur. How should the nurse working in public
health interact with the community?

How can you apply your learnings gained in actual community health nursing practice?

The requirements of the community should always come first for public health nurses, and they should
anticipate what the community will require the most. Throughout my experience as a community health nurse,
I will always remember the primary and secondary aims of CHN. The primary goal is to assist a community in
protecting and preserving the health of its people, and the secondary goal is to encourage self-care among
individuals and families. When I am doing this, I will make sure that the people are engaged with me, as we
should have a shared goal. I will be able to accomplish this by creating a good bond and rapport with them. The
knowledge that I have gained via CHN practice will also be implemented in the context of my day-to-day
interactions at school, with my other classmates, and even at home with my own family. I am also reminded that
I am a member of the community that I am in, which indicates that I also have a responsibility to do what I can
in order for us to thrive as a whole.

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