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Be deaf to negative thoughts if

your aim is to reach your goals.

36th lesson
Monday, 16th January 2023
Warm-up activity (speaking). Homework
assignment: setting goals and actions to fulfil
them. Listening activity: watching a short video
(“Decisions, decisions”)- filling the blanks
(Decision-making model). Grammar practice:
future forms.
23rd January

What? When? How? Where?

(How am I going to put
(learning / attitudes) it in ACTION?)
Ganhos Perdas

Se cumprir

Se não cumprir
Note taking:

. Ways of expressing the future

(Pages 56 & 228)

. Degrees of adjectives | Comparing things

(Pages 60 – 61 & 229)
Writing (Project work):
2nd February (Thursday)
Listening & Reading:
6th February (Monday)
Use of language:
9th February (Thursday)

How do I prepare myself for the written evaluation?

. Do the exercises from the book and check the answers on my notes or in Moodle
. Do the online exercises in Moodle
. (Re)Read and rewrite texts we worked in lessons and are in the textbook as well.
37th – 38th lessons
Thursday, 19th January 2023

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