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Hanoi, 2021



1. Lecturers

Instructors Telephone Email

Nguyễn Thụy Phương Lan 0912210707

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Vân 0903276616

Nguyễn Thanh Thuỷ 0986411996

Trần Thu Hà 0916602266

Cấn Thị Chang Duyên 0982468881

Hoàng Thị Mỵ 0989320843

Dương Thị Lê Dung 0942966105

Bùi Thị Ánh Dương 0904272267

Lê Thị Hồng Duyên 0912489409

Bùi Thị Minh Trang 097 1634082

2. Course information
- Course title: English for Tourism
- Code: ENG3070
- Credits: 3
- Course status: Selective
- Prerequisites: 3C

- Subsequent courses:
- Course requirements: In-class learning and practice participation
- Credits for activities:
+ In-class lectures: 20
+ In-class tasks: 00
+ Discussion: 06
+ Practice, tasks: 00
+ Self-study: 04
- Address: Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, Pham Van Dong road,
Cau Giay, Ha Noi
3. Objectives and course outcomes
3.1. General objectives
English for Tourism is an advanced course designed for the third and fourth-year
students of English. The course is designed to enhance the language proficiency of
learners and other skills such as problem solving, presenting skill, critical thinking and
critical reading skills of relevant issues. The course will also better the knowledge of
leaners about life aspects, current social problems and specific skills necessary for
future jobs.
3.2. Specific objectives
By the end of the course, students will be equipped with substantial knowledge,
skills and learning attitudes:
In terms of knowledge, students will be able to:
- Present the basic concepts and issues discussed in the course;
- Demonstrate knowledge of the significance of tourism;
- Apply gained knowledge in discussing, analysing and giving opinions about the
most common issues related to the tourism industry Vietnam and the world;
- Develop appropriate concerns about current tourism activities/ trends in Vietnam
and the world;
- Suggest the research process of the tourism industry.

In terms of skills, students will be able to:

- Improve logical/critical thinking, all the four language skills and translation
- Develop appropriate independent study skills and collaborative skills in
language learning;
- Enhance communicative skills, problem-solving skills, presentation skills
In terms of attitude, students will be able to:
- Be interested in English for Tourism;
- Be more confident in this field;
- Be responsible for the development of tourism in general;
- Have opportunities to express the awareness of the field of English for tourism;
- Have a more positive attitude in scientific research in this field;
- Be self-aware of the ability and virtue necessary to better the knowledge and
skills related to specific English.
4. Brief content of the course
This course provides students with the general knowledge of Tourism, Vietnam
tourism and components of tourism in general. Moreover, specific understanding of
tourism marketing, conducting a tour, career and work experience in tourism is also
mentioned in the course.

5. Course contents

Content 1. Tourism in perspective

1.1. Course objectives and requirements
1.2. Main contents of the course
1.3. Test and evaluation methods of ways of learning
1.4. Reference materials
1.5. Overview of English for Tourism
1.6. Definitions of tourism
1.7. Overview of types of tourism and differences between the various types of tourism
1.8. Case study

Content 2. Components of Tourism

2.1. Components of tourism
2.2. Basic approaches to the study of tourism
2.3. Economic importance of tourism
2.4. Benefits and cost of tourism
2.5. Case study

Content 3. Vietnam tourism

3.1. Tourist destinations
3.2. Famous landscapes, historical and cultural sites
3.3. Case study
Content 4. Cultural tourism and Ecotourism
4.1. Definitions of cultural tourism
4.2. Nature and characteristics of cultural tourism
4.3. Trends in cultural tourism development
4.4. Definition of ecotourism
4.5. Benefits and importance of Ecotourism
4.6. Dangers and limitations of Ecotourism
4.7. Case study

Content 5. Conducting a tour

5.1. Why taking a tour?
5.2. Types of tour guides
5.3. Appeal of tour conducting
5.4. Downside of tour management
5.5. Personality of tour management
5.6. Case study

Content 6. Services in tourism

6.1. Food and beverage
6.2. Recreation in tourism
6.3. Customer service in tourism
6.4. Accommodation
6.5. Trends and issues
6.6. Case study

Content 7. Tourism marketing

7.1. Marketing: definitions and concepts
7.2. Features of tourism marketing
7.3. Marketing planning
7.4. Case study
Content 8. Career and Work experience
8.1. Career planning
8.2. Work experience
8.3. Integrating planning with education and experience
8.4. Case study
6. Learning materials
6.1. Core course book
English for Tourism, ESP Group
6.2. Reference books
1. Andy, Drumm, and Alan Moore. (2004). Ecotourism development: A manual for
conservation managers and planners. Volume 2. The nature conservancy. USA
2. Simon, H. (2005). Marketing for tourism and hospitality: a Canadian perspective.
Nelson Thomson. Canada
3. Fletcher, J., Fyall, A., Wanhill, S. & Gilbert, D. (2018). Tourism: Principles and
Practice, 6th Edition. Pearson Education. UK.

7. Teaching organizational form

7.1. General schedule
Teaching organizational form Total Assessment
Week Content Theory Practice/ Self-
discussion study
Week 1 Orientation 2 1 6

Week 2 Chapter 1 2 1 6
Week 3 Chapter 2 2 1 6
Week 4 Chapter 3 2 1 6
Week 5 Chapter 4 2 1 6
Week 6 Case study 1 2 6 Assignment (by
individuals): Write
a report about the
given case
Week 7 Chapter 5 2 1 6
Week 8 Chapter 6 2 1 6
(part 1)
Week 9 Chapter 6 2 1 6
(part 2)
Week 10 Chapter 7 2 1 6
Week 11 Introduction 2 1 6
to Lean
Week 12 Chapter 8 2 1 6
Week 13 Tutorial on 1 2 6 Assignment (in
Final groups): Write a
Week 14 Presentation 0 3 6 marketing plan and
present about the
Week 15 Presentation 0 3 6
designed tour.
Total 24 21 90 135

7.2. Specific schedule for each content

Week 1. Course orientation: introduction and policy of the course

Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory: In-class • Orientation Read the syllabus
2 credits ✓ Introduce the position, role of Bring reference
the course. materials (core
✓ Main contents of the course reference materials)
✓ Introduce the learning
✓ Explain course requirements
✓ Suggest reading materials,
instruct students’ preparation
and homework, …
• Tasks for self-study

Practice Discuss provided topics

Self-study At home Follow teacher’s instructions Prepare learning

materials, course
Week 2. Chapter 1. Tourism in perspective
Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory: In class ✓ Course objectives and Read course book
2 credits Chapter 1
requirements Read reference
✓ Main contents of the course
✓ Test and evaluation methods
of ways of learning
✓ Reference materials
✓ Overview of English for
✓ Definition of tourism
✓ Overview of forms of tourism
and differences between the
various forms of tourism
✓ Case study
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self-study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group
Week 3. Chapter 2. Components of Tourism
Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class ✓ Components of tourism Read coursebook
2 credits Chapter 2
✓ Basic approaches to the study
Read reference
of tourism materials
✓ Economic importance of
✓ Benefits and cost of tourism
✓ Case study
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group
Week 4. Chapter 3. Vietnam tourism
Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class ✓ 3.1. Tourist destinations Read course book
2 credits Chapter 3
✓ 3.2. Famous landscapes,
Read reference
historical and cultural sites materials
✓ 3.3. Case study
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group

Week 5. Chapter 4. Cultural tourism and Ecotourism

Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class ✓ 4.1. Definitions of cultural Read course book
2 credits Chapter 4
Read reference
✓ 4.2. Nature and characteristics materials
of cultural tourism
✓ 4.3. Trends in cultural tourism
✓ 4.4. Definition of Ecotourism
✓ 4.5. Benefits and importances
of Ecotourism
✓ 4.6. Dangers and limitations
of Ecotourism
✓ 4.7. Case study
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group

Week 6. Case study

Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class • Give instructions on the case study Read reference
2 credits • Discuss the case study materials

Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grades for individual reports of
nt the given case (which will be
submitted by week 8)
Week 7. Chapter 5. Conducting tours
Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class Read course book
✓ 5.1. Why taking a tour?
2 credits Chapter 5
Read reference
✓ 5.2. Types of tour guides materials
✓ 5.3. Appeal of tour conducting

✓ 5.4. Downside of tour


✓ 5.5. Personality of tour


✓ 5.6. Case study

Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group
Week 8. Chapter 6. Services in tourism (part 1)
Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class ✓ 6.1. Food and beverage Read course book
2 credits Chapter 6 (P1)
✓ 6.2. Recreation in tourism
Read reference
✓ 6.3. Customer service in materials
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group

Week 9. Chapter 6. Services in tourism (part 2)

Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class ✓ 6.4. Accommodation Read course book
2 credits Chapter 6 (P2)
✓ 6.5. Trends and issues
Read reference
✓ 6.6. Case study materials

Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self-study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group

Week 10. Chapter 7. Tourism in marketing

Teaching Time/ ✓ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class ✓ 7.1. Marketing : definitions Read course book
2 credit Chapter 7
and concepts
Read reference
✓ 7.2. Features of tourism
✓ 7.3. Marketing planning
✓ 7.4. Case study
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grade for presentation of the
nt assigned group
Week 11. Introduction to Lean Canvas
Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class • Give instructions to Lean Canvas Read reference
Credits: 2 materials

Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1

Week 12. Chapter 8. Career and Work experience

Teaching Time/ Main contents ✓ Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class ✓ 8.1. Career planning Read course book
2 credits Chapter 8
✓ 8.2. Work experience
Read reference
✓ 8.3. Integrating planning with materials
education and experience
✓ 8.4. Case study
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss provided topics Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grades for presentation of
nt several groups in class

Week 13. Tutorial on Final Project

Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class • Give feedback on final assignment Read reference
preparation materials

Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Discuss and consult the teacher about Discuss in groups and
the final projects prepare for final
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grades for presentation of
nt several groups in class

Week 14+15. Presentation and assessment

Teaching Time/ Main contents Students’ Notes
organizati Place preparations
onal form
Theory In class • Assess students’ preparations and Read reference
presentations materials
• Give feedback
Exercise In class x x
Practice In class Deliver presentations Discuss in groups and
prepare for
Self study At home Follow Week 1
Assessme Give grades for presentation of
nt several groups in class

8. Policies to the course

➢ Fully follow and complete the tasks included in the course schedule;
➢ Hand in exercises on schedule;
➢ Fully attend the class, students absent for more than 20% of in-class hours will
not be allowed to present the final project;
➢ Discuss in class and present following the requirements;
➢ Carefully prepare for lessons before attending the class according to the course
9. Methods, test format and assessment of the course
9.1. Assessment forms
Assessment Percentage Requirements, objectives
01. 20% Requirements:
• Work in groups, study all the requirements and
objectives carefully

• Summarize the chapter

• Prepare a PowerPoint presentation

• Encourage students’ group working skills and critical
02. Case 20 % Requirements:
• Students work individually

• Give opinions about an issue on tourism

• Help students to recall previous knowledge
• Help students to understand the given case
• Help students to analyze the problems in the case
• Help students to synthesize different sources of
materials to give solutions/ recommendations for the
03. Project 60% Requirements:
• Students work in groups of 4-5
• Design a tour and prepare a marketing plan for a
tourist destination
✓ Help students revise and apply what they have learnt
during the course

✓ Improve students’ problem solving, critical thinking,
presentation and group working skills
✓ Master students’ writing skill

9.2. Assignment description

Assignment 1: Chapter Summary
Description of assignment

Students work in groups of 3-4.

Before each lesson/unit/module:

(1) Study the module objectives carefully;

(2) Read the chapter and do note-taking or answer questions in Module review;

(3) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (applicable to the assigned group);

(4) Prepare at least 1 question to check peers’ understanding

During class time, the teacher will:

(1) Ask the assigned group to present the chapter summary;

(2) Ask other groups to give feedback or ask questions;

(3) Summarize the main points and make any remarks necessary

Students’ presentation slides will be kept in a portfolio and will be graded. This comes
to 20% of the assessment.

Assignment 2: Case study

Description of assignment

- Teacher gives students a case study about an issue in the tourism industry.
- Students work individually to choose a problem to write.
- Students read materials and other sources of references and prepare to answer all
the questions in the case study.
- Students hand in the case study as requested.
2021 Case study sample

General requirements:

❖ You are supposed to write a report (500-700 words) on the impacts of Covid-
19 on ONE sector of the tourism industry (e.g. transportation,
accommodation, food and beverage, recreation and entertainment, and travel
services), in which you should provide/analyze background information, the
effects of Covid-19 and measures that have been taken. Besides,
recommendations should be given to minimize such effects and to support
people and businesses through the crisis.

❖ It is suggested that you should include images, examples, and data from
different reliable sources. Personal perspectives are encouraged and highly

❖ In addition, you should avoid plagiarism, which will be penalized by

deducting 50% from your overall score of this assignment.

❖ This assignment is done individually.

❖ Both hard copy and soft copy should be submitted by Week 10.

Assignment 3: Project
Description of assignment

Students are supposed to:

- Work in groups of 4-5.
- Prepare a video of 5-7 minutes about a destination.
- Write a description, analysis and evaluation of the destination.
- Write a marketing plan to promote the destination
- Present the marketing plan in class
- Submit the report after the presentation

9.3. Assessment criteria
Marking rubrics for chapter summary

Distinction (9-
Criteria Good (7-8) Competent (5-6) Weak (< 5)

- Fully - Understand most Understand some Do not understand

understand all of the main points parts of the chapter any of the main
Main points
the main points of the chapter points of the
25% of the chapter chapter

Fully achieve the Mostly achieve Partly achieve the Not achieve any
objectives of the the objectives of objectives of the of the objectives
Objectives chapter the chapter chapter of the chapter

Sequence Sequence Sequence Information is not

information and information and information and relevant and not
ideas logically ideas logically: ideas: main points logically
and coherently: main points and and supporting organized.
Clarity main points and supporting points points
20% supporting points
- Some of the main
points may not be

Good use of Good use of Adequate use of Many of the

vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary, but vocabulary are
especially especially some are wrongly wrongly used.
specialized specialized used
Vocabulary vocabulary in the vocabulary in the
Sentence structures structures are all
and grammar area. area.
are mostly simples simples
10% Sentence Sentence
Some grammatical Many
structures are structures are
mistakes which grammatical
various and various.
may cause mistakes which
shifted flexibly.
No grammatical misunderstanding cause
mistakes misunderstanding
- Appropriate - Mostly - Quite appropriate - problems with
pronunciation appropriate pronunciation pronunciation
and fluency pronunciation
- Fluent and at - Speak slowly - Speak slowly
10% ease - Fluent and not confident

- Answer all Answer most Answer some Cannot answer

questions by questions by questions by some questions by
teacher and teacher and peers. teacher and peers. teacher and peers
Q and A
- Show - Show some - Show little
- Show in-depth understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of syllabus design. syllabus design. syllabus design.
syllabus design.

Marking rubrics for case study

Distinction (8-
Criteria Good (6-7) Competent (4-5) Weak (< 4)

Discuss a few of
Discuss most
Discuss all the important
important aspects
important aspects aspects of the
of the background
of the background background of the
of the case Do not discuss
of the case case
the aspects,
Presentation of Identify most
Identify all Identify a few problems and
the case (25%) problems in the
problems in the problems in the recommendations
case case of the case
Suggest some
Suggest personal Suggest some
recommendations personal
Discuss a
Discuss an in-
Discuss a mostly somewhat
depth and critical
thorough thorough
assessment of the
assessment of the assessment of the
facts of the case
facts of the case facts of the case
in relation to Do not discuss a
in relation to in relation to
available research critical
available research available research
Analysis/ Weigh and assess assessment of the
Solutions (25%) Weigh and assess Weigh and assess case and do not
a variety of
some alternative a limited variety present viable
alternative actions
actions that of alternative options
that address
address multiple actions that
multiple issues in
issues in the case, address multiple
the case, all of
all of which are issues in the case,
which are realistic
realistic options all of which are
realistic options

Sequence Sequence Sequence Information is
information and information and information and not relevant and
ideas logically ideas logically: ideas: main points not logically
Organization/ and coherently: main points and and supporting organized.
Structure (20%) main points and supporting points points
supporting points
Some of the main
points may not be
Propose Propose
Propose some
recommendations, recommendations,
Evidence/ valid evidence valid evidence
evidence from Do not propose
Applications from in-depth from in-depth
analysis and a low recommendations
(20%) analysis and a analysis and a
level of
high level of level of
applicability applicability

Quality of
Graphics/Visuals Show plentiful Show plentiful Show some Show plentiful
(10%) and vivid visuals visuals visuals and vivid visuals

Criteria for project

Products Format Requirements
A written paper ✓ Format: 13inch, 1.5 The writing should include:
spacing ✓ A brief introduction to the
✓ Details destination
✓ Name of the project ✓ SWOT analysis
✓ Teacher’s name ✓ Tour descriptions
✓ Group members ✓ Marketing plan
✓ Length: 2,500-3000 words
A powerpoint ✓ 01 video clip (5-10 A presentation includes a brief
presentation minutes) introduction of the tour, a marketing
✓ 01 presentation (30 plan and a video about the
minutes) destination.
✓ (Students are encouraged
to be in the video)

Marking rubrics for Final project:
(The written paper-30%; The presentation-70%)

Distinction Good Competent Weak

(9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (< 5)

The written paper (30%)

- Fully address - Address most -Address some Only address 2-3

all the main of the main parts of the main parts of the main
points in the points in the points in the points in the
given given given marketing given marketing
marketing marketing template template
template template (introduction, (introduction,
Content (introduction, (introduction, current market current market
20% current market current market situation, SWOT situation, SWOT
situation, situation, analysis, analysis,
SWOT SWOT marketing marketing
analysis, analysis, strategy, action strategy, action
marketing marketing plans) plans)
strategy, strategy, action
action plans) plans)

Give valid Give quite Give some valid Give little or no

evidence and valid evidence evidence and valid evidence
logical and logical some illustration and logical
illustration to illustration to to the description illustration to the
the description the description and analysis of description and
and analysis of and analysis of the destination analysis of the
the destination the destination destination

The presentation (70%)

Produce an Produce a quite Produce a Produce a

attractive attractive promotional promotional
promotional promotional video with a video with poor
Video video with a video with a combination of quality images,
combination of combination of some quality music and
20% high-quality quite good images, music subtitles
images, music quality images, and subtitles
and subtitles music and

Present Present Present Present
Presentation content information information information and information and
and ideas and ideas quite ideas logically ideas logically
20% logically and logically and and coherently to and coherently
coherently coherently some extent
Engage and Engage and Engage and Fail to engage
Engagement attract all attract most of attract audience to and attract all
10% audience to the audience to the the presentation audience to the
presentation presentation to some extent presentation

Pronunciation - Appropriate - Mostly - Quite - Problems with

pronunciation appropriate appropriate pronunciation
and fluency pronunciation pronunciation
- Fluent and at - Speak slowly
10% ease - Fluent - Speak slowly and not confident
- Answer all Answer most Answer some Cannot answer
questions by questions by questions by some questions
Q and A
teacher and teacher and teacher and peers. by teacher and
10% peers. peers. peers

9.4. Timeline for assignments

Assignments Time
Chapter summary Weekly
Case study Week 8
Project presentation and Week 14, 15

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