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Enrollment No: 221041303001



Integrated M.Sc. SEM. III (COMPUTER), Year 2023-24(ODD SEM)




(Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University)

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This is certify that the work carried out by Mr./Ms. _

Enrollment No. student of Computer Engineering, semester III of session 2023-

2024 has satisfactorily completed at Gujarat Power Engineering and Research
Institute, Mehsana. This manual is record of his/her
own work of subject out under competent carried
supervision and guidance.

Date of Submission:

Faculty In-charge Head Of Department

Prof. Harsha Gangadiya Prof. Khyati Prajapati

Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute, Mehsana
(A constituent college of Gujarat Technological University)
Integrated M.Sc. SEM. III (Computer Science), Year: 2023-24
2022-23 (ODD Semester)
Subject Name: Digital Electronics, Subject Code: 1330302

Study of the operation of OR, AND, NOT,
1 NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR gate and to verify
its truth table.
To design NOT, OR, AND Gate using NAND
and NOR Gate.

3 To verify De Morgan’s Theorem.

To study and verify Truth Table of Binary

Half Adder, Full Adder and Half Subtractor.
To study and verify the truth table of 4-to-1
5 Line Multiplexer and 1-to-4 Line
To study and verify the Truth Table of 8-to-3
Line Encoder and 3-to-8 Line Decoder.
Study of 4-bit serial in serial out shift register.
Study of 3-bit serial in serial out shift register.
Study of 4-bit serial in parallel out shift
8 register. Study of 3-bit serial in parallel out
shift register.
Study of 4-bit parallel in serial out shift
9 register. Study of 3-bit parallel in serial out
shift register.
Study of 4-bit parallel in parallel out shift
10 register. Study of 3-bit parallel in parallel out
shift register.
Study of 4-bit synchronous binary up counter.
Study of 4-bit binary ripple up/down counter.

Experiment 1
Objective :
Study of the operation of OR gate and to verify its truth table.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table :
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth Table :
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
OR Gate 1 1 1
Figure 4
Circuit Diagram :

Figure 5

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 11


1. Connect inputs D0 and D1 as inputs of OR gate, A and B, and connect output Y
to the D7 of output section LED.
2. Plug in the +5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
3. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to OFF, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D7’s LED.
4. Record your observation into the observation table.
5. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01, AB=10 and
AB=11 and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.
Now match your observation table with the Truth table of OR gate.
Observation Table:
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D7)

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Experiment 2
Objective :
Study of the operation of AND gate and to verify its truth table.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table :
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth Table X Y Z
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Figure 6
Circuit Diagram :

Figure 7

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Procedure :
1. Connect inputs D0 and D1 as inputs of OR gate, A and B, and connect output Y
to the D0 of output section LED.
2. Plug in the +5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
3. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to OFF, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D0’s LED.
4. Record your observation into the observation table.
5. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01,AB=10 and AB=11
and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.
6. Now match your observation table with the Truth table of AND gate.
Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 14


Experiment 3
Objective :
Study of the operation of NOT gate and to verify its truth table.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table:
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth Table :

0 1
1 0

Figure 8
NOT Gate :
Circuit Diagram :

Figure 9

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Procedure :
1. Connect input D0 of input section to the input A of NOT gate, and connect
output Y to the D0 of output section.
2. Plug in the +5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
3. Now set switch input of NOT gate (D0 of input section) to 0 and observe the
output Y (D0 of output section).
4. Record your observation into the observation table.
5. Now set input to 1 and observe the output.
6. Now match your observation table with the Truth table of NOT gate.
Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

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Experiment 4
Objective :
Study of the operation of NAND gate and to verify its truth table.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table:
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth Table :
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
NAND Gate :
Figure 10
Circuit Diagram :

Figure 11

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Procedure :
1. Connect inputs D0 and D1 as inputs of NAND gate, A and B, and connect
output Y to the D0 of output section LED.
2. Plug in the +5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
3. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to OFF, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D0’s LED.
4. Record your observation into the observation table.
5. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01, AB=10 and
AB=11 and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.
6. Now match your observation table with the Truth table of NAND gate.
Observation Table :

A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

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Experiment 5
Study of the operation of NOR gate and to verify its truth table.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table:
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth Table:
0 0 1
0 1 0
. 1 0 0
1 1 0
NOR Gate
Figure 12
Circuit Diagram :

Figure 13

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Procedure :
1. Connect inputs D0 and D1 as inputs of NOR gate, A and B, and connect output
Y to the D7 of output section LED.
2. Plug in the +5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
3. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to OFF, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D7’s LED.
4. Record your observation into the observation table.
5. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01, AB=10 and
AB=11 and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.
6. Now match your observation table with the Truth table of NOR gate.
Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 20


Experiment 6
Objective :
Study of the operation of XOR gate and to verify its truth table.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table :
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth Table
0 0 0
0 1 1
. 1 0 1
1 1 0

Figure 14
XOR Gate
Circuit Diagram :

Figure 15

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Procedure :
1. Connect inputs D0 and D1 as inputs of XOR gate, A and B, and connect output
Y to the D0 of output section LED.
2. Plug in the +5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
3. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to OFF, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D0’s LED.
4. Record your observation into the observation table.
5. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01, AB=10 and
AB=11 and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.
6. Now match your observation table with the Truth table of XOR gate.
Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

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Experiment 7
Objective :
Study of the operation of XNOR gate and to verify its truth table.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table :
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth Table

0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Figure 16
Circuit Diagram :

Figure 17

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Procedure :
1. Connect inputs D0 and D1 as inputs of XNOR gate, A and B, and connect
output Y to the D0 of output section LED.
2. Plug in the +5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
3. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to OFF, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D0’s LED.
4. Record your observation into the observation table.
5. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01, AB=10 and
AB=11 and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.
6. Now match your observation table with the Truth table of XNOR gate.
Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

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Experiment 1
To design a NOT gate using NAND gate and to verify its truth table with conventional
NOT gate.
Truth table of a NOT gate:
0 1
1 0

Circuit diagram:

Fig. 2

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1. First connect input A of NAND1 to its input B.
2. Now Connect input D0 of input section to either A or B of NAND1.
3. Connect output of NAND1 (Y) to D0 of output section.
4. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
5. Now set D0 of input section to 0.
6. Record your observation into the observation table.
7. Now set D0 to 1 and record output into the observation table.
8. Now compare your observation table with the Truth table of Conventional NOT gate.

Observation Table:
D0(A/B) Y(D0)

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Experiment 2
To design an AND gate using NAND gates and to verify its truth table with
conventional AND gate.
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth table of an AND gate:
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Logic diagram:

Fig. 3

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1. Connect input D0 of input section to input A of NAND2 and D1 to its input B.
2. Connect output of NAND2, which is (A.B)’ to input of NAND3, which is nothing but
a NOT using NAND.
3. Connect output of NAND3(Y) to the D0 of output section.
4. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
5. Now set A and B as 00 respectively by switching D0 and D1 to 0.
6. Record your observation into the observation table.
7. Similarly set other combinations of A and B like 01, 10, 11 and record corresponding
outputs into the observation table.
8. Now compare your observation table with the Truth table of Conventional AND gate.
Observation Table:

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Experiment 3
Objective :
To design an OR gate using NAND gates and to verify its truth table with
conventional OR gate.
Truth table of an OR gate:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Circuit diagram:

Fig. 4

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Procedure :
1. Connect input D0 of input section to input A of NAND4.
2. Connect input D1 of input section to input B of NAND5.
3. Connect output of NAND4, which is A’ to the first input of NAND6.
4. Connect output of NAND5, which is B’ to the second input of NAND6.
5. Connect output of NAND6 (Y) to the D0 of output section.
6. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
7. Now set A and B as 00 respectively by switching D0 and D1 to 0.
8. Record your observation into the observation table.
9. Similarly set other combinations of A and B like 01, 10, 11 and record corresponding
outputs into the observation table.
10. Now compare your observation table with the Truth table of Conventional OR gate.
Observation Table :


Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 11


Experiment 4
Objective :
To design a NOT gate using NOR gate and to verify its truth table with conventional
NOT gate.
Truth table of a NOT gate :
0 1
1 0

Circuit diagram :

Fig. 5

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Procedure :
1. First connect input A of NOR 1 to its input B.
2. Now Connect input D0 of input section to either A or B of NOR 1.
3. Connect output of NOR 1 (Y) to D7 of output section.
4. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
5. Now set D0 of input section to 0.
6. Record your observation into the observation table.
7. Now set D0 to 1 and record output into the observation table.
8. Now compare your observation table with the Truth Table of Conventional NOT
Observation Table :
D0(A/B) Y(D7)

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 13


Experiment 5
Objective :
To design an OR gate using NOR gates and to verify its truth table with conventional
OR gate.
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0 = GND)
Truth table of an OR gate :
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Circuit diagram :

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Procedure :
1. Connect input D0 of input section to input A of NOR 2 and D1 to its input B.
2. Connect output of NOR2, which is (A+B)’ to input of NOR 3, which is nothing but a
NOT using NAND.
3. Connect output of NOR3(Y) to the D7 of output section.
4. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
5. Now set A and B as 00 respectively by switching D0 and D1 to 0.
6. Record your observation into the observation table.
7. Similarly set other combinations of A and B like 01, 10, 11 and record corresponding
outputs into the observation table.
8. Now compare your observation table with the Truth table of Conventional OR gate.
Observation Table :

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 15


Experiment 6
Objective :
To design an AND gate using NOR gates and to verify its truth table with
conventional AND gate.
Truth table of a AND gate:
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Circuit diagram :

Fig. 6

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Procedure :
1. Connect input D0 of input section to input A of NOR 4.
2. Connect input D1 of input section to input B of NOR 5.
3. Connect output of NOR 4, which is A’ to the first input of NOR 6.
4. Connect output of NOR 5, which is B’ to the second input of NOR 6.
5. Connect output of NOR 6 to D7 of output section.
6. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
7. Now set A and B as 00 respectively by switching D0 and D1 to 0.
8. Record your observation into the observation table.
9. Similarly set other combinations of A and B like 01, 10, 11 and record corresponding
outputs into the observation table.
10. Now compare your observation table with the Truth table of Conventional AND gate.

Observation Table:


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Experiment 1
Objective :
To verify (A+B)’=A’.B’.
Circuit Diagram :

Fig. 18
Procedure :
L.H.S. [(A+B)’]
1. Connect input section’s D0 and D1 as inputs of OR1 gate, A and B.
2. Its output will be (A+B), connect this to the input of NOT1 gate.
3. Connect the final output Y to D0 of output section.
4. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
5. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to Off, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D0’s LED of output section.
6. Record your observation into the observation table.
7. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01, AB=10 and
AB=11 and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.

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Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

Circuit diagram :

Fig. 19
Procedure :
R.H.S. [A’.B’]
1. Connect D0 of input section to the input of NOT2 as A.
2. Connect D1 of input section to the input of NOT3 as B.
3. Connect output of NOT2, which is A’ to the first input of AND1.
4. Connect output of NOT3, which is B’ to the second input of AND1.
5. Connect output of AND1 Y to the D0 of output section.

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6. Now initially set both A and B to 00 respectively i.e. both the switches will be
7. Observe the output Y at D0 and record it into the observation table.
8. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like 01, 10 and 11, record
corresponding outputs in each case.
9. Now compare the tables of L.H.S and R.H.S, since output column of both the
tables is same hence the given expression is verified.

Observation Table :

A(D0) B(D1) Y(D0)

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 15


Experiment 2
Objective :
To verify (A.B)’=A’+B’.
Circuit diagram :

Fig. 20
Procedure :
L.H.S. [(A.B)’]
1. Connect input section’s D0 and D1 as inputs of AND2 gate, A and B.
2. Its output will be (A.B), connect this to the input of NOT4 gate.
3. Connect the final output Y to D7 of output section.
4. Plug in the 5V DC adaptor into the trainer and switch on the power supply.
5. Now set switch D0 and D1 of input section to OFF, this will show logic 00 and
observe the output Y at D7’s LED of output section.
6. Record your observation into the observation table.
7. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like AB=01,AB=10 and AB=11
and record the corresponding outputs into the observation table.

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 16


Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D7)

Circuit diagram :

Procedure :
R.H.S. [A’+B’]
1. Connect D0 of input section to the input of NOT5 as A.
2. Connect D1 of input section to the input of NOT6 as B.
3. Connect output of NOT5, which is A’ to the first input of OR2.
4. Connect output of NOT6, which is B’ to the second input of OR2.
5. Connect output of OR2 Y to the D7 of output section.

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6. Now initially set both A and B to 00 respectively i.e. both the switches will be
7. Observe the output Y at D7 and record it into the observation table.
8. Similarly set different combinations of A and B like 01, 10 and 11, record
corresponding outputs in each case.
Observation Table :
A(D0) B(D1) Y(D7)

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 18


Experiment 1
To study and verify Truth Table of Binary Half Adder.
Logic Diagram & Truth Table:
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0=GND)

Figure 1

X Y Ch Sh
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 5


Circuit Diagram:

Figure 2
1. First make sure that switches of input and output sections are Off.
2. Connect +5 V adaptor on the DC socket provided on the trainer.
3. Connect bits D0 and D1 of input section to the inputs of Half Adder 1 as A and B.
4. Connect Sum of Half adder1 at D0 of output section and Carry to the D1 of output
5. Switch On the power supply.
6. Initially since both of the inputs D0 and D1 of input section are at Off position i.e.
input is A=0 and B=0. In this case observe the output (Sum and Carry) and record
in observation table.
7. Now switch on D1 which will set B as 1 hence, the input will be A=0 and B=1
again observe the output and record it in observation table.
8. Similarly make 10 and 11 configurations for input and observe the outputs.
Record all the observations in given observation table and compare with the Truth
Table of Half adder.

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 6


Observation Table:

X Y Ch Sh
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

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Experiment 2
To study and verify Truth Table of Binary Full Adder (using two half adders).
Truth Table & Logic Diagram:
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0=GND)
A B Cin S Cout
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1

Figure 3

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1. First make sure that switches of input and output sections are Off.
2. Connect +5 V adaptor on the DC socket provided on the trainer.
3. Connect bits D0 and D1 of input section to the inputs of Half Adder1 as A and B
and connect D2 to the input A of Half Adder 2 this will work as third input bit or
4. Connect Sum of Half Adder 1 at the input B of Half Adder 2 and carry of Half
Adder1 to the A input of OR gate.
5. Now connect sum of Half Adder2 at the output section LED D6 and carry of Half
Adder2 at the input B of OR gate.
6. Now connect output of OR gate which will be the carry of Full Adder circuit or
Cout, to the output LED D7.
7. Switch On the power supply.
8. Initially since all the three inputs D0 and D1 of input section are at Off position
i.e. input is A=0, B=0 and C=0. In this case observe the output (Sum and Carry)
and record in observation table.
9. Now set A=0, B=0 and C=1 and observe the output. Similarly record outputs for
all the possible combinations of ABC. Compare this with the given observation
table for Full Adder.

Observation Table:
A B Cin S Cout
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

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Experiment 3
Study and verify Truth Table of Binary Half Subtractor
Truth Table and Logic diagram:
(Logic 1 = +5 V & Logic 0=GND)

X Y Bh Dh
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0

Binary Half Subtractor

Figure 4

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Circuit Diagram:

Figure 5
1. First make sure that switches of input and output sections are Off.
2. Connect +5 V adaptor on the DC socket provided on the trainer.
3. Connect bits D0 and D1 of input section to the inputs of Half Subtractor as A and B.
4. Connect Difference of Half Subtractor at D6 of output section and Borrow at the
D7 of output section.
5. Switch On the power supply.
6. Initially since both of the inputs D0 and D1 of input section are at Off position i.e.
input is A=0 and B=0. In this case observe the output (Difference and Borrow)
and record in observation table.
7. Now switch on D1 which will set B as 1 hence the input will be A=0 and B=1
again observe the output and record it in observation table.
8. Similarly make 10 and 11 configurations for input and observe the outputs.
Record all the observations in given observation table and compare with the truth
table of Half Subtractor.

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Observation Table:

A B Difference Borrow
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

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Experiment 1
To study and verify the truth table of 4-to-1 Multiplexer
1. First make sure that toggle switches of input section are Off (i.e. in downward direction).
2. Connect bits I0, I1, I2, I3, I4 and I5 of Input Section to the inputs D0, D1, D2, D3 and selection
lines S1 and S2 of 4-to-1 Line Multiplexer respectively.
3. Connect outputs of the Multiplexer Y to O1 or any other terminal of the Output Section.
4. Connect +5V adaptor on the DC socket provided on the trainer.
5. Switch On the power supply.
6. Now using toggle switches of Input Section provide input to the multiplexer as per below
truth table. (In the observation table)
7. Observe the outputs, record it in observation table and verify & compare the outputs of this
truth table with table 1 (at page no. 6)
• When the toggle switch is in the upward direction, LED will glow which represents the
Logic 1 (i.e. +5V).
• When the toggle switch is in the downward direction, LED will not glow which represents
the Logic 0 (i.e. 0V).

Observation Table:

Inputs Output

D0 D1 D2 D3 S1 S0 Y

1 0 1 0 0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

Here if you give Inputs D0D1D2D3 = 1010 to multiplexer & make the different combinations of
selection lines S1 & S0 then you will get outputs according to Table 1 at Output Section.

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Experiment 2
To study and verify the Truth Table of 1-to-4 Line Demultiplexer

1. First make sure that toggle switches of input section are Off (i.e. in downward direction).
2. Connect bits I0, I1 and I2 of Input Section to the inputs E, S1 and S0 of 1-to-4 Line
Demultiplexer respectively.
3. Connect outputs of the Demultiplexer D0, D1, D2 and D3 to O1, O2, O3 and O4 of the Output
4. Connect +5 V adaptor on the DC socket provided on the trainer.
5. Switch On the power supply.
6. Now using toggle switches of Input Section provide input to the demultiplexer as per below
truth table. (In the observation table)
7. Observe the outputs, record it in observation table and verify & compare the outputs of this
truth table with table 2 (at page no. 8)
• When the toggle switch is in the upward direction, LED will glow which represents the
Logic 1 (i.e. +5V).
• When the toggle switch is in the downward direction, LED will not glow which represents
the Logic 0 (i.e. 0V).

Observation Table:

Inputs Outputs

E S1 S2 D0 D1 D3 D4
1 X X
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0

0 1 1

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Experiment 1
To study and verify the Truth Table of 8-to-3 Line Encoder
1. First make sure that toggle switches of input section are ‘Off’ (i.e. in downward
2. Connect 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 of Input Section to the inputs D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5,
D6 & D7 of 8-to-3 Line Encoder respectively.
3. Connect outputs of the Encoder X, Y & Z to O0, O1 & O2 of the Output Section
4. Connect +5 V adaptor on the DC socket provided on the trainer.
5. Switch ‘On’ the power supply.
6. Now using toggle switches of Input Section provide input to the Encoder as per its
truth table (Table No.1).
• When the toggle switch is in the upward direction, LED will glow which
represents the Logic 1 (i.e. +5V).
• When the toggle switch is in the downward direction, LED will not glow which
represents the Logic 0 (i.e. 0V).
7. Observe the output, record it in observation table and verify the truth table.

Observation Table:

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Experiment 2
To study and verify the Truth Table of 3-to-8 Line Decoder
1. First make sure that toggle switches of input section are ‘Off’ (i.e. in downward
2. Connect 0, 1 & 2 of Input Section to the inputs X, Y & Z of 3-to-8 Line Decoder
3. Connect outputs of the Decoder D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 & D7 to O0, O1, O2, O3
O4, O5, O6 and O7 of the Output Section respectively.
4. Connect +5 V adaptor on the DC socket provided on the trainer.
5. Switch ‘On’ the power supply.
6. Now using toggle switches of Input Section provide input to the Decoder as per
the truth table. (Table No.2).
• When the toggle switch is in the upward direction, LED will glow which represents
the Logic 1 (i.e. +5V).
• When the toggle switch is in the downward direction, LED will not glow which
represents the Logic 0 (i.e. 0V).
7. Observe the output, record it in observation table and verify the truth table.

Observation Table:

Nvis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 10

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