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Elisa Bone and Mike Prosser
Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) continue to PART 1: Role and Function of MCQs
be relied upon for the efficient assessment of MCQs can be used to play a wide variety of roles
students’ learning in higher education. However, in our teaching and learning. They can be used in
the use of MCQs has not been without criticism. lectures and online activities to provide feedback
Poor design of MCQs, testing only lower-level to students. Their use in clickers and polls within
learning outcomes1 such as information recall, large lectures classes and their periodic use in
and encouraging students to focus on these rote online learning activities can be key to providing
and reproductive approaches to learning are immediate formative feedback to students and
among the criticisms. Each of these criticisms staff. They can efficiently cover a wide range of
can be mitigated with close attention to the topics, and be reliably and objectively marked
function, purpose and design of MCQs in the or scored without the need for a marking rubric.
curriculum. This Guide focusses on addressing With the development of a large bank of items and
these issues and helping to make the use of MCQs appropriate software, they can be used to provide
in assessment of learning more valid, reliable and each student with a different test, supporting their
productive. use of assessment of learning online.
The first part of the Guide addresses issues of role But, among the criticisms of the use of MCQs,
and function, where we will discuss the outcomes three stand out:
of research and scholarship into these aspects in
relation to assessment for student learning. 1. They tend to focus on the assessment of low-
level knowledge and encourage students to
The second part of the Guide describes the major adopt rote learning approaches.
forms and structures of MCQs and discusses their
2. The design of items testing high-level
advantages and disadvantages, with a focus on
knowledge is time consuming and requires
the design of MCQs for the assessment of student
expertise and experience.
3. Their use distorts students approaches to
We finish with a short section on Do’s and Don’ts study – students may perceive that all they
of using MCQs and throughout this guide, our need to do is to memorise enough material
major focus is on the valid and reliable assessment and they will pass.
of student learning.

1 For further information on learning outcomes and their alignment to the curriculum, please, see the MCSHE resource ‘Writing Learning Outcomes: A
Practical Guide for Academics’ by. Available at:

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A great deal of systematic and anecdotal A. Incorporating MCQs, including those testing
evidence supports the assumption that MCQs higher-level learning, into lecture, tutorial
tend to assess low-level knowledge and there and online programs and clearly articulating
are several reasons why this is so. Among expected learning outcomes. This will help
them is that the design of items to test high students understand what is being assessed.
level knowledge and understanding is difficult B. Using MCQs to only test low-level knowledge,
and time consuming. The design of items that whilst using short open-ended questions to
are valid and reliable indicators of high-level test high-level knowledge.
knowledge and understanding, with well-designed
C. Using MCQs to test both low-level and
distractors, requires expertise and experience. It is
high-level knowledge within formative
comparatively much easier to design items to test
assessments, with expected learning
low-level knowledge and understanding. Indeed,
outcomes clearly articulated and directed
it can be argued that the efficiency in marking
feedback provided.
items measuring high-level knowledge and
understanding may not compensate for the time Suggestion A gives students a mix of low-level and
needed to develop valid and reliable measures high-level MCQs, asking them to answer the items,
of such knowledge and understanding. We will then asking them to classify the items as testing
address ways of mitigating these risks later in our low-level or high-level knowledge and finally
list of Do’s and Don’ts. discussing their responses contributes to both
assessment of, and for, learning. Using this strategy
The effect on students’ approaches to study also
students experience the items and are assisted to
needs consideration2,3. Rote and reproductive
reflect on them, building their understanding of
approaches to learning are common. The
the expected levels of achievement in the subject.
evidence is that students perceive MCQs to test
Incorporating these interactive sessions
low-level knowledge and understanding. The
very structure of MCQs tends to evoke such a Suggestion B incorporates the issue of difficulty in
perception. Consequently, students tend to adopt design of high-level items and students’ perceptions
‘surface’ approaches to studying for MCQ tests, that they test low-level knowledge. In this approach,
perceiving that if they can remember ‘enough relatively easily designed MCQs that are used to test
stuff’ then they can do well. It is difficult to change low-level knowledge are supplemented with short
this perception. Consequently, when well- open-ended questions to test high-level knowledge
designed items measuring high-level knowledge and understanding. This approach mitigates
and understanding are used, students often do against the risk of poorly designed high-level items
poorly. Suggested ways for mitigating this risk are: and is consistent with students’ perceptions of
MCQs and open-ended questions.

Suggestion C provides a compromised approach

and can be useful in cases where, for example,
in-depth discussion is not feasible, or assessments
are largely online. Feedback can be tailored to
discuss both the correct and incorrect alternatives,
allowing students to reflect on their reasoning.
Feedforward processes can also be incorporated
to allow comments and reflections from students,
which may in turn be utilised to inform the design
of future assessment tasks.

2 Scouller, K. M., & Prosser, M. (1994). Students’ experiences in studying for multiple choice question examinations. Studies in Higher Education, 19(3): 267–279.
3 Scouller, K. (1998). The influence of assessment method on students’ learning approaches: Multiple choice question examination versus assignment
essay. Higher Education, 35: 453–472.

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PART II: Writing MCQs • Ensure that the stem and alternatives make
sense on their own without reference to
An MCQ comprises the stem, a question or
additional materials and use terms and
problem that leads into the list of possible
symbols that are familiar to students. This will
solutions, or alternatives, comprising both the
focus students’ attention on answering the
key (the correct answer) and several incorrect
MCQ rather than interpreting its construction,
reducing their cognitive load. Similarly, use
The stem may take the form of a question or simple sentence structures, avoiding non-
statement and may also refer to external or standard lingo and jargon, complex grammar
supplementary material, such as a figure or and lengthy unnecessary wording.
diagram, which students are asked to interpret • Avoid using negative language within the
in selecting the best alternative. Similarly, stem, including double negatives within
alternatives can be in the form of single terms, both the stem and alternatives, unless the
statements, figures or diagrams. learning objectives call for such language.
There are several key considerations that need Using negative language can both increase a
to be applied when writing MCQ items. Taken students’ cognitive load, by requiring them to
together, these aim to ensure that MCQ questions examine the question more carefully to detect
are reliable – consistently measuring a learning this language, and decrease the question’s
outcome, are valid – testing student learning at the validity, since students who fail to detect the
appropriate level, and are focused, with students negative language will be less likely to answer
spending most of their time considering their the question correctly. If using negative
response to the question, rather than on making language, ensure it is flagged or highlighted,
sense of extraneous or irrelevant material. So, for example in bold text or capitalisation.
when writing an MCQ question, one should: Brame (2013) and Chiavaroli (2017) discuss
these aspects in more detail.
• Make sure all alternatives are plausible and
In the following section, we present several
relate in some way to the topic or subject
examples of MCQ items, of different structural
matter. This will increase the question’s
forms, that aim to assess both low-level learning
reliability – increasing the chances that
outcomes such as recall and comprehension, and
students who choose the correct answer
higher-level learning outcomes such as analysis,
meet the learning objective.
evaluation and synthesis.
• Write alternatives that are as similar as
possible in grammar, length, language and
form. This will reduce the chances that
students may detect hidden clues as to which
alternative is the correct one, assisting to
increase the question’s validity.

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Examples of common MCQ types

Presented in this section are examples of MCQs extracted from popular textbook question banks, from
practice or from the literature. For each question, we present a brief evaluation and point out strengths
and weaknesses in the question design. In the appendix, we discuss a broader range of MCQs in more
detail. The correct answer for each question is denoted by an asterisk *.

A. MCQs to test lower-level learning outcomes (recall, comprehension)

1. Choose the best answer

✓ Stem is posed as a question and relates to
general topic.
From where do most fungi obtain nutrients?
✓ Each alternative answer is plausible.
✓ Alternatives are about the same length.
A. Nonliving organic matter*
 Avoid including concepts that require
B. Living plants clarification or imply restrictions or absolutes,
e.g. ‘only’, ‘most’, ‘always’.
C. Living animals
D. Photosynthesis

2. Fill in the blank (#1)

✓ Each alternative answer is a single item.
Autotrophs use as an energy source ✓ All alternative choices should be familiar terms to
the students.
to drive photosynthesis.
 Alternatives are in different forms – both words
and molecular formulae. Use consistent formats.
A. Sunlight*  T
he question stem does not stand alone –
students will need to evaluate sentence for each
B. Hydrogen ions alternative.
C. O2  A
void this format in timed exams and quizzes.

D. CO2

3. Fill in the blank (#2)

✓ Each alternative answer is a single item.
Light-dependent reactions in plants proceed in the ✓ Each alternative answer is plausible.
✓ All alternative choices use terms familiar to the
 The question stem is a partial sentence.
A. Thylakoid membrane* Writing the stem as a full question is preferable.
B. Plasma membrane
C. Stroma
D. Cytoplasm

4. Complete the statement

✓ Each alternative answer is plausible.

A mushroom is ✓ Alternatives test students’ understanding of

 Avoid including concepts that require
A. The digestive organ of a club fungus clarification or imply limitation/restriction/
absolutes, e.g. ‘only’, ‘most’, always.
B. The only part of the fungal body made of hyphae
C. A reproductive structure that releases sexual spores*
D. The only diploid phase in the club fungus life cycle

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B. MCQs to test higher-level learning (analysis, evaluation, synthesis)

1. Choose the best answer #1
✓ Each alternative answer is plausible and contains
(apply knowledge to context) familiar terms.
✓ Alternatives test students’ understanding of
Which of the following functions is associated with dense concepts.
riparian tree cover along narrow streams? ✓ Students need to interpret importance of
descriptors in the stem to determine the best
A. Deposition of fine sediment into stream
B. Bank destabilisation
C. Increased productivity of aquatic algae
D. Filtration of sediment from overland flow*
✓ Students need to interpret importance of
descriptors in the stem to determine the best
2. Choose the best answer #2 answer.
(synthesise knowledge across topics) ✓ Students need to draw on knowledge from
several areas in answering the question.
An animal’s diet consists of tough, abrasive grasses with a ✓ All alternative answers contain familiar terms.

low nutrient content and high fibre content. Which of the ✓ Most alternative answers are plausible but
 Option D could be easily excluded by a student
following combinations of dentition and digestive tracts with little knowledge of the subject. Try to ensure
would be most suitable for processing this diet? each alternative is at a similar degree of difficulty.

A. Large incisors, sharp canines, no caecum and a short

small intestine
B. Long canines, few molars, a four-chambered stomach
and a long large intestine
C. Broad molars, sharp incisors, an enlarged foregut
containing bacteria, small caecum*
D. No teeth, a crop, a gizzard containing small stones and
a long small intestine

3. Choose the best answer #3

✓ Each alternative answer is plausible and contains
(evaluate outcomes of a scenario) familiar terms.
✓ Alternatives test students’ understanding
In an experimental study, one species of algal grazer was of concepts and their ability to synthesise
removed from a patch of rocky shoreline and a different
✓ Students need to analyse scenario within the
species of algal grazer moved into the cleared area, where stem to determine the best answer.
it did not occur prior to the experimental removal.  Be careful that alternatives are not too long.
 Avoid using negative and absolute language
This finding shows that: unless appropriate to the intended learning

A. Predation may be important for zonation of animals

across rocky intertidal zones
B. Disturbance from waves has no effect on animal
zonation in rocky intertidal zones
C. Competition between species may be important for
zonation of animals across rocky intertidal zones*
D. Differences in resources between microhabitats is the
only factor influencing zonation of animals across rocky
intertidal zones

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4. Choose the best answer #4

✓ Each alternative answer is plausible and contains
(evaluate validity of an argument)4 familiar terms.
✓ Alternatives test students’ understanding
Consider the question: ‘What is meant by the charge that of concepts and their ability to synthesise
utilitarianism is too demanding’?
✓ Students need to analyse scenarios within both
the stem and the alternatives to determine the
Now, consider this answer: ‘Utilitarianism requires moral best answer.
people to respond to important moral concerns such as  Be careful that the stem is not overly long or
complex. These types of questions may not be
helping the less fortunate, while allowing immoral people suited to high-stakes timed exams.
to pursue their careers, family lives and personal projects’.  The stem includes negative wording, asking
students to consider the flaws in the stated
answer. Negative wording, if necessary to
What is wrong with this answer? include, should be clearly signposted e.g. using
bold font or capitalisation.
A. Nothing – that answer is correct
B. It falsely describes what utilitarianism requires of moral
C. It falsely describes what utilitarianism allows of immoral
D. It relies on a false dichotomy between moral people
and immoral people

5. Choose the best answer #5

✓ Each alternative answer is plausible and contains
(analyse poetry and identify patterns and familiar terms.
relationships)5 ✓ Alternatives test students’ ability to examine and
analyse external material within the context of
[poem included here] concepts and theory presented in class.
 Be careful that external material is not too
complex or will take too long to read and
The chief purpose of stanza 9 is to: comprehend within the exam time.

A. Delay the ending to make the poem symmetrical

B. Give the reader a realistic picture of the return of the cavalry
C. Provide material for extending the simile of the bridge
to a final point
D. Return the reader to the scene established in stanza 1*

4 Green, K. Sample multiple choice questions that test higher order thinking and application. Washington State University Office of Assessment of Teaching
and Learning, in McGill University, Workshop: Designing effective multiple choice questions. Available at
5 Burton, SJ, Sudweeks, RR, Merrill, PF &Wood, B (1991) How to prepare better multiple-choice test items: Guidelines for university faculty. Brigham Young
University Testing Centre

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Quick Guide – Dos and Don’ts of MCQs

DO/DON’T General strategies Designing items Designing alternatives/

✓ DO Use familiar language commonly Express the full problem in the Limit the number of alternatives –
used during classes. stem. no more than 3–5 is best.
✓ DO Familiarise students with Use clear, unambiguous wording Make alternatives appealing and
examples of MCQs. in the question stem. plausible.
✓ DO Write questions throughout the Ensure the stem is meaningful in Make alternatives grammatically
term to avoid a rush at the end. and of itself. consistent with the stem.
✓ DO Design questions that can be Place alternatives in some
modified and recycled across meaningful order.
✓ DO Use a mix of question types within Create alternatives that are a
a single quiz or exam. similar length.
 DON’T Use verbal association clues from Make question stems too Use terms like ‘all of the above’,
the stem in the key. complicated or cluttered with ‘none of the above’ and absolutes
irrelevant information. such as ‘always’, ‘never’, ‘all’, or
 DON’T Use trick questions – questions Use a stem that is incomplete, has Make answer options too
should test students’ knowledge gaps or is a partial sentence. complicated or include
and understanding, not their overlapping choices
ability to deconstruct the item. (e.g. A or B, A and B).
 DON’T Use negative wording unless Ask students to choose the
learning outcomes require incorrect answer from a list of
it. Negative wording can alternatives. This can increase
unnecessarily confuse students in students’ cognitive load. It is
high-pressure exam situations. much more productive and
positive to ask students to select
the best answer.

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Further Reading
Brame, C. (2013) Writing good multiple choice test questions. Retrieved [May 18, 2020] from

Centre for Teaching Excellence (2020, May 18) Designing Multiple-Choice Questions,
Retrieved from:

Chiavaroli, N. (2017). Negatively-worded multiple choice questions: an avoidable threat to validity.

Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 22(3): 1–14.

Rodriguez, M. C. (2005). Three options are optimal for multiple-choice items: A meta-analysis of 80 years
of research. Educational measurement: issues and practice, 24(2): 3–13.

Tarrant, M., Ware, J. and Mohammed, A.M. (2009). An assessment of functioning and non-functioning
distractors in multiple-choice questions: a descriptive analysis. BMC Medical Education, 9: 40.

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Appendix – Strategies for Common MCQ Item Types

Form Description Strategies Benefits Drawbacks Further considerations

The ‘choose the best The most common Use familiar language A simple question Writing plausible Choosing how many
answer’ and familiar form of commonly used form that is quick distractors can be distractors to include
MCQ, these present during term and easy to read for difficult – these should is important. Fewer
the question stem, students and easy to be created by content distractors (2 or 3) can
Avoid using verbal
several incorrect grade for teaching experts. be effective, but only if
association clues from
answers to choose staff. they are plausible and
stem in the key The validity of newly
from (distractors), represent a genuine
written MCQs can also
along with the single Ensure the distractors choice for students
be evaluated in low-
most correct answer are plausible and (Tarrant et al. 2009;
stakes or formative
(the key). effectively test Rodriguez 2005).
quizzes by analysing
students’ knowledge
Asking students student responses. Too many distractors
and understanding
to select the ‘best (more than 3 or 4)
of the concepts Avoid simply asking
answer’ rather than may result in students
conveyed in the students to identify
the ‘correct answer’ spending substantial
question a familiar term from
mitigates against time reading, instead
their lectures or
some distractors Plausible distractor of considering the
having correct terms could be, for question and choosing
elements example, common a possible answer.
misconceptions on
the topic, or numerical
answers that are
within a plausible
range but are not
quite correct.

The ‘complete the Students choose from Ensure that only one Choosing the correct Be careful that the Reading through
statement’ a list of statements statement is truly statement can help statements are not question stems and
that address the correct, but that students recognise simply copied from possible answer
question or complete others may also be and address any the lecture notes or statements will
the sentence in the plausible. misconceptions textbook, as this test take longer than
stem they have with the students’ recall rather assessing a short list
Alternative statements
material. than their conceptual of distractors.
should be of
similar length and Asking students Think carefully about
complexity. to consider full It can be difficult the best use of the
statements can also to create plausible students’ time and
help them integrate alternative statements increase the difficulty
their conceptual without veering into of the question
knowledge, whereas ‘trick’ questions that and the number of
picking a correct seem correct but have assigned marks if
single simple answer slight differences in needed.
favours general recall. wording that trip up
Be mindful of students
with English as a
second language
when writing
questions and try
not to include tricky
grammar or non-
standard lingo.

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Form Description Strategies Benefits Drawbacks Further considerations

The ‘figure The stem asks Asking students Using figures of These questions take Using these types
interpretation’ students to refer to view a figure, concepts from longer to write, read of questions in an
to and analyse diagram or concept lectures, tutorials and complete so they online MCQ can
supplementary map and show their or other learning usually need to be be beneficial if the
information to answer understanding by activities can help assessed at a higher diagram, concept map
the question. filling in gaps in reinforce students’ level and assigned or figure isn’t readily
the figure or map, understanding of more marks than a available on the web.
choosing from a list these concepts. simple distractor. Try to create a new or
of interpretative modified figure for the
Higher-level learning Given their long read-
statements or making MCQ.
processes such time, they may be
calculations based
as evaluation, more suited to take-
on the material
interpretation home or non-timed
and application of quizzes and exams.
knowledge can be
assessed in an easy-
to-grade format.

The ‘word match’ Students match A word match Allows students to Choosing the correct Consider increasing
the terms to their question can help demonstrate their matches may the allotted reading
descriptions, or match to clarify where knowledge of terms take some time, time to suit.
concepts. misconceptions exist and their descriptions. particularly if the list
May be more
in the material. is long.
Functions in a similar Can be modified beneficial in take-
way to the ‘most to test higher-level Each word match is home, non-timed or
correct statement’ but conceptual knowledge testing a different formative quizzes or
poses single question and applications. piece of knowledge exams.
per statement. and should be allotted
All material is relevant
a full mark or grade.
to the question, so
plausible alternatives
or distractors are not

The ‘fill in the blank’ Students choose The stem can be Tests student’s Presenting multiple Several guides (e.g.
words from a list to a description of a general knowledge of blank spaces for Brame 2013) advise
fill in gaps within a concept, with the terminology, which students to fill in may against using this
written statement. blanks representing can be an advantage confuse students, so question form, as it
key terms, directions in content-heavy that their answers are requires students
of responses or subjects and subject not a true reflection of to hold the stem
concepts. themes. their knowledge. statement in their
working memory
Students choose the Allows students to Be careful not to
while evaluating each
best term to complete show understanding overcomplicate the
alternative answer.
the statement, or the of linked concepts statement and make
best combination within long sure the associations These questions
of multiple terms in statements. are unambiguous. should be used
order. sparingly and their
Versatile – can test Avoid using in
purpose clearly
knowledge levels from high-stakes or high-
communicated to the
recall to applications. pressure situations.

Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education

Level 1, Elisabeth Murdoch Building, Spencer Road
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010 Australia

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