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Title: American Revolution Explained

Relevant SC Standards:

USHC.1.CO Analyze the development of the American identity through the founding
principles and social and economic development of the Northern and Southern colonies
from 1607–1763 using a comparative analysis.

USHC.1.CE Assess the major developments of the American Revolution through

significant turning points in the debates over independence and self-government from
1763 to 1791.

USHC.1.P Summarize the changing relationship between individuals and the

government during the period 1607–1800.

Description: This app lesson will develop eighth-grade students’ understanding of

both the causes and results of the American Revolution

Instructional Objective: Students will be able to Identify the causes of the American
Revolution by reading quotes and primary sources coming from the founding fathers to
understand what sparked the American Revolution

Step 1 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will read through articles of the
constitution to increase their understanding of the wishes of American Colonists
Step 2 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will use a reverse image search
app, to take photos of founding fathers figure out what their name was, and do further
research on their contributions to the founding of the United States

Step 3 Creation-Based (Learning Artifact) or Skill-Based App: Students will use a flyer
maker app to create their persuasive flying presenting either the British point of view or
the colonist point of view on the revolution and its driving factors, students will then
present to the class and debate differing view points.

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