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Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, U.P.

Department of CSE & Allied Specialized Branches
Even Semester, 2022-23

Course/Branch: B. Tech /CSE (AIDS) Semester: IV

Subject Name: Operating Systems Subject Code: KCS 401
Date of Assignment:14-07-2023 Date of Submission: 17-07-2023


CO1: Understand the structure and functions of OS

CO2: Learn about Processes, Threads and Scheduling algorithms.
CO3: Understand the principles of concurrency and Deadlocks.
CO4: Learn various memory management scheme.
CO5: Study I/O management and File systems.


1. Explain what is an Operating system? Discuss the main components of an O.S. (CO-1)
2. Explain the difference between Monolithic and Microkernel systems with their advantages
and disadvantages. (CO-1)
3. Explain the Real Time Operating System and its types. (CO-1)
4. Describe System Calls. Also explain in brief any five system calls. (CO-1)
5. Explain any three major functions of an O.S. Explain each of them in brief. (CO-1)
6. Differentiate between User thread and Kernel thread. What is thread cancellation? (CO-2)
7. Explain various states of a process with suitable diagram. Also Explain Process Control
Block. (CO-2)
8. What is the difference between pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling'? Discuss the
Multilevel Feedback Queue scheduling algorithm. (CO-2)
9. Consider the set of the processes given in the table and the following scheduling algorithm:
I. Round Robin (Quantum = 1)
II. Round Robin (Quantum = 2)
III. Shortest Remaining Job First

If there is tie within the processes, the tie is broken in the favour of the oldest process.
Draw the Gantt chart and find the average waiting time, response time and turnaround time
for the algorithms. Comment on your result. Which one is better and why? (CO-2)
10. Discuss the performance criteria for C.P.U Scheduling. (CO-2)
11. Explain the Peterson solution to critical section? (CO-3)
12. Explain dining philosopher problem and its solution using semaphores. (CO-3)
13. Explain sleeping barber problem with its solution. (CO-3)
14. Explain in detail the inter-process communication? (CO-3)
15. Write and explain Banker's algorithm for avoidance of deadlock. (CO-3)
16. Explain how logical address is translated to physical address in such a scheme. (CO-4)
17. Consider a logical address space of eight pages of 1024 words, each mapped onto a
physical memory of 32 frames then: (a) Calculate the no. of bits in logical address? (b)
Calculate the no. of bits in physical address? (CO-4)
18. Differentiate between internal and external fragmentation. (CO-4)
19. Explain the reason why Page sizes are kept in powers of 2? (CO-4)
20. In a paged segmented system, a virtual address consists of 32 bits of which 12 bits are for
displacement, 11 bits are segment number and 9 bits are page number. Calculate the
following: (a) Page size (b) Max Segment size (c) Max number of Pages (d) Max number
of segments. (CO-4)
21. Suppose that a disk has 500 cylinders. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder
125 and the previous request was at cylinder 100. The queue of pending request in FIFO
order is 80, 147, 13, 177, 48, 409,22, 175,301.
Calculate the total distance that the disk arm moves for the following Disk scheduling
algorithm: (a) SSTF (b) LOOK (c) C-SCAN? (CO-5)
22. Explain different levels of RAID? (CO-5)
23. Explain various file attributes? (CO-5)
24. Explain various Directory Structures? (CO-5)
25. Compare indexed file allocation and linked file allocation? (CO-5)

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