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Army Lists - Campaigns - Tutorials

Italy in the 15th century

Europe in the 15th century
The Wars of the Roses
The Ottoman Empire

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

28mm Perry Miniatures painted by
“Captain Blood” (Richard LLoyd)

IMPETUS is a set of wargames rules that allows you to recreate miniature battles set in the Ancient,
Medieval and Renaissance periods.
EXTRA IMPETUS is a Supplement that contains official army lists and more in-depth information
about the historical periods covered, as well as campaign games and tutorials (with rules clarifications,
examples and advice on tactics).
How to use the lists
The Army Lists indicate a minimum and maximum number of ble budget to buy Generals and a Command Structure (see the
Units that are allowed in the Army and their cost. The numbers bottom of the list).
in brackets show the reduced Unit cost for Units that will be Key
used as second and third “rows” of Large Units. Units bought at (*) Unit types that can contain a Commander.
this reduced cost must be used in Large Units. Units for which CGP=Heavy War Chariots; CGL=Light War Chariots;
the full cost has been paid can be used either way during de- CF=Scythed Chariots; CP=Heavy Cavalry; CM=Medium
ployment at the player’s discretion. The Army Lists have been Cavalry; CL=Light Cavalry; FP=Heavy Infantry; FL=Light
balanced for 500-point armies, which is an ideal budget for the Infantry; S=Skirmishers; T=Missile Troops; EL=Elephants;
creation of armies with all possible options. This does not pre- ART=Artillery; W=Wagenburg.
vent you from playing Impetus which fewer points if you have- M=Movement per phase; VBU=Basic Unit Value; I=Impetus
n’t got all the miniatures to hand or if you want to play on a Bonus; D=Discipline; VD=Demoralisation Value.
smaller battlefield. To begin you may want to deploy 300-point Important note: In the Army Lists the word “or” means you
armies, where we would advise the use of only one General per can use a combination of units, i.e if you see “1-3 FP or T”
side and to halve the minimums shown on the list (rounding up). this means you can have 1-3 of any combination of FP and T,
You should double the minimums and maximums when playing such as 3FP, 3T, or maybe 2FP and 1T, 1FP and 2T, 1 FP etc.
with armies costing 600 points or more. The choice is yours.
In addition to the Units, the players must also use the availa-

Design: Lorenzo Sartori Smith, Venexia Miniatures.

Development: Yuri Vantin, Luca Pellattiero and Lorenzo Contributors: Marco Guarnieri, Eugenio Larosa, Jim
Sartori Webster.
Cover photo: 28mm Venexia Miniatures - collection Yuri Translation: Andrew Carless
Vantin, photo Dadi&Piombo Plates and Maps: Erregrafica
Back cover photo: Hussites - 15mm Irregular, Essex and Layout: Zev Multimediale sas -
Minifigs - collection Massimiliano Conti. Printed in Italy by: Zev Multimediale sas -
Photos: Rafa "Archiduque", "Captain Blood" (Richard Publisher : Sartori Lorenzo Editore, via don Mazzolari, 27
Lloyd), Dadi&Piombo, Simon Chick, Legio Heroica, - 26010 Chieve (Cr), Italia
Tilman Moritz, Perry Miniatures, Renato Genovese, Pete
© 2010 Lorenzo Sartori
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted
in any form without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

28mm Venexia Miniatures, painted by Yuri Vantin

Italy in the 15th century Page 4

Duchy of Milan, Venetian Republic, Papal States,
Republic of Florence, Minor Italian States, Kingdom
of Naples.

15mm Irregular, Essex e Minifigs (collection Massimiliano Conti)

Europe in the 15th century Page 17

Hussites, Sigismund’s Imperials, Frederic III’s
Imperials, Minor German Armies, Low Countries,
Kalmar Union, Swedish, Armagnacs, Swiss
Confederates, Burgundian Ordonnance, French
Ordonnance 1453-1478, French Ordonnance
1479-1494, Nasrids, Castilian-Aragonese 1475-
1479, Castilian-Aragonese 1482-1492,
Portuguese, Polish-Lithuanians, Teutonic Order.
28mm Perry Miniatures painted by “Captain Blood” (Richard LLoyd)

The Wars of the Roses Page 29

Lancastrians, Yorkists, Richard III Yorkists, Tudor,
Yorkist Pretenders.

15mm East Riding, painted by Massimiliano Conti

The Ottoman Empire Page 38

Ottoman Turks 1281-1362, Ottoman Turks 1362-
1529, Venetian Republic in the Colonies,
Sigismund’s Hungarians, Hungarians under
Hunyadi and Corvinus, Jagiellon Hungarians,
Serbs, Albanians, Wallachians, Anatolian
Turkoman, Moldavians, Persian Safavids,
Paleologian Byzantine, Orde of St. John, Ak
Koyunlu and Kara Koyunlu, Mamelukes, Timurids.

Lists upgrade Page 12

Campaign: The Salt War Page 13
Tutorial: Zone of Control
and Visibility Page 35
Campaign: The Pretender Page 36
Official amendments Page 47

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Milanese - 28mm Venexia Miniatures, painted by Yuri Vantin


by Eugenio Larosa

15 th Century Italy was the theatre of constant war between

the five largest powers in the peninsular: The Duchy of
Milan, The Republic of Venice, Florence, the Papal State and The
around which there were mobile, fluid formations comprising co-
untless units, called Squads, that were commanded by minor lea-
ders. These Companies were paid by the States and had proper
Kingdom of Naples. contracts (the so-called “Condotte”), where the Condottiero and
The main actors were the Condottieri. These true warlords are fi- the hirer wrote down all details about payments as well as the
gures that have often acquired an heroic aura over time and who rights and duties of these hired men.
sometimes created real dynasties. More often than not it was the- As the century passed they added groups of autonomous infantry
se men that led such-and-such a power to ruin or glory, not only (“Provisionati”) and single mercenaries who came from broken-
on the battlefield but also with treachery and devious plots. up companies, the so-called “Lanze Spezzate”.
Tactically, action on the battlefield was influenced by two The Provisionati represented the only permanent army and com-
schools of thought that were, in turn, led by two great Condottieri prised units that were allocated to garrison and guard duties.
from the start of the century. These were Muzio Attendolo Sforza, These garrisons were paid by the public authorities with a “regu-
who supported the idea of a careful, well-prepared and progres- lar” wage.
sive manoeuvre, and Braccio da Montone who preferred to trust The trend in the 15th Century was to increase the numbers of the-
to the impetus of his cavalry that, in his opinion, should be con- se soldiers as they gradually became identified as a permanent in-
stantly used to charge the enemy. These tactics were studied and fantry force commanded by the "State", and were organised and
used by the great Condottieri right into the early 16th Century. paid outside the Condotta system.
We should also mention the “Feudal Cavalry”, deriving from a
Military organisation in Italy in the 15th century vassal-like obligation, or the “Family Cavalry”, that came from
The main core of armies that fought in Italy during the 14th and wider family ties. These were all horsemen that were loyal to a
15th centuries were Lord from whom they
the Compagnie di received benefits and
Ventura, heteroge- powers in return for
neous groups of their armed service.
Italian and foreign It must be said that the
soldiers organised Condottieri were often
around a rewarded (Milan and
Condottiero. Venice are examples)
These Companies with land or other be-
(Compagnie) were nefits, so as to bind
essentially based on them in their quasi-
a core of “trusted” vassal role.
men, often related
to the Condottiero
by family ties, 28mm Venexia Miniatures

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

1412 – 1422 SUCCESSION IN THE KINGDOM OF MILAN in Milan. The population create the Ambrosian Republic, Sforza
Filippo Maria Visconti inherits the throne and tries to put down declares himself the First Defender of the Republic and is then
the rebels that support Astorre Visconti. elected Duke.
1418 March, Battle of Olginate. Carmagnola against Pandolfo 1447 October, Battle of Bosco Marengo. The army of the
Malatesta, Lord of Brescia and Bergamo. The Brescians are pur- Ambrosian Republic faces the army of the Duke d’Orleans in
sued when retreating and lose most of their army. what is mainly a Heavy Cavalry engagement. Bartolomeo
1420 October, Battle of Montichiari. The Visconti army under Colleoni and Astorre Manfredi turn the battle around after an
Carmagnola won this battle against Brescia (Pandolfo Malatesta) early French victory.
and Rimini (Carlo Malatesta) taking numerous prisoners. 1448 September, Battle of Caravaggio. The Venetians
(Micheletto Attendolo) attack the Ambrosian Republic’s camp
1421 WAR BETWEEN MILAN AND GENOA (Francesco Sforza) but are blocked by handgun fire. The
The Milanese try to retake Genoa after a short truce. Milanese manoeuvre around the enemy, surround them and force
them to flee.
The Swiss cantons of Uri and Obwalden take the Milanese terri- A Peace Treaty that ends the war between Venice and Milan is si-
tories of Domodossola and Bellinzona. gned on the 9th April. It basically guarantees 40 years of territo-
1422 June, Battle of Arbedo. The Milanese, led by Carmagnola rial status-quo but not the end of the wars.
and Angelo della Pergola, beat the Swiss by attacking their squa-
res with dismounted cavalry. 1453-58 WAR BETWEEN THE ANGEVINS AND THE
1423-1425 WAR BETWEEN MILAN AND FLORENCE Internal disputes lead the Aragonese to support one faction and
After the death of the Lord of Forlì the population ask Milan for the King of France, Charles VI, to support the other. The
support. Florence see this as the betrayal of a previously agreed Aragonese take Genoan land in Sardinia but Genoa remains un-
contract. der the protectorate of the Angevins.
1425 February, Battle of Lamone. The Milanese army under
the Lord of Faenza, Guidantonio 1458-1465 SUCCESSION IN THE
Manfredi, routs the Florentine army led KINGDOM OF NAPLES (FIRST
by Piccinino. BARONS’ WAR)
1425 October, Battle of Anghiari. The death of Alfonso of Aragon sparks a
Ambush by the Milanese, under dispute for the succession of the throne
Francesco Sforza, against the between his son Ferdinand, supported
Florentines under Gattamelata and by Sforza and the Pope, and Alfonso’s
Captains Niccolò Piccinino and Niccolò brother John, supported by some local
da Tolentino Barons.
1460 July, Battle of Sarno. Assault and
1423-1426 WAR BETWEEN MILAN conquest of the city by the Angevins un-
AND VENICE der Jacopo Piccinino and Ercole d’Este.
Milan tries to retake rebel territory but 1465, Battle of Castel dell'Ovo.
the latter ask Venice for assistance. Ferdinand’s final victory and the death
of Piccinino.
1427-1433 WAR BY MILAN
28mm Venexia Miniatures
Milan breaks a peace-treaty and does not return some fortresses Francesco Sforza sends a powerful army commanded by his el-
around Brescia. dest son, Galeazzo Maria, to help the King of France.
1427 May, Battle of Gottolengo. The Milanese attack the un-
prepared Venetians. After some moments of panic the Venetians 1467-1468 COLLEONI ATTACKS
are saved by the arrival of Gonzaga who helps them to retreat. With the excuse of helping the Florentine exiles, Colleoni tries to
1427 October, Battle of Maclodio. The Milanese are ambushed take land in Florence supported by the Duca d’Este and other
on unfavourable ground. They try to retreat under heavy missile lords from Romagna. The Medici family forms an alliance with
fire but the route is blocked and the Milanese Captain-General Milan, Naples and the Pope led by Federico Da Montefeltro.
Carlo Malatesta is captured. 1467 July, Battle of Molinella. For the first time we see the use
of mortars as field artillery. The dead, on both sides, are 500/600;
1435-1441 WAR BY MILAN AGAINST VENICE AND FLO- Muratori says more than 1,000. Other sources mention 1,400 hor-
RENCE se and 500 infantry.
A revolt starts in Genoa against Milan, supported by Florence and
the Venetians. 1468-1470 SUCCESSION IN RIMINI
When Roberto Malatesta’s father dies he doesn’t return Rimini to
1442 - 1444 WAR BETWEEN MILAN AND NAPLES the Pope, who promptly allies with Venice. Malatesta is suppor-
Francesco Sforza tries to re-conquer his properties in the Naples ted by Milan (Tristano Sforza), Naples (Alfonso of Aragon) and
area from Alfonso of Aragon. Federico da Montefeltro.
1469 August, Battle of Mulazzano. Victory of the Florentines
1447 – 1450 WAR OF SUCCESSION IN MILAN under Federico d’Urbino, with the rout of the Venetian army.
The death of Filippo Maria Visconti leads to a war of Succession 1470. Peace treaty to form an alliance against the Turks.

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

28mm Venexia Miniatures

1476 SUCCESSION OF THE SAVOIA FAMILY Florence with Roberto da Malatesta from Rimini and Costanzo
Jolanda di Savoia, mother of the infant regent and sister of the Sforza from Pesaro under Federico d’Urbino, supported by the
King of France, is attacked by Charles the Bold, Duke of Neapolitan army under Alfonso, Duke of Calabria. The Medici
Burgundy, but help soon comes from France and Milan. family are helped by Milan and reinforce the garrisons along the
Battle of San Germano. The Duke of Burgundy is defeated and border with Siena and Urbino, set up camp at Poggio Imperiale
returns back over the Alps. and give command of operations to Duke Ercole d’Este.
1478 November. After taking Rencina, Radda, Castellina,
1476-1480 WAR OF SUCCESSION IN MILAN Mortaio, Broglio and Cacchiano the Papal army lays siege to, and
The Duke of Milan dies in a plot, and he is succeeded by the conquers, the strategic town of San Savino.
young Giovanni Galeazzo, under the guidance and custody of his 1479 September. The Florentines are defeated at Poggio
mother Bona di Savoia. Imperiale.
1477 June. Prospero Adorno and some Milanese troops under 1480 March. Lorenzo de Medici reaches Naples and signs a pea-
Roberto San Severino retake the rebellious Genoa. ce treaty with Ferdinand of Aragon.
1478 June. Bona di Savoia asks Adorno for the city but he refu- 1480 December. Peace is signed between the Pope and Florence.
1478 August. Battle of the Apennines between San Severino 1480-1481 TURKS IN APULIA
and the Milanese under Francesco “sforzino” Sforza, who sur- A Turkish fleet attacks Otranto, which falls after fifteen days of
renders when trapped in a gorge. artillery fire.
1478 November. Factions fight in Genoa, Adorno and San 1480 September. The Duke of Calabria, supported by Hungarian
Severino are chased from the city. troops sent by brother-in-law Matthias Corvinus, repels the
1479. Ludovico Sforza takes Tortona and returns to Milan. Turkish attack at Brindisi and forces them back into Otranto to
1480. Ludovico Sforza is elected as tutor to the young Giovanni which they then lay siege.
Galeazzo. 1481 September. A war develops amongst the Turks after the
death of Mehmed II, the troops in Otranto are abandoned and
1478 – 1479 WAR IN THE then surrender.
15mm Mirliton (collection Pete Smith)
Canton Uri invades the Ticino
Valley and tries to conquer 1482-1484 WAR OF
Bellinzona, which resists and FERRARA (THE
forces the Swiss to retreat. SALT WAR)
1478 December. The Milanese, Venice is not satisfied
under Marsilio Torelli, chase with the agreement bet-
the enemy but are ambushed ween the Estense family
near Giornico and routed. and the Aragons. Pope
Sixtus V tries to increase
1478-1480 THE PAZZI his influence in the area
PLOT by pushing the Venetians
Supported by the Pope, the to war, promising mili-
Florentine Pazzi family plot tary support and the
against the Medici family but towns of Reggio and
Lorenzo manages to escape Modena.
being killed. 1482. Venetian Captain-
1478 July. The Pope attacks General Roberto da San

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


1 Kingdom of Naples
2 Papal States
3 Republic of Siena
4 Duchy of Piombino
5 Republic of Florence
6 Republic of Lucca
7 Duchy of Modena
8 Duchy of Ferrara
9 Republic of Venice
10 Marquisate of Mantua
11 Duchy of Milan
12 Duchy of Savoy
13 Marquisate of Monferrato
14 Duchy of Asti
15 Marquisate of Saluzzo
16 Republic of Genoa

Severino takes Adria and Comacchio. 1484 August. Peace is agreed, Venice gets Rovigo and the
1482 June/July. The Venetians take Figarolo, Lendinara and Polesine.
1482 August. Rovigo falls to the Venetians. 1485-1486 REVOLT OF BARONS IN NAPLES
1482 August. Roberto Malatesta, leading the Papal troops at The newly elected Pope Innocence VIII asks for the payment of
Campo Morto, defeats Duke Alfonso di Calabria a tribute from the King of Naples who reminds him that he is
and the Colonna. exempt after a Papal Bull.
1482 November. Seeing that Venice is beco- 1485 November. King Ferdinand sends some of his army under
ming too powerful, the Pope agrees a truce Alfonso di Calabria, supported by Milan and Florence, to fight in
with the King of Naples. Papal territory while the other part of the army is led by his
1483 January. San Severino moves to- grandson Ferdinand to face the rebel Barons.
wards Milanese territory while the Duke of 1486 August. Peace is agreed and the King of Naples promises
Lorraine Renato II of Anjou stays near to pay the Pope what he wants, to pardon the rebel Barons and to
Ferrara. leave Aquila under control of the Church.
1483 August. The Duke of Lorraine re-
treats to France after the death of King
Louis XI. 15mm Legio Heroica

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


1 - DUCHY OF MILAN 1402-1494

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CP Familia Ducale* 8 8 5 B 3 47
4-12 CP Condottieri * 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-2 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-4 FL Light infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 16
0-4 FP Pikemen 5 4 1 B 2 17(13) Pike
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-2 T Militia pavisemen 6 4 0 C 1 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-4 S Militia crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-6 T Hundgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Hundgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-4 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. The Duchy of Milan was at the height of its expansion between the end of the 14th
Century and the early 15th Century under Gian Galeazzo Visconti who, with wisdom and audacity, mana-
ged to extend his influence over most of Northern and Central Italy. After his death in 1402 his young son,
Giovanni Maria, wasn’t able to protect his father’s conquests and the Duchy entered a period of internal
troubles and then a rapid break-up. The Duchy found stability in 1412 under Filippo Maria Visconti who
once again favoured an expansionist policy, challenging the Republic of Venice. After years of fighting the
Duchy lost control of important cities like Brescia and Bergamo. Once Filippo Maria died in 1447, without
an heir, the Condottiero Francesco Sforza managed to make the most of his proven political and military
skills and was appointed Duke, leading to the rise of a new Dynasty. Francesco Sforza is a shining exam-
ple of the great career opportunities to which a skilled and unscrupulous mercenary commander could aspi-
re in 15th Century Italy and, in fact, was copied by many ambitious captains. Just like in the rest of Italy,
the Duchy’s army was based on the widespread use of mercenary companies who obeyed a Lord and had
a regular contract called a “Condotta”. Thanks to his wealth, the Duchy of Milan could always count on an
efficient and numerous army and, over time, it started to form the core of a permanent army. The
Compagnie di Ventura were mainly based on Heavy Cavalry, protected by magnificent Italian armour, but
as the 15th Century went on, Infantry became more and more important, especially those armed with cros-
sbows and handguns, who were very widespread in the Milanese area.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Condottieri units to Lance Spezzate with VBU=8 and I=4 for 46
points per unit.
You can give Mercenary Crossbowmen a Pavise for an extra 3 points per unit.
Up to 1/2 the deployed CP (Condottieri and Light Cavalry) can dismount.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)

28mm Venexia Miniatures

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-12 CP Condottieri * 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-4 CL Stradiots* 12 3 2 B 1 19
0-2 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-4 FL Light infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 16
0-4 FP Pikemen 5 4 1 B 2 17(13) Pike
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-1 T English longbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-2 T Militia pavisemen 6 4 0 C 1 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-4 S Militia pavisemen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-6 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-2 T Archers 6 4 0 B 1 18 Comp. bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Comp. bow B
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-4 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Swiss allies
2-3 FP Swiss Pikemen* 6 5 3 B 3 23(17) Pike
0-1 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
Notes and options. For centuries, the Venetian Republic was mainly a maritime power whose Empire
spread over the islands and coastal areas of the Adriatic and the Eastern Mediterranean (the so-called Stato
da Mar), but at the start of the 15th Century, in answer to the threat of Milanese expansion, the Venetians
began to occupy their hinterland, gradually taking vast areas of land in Veneto, Friuli and Lombardy (so-
called Stato da Terra). The conflict with the other Northern Italian power, the Duchy of Milan, was nearly
constant until the Peace of Lodi in 1454. The Venetian Republic (also known as the La Serenissima), too,
based the power of their land army on companies of mercenaries, who were faithful thanks to regular pay-
ments (which was rare at the time!). By the second half of the 15th Century La Serenissima was the first
Italian State to have a permanent army even during peacetime, and it was strengthened during the wars with
new mercenaries. In addition to their Heavy Cavalry the Venetian army also had excellent Light Cavalry
that was enrolled in the Balkans.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Condottieri units to Lance Spezzate with VBU=8 and I=4 for 46
points per unit. You can give Mercenary Crossbowmen a Pavise for an extra 3 points per unit.
You can upgrade the deployed Stradiot units to VBU=4 and VD=2 for 21 points per unit.
Up to 1/2 the deployed CP (Condottieri and Light Cavalry) can dismount.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)

15mm Essex (collection Yuri Vantin)

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

3 - PAPAL STATES 1402-1494
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-12 CP Condottieri * 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-2 CL Hungarian 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-1 FP Guard infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long spear
0-2 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-4 FL Light infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 16
0-4 FP Pikemen 5 4 1 B 2 17(13) Pike
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-4 T Militia pavisemen 6 4 0 C 1 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-4 S Militia crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-4 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. In the 14th Century, when the Papal Seat was moved from Rome to Avignon and follo-
wing the Great Western Schism, the temporal authority of the Popes over the Papal States was questioned
by the great noble families who became more and more autonomous. During the 15th Century the Pope’s
authority was reinstated and the Papal State became the main element of stability in the Peninsular. In order
to lead an effective foreign policy the Pope sent his mercenary armies to fight in the Italian wars, and many
of the most famous Condottieri dynasties had their lands within the Church State.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Condottieri units to Lance Spezzate with VBU=8 and I=4 for 46
points per unit.
You can give Mercenary Crossbowmen a Pavise for an extra 3 points per unit.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed Hungarian units to VBU=4 and VD= 2 for 24 points per unit.
Up to 1/2 the deployed CP (Condottieri and Light Cavalry) can dismount.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

Papal flag - Cavalry Papal flag - Cavalry

Papal flag - Cavalry Papal flag - Cavalry

Papal flag - Infantry Papal flag - Infantry

Papal flag - Infantry Papal flag - Infantry


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-12 CP Condottieri* 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-2 CL Hungarian 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-2 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-4 FL Light infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 16
0-4 FP Pikemen 5 4 1 B 2 17(13)
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-1 T English longbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-2 FP Militia spearmen 5 4 1 C 2 12(9) Long spear
0-4 T Militia pavisemen 6 4 0 C 1 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-4 S Militia crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-4 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Swiss allies
1-3 FP Swiss pikemen* 6 5 3 B 3 23 (17) Pike
0-1 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
Notes and options. During the 15th Century the Republic of Florence, which had a weaker army than
Venice or Milan, always tried to keep a balance between the Italian states so as to ensure their control over
Tuscany was not threatened. When Lorenzo de Medici died, after 40 years of peace, Italy fell into an ex-
tremely serious and unstable situation from which it would not recover and indeed Italy became a battle-
field. Florence based its military strength on mercenaries that were only enrolled on the eve of a war and
local militia, an old-fashioned relic of its glorious communal past.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Condottieri units to Lance Spezzate with VBU=8 and I=4 for 46
points per unit.
You can give Mercenary Crossbowmen a Pavise for an extra 3 points per unit.
Up to 1/2 the deployed CP (Condottieri and Light Cavalry) can dismount.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-12 CP Condottieri * 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-2 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-4 FL Light infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 16
0-4 FP Pikemen 5 4 1 B 2 17(13) Pike
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-4 T Militia pavisemen 6 4 0 C 1 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-4 S Militia crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or T Handgunners 6 3 0 C 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-4 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. Alongside the main powers in 15th Century Italy there were countless Minor States
that survived thanks to some prudent foreign policy and paying mercenaries when needed. Often the fami-
lies that led these States provided illustrious Condottieri, like the Gonzaga family from Mantua. This list
covers armies from States such as the Duchy of Savoia, the Duchy of Modena, and Ferrara, the Marquisate
of Mantova, the Republic of Siena, the Duchy of Urbino, etc.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Condottieri units to Lance Spezzate with VBU=8 and I=4 for 46
points per unit. You can give Mercenary Crossbowmen a Pavise for an extra 3 points per unit.
Up to 1/2 the deployed CP (Condottieri and Light Cavalry) can dismount.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

6 - KINGDOM OF NAPLES 1402-1494
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-10 CP Condottieri* 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
0-4 CP Neapolitan nobles 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-2 CL Hungarian or Turks 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-2 CL Jinetes* 12 4 2 B 1/3 21
0-1 FP Infantry guard* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long spear
0-2 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-4 FL Light infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 16
0-4 FP Pikemen 5 4 1 B 2 17(13) Pike
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-4 FL Aragonese infantry* 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
0-4 S Aragonese crossbowmen 8 2 0 C 1 7 Crossbow B
0-2 T Militia pavisemen 6 4 0 C 1 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-2 S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Comp. bow B
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-4 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Albanian allies
1-2 CL Veteran light cavarly* 12 4 2 B 2/3 21
0-2 CL Light cavarly 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
Notes and options. In the 15th Century the Kingdom of Naples occupied all of southern Italy and under
the Aragonese dynasty, who took power in 1441 replacing the precedent Anjou dynasty, became a very ac-
tive state in the Italian political panorama. The Court of Naples, one of the most refined and culturally open
in Europe, was always opposed by the troublesome nobles from the Campania region, who provided the
army with contingents of feudal cavalry that accompanied the more famous Condottieri companies. Under
the Aragonese dynasty, the Kingdom of Naples could also count on numerous Spanish troops.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Condottieri units to Lance Spezzate with VBU=8 and I=4 for 46
points per unit. You can give Mercenary Crossbowmen a Pavise for an extra 3 points per unit.
Up to 1/2 the deployed CP (Condottieri and Light Cavalry) can dismount.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


In all Army Lists in Vol. 32 “The Great Italian 15mm Venexia Miniatures
Wars”, published in Extra Impetus 1, you can
upgrade the front rank of Large Units of FP ar-
med with Pikes:
from VBU=5, I=3 and D=A
to VBU=6 the new cost is 34 pts per Unit;
from VBU=5, I=3 and D=B
to VBU=6 the new cost is 29 pts per Unit;
from VBU=5, I=4 and D=C
to VBU=6 the new cost is 25 pts per Unit;
from VBU=4, I=2 and D=B
to VBU=5 the new cost is 22 pts per Unit;
from VBU=4, I=2 and D=C
to VBU=5 the new cost is 17 pts per Unit;
from VBU=3, I=1 and D=C
to VBU=4 the new cost is 12 pts per Unit.


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

by Eugenio Larosa



1482 Command Structure (Average) are not must be CP Neapolitan Nobles).
Venice wanted to control more Terraferma paid for. This army starts in Florence or laying sie-
and ensure themselves a faster route to the The armies must comprise: ge to Città di Castello.
saltworks at Comacchio and Cervia. So
they declared war on Ferrara (who had, VENETIAN LEAGUE COMMANDERS
until recently, been an ally) using a few San Severino Army (Venice) The Commanders start as Poor, and the
border squabbles as an excuse. Minor States List. rules about double-1s or double-6s apply
The Pope initially encouraged the war Starts in Rovigo. during the game but only for that battle.
and then openly supported Venice, seeing Must take either Occhiobello or Ficarolo Permanent changes of the Commanders’
it as an opportunity to take a few new to enter the war-zone. level occur if the Commander isn’t killed
towns in Romagna for the Papal States Republican Army (Venice) in battle. In the case of victory a
and his nephew (Girolamo Riario, Lord of Venice List. You cannot buy Swiss Commander gains a level, but if he loses
Forlì and Imola). Pikemen and you must have at least two the Commander goes down one level
The Duca d’Este immediately reinforced Units of Stradiots. (with a minimum of Poor).
his borders and asked for help from other Starts in Ravenna. If a Commanders’ unit is lost then the
powers, Milan, Florence and Naples, who Papal Army Commander loses any acquired level and
came to prevent Venice from acquiring too Papal States List. goes back to Poor.
much power on the mainland. The Salt Starts in Rimini.
War had started. MOVEMENT TURNS
INTRODUCTION RENCE-NAPLES) All players send their orders to the umpi-
The game was born from a desire to write Milanese Army re. Once he/she has received all the orders
an Impetus campaign that was based Duchy of Milan List. You must have at the umpire will declare the turn ended and
around the times of the great Italian least two Units of T Handguns. will give all players information about the
Condottieri and that could be played quite Starts in Mantova or Modena. results of battles, movement in enemy ter-
quickly. It is structured in two parts, the Florentine Army ritory and/or sieges. If there are battles to
on-map strategic part and then the main Republic of Florence Army. You cannot be played, all players not involved must
battles. buy Swiss Pikemen. send their moves before the battle is pla-
In order to make the strategic part as rea- Starts in Urbino. yed out.
listic as possible and to add a bit of su- Naples Army WITHOUT UMPIRE
spense, it is managed by an umpire who Kingdom of Naples List (1/3 of the CP All players have a sheet upon which they
collects the moves and lets players know
what has happened after each turn. This
campaign can thus be played by email and
players need only meet to play the battles,
allowing players that can’t always get out
to play to be involved too and making the
campaign quite quick.
The umpire can be a non-gamer in so far
as the players can take his role during the
battles and all the umpire has to do is ma-
nage the strategic moves and a few simple

The aim of the campaign is to reach your
objectives or to get 200 Campaign Points.

Each army must have two Commands and
a pre-agreed total number of points
(Commanders and Command Structures
are free), the secondary Command can’t
be less than 40% of the whole army and
cannot be bigger than the main
The Commander (starting level Poor) and 28mm Venexia Miniatures


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

28mm Venexia Miniatures

write their moves, and all sheets are ga- MOVEMENT ON WATER FLEEING ARMIES
thered and all moves are revealed, after The Venetian League can use galleys to An army is said to be Fleeing when it re-
which any battles/sieges/retreats are pla- transport troops fuses a battle, in this case the retreating
yed and the procedure is repeated. VENICE - RAVENNA 3 turns army takes all these penalties:
VENICE - RIMINI 4 turns a) loses 25 Campaign Points, while the
MOVEMENT RAVENNA - RIMINI 1 turn enemy army gets 25.
An army can move one space per turn for b) the C-in-C loses a level (minimum
free, and can move an additional space If the Venetians take COMACCHIO then Poor)
but then becomes Exhausted. You cannot new routes become available: c) one chosen unit loses a level of
perform a double-move if the army is ex- VENICE - COMACCHIO 2 turns Discipline
hausted or has retreated. COMACCHIO - RAVENNA 1 turn The army that loses the battle can perform
If an army crosses an enemy area during COMACCHIO - RIMINI 2 turns a double-move next turn and cannot be in-
its turn then at the end of that turn the COMACCHIO - OCCHIOBELLO 1 turn tercepted unless it ends its movement in
movement is revealed to the enemy army OCCHIOBELLO - FICAROLO/BON- an area controlled by the enemy, except
by the umpire. An army cannot enter an DENO 1 turn for friendly cities.
area that is occupied by a friendly army,
and if it moves into or crosses an area oc- BATTLE VICTORY CONDITIONS RALLYING UNITS
cupied by an enemy army then a battle Unless otherwise indicated, the Victory After a battle an army can rally Routed
takes place. Conditions are those in the main rules. Units.
Units lost after a Command Routs are au-
EXHAUSTED ARMIES The army that wins the battle: tomatically rallied, the winner can rally
An army becomes Exhausted if it per- a) gets 50 Campaign Points these Units maintaining the VBU that
forms more than one move per turn. An b) increases the Discipline of one Unit they had after the battle that they just
Exhausted army cannot perform extra that performed particularly well by one fought, while the loser rallies his Units
movement (apart from a standard move) level (permanent). subtracting 1 VBU from the remaining
until it recovers “normal” status by remai- c) increases the quality of the Commander value.
ning stationary for one turn. by one level (if his Unit was not elimina-
If an Exhausted army is involved in a batt- ted). Destroyed units can be rallied if they pass
le then for the first two turns all units are this test for each unit.
considered to be Disordered, a status The army that loses the Battle: Winner Loser
which can be recovered from the third a) loses 25 Campaign Points 4+ 5+
turn onwards. b) if the Commander was Poor then one
Unit loses 1 Discipline (permanent). Units that are rallied this way are rallied
BATTLE c) the Commander’s quality is reduced by with half their VBU (rounded up). Units
A battle takes place when two enemy ar- one (minimum Poor) that fail the test can rally with VBU 1 if
mies are in the same area. Unless other- The army that loses the battle can perform they belong to the winner or VBU 0 if
wise indicated, the unit that was already a double-move (retreat) next turn and can- they belong to the loser.
in the area is the Defender while the army not be intercepted unless it ends its move- Units that have taken losses during the
that moves into the area is the Attacker. ment in an area controlled by the enemy, battle keep the VBU that they had at the
Battles are fought using standard Impetus except for friendly cities. end of the battle.
rules. A Unit that leaves the battlefield is treated
as lost due to Rout of the Command, but


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

keeps the VBU that it had when it left the Heavy Artillery (that works) in the Army Unit.
battlefield. List, move into a town area and declare a MOUNTAINOUS AREA
siege. You also need to remain stationary If the area is Mountainous the Defender
RECOVERING VBU for one turn to set up camp. can add an extra Hill (max 20Ux20U) that
If in a town that can be used for this pur- An army cannot enter a friendly town if it is treated as a Rocky Hill (Difficult
pose, every Commander can decide to re- is under siege. Ground.).
cover his Unit’s VBU by sacrificing a mo- Every turn the besieging army inflicts one If an army is besieging a town it must de-
vement turn, and in this case recovers 5 damage for each Artillery deployed and ploy its Baggage in an area between 2U
VBU per turn for each Command Bonus for each Command bonus. The town is ta- and 5U from his edge, while the rest of the
(minimum 5 points per Commander). ken when its VBU goes to 0. army is deployed between 5U and 15U,
Units cannot have more than their original The besieger gets 5 Campaign Points for and the Artillery must be deployed poin-
VBU. each point of VBU of the town that has ting towards the player’s edge of the table.
A Unit entering an allied town that con- been taken. Any terrain bonuses can be activated with
tains an enemy army can go into the town If a besieging army is attacked by an a roll of the dice.
without fighting the enemy unless the lat- enemy army the siege is over. The besie- Rivers – 6 or 5/6 if Marshy (treat as
ter are laying siege to it. A Unit within an ging army is the Defender and must: Normal with at least 2 places to cross).
allied town cannot be attacked, but if they a) deploy artillery in the other direction to Roads – 5/6 or 6 if Marshy or
want to leave the town then they must that of the battle Mountainous terrain.
fight the enemy army. b) must deploy their Camp (Baggage).
In the event of a victory the siege will WEATHER
Towns that can be used to Recover: continue without needing to re-deploy the The only weather that can influence the
Estense League Baggage again unless the Baggage has game is Fog, which may appear in Marshy
MANTOVA been destroyed by the enemy army. If the or Mountainous areas with a roll of 5 or 6,
BOLOGNA besieging army loses the Battle the siege visibility will be 15U for a number of
URBINO stops and the town keeps its initial turns (1+1d6/2.)
MILAN* Defence value.
Venetian League TERRAIN No ally of the Estense League can rally
RAVENNA Unless otherwise indicated for the battle, VBU or stop in the area around FERRA-
RIMINI the Defender can place up to four terrain RA.
ROVIGO elements in the area, while the Attacker
VENICE* can remove or move one in an 30U deep CAMPAIGN VICTORY CONDI-
* total recovery in one turn in these towns. area across the middle of the battlefield. TIONS
All hills are treated as Difficult Ground. The Campaign is won by the first League
SIEGES MARSHY AREA that reaches 200 Campaign Points. The
All towns can be besieged but not all can If the area is Marshy the Defender can add Venice-Papal League also wins if it mana-
be taken (those designated for Recovery). a Marsh (max 20Ux20U) that is treated as ges to lay siege to FERRARA for 3 turns.
Laying siege to a town that cannot be ta- Mud (Broken Ground) and that cannot be
ken does not give points but can be useful removed or moved by the Attacker. Every Special thanks for playtesting to: Stefano
to cut the enemy’s supply routes. turn that an Army stops in a Marshy area Gardini, Alberto Merendi, Tomas Lippi and
To lay siege to a town you need to have that Army loses 1 VBU from a chosen Marco De Carlo.
15mm Essex (collezione Lorenzo Sartori)

15 mm Essex (collection Lorenzo Sartori)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Swiss, 28mm Wargames Foundry
(Collection Simon Chick)

by Lorenzo Sartori

Europe in the 15th century

15th Century Europe was a time of transition from the Medieval Castille in 1469 led to the union, albeit at a personal level, of the
Period to the Renaissance and also signalled the move from feu- two crowns of Castille and Aragon, but also led to the outbreak
dal Monarchies to the birth of Modern States. of a War of Succession caused by the claims of Alfonse V of
The century began with England and France already engaged for Portugal. Ferdinand won the war at the Battle of Toro (1476) and
decades in the Hundred Years’ War, which would only end in encouraged by this victory he continued the conquest that ended
1453, leaving England to a destiny of internal struggles known as with the taking of Granada (1492).
the War of the Roses which in turn would lead to the rise of the Meanwhile, chased out of Spain, the Muslims became a pressure
powerful Tudor dynasty, and leaving France on the road to unifi- on Christian Europe with the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the
cation. This was a process that the Valois would complete by ab- East.
sorbing the regions that were most hostile to their authority, like
Burgundy (with the defeat of
Charles the Bold) and Brittany Imperials - 28mm Perry Miniatures (photo and painting Tilman Moritz)
(thanks to the wedding between
Charles VIII and Anne of Brittany).
Germany, Bohemia and Austria, the
epicentre of the Holy Roman
Empire, would see the rise of the
Hapsburgs but the Empire was far
from being united and the Hussite
revolt and then the Ottoman threat
would be constant thorns in their si-
Italy was divided into regional po-
wers that were busy fighting border
wars while at the same time stri-
ving to maintain a certain balance
rather then emerging as ruling sta-
tes. This policy would leave the
doors open to foreign invaders at
the end of the century.
In Spain the wedding between
Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


Hussites - 15mm Irregular, Essex e Minifigs (collection Massimiliano Conti)

The Hussite movement was a Reformation that took its name battles of Aussig (1427) and Mies (1427) and invaded Silesia,
from the theologian Jan Hus who was burnt at the stake on the Saxony and Bavaria.
6th July 1415. After his execution the movement became a fully- In 1430 Pope Martin V decreed another huge crusade led by
fledged insurrection that spread across Bohemia. Frederic I of Brandenburg that ended in the defeat at Taus (14th
In July 1419 the most extreme part of the movement, the August 1431).
Taborites, who were led by the nobleman Jan Troznowski, or But the war had not finished since trouble soon broke out bet-
“Zizka”, began hostilities with the Bohemian crown with the first ween the more moderate Utraquists, who were inclined towards
Defenestration of Prague. Seven judges who refused to free their improving relations with the Church, and the radical Taborites.
companions were thrown from their windows and then killed by On the 30th May 1434 Procopius’ Taborites were badly beaten
the Hussites. This violence was probably the reason for the death by the Bohemian League (an alliance of Utraquists and Catholic
of King Venceslao IV (the Lazy) who died of a heart-attack a nobles) at the Battle of Lipany.
month later. The last battle of the Hussite Wars was fought in Poland, at
The official answer was a crusade against the heretics under Grotnki, where the Polish Hussites were beaten by King
Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Germany, who also declared Vladislao III.
himself King of Bohemia. The crusade
Imperials - 28mm Perry Miniatures (photo and painting Tilman Moritz)
was approved by a Papal Bull issued by
Martin V that excommunicated all
members of the movement. Sigismund
invaded Bohemia but was beaten by
Zizka and his wagons several times
(Sudomer March 1420, Vysehrad
November 1420 and Meissen August
A second crusade began in the Winter
of 1421, that ended in the defeat of the
crusaders at Kuttenberg in January
1422. The peace that followed was dif-
ficult for the Hussites as they had al-
ready split into various factions and the
anarchy grew worse when Jan Zizka
died in 1424.
The leadership of the movement was ta-
ken by Andrea Pocopius (Prokop the
Great) who beat the crusaders at the


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Charles the Bold became the Duke of Burgundy
in June 1467. His dream was to create an inde-
pendent kingdom between France and Germany
and connect his lands to the Flanders.
Once he was Duke, Charles refused to be vassal
to the King of France Louis XI with whom he
had fought a few years earlier with a coalition of
rebel nobles in the War of the Public Good
(Battle of Monthlery, 16th July 1465).
But Louis XI’s diplomatic skills ensured that
Emperor Frederic III never recognised Charles
as King. The Bold’s expansionist goals soon led
him to battle with the Swiss Cantons and the
Duke of Lorraine.
In July 1474, acting in favour of his ally the
Archbishop of Cologne, Charles lay siege to
Neuss, a town on the Rhine, but that summer he
had to retreat after Imperial troops intervened.
His attention moved to Lorraine and on the 30th
November 1475 the Burgundians occupied
Nancy. From here Charles moved to Grandson,
owned by the Count of Romont, his ally, that
had fallen into Swiss hands the year beforehand.
On the 2nd March 1476 the Burgundian troops
were ambushed at Grandson and badly beaten

@ Wikipedia
by Swiss Confederate troops under Berna.
On the 22nd June 1476 at Morat Charles was
once again beaten by the Swiss, this time helped
by troops from Lorraine. The Duke of Lorraine,
Renè II, retook Nancy.
In January of the following year the Duke at-
tempted to take the city but was conclusively
beaten (Battle of Nancy, 5th January 1477) and
died in battle.
After the death of Charles the Bold, Louis XI re-
took control of Burgundy, but not all of the
Duchy. He met Archduke Maximilian of
Habsburg (Maximilian I) on his path, who had
married Charles’ heir, Mary of Burgundy.
On the 7th August 1479, at Guinegatte,

Maximilian’s army beat

Louis XI and the
Burgundian Wars were

15mm Essex and Mirliton (collection Lorenzo Sartori)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


1 - HUSSITES 1419-1431
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-1 CP Nobles and knight* 8 7 4 B 3 36
0-3 CP Hussite knight* 8 6 3 B 3 28
0-2 CL Scout 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-6 FP Infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
8-16 W Wagenburg* 5 5 0 B 3 21 Various weapons
or W Wagenburg 5 6 0 B 3 27 Various weapons
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-16 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of the rebellious Bohemians during the so-called Hussite
Wars. The main tactic of the Hussite army was to deploy a large circle of farmer’s wagons that were trans-
formed into small defensive fortresses and defended by peasants and craftsmen armed with crossbows, hand-
guns and agricultural tools. The Hussites also used countless small calibre artillery and small groups of ca-
valry that left the circle of wagons to apply the coup-de-grace on the enemy when it was in difficulty.
Crossbowmen, handguns and halberds are already included in the Wagenburg units.
Up to 1/2 of the deployed Wagenburg units can be armed with Art B for 36 points per unit.
Units of Wagenburg armed with Art. B can continue to fire with their normal weapons using normal rules.
Or they can fire like Art. B, in which case their VBU = 1.
The firing arc is always 360°. In melee even the Wagenburg units armed with Art. B fight with their VBU
and apply normal rules.
Hussites do not deploy baggage.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-1 CP Emperor and followers* 8 8 5 B 3 47
2-6 CP Mercenary knights* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
0-6 CP Feudal knights* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
or FP Dismounted feudal knights* 5 6 2 C 3 20
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 C 3 -
0-4 CL Hungarian* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
0-6 FP Mercenary infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-4 T Mercenary crossbownmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
or T Mercenary archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
2-4 S Crossbownmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
1-4 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-6 FP Militia spearmen 5 4 1 C 2 12(9) Long spear
0-4 T Militia pavisemen 6 4 0 C 1 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-2 W Wagenburg 5 5 0 B 3 21 Various weapons
or W Wagenburg 5 6 0 B 3 27 Various weapons
0-4 FP Heerban 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-8 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. The list covers the Imperial armies and Crusaders during the so-called Hussite Wars.
Sigismund of Luxemburg was appointed Emperor in 1410 and he inherited a difficult financial and diplo-
matic situation that often led to conflict with the riotous German nobility. His reign was characterised by
the Hussite revolt that broke out in 1419 when, with the Pope’s blessing, he organised a crusade to invade
Bohemia. The war ended in his total defeat.
You can arm one or more units of Mercenary Infantry with long spear for 21 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-3 CP Burgundians * 8 8 4 B 3 46
or CP Burgundians * 8 7 4 B 3 36
2-12 CP Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP 5 6 2 B 3 -
or CP Men at Arms wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
0-2 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 1 B 1 21 Crossbow B
0-2 CM Mounted handgunners 10 4 0 B 1 18 Handgun
4-12 FP Pikemen* 5 4 1 B 2/3 17(13) Pike
or FP Pikemen* 5 4 1 C 2/3 12(9) Pike
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
or T Mercenary archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
2-4 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-6 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-2 W Wagenburg 5 5 0 B 3 21 Various weapons
or W Wagenburg 5 6 0 B 3 27 Various weapons
0-4 FP Heerban 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-8 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. Frederic III was neither a great Condottiero nor a great statesman, but he was lucky
enough to survive his main enemies (his brother Albert VI, Ladislaus the Posthumous, Matthias Corvinus,
Charles the Bold). His army was not unlike the one above apart from the introduction of units of Swiss
mercenary-style Pikes, who were enrolled in Germany and the Flanders.
You can upgrade the front rank of Large Units of Pikemen to VBU=5 for 23 points per unit.
Units of Pikemen must create Large Units.
Men-at-Arms in wedges must create Large Units.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


Both Imperial lists can be used to cover the minor German armies or those of the Hanseatic League. In this
case you cannot use the following units: Emperor and retinue (CP), Burgundian cavalry (CP) and
Hungarians (CL).

5 - LOW COUNTRIES 1410-1478

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
1-4 CP Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
or FP Dismounted Men at Arms 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-5 CP Feudal or mercenary knights* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
can dismount as FP* 5 6 2 C 3 -
1-4 T Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 21 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
6-30 FP Pikemen* 5 4 1 B 2/3 17(13) Pike
0-2 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-2 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-10 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of the Low Country city-states during the period that they
were absorbed by the Duchy of Burgundy, but who didn’t all obey it. The core of the army was formed by
Pikes from the Guilds (commercial corporations) that were supported by middle-class nobles who were the
mounted element, despite the fact that they often fought on foot.
You can upgrade the front rank of Large Units of Pikemen to VBU=5 for 23 points per unit.
Units of Pikemen must create Large Units.
CP units with Discipline B can dismount as:
FP Dismounted men-at-arms* 5 6 2 B 3 -
A Feudal General or Mercenary General can only command Feudal or Mercenary troops.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

6 - KALMAR UNION 1434-1472
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-8 CP Feudal knights* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-1 CL Mounted handgunners 12 3 0 B 1 18 Handgun
0-2 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 1 B 1 21 Crossbow B
2-12 CP German Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
or CP German Men at Arms wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
0-4 FP German halberdiers 5 5 1 B 2 18
4-12 FP Levy spearmen* 5 4 1 C 1/3 12(9) Long spear
0-4 S Levy crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
4-12 FL Militia halberdiers* 8 5 1 B 2/3 20
0-4 T Militia crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 21 Crossbow A
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-2 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
Notes and options. After Queen Margaret of Denmark created the Kalmar Union in 1397, her adopted son,
Eric of Pomerania, officially became the first sovereign of the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and
Sweden. The Union was intended to guarantee the three kingdoms a good measure of independence, but
the Danish King’s desire for union and the Swede’s desire for independence led the project to failure. Eric
was deposed in 1439 after various peasant revolts in Sweden and Norway that were supported by the
Swedish nobility who didn’t want Danish leadership. The Kalmar Union would last, with its ups and
downs, for another eighty years or so. This list covers the so-called Kalmar Union between the Kingdoms
of Denmark, Sweden and Norway from the first Swedish Revolt under Engelbrekt (1434-1436).
German Men-at-Arms and Levy lancers can create Large Units.
You can upgrade the front rank of Large Units of Landsknechts to VBU=5 for 23 points per unit. The
Landsknechts can only be used after 1487.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

Kalmar Union flag Swedish flag

7 - SWEDISH 1434-1472
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-8 CP Feudal knights* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-1 CL Mounted handgunners 12 3 0 B 1 18 Handgun
0-2 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 1 B 1 21 Crossbow B
4-16 FP Militia halberdiers* 5 5 1 C 2/3 13
4-16 T Militia crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
or S Militia crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-2 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-12 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. Throughout all of the 15th Century Sweden resisted the attempts of the government of
the Kalmar Union to centralise matters under the Danish Kings. In 1434 there was a rebellion led by
Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson and the subsequent expulsion of the Danes from Sweden. In 1448 the Swedes
elected Charles VIII as King, opposing Christian I of Denmark as sovereign of the Union. The opposition
between Danes and Swedes within the Union lasted the whole century. In 1520 the Danish King Christian
II ordered the massacre of the Swedish nobility in Stockholm. Sweden left the Kalmar Union in 1523, un-
der Gustav Eriksson Vasa, later known as King Gustav I of Sweden.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

8 - ARMAGNACS 1444
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CP French nobles* 8 8 5 C 3 40 Impetuous
2-6 CP French and Guascon MAA* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
or FP Dismounted Men at Arms* 5 6 2 C 3 20
1-4 CP English Men at Arms 8 6 3 B 3 28
or FP Dismounted Men at Arms 5 6 2 B 3 25
2-8 T English longbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-3 T Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 21 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 S Breton javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
1-4 FL Breton Brigans 8 4 1 C 1 14 Long spear
or FL Breton Brigans 8 4 2 C 1 12
0-2 FP French Ribauds 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
Notes and options. This list covers the mercenary army paid by the King of France to help Emperor
Frederic III against the Swiss Confederates. When the Swiss Confederates laid siege to Zurich, the latter
asked for help from Emperor Frederic III who, in turn, sought support from the King of France, Charles
VII. The latter made the most of this request to prepare an army under the Dauphin to free himself from
the impending danger of a large army of English and French mercenaries that, after the truce signed with
King Henry VI, were seeking employment and were in danger of becoming bloodthirsty brigands. The ex-
pedition beat a small Swiss army at St. Jacob en Birs in 1444, but the serious losses taken during the bat-
tle forced them to retreat. The army is an interesting combination of French and English troops.
CP units with Discipline B can dismount as:
FP Dismounted men-at-arms* 5 6 2 B 3 -
One or more units of English Archers can be given stakes for an extra 3 points per unit.
One or more units of English Archers can be given horses for an extra 1 point per unit. This means they
can move 10U in the first activation phase.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
12-36 FP Pikemen * 6 5 3 B 3 23(17) Pike
or FP Veteran pikemen* 6 5 3 A 3 28(21) Pike
or FP Allies pikemen* 6 4 2 B 2 18(13) Pike
0-12 FL Halberdiers* 8 5 3 B 2/3 25
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
2-12 S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 CP Lorrainese Men at Arms* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
or CP Lorrainese Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-8 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. This list covers Swiss Confederate armies of the 15th Century and especially the ar-
mies that broke the Burgundians in three epic battles at Grandson, Morat and Nancy in the war between
1474 and 1477. From the start of the 15th Century the Confederates started to deploy long pikes next to the
traditional halberds to better contrast infantry and cavalry charges. The infantry grouped into large squa-
res, bristling with pikes and halberds, and moved aggressively towards the enemy protected by a screen of
crossbowmen and handguns. They were fiercely determined and their discipline combined with the sim-
plicity of their tactics meant that the Swiss soon became the best infantry of the period and much sought-
after mercenaries. Their method of fighting was copied all over Europe. The core of these Confederate ar-
mies was obviously the squares of excellent pikemen who, taking care to protect their flanks and enter me-
lee as soon as possible, could defeat any enemy.
The units of Pikes, even Veterans or Allies, must create Large Units. The Large Units of Pikes must be for-
med of units of the same type. You can upgrade the front rank of Large Units of Pikes to VBU=6 for 29
points if the unit has Discipline B or for 34 points if it has Discipline A. A Lorrainese general can only com-
mand Lorrainese troops.
Special Rule. The Swiss were very good at making the most of mountainous countryside to surprise their ene-
mies. To simulate this, the Confederate player can deploy one Command in any location in their half of the bat-
tlefield. Halberds cancel the Impetus bonus of mounted troops.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CP Guard Gendarmes* 8 8 4 B 3 46
3-10 CP Ordonnance Men at Arms* 8 7 4 B 3 36
or FP Dismounted Men at Arms* 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-2 CP Burgundian nobles 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-2 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
2-6 T Ordonnance archers 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-6 FP Ordonnance pikemen* 5 4 1 B 2/3 17(13) Pike
0-12 FP Flemmish pikemen* 5 4 1 C 2/3 12(9) Pike
0-4 T Ordonnance Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
or S Ordonnance Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-4 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-4 T Feudal crossbowmen 6 3 0 C 1 14 Crossbow A
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-2 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-10 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. With the Ordonnance of 1469 Charles the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy, created a per-
manent army that included heavy cavalry (gendarmes), archers, heavy infantry, but also artillery and men
armed with rudimental harquebus. A man of great culture and a keen reader of military manuals, Charles
tried to combine, in his army, the best of the different European military traditions of the period: he sum-
moned bowmen with long English bows, French gens d’arme, Italian crossbowmen, Flemish Pikemen and
the best that 15th Century military techniques could offer. The dream of an ideal army was shattered against
the squares formed by simple Swiss mountainmen at the battles of Grandson (1476) Morat (1476) and
Nancy (1477).
You can upgrade the front rank of a Large Unit of Ordonnance Pikes to VBU=5 for 23 points per unit.
You can upgrade the front rank of a Large Unit of Flemish Pikes to VBU=5 for 18 points per unit.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of the deployed Ordonnance Men-at-Arms to Veterans with VBU=8 and I=4 for
46 points per unit.
CP units with Discipline B can dismount as:
FP Dismounted men-at-arms* 5 6 2 B 3 -
One or more units of Ordonnance Archers can be given horses for an extra 1 point per unit. This means
they can move 10U in the first activation phase.
Units of ordonnance Pikes and Flemish Pikes must create Large Units.
You can create a Large Unit with a unit of Ordonnance Pikes in front and one of Ordonnance archers be-
hind. They can move up to 5U. The Large Unit archers (whose cost drops to 17 points) fire without the -2
penalty, but do not provide support in a melee.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)

Burgundian camp - 15mm various manufacturers (collection Lorenzo Sartori)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

11 - FRENCH ORDONNANCE 1453-1478
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-6 CP Gendarmes* 8 8 5 B 3 47
or FP Dismounted Gendarmes 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-2 CP French nobles 8 8 5 C 3 40 Impetuous
or CP French nobles 8 6 3 C 3 21 Impetuous
0-4 CP Italian Men at Arms* 8 7 4 B 3 36
0-2 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-1 CL Mounted handgunners 12 3 0 B 1 18 Handgun
0-4 FP Heavy infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-3 FP Militia 5 4 1 C 1 12 Long spear
2-4 T Ordonnance archers* 6 4 0 B 2/3 23 Longbow A
or CP Ordonnance archers 8 6 3 B 3 28
2-10 T Franc Archers* 6 3 0 C 1/3 11 Longbow B
0-2 S Bretons 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-6 T Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 21 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-2 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-10 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Swiss allies
2-3 FP Swiss pikemen* 6 5 3 B 3 23(17) Pike
0-1 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
Notes and options. At the end of the Hundred Years’ War Charles VII reorganised the army with the pu-
blication of some orders that transformed the feudal army into a modern, permanent army.
CP units with Discipline B can dismount as:
FP Dismounted men-at-arms* 5 6 2 B 3 -
One or more units of Ordonnance Archers can be given horses for an extra 1 point per unit. This means
they can move 10U in the first activation phase.
Note for the Swiss Contingent: You can upgrade the front ranks of Large Units of Pikemen to VBU=6 for
29 points each.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)

12 - FRENCH ORDONNANCE 1479-1494

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-8 CP Gendarmes* 8 8 5 B 3 47
0-2 CP Italian Men at Arms* 8 7 4 B 3 36
2-4 CP Ordonnance archers 8 6 3 B 3 28
0-2 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-1 CL Mounted handgunners 12 3 0 B 1 18 Handgun
0-6 FP French pikemen* 5 4 1 C 1 12(9) Pike
2-10 T Franc Archers* 6 3 0 C 1 11 Longbow B
0-2 S Bretons 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-4 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-8 T Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 21 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-2 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-10 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Swiss allies
2-6 FP Swiss pikemen* 6 5 3 B 3 23(17) Pike
0-2 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
Notes and options. This list represents the French at the Battle of Guinegatte (1479) at the dawn of Charles
VIII’s expedition to Italy. In this period the Ordonnance Archers only kept the name as they had already
been transformed into Heavy Cavalry sometime before.
Note for the Swiss Contingent
You can upgrade the front ranks of Large Units of Pikemen to VBU=6 for 29 points each.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

13 - NASRIDS 1482-1492
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
1-4 CM Lancers* 10 6 3 B 3 30
4-22 CL Light cavalry* 12 3 1 B 1/3 21 Javelin
0-2 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
0-2 FP Mercenary lancers* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long spear
0-3 T Mercenary archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Comp. bow A
0-4 FP City militia spearmen* 5 4 1 B 1/3 17 Long spear
4-16 T Peasant militia crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
or S Peasant militia crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 2 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of the Sultanate of Granada during the last decisive war against
the Kingdom of Castille that resulted in the fall of the city and the destruction of the last Muslim kingdom in
the Spanish peninsular. The Nasrids were the dynasty that succeeded the Almohads and that governed the
Sultanate from 1237 to 1492, when, divided by internal conflicts, it was conquered by Catholic royalty
Ferdinand and Isabella. You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL Light Cavalry to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a to-
tal cost of 23 points per unit.
Command Structure Average (12 pts)

Jinetes - 15mm Venexia Miniatures

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-8 CP Men at Arms* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
4-12 CL Jinetes* 12 3 1 B 1/3 21 Javelin
or CL Jinetes* 12 4 2 B 1/3 21
2-8 FP Spearmen* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16 Long spear
or FP Spearmen* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long spear
0-12 FL Javelinmen 8 4 1 C 2 14 Javelin
or S Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
2-12 T Crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
2-12 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-6 S Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-4 FP Peasant levies* 5 3 1 C 1/3 7
0-4 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of Castille and Aragon that fought during the so-called War
of Castilian Succession, a conflict that took place between 1475 and 1479 for the succession of the
Castilian crown between the supporters of Juana la Beltraneja, daughter of the late King Henry IV of
Castille, and those of Isabelle of Castille, his half-sister. In fact it was a conflict that opposed Portugal and
France, who supported Juana, and Castille and Aragon that were on Isabelle’s side. The decisive battle took
place at Toro in 1476 and was won by the Castilians, after which the war continued above all on sea and
saw the victory of Portugal as the hegemonic Atlantic maritime power.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Men-at-Arms to Military Order with VBU=8, I=4 and D=C for 46
points per unit.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed T Archers to VBU=4 for a total cost of 13 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
1-6 CP Men at Arms* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-1 CP Military Orders* 8 8 4 B 3 46
4-12 CL Jinetes* 12 3 1 B 1/3 21 Javelin
or CL Jinetes* 12 4 2 B 1/3 21
0-1 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
4-12 FP Hermandad spearmen* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21(16) Long spear
or FP Hermandad spearmen* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16(12) Long spear
2-6 T Hermandad crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 21 Crossbow A
or S Hermandad crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
2-6 T Hermandad handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Hermandad handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-2 S Hermandad Rodeleros 8 3 3 B 1 16
0-2 S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-4 FL Adalides 8 4 1 B 2 19 Javelin
or S Adalides 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-10 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Swiss allies
2-3 FP Swiss pikemen* 6 5 3 B 3 23(17) Pike
0-1 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of Castille and Aragon during the war for the kingdom of
Granada. In 1476 Isabelle I of Castille ordered the organisation of an efficient military force that could be
used to maintain public order and also be the core of a permanent army, starting with the military confra-
ternities (Hermandad) that were widespread in the towns of the kingdom. After the creation of that which
would become known as the “Holy Hermandad”, the Castilian and Aragonese armies saw the importance
of feudal cavalry diminish in favour of units of infantry armed with spears, crossbows, handguns, swords
and shields. Despite the fact that the role of the “Holy Hermandad”, that performed so well during the war
for Granada, was downsized at the end of the century, its mixed units of spears and missile troops created
a model upon which they based first the Colunelas and then the Tercios. You can upgrade up to 1/3 of the
deployed Men-at-Arms to Veterans with VBU=8 and I=4 for 39 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

16 - PORTUGUESE 1475-1479
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-6 CP Men at Arms* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
or FP Dismounted Men at Arms 5 6 2 C 3 20
0-5 CL Jinetes* 12 3 1 B 1/3 21 Javelin
or CL Jinetes* 12 4 2 B 1/3 21
0-6 FP Spearmen* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16 Long spear
0-12 FL Javelinmen 8 4 1 C 2 14 Javelin
or S Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
2-12 T Crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
2-12 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-6 S Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-4 FP Peasant levies 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-6 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-10 For (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. This list covers the Portuguese armies that fought in the War of Castilian Succession bet-
ween 1475 and 1479 under Alfonso V, that supported the rights of succession of his wife Juana la Beltraneja. The
decisive battle in the war was at Toro in 1476. The war continued until 1479, but was fought above all at sea.
Unlike the Spanish, Portuguese troops normally fought on foot.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Men-at-Arms to Military Order with VBU=8, I=4 and D=C for 46 points
per unit.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed T Archers to VBU=4 for a total cost of 13 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-10 CP Rycerz* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
4-10 CP Czeladz 8 6 3 C 2 21 Impetuous
or CM Czeladz 10 6 3 B 2 30
0-2 FL Axemen 8 5 2 C 2 16
0-4 T City militia* 6 4 0 C 1/3 19 Crossbow A and Pavise
0-2 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-4 CL Lithuanian nobles* 12 4 1 B 2/3 23 Javelin
0-6 CL Lithuanians 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
or S Lithuanians 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-3 CL Hungarians 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-2 CL Serbian hussars 12 4 2 B 2 21
0-1 CL Tartars 12 4 1 B 2 27 Comp. bow B
0-2 W Wagenburg 5 5 0 B 3 21 Various weapons
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
Notes and options. The list covers the Polish-Lithuanian armies that fought for the Jagiellon dynasty
against the Teutonic Knights during the 15th Century. The most famous battle was the Battle of Tannenberg
(or Grunwald) in 1410, but the Polish-Lithuanian Union also beat the Order in the subsequent 13 Years’
War between 1454 and 1466. The Rycerz were the Polish nobility that fought as heavy cavalry. The
Czeladz represent the minor nobility that fought with spears in the 15th Century. You can treat the Czeladz
either as CP (Heavy cavalry), like the Rycerz, or as Medium Cavalry, therefore closer to the fighting me-
thod of the Russians or Lithuanians.
You can upgrade up to 1/3 of the deployed Rycerza to Veterans with VBU=8 and I=4 for 39 points per
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

18 - TEUTONIC ORDER 1400-1466

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
1-4 CP Veteran Order Knights* 8 8 5 B 3 47
2-4 CP Order Knights* 8 7 4 B 3 36
0-2 FP Order infantry* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long spear
0-4 T Order Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
or S Order Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
1-6 CP Crusader Knights* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
or CP Crusader Knights* 8 6 3 B 3 28
or CP Men at Arms wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
0-2 T Crusader crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
or S Crusader crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-3 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
1-2 CL Knechte 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
1-4 CL Turcopoles 12 4 2 B 2 21
0-2 CL Veteran Livonians* 12 4 1 B 2/3 27 Comp. bow B
2-6 CL Livonians 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-5 FL Livonians 8 4 1 C 1 14 Javelin
or S Livonians 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-6 FP Prussians levies 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of the Teutonic Order from their heights right down to their
downsizing after their defeats at Tannenberg and during the 13 Year’s War. During the 15th Century their
main enemy was Poland. The Knights of the Order are the cream of the army that, in any case, can count
on the substantial support of German nobility and local light troops (Livonians and Prussians), who were
(more or less) loyal.
Deployed Veteran Livonian CL cannot outnumber the deployed Livonian CL.
Command Structure Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


28mm Perry Miniatures painting

by Lorenzo Sartori “Captain Blood” (Richard LLoyd)

The background and the reasons behind the war ned at St. Albans.
The Wars of the Roses was a dynastic war that saw the last two St Albans was taken and a terrible manhunt ensued in the streets.
branches of the Plantagenet family fight for the crown of Somerset was killed on the battlefield and Henry was captured
England. On one side was the Lancaster family, who held a cer- and forced to sanction a Yorkist government.
tain amount of shaky power with Henry VI, and on the other si- But Margaret only needed a few months to regain control of the
de were the Yorks. situation and force the Duke into exile in Ireland. Her vigour was
The sickly and unstable Henry VI had come to the throne as a mainly due to the birth of an heir; for Richard and his supporters,
baby after the death of Henry V in August 1422. He soon fell un- the time had come to stop playing around, but four years would
der the control of his great-uncle, the Bishop of Winchester, and pass before fighting took place on English soil once again.
later the Duke of Somerset. In 1444 he married the unconventio- In September 1459 the Yorkists began to move. While Richard
nal Margaret of Anjou, who influenced the country’s foreign po- and his sons, Edward Count of March (the future Edward IV) and
licy and led to a slow and gradual defeat in the Hundred Years’ Edmond, Count of Rutland, gathered men in the area bordering
War. Wales, Warwick left Calais (where he was Captain) with most of
After losing some important textile producing areas across the the garrison. The Count of Salisbury was moving south from
Channel, unrest soon spread amongst the merchant middle-class, Yorkshire after joining an army following the Stanleys, other im-
while instability grew in an ever-more divided country, and at the portant feudal lords who would play a decisive role 26 years la-
same time many mercenaries returned from fighting on the con- ter at the Battle of Bosworth.
tinent. After years of war these thousands of men had become These three armies, no more than 6,000 men in total, were plan-
masters of the chevauchée and looting and, now, with the conflict ning to meet at Worchester. But when they were nearly there
at an end, they came home ready to sell their sword to the highest Salisbury was intercepted by a Lancastrian contingent that was
bidder. beaten at Blore Heath on the 23rd September 1459.
Events precipitated in 1450 when, following an unknown idealist The now united Richard, Warwick and Salisbury sent an ultima-
called John Cade (who said he was a descendent of the House of tum to Henry VI, who replied that he’d pardon the rebels if they
Mortimer) a crowd of small landowners, farmers and craftsmen disbanded the army and if they gave him Salisbury, who was
made claims that the King, or his advisors, completely ignored. guilty of having killed several men that were very close to the
The Cade Rebellion ended in blood and was a sign that Richard, King at Blore Heath. There was no room for talk anymore and
Duke of York had been waiting for. He was the real heir to the Richard decided to fortify his position near Ludford Bridge.
Mortimer name and took command of the opposition, also thanks On the 12th October the King moved near to the entrenched re-
to the support of the Count of Salisbury and his son, the Count of bel camp with a powerful army of more than 12,000 men, twice
Warwick (“The Kingmaker”), who were the most powerful lan- the size of the Yorkist army. As was usual at that time, many fled
downers in the kingdom. Richard’s camp during the night of the 12th-13th October to join
the King’s army. The others saw this betrayal and preferred to put
Richard of York the battle off until a more favourable date. Richard retreated to
The first attempts to take power were timid affairs: at Ludlow in Ireland for the winter.
1454 the Yorkists were routed before blood was shed, while in On the 26th June 1460 Warwick, Salisbury and Edward of March
December 1454 Henry was restored to power and Somerset once landed at Sandwich with 2,000 men which grew to 20,000 men
again took control of the country’s politics. by the 1st July when they camped outside London. The next day
When Somerset convened a Council in the King’s name in May the Yorkist army, under Warwick, moved into the city: the
1455 involving all the main noblemen of the country, apart from Lancastrians countered the move by retreating into the Tower of
York and families close to him, Richard decided that it was time London while the King moved to the Midlands to raise a new
to act and made a forced march with the Counts of Salisbury and army.
Warwick to meet the enemy who, in the meantime, had garriso- The new army that was faithful to the Lancastrian King gathered


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

28mm Perry Miniatures painted by Rafa “Archiduque”

in Northampton. And this is where there In early January 1461, the news spread of being sacked that for political reasons,
was a decisive Yorkist victory on the 10th that the new Duke of York was in but the decision meant that the Queen,
July 1460. Henry was captured again. Shrewsbury where, in December, he’d lacking siege engines, could not anticipa-
The ambitions of the party of the White been rallying troops for his father’s cause. te Edward who in the meantime was on a
Rose had finally been successful and for He’d been successful and around 10,000 forced march south with Warwick.
the first time Richard laid an explicit men had come to his side, but the Yorkist Margaret’s mercenaries understood that
claim to the throne. Galvanised by mili- situation was not great: some talked of a the likelihood of a quick reward was di-
tary success but without great strategic large army moving on the capital, around minishing and started to desert so the
skills, the Duke of York quickly moved 20,000 men under Margaret herself. These Queen had to content herself with Henry’s
north to pursue his opposers led by the were disorderly troops enrolled in the liberation and retreated to York.
Queen Margaret. Not having been able to Scottish borders that were destroying the Edward got to London on the 26th
beat the Queen before she could unite her countryside. Obviously the Queen could February. Many saw him as a King that
force with a group of Royalists from we- neither control nor pay these mercenaries, could bring stability to the country and, of
stern England, York decided to wait for who took their anger out on places like course, the choice was warmly supported
reinforcements and his son Edward, who Grantham, Stamford and Peterborough, by "Kingmaker" Warwick. Thus, albeit in-
was mustering men on the Welsh border. whose only blame was to find themselves formally, Edward was appointed King of
So he pulled back to Wakefield, near on Ermine Street. Anjou let them do it, England in Westminster on the 4th March.
Sendal Castle. In the meantime Margaret promising land in the rich South and the The country had two Kings, but that stran-
managed to quadruple the size of her devastation and oppression became more ge situation wouldn’t last long. On the
army. On the 30th December 1460 only a widespread as days passed. Towards the 29th March 1461, near the village of
small part of the army of the Red Rose, end of January Edward learned about ano- Towton, nearly 80,000 men fought in the
under Somerset, advanced on the castle ther threat: the Count of Pembroke had bloodiest battle on English soil. The batt-
pretending to attack. Richard thought that been gathering an army in Wales, and had le went the way of the White Rose and on
he had the whole enemy army in front of been joined by a contingent under the the 29th June the victor at Towton was of-
him and, seeing as it was smaller than Count of Wiltshire, of mostly French, ficially crowned King Edward IV of
he’d been told, he came out of the castle Breton and Irish mercenaries who had co- England.
and fell right into a trap. The defeat at me by ship from Holland. The enemy co-
Wakefield was a hard blow to the Yorkist uld deploy over 8,000 men and it was ti- The Yorks in power
cause: Richard was killed and his head, me to act. The Duke of York quickly mo- In the early years of his reign Edward IV
wearing a paper crown, was hung on the ved to Mortimer Cross with around was busy putting down the last remnants
walls of York together with the heads of 10,000 men where he waited for, and then of resistance that were located, above all,
many of his allies, including Salisbury’s. beat, the Lancastrians on the 3rd in the north. One good example is the
February. Despite his tender age (he was Battle of Hexam (15th May 1467).
Edward IV 19 at the time) Edward had proved him- But Edward’s real problems came from
The defeat at Wakefield was the low-point self to be a superb military leader. within: for some time the relationship bet-
of the Yorkist campaign, but also provided But the crisis wasn’t over yet: the Queen ween the King and Richard Neville, the
a fortunate change in leadership. If was still moving towards the capital. Count of Warwick, had been worsening.
Warwick’s diplomacy was irreplaceable, Warwick tried to block the advance but They argued about foreign policy: the
(it wasn’t a coincidence that he went was beaten quite easily at St Albans on Count wanted an alliance with France
down in history as the "Kingmaker"), it the 17th February after he was betrayed while Edward wanted one with the Duchy
was the military skill of Richard’s son, by the Yorkist artillery commander. Henry of Burgundy; Warwick had been busy
Edward, the last King-General of the was freed and Margaret marched unoppo- trying to organise a wedding between the
English Medieval period, that opened the sed on the capital and sent an ultimatum. King and the King of France’s daughter,
road to the crown for the Yorks. London decided to resist – more for fear while Edward had caught him by surprise


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

marrying Elisabeth Woodville, almost in Warwick, at Tewkesbury, thus ending the thirty years English nobles had fought for
secret. She was the widow of a member of rebel expedition. their own interests, moving from one side
the Lancastrian party and a relation of the to the other as it best suited them. The
Percy family, who were historical enemies Richard III new King could certainly not expect any
of the Nevilles. The victory at Tewkesbury was the start of more loyalty from them than that which
This “betrayal” by he whom he conside- a relatively quiet period that lasted until they had given to his predecessors.
red to be his own “creation” led the the death of Edward on the 9th April The first signs of rebellion were seen in
Kingmaker to organise a revolt in the 1483. The heir to the throne was only Spring 1486 when Robin of Redscale took
north. The King moved to suppress the re- twelve years old and the regency was en- up arms to the north. The revolt was
volt while Warwick marched on London trusted to Edward’s brother, Richard of quickly quashed.
undisturbed with the garrison from Calais. Gloucester. But the real threat to the Tudor King was
Edward was beaten by the rebels in the Much has been written about Richard III. being prepared in Dublin where a ten year
north (Battle of Edgecote, 6th July 1469) What is certain is that if Gloucester had old boy, Lambert Simnel, was being
and was forced to accept Neville’s wishes not behaved so deviously the kingdom taught how to become the little Count of
to keep the throne. would soon have finished in the Warwick. In Dijon, capital of the Duchy
Revenge came a year later. A new revolt Woodville family’s hands, who were of Burgundy, another important and in-
broke out in the north and this gave the Edward’s wife’s family, and who were not fluential person was plotting. This was the
King an opportunity to muster an army. well loved at Court. Duchess Margaret of York, sister of
Edward didn’t call upon nobles that were Richard proceeded to eliminate his rivals Edward IV and Richard III, widow of
faithful to Warwick, and after routing the aiming directly at the throne. The Charles the Bold and now wife of the fu-
rebels at Losecoat Field he found out that Woodvilles lost no time and contacted ture Emperor Maximilian.
the Count of Neville was behind this re- Margaret. Soon they found a pretender to A contingent of Swiss and German mer-
bellion too, and the latter fled to France. the throne; his name was Henry Tudor, a cenaries led by Martin Schwartz boarded
Warwick was welcomed by Louis XI (cal- descendent of John of Gaunt and so appa- ships for Ireland where they would meet
led “The Spider King” for his ability to rently a Lancastrian. with an Anglo-Irish army.
weave diplomatic “webs”) who convinced On the 26th June Richard was crowned On the 4th June the troops from Dublin
him, not without difficulty, to ally with his King at Westminster. He had to quell his landed on the English coast in Cumbria,
enemy Margaret for a common cause. first rebellion in the Autumn, which was then moved south to join with others led
Some months later the Count landed in led by the Duke of Buckingham who was by anti-Tudor nobles. After some pro-
Devonshire, while Edward was in the then executed. blems the Royalists got to Nottingham on
north, and managed to put Henry VI back On the 7th August 1485 Henry Tudor lan- the 13th June then marched to Newark,
on the throne. Edward fled to Holland ded at Milford Haven, in south Wales. while the Rebels camped near the nearby
where he was welcomed by Charles the When Richard was told, four days later, church in Stoke.
Bold, who gave him around 1,500 the latter was in Nottingham around And this is where the last battle of the war
Flemish and German mercenaries and the 200km away. He gathered his army at would take place on the 16th June 1487. It
ships to land in England again. He called Leicester and the King moved towards his lasted little more than an hour, enough for
on other men and when they reached destiny at Atherstone, near Bosworth the Royalists to rout the rebels, who were
10,000 in number, Edward marched on Field. Betrayed by the Stanleys, Richard outnumbered in both archers and cavalry.
London, followed by Warwick. London was beaten and killed on the battlefield af- The Yorkists tried again during the follo-
opened the gates to Edward while ter falling from his horse. wing ten years, especially with a rebellion
Warwick was still in St. Albans. The final led by Perkin Warbeck that was put down
battle was close and on the 14th April Henry VII in 1497. Their leader was executed two
1471 (Easter Sunday), 10,000 Yorkists The Battle of Bosworth was the end of years later.
fought 12,000 Lancastrians near Barnet the Yorks, and with them
(now a suburb to the north of London). the Plantagenet dynasty.
The supporters of the Red Rose were bea- But it wasn’t the end of
ten and Warwick was killed on the battle- the Dynastic wars.
field. For more than
Now that his ex-ally was beaten, Edward
beat Margaret’s army on the 4th May,
who had landed a few
weeks after

Duche of Norfolk’s men

28mm Perry Miniatures painting Rafa “Archiduque”

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


1 - LANCASTRIANS 1455-1477
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-1 CP Nobles (*) 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP King and retinue (*) 8 8 4 B 3 46
0-3 CP Other Nobles and Men at Arms (*) 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP(*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-1 CM Currours 10 4 1 B 1 18
or CL Hobilar 12 3 1 B 1 18
0-1 CL Border Staves 12 3 1 B 1 18
1-3 FP Dismounted Nobles and Men at Arms (*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
1-6 FP Retinue Billmen 5 5 2 B 2 19
4-10 T Retinue archers 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-4 FP Shire Billmen 5 4 1 C 1 9(7)
0-12 T Welsh or shire archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Longbow B
0-2 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-6 S Irish Kerns 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
or S Irish Kerns 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
0-3 FL Irish Bonnachts 8 4 1 C 1 14 Javelin
0-2 FP Welsh infantry 5 4 1 C 1 12(9) Long spear
0-8 FP Border infantry 5 4 1 C 1 9(7)
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-12 FOR (Earthworks, etc) 5
0-1 Scottish allies
0-2 FP Men at Arms(*) 5 6 2 C 3 20
2-6 FP Pikemen(*) 5 4 1 C 2/3 12(9) Pike
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
Notes and options. This is the army that was faithful to the Lancastrian King Henry VI from the start of
the conflict until the defeat at Towton. With the deposition of Henry VI the Lancastrians became the op-
position until the final defeat at Tewkesbury (1471). This list also includes the troops under the Count of
Warwick, who rebelled against Edward IV in 1469.
You can upgrade units of Other Nobles and Men-at-Arms that contain a General to VBU=7 and I=4. The
final cost of each unit is 36 points.
Nobles, billmen, Welsh infantry and Border infantry can create Large Units with units of the same type.
Nobles can create Large Units with billmen, becoming the front rank.
You can give one or more units or Archers and/or Billmen a mount for 1 point per Unit. This allows them
to move up to 10U per phase in the first activation phase.
Notes for the Scottish Ally. Pikes can create Large Units of up to 2 units each.
You can create Large Units with nobles in the front rank. In this case the VBU=5 and I=2, and the whole
Large Units is considered to be armed with Pikes.
You cannot deploy Welsh and Irish if you use the Scottish contingent.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

28mm Perry Miniatures painted by

“Captain Blood” (Richard LLoyd)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

2 - YORKISTS 1455-1477
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-1 CP Nobles CP (*) 8 7 4 B 3 36
or King and retinue CP (*) 8 8 4 B 3 46
0-3 CP Other Nobles and Men at Arms (*) 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP(*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-1 CM Currours 10 4 1 B 1 18
1-3 FP Dismounted Nobles and Men at Arms (*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
1-8 FP Retinue Billmen 5 5 2 B 2 19
4-12 T Retinue archers 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-4 FP Shire billmen 5 4 1 C 1 9
0-12 T Shire archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Longbow B
0-2 FP Pikemen continental 5 4 1 B 2 17(13) Pike
0-3 S Continental handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-8 FOR (Earthworks, etc) 5
Notes and options. This is the Yorkist army from the Battle of St. Albans (1455) until the decisive victory
at Tewkesbury (1471). The list covers the army of Richard, Duke of York, beaten and killed at Wakefield
(1460), and also of his son Edward Count of March, crowned Edward IV in 1461. The “King and Retinue”
unit can only be used after 1461.
You can upgrade units of Other Nobles and Men-at-Arms that contain a General to VBU=7 and I=4. The
final cost of each unit is 36 points. Nobles, billmen and continental pikes can create Large Units with units
of the same type. Nobles can create Large Units with billmen, becoming the front rank. You can give one
or more units or Archers and/or Billmen a mount for 1 point per Unit. This allows them to move up to 10U
per phase in the first activation phase.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
28mm Perry Miniatures painted by
“Captain Blood” (Richard LLoyd)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-1 CP Nobles (*) 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP King and retinue (*) 8 8 4 B 3 46
0-3 CP Other Nobles and Men at Arms (*) 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismount as FP(*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-1 CM Currours 10 4 1 B 1 18
or CL Hobilar 12 3 1 B 1 18
0-2 CL Border Staves 12 3 1 B 1 18
1-3 FP Dismounted Nobles and Men at Arms (*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
1-8 FP Retinue billmen 5 5 2 B 2 19
4-10 T Retinue archers 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-4 FP Shire Billmen 5 4 1 C 1 9
0-12 T Shire archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Longbow B
0-8 FP Border infantry 5 4 1 C 1 9(7)
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
Notes and options. After the death of Edward IV (1483) the throne was taken by his brother Richard III.
Considered a usurper by the Lancastrians, Richard was beaten in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field by
Henry Tudor.
You can upgrade units of Other Nobles and Men-at-Arms that contain a General to VBU=7 and I=4. The
final cost of each unit is 36 points. Nobles, billmen and Border infantry can create Large Units with units
of the same type.Nobles can create Large Units with billmen, becoming the front rank.You can give one or
more units or Archers and/or Billmen a mount for 1 point per Unit. This allows them to move up to 10U
per phase in the first activation phase.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

4 - TUDOR 1484-1497
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-1 CP Nobles CP (*) 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP King and retinue (*) 8 8 4 B 3 46
0-3 CP Other nobles and Men at Arms (*) 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismont as FP(*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-1 CM Currours 10 4 1 B 1 18
or CL Hobilar 12 3 1 B 1 18
0-1 CL Border Staves 12 3 1 B 1 18
1-3 FP Dism. Nobles and MAA(*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
1-8 FP Retinue billmen 5 5 2 B 2 19
4-8 T Retinue archers 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-4 FP Shire billmen 5 4 1 C 1 9
0-12 T Welsh and shire archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Longbow B
0-2 FP Welsh infantry 5 4 1 C 1 12(9) Long spear
0-2 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-4 S Bretons 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-2 S Continental handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-6 S Irish Kerns 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
Notes and options. This is the army of Henry Tudor, presumed heir of the Lancastrian cause. After his vic-
tory at Bosworth against Richard III, Henry VII founded one of the most powerful English dynasties.
You can upgrade units of Other Nobles and Men-at-Arms that contain a General to VBU=7 and I=4. The
final cost of each unit is 36 points.
Noblemen, billmen and Welsh infantry can create Large Units with units of the same type.
Nobles can create Large Units with billmen, becoming the front rank.
You can give one or more units or Archers and/or Billmen a mount for 1 point per Unit. This allows them
to move up to 10U per phase in the first activation phase.
You can upgrade one or more units of Bretons to VBU=3 for a final cost of 14 points per unit.
Command Structure Average (12 pts)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CP Men at Arms (*) 8 6 3 B 3 28
can dismonut as FP(*) 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-1 CM Currours 10 4 1 B 1 18
or CL Hobilar 12 3 1 B 1 18
0-2 CL Irish or Border Staves 12 3 1 B 1 18
1-3 FP Billmen 5 5 2 B 2 19
2-6 T Archers 6 4 0 B 2 23 Longbow A
0-6 S Irish Kerns 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
or S Irish Kerns 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
0-4 FL Irish Bonnachts 8 4 1 C 1 14 Javelin
0-3 FP Continental pikemen (*) 5 5 2 B 2/3 22(17) Pike
0-3 S Continental handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
Notes and options.
This list covers the various rebellions that occurred in the early years of Henry VII’s reign. The first and
most important was led by Lambert Simnel who was beaten at the Battle of Stoke Field in 1487. Simnel’s
army comprised various rebel nobles, some Irish and a contingent of German mercenaries led by Martin
Schwartz. Perkin Warbeck led other rebellions between 1495 and 1497.
You can upgrade units of Men-at-Arms that contain a General to VBU=7 and I=4. The final cost of each
unit is 36 points.
MAA, billmen and continental pikes can create Large Units with units of the same type.
MAA can create Large Units with billmen, becoming the front rank.
You can give one or more units or Archers and/or Billmen a mount for 1 point per Unit. This allows them
to move up to 10U per phase in the first activation phase.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)






In order to contact FLb, CP In order to contact FLb, CP In order to contact FLa, FP

enters FLa’s Zone of Control enters FLa’s ZoC on a course must enter FLb’s ZoC. FLb
(ZoC) on a course that does that would also allow him to can react.
not allow him to contact FLa. contact FLa. FLa cannot
FLa can react. react.

FP can charge FLb without them

being able to react since when FP
FLa enters FLb’s ZoC, it does so on a

course that allows it to contact




Friendly or enemy troops can block the line of fire but they do not block the line of sight, i.e. the
ability to see the enemy. You can therefore charge through friendly troops (obeying interpenetration
rules) or declare a charge on enemy troops that are behind units that can evade.

Unlike troops, terrain elements can

block the line of sight and thus pre-
vent charges.
In this example CP cannot charge T
since the latter is beyond a crest. T
The line of sight is reduced to 5U,
so in order to contact T, CP must
first move within 5U or in any case 8U
past the crest and then perform the
charge movement, with a Discipline CP
Test for having performed two mo-


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

by Lorenzo Sartori
and it cannot move.
CAMPAIGN GAME Double 5 – Rousing Speech. A rousing
speech to the troops (and the promise of
booty) means you can move twice without

The Pretender
performing a Discipline Test.
Double 6 – Unexpected reinforcements.
The Royalist player gets 1d6x3 points. A
Rebel army would get 1d6x5.

Map movement
The aim of this campaign game is to re- shown by “boxes” that represent simple The winner of the initiative moves his vir-
create a hypothetical invasion by a crossroads, villages, towns (those with a tual army across the map. Show the posi-
Pretender during the Wars of the Roses. name) or ports. tion of the army with a marker or even a
The game is designed like the miniature soldier. An army can only end
Chevauchée (Extra Impetus 1), and is di- Deployment movement in an area, i.e. a crossroads, a
vided into two distinct phases: a strategic The Royalist player deploys his main village/town, a port. A port is treated like
one, played on a map, and a tactical one, army in London and the secondary one, a town.
with one or more battles to be played with under Lord Smith, in an area of his choice The player can move his army from one
normal rules. but at least 4 areas from London and 2 area to an adjacent area. He can perform
from one of the possible Rebel landing more than one movement, as per the main
Armies areas. The Rebel player then rolls 1d6 to Rules, and must make a Discipline Test
There are two sides in the game: the ones decide where his army will land. after the second and any successive mo-
that hold the power, i.e. the King’s side, vement phases. For the purposes of this
and that of the Pretender. We will call the- Initiative Test all armies a treated as having
se sides the Royalists and the Rebels. In Players roll for initiative as shown in the Discipline B and so pass the test with a 4+
the strategic phase the armies are repre- rules. Add the Commander’s Leadership (5+ after the third consecutive move etc).
sented by “Army Points”, those same Bonus. An army that fails the test is Exhausted.
points that are then used to buy troops
from the Army Lists contained in this Events Exhausted Armies
book. When a player rolls a double when deci- An exhausted army cannot perform more
The Royalist Army is divided into two ding initiative, check the table below. The than one movement on the map. Moreover
parts, one of which is commanded by the effects of the Events Table are applied re- an Exhausted army is more vulnerable if it
King and one under a powerful leader that ferring to the player that rolled the double, has to fight a battle. In the event of a batt-
we’ll call Lord Smith, but to whom the no matter who wins the le all units in that army lose 1 VBU. The
players, of course, can give other identi- initiative. Note that so- whole army must spend a turn in a villa-
ties for the campaign itself. me effects only apply ge/town (or port) to recover from their ex-
The Royalist army has 300 points, of to some armies and are haustion.
which not more than 120 and not less than ignored by the others.
60 are for Lord Smith’s command. The If a player rolls more Recruitment
budget for the main army must be re- than one double in a The aim (for both players) is to defeat the
duced by 12 points for the turn only apply the first other army in an open battle. But the
Average Command Structure and Event. Pretender must also try to muster more
the points needed to buy a Double 1 (only for men to his cause during the march.
Commander that cannot be Lord Smith) – Treason. In order to recruit new troops the three ar-
Incompetent or Cowardly. For Lord Smith converts to mies must stop for one turn in a town or
the second command, that the Rebel cause. From village and roll 1d6 if they’re in a village
must be led by a Cowardly this turn onwards he or 2d6 in a town.
General, do not count the will be controlled by the With a 6 you get 30 Army Points (40 for
Command Structure (already Rebel commander. the Rebel army).
paid by the Main Command) Double 2 (only for Lord With a 4 or 5 you get 20 Army Points (30
but do count the discount of Smith) - Possible for the Rebel army).
10 points for the General Treason. The court With a 2 or 3 you get 10 Army Points (20
and 5 points for each Unit in learns of Lord Smith’s for the Rebel army).
the army. wavering loyalty. The A 1 gets you nothing at all.
The Rebels have one 200 Royalist player conti- If you roll a 1 in a town then do not con-
point army, from which nues to control Lord sider the number on the other dice and
they must subtract 12 Smith but in the event of you must abandon the town next turn.
points for the Average a Battle, and if Lord This means that the town has chosen the
Command Structure and Smith rolls an even num- other side and you are no longer welcome
the cost of a General who ber in the first initiative there. From that turn onwards the army
cannot be Incompetent or phase, then he converts can only cross through the area without
Cowardly. to the Rebel cause. stopping.
Double 3 - Desertion. Example The Rebel army reaches York
The map The army loses 1d6x4 where they decide to stop and raise new
The map is divided points. troops. The dice show 2 and 5, or 50 Army
into movement Double 4 - Mud. Mud Points (20+30). The player decides to
areas. The areas are blocks the army this turn stay next turn and rolls a 1 and 4. Ignore
28mm Perry Miniatures painted by
“Captain Blood” (Richard LLoyd)

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

the 4 and the “1” means the army will ha- that are “saved” this way meet up two ke the kingdom back by force.
ve to leave next turn. areas away, creating the core of a new
You can attempt to raise extra troops and army if they have at least 30 Army Points Victory conditions
also recover from Exhaustion at the same (counting original troop costs). The campaign ends if one of the two
time. Leaders is killed or captured in battle or if
Capture of Killing the King or one of the two armies is Routed without at
The battles Pretender least 30 Army Points saving themselves
A battle takes place when two enemy ar- If you capture or kill the rival leader then by fleeing before the rout.
mies come into contact in the same area. you have won the campaign. If the King flees to the Continent then the
The army that was already there is the campaign is played again but after swap-
Defender for deployment purposes. If the- The King flees ping roles.
re is a battle then you must transform the If beaten, the King and his army (or wha-
Army Points into Impetus units following t’s left of it) may flee to the continent by
the indications in the Army Lists. spending a turn in a port and only if the
All Units that leave the battlefield volun- Rebel army is not in an adjacent area. If
tarily or after retreating or fleeing are con- the King abandons England the campaign
sidered to be lost for that battle but are not will be re-played by swapping roles: the
lost for the whole campaign. The troops preceding Sovereign will have to try to ta-


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

28mm The Assault Group e Dixon -
painting and photo by Renato
Genovese. Ottoman trenches
scratch-built by Fabrizio Ceciliani.

by Lorenzo Sartori


The origins of the Ottoman Empire can be traced back to the Morea. Scanderbeg died in 1469 and the Ottomans soon took
early 14th Century when, in order to flee the Mongols, some Albania. Between 1472 and 1475 the Venetians enjoyed some
Turkoman tribes moved towards the north-western part of the success against the Sultan’s armies but in 1477 they were badly
Anatolian peninsular which was then part of the Seljuk kingdom. beaten at Tirana. The Turks crossed the Isonzo and sacked the
The dynasty was founded by Osman I (or Uthman Othman, 1259- land as far as the Piave before retreating. The Turks attempted
1326) from whom the name of the Empire derives. another invasion of Friuli the following August but were halted
During the second half of the 14th Century the Ottomans advan- along the Isonzo by the Venetians under Carlo da Montone. In
ced over the Bosphorus moved into the European continent. In 1479 the Venetians and the Ottoman Empire signed a truce.
1361 they took Adrianopolis and in 1389, after the battle of During the 16th Century, when at the height of their power, the
Kosovo-Pole, they defeated the Serbian Empire, conquering Ottoman Empire took Egypt from the Mamelukes, smashed the
Bulgaria in 1393. Persians under Safavid reign and Suleiman “the magnificent”, af-
The Hungarian King Sigismund of Luxemburg tried to stop them ter decisively beating the Hungarians at Mohacs (1526), they
unsuccessfully at the battle of Nicopolis in 1396, but it was even lay siege to Vienna (1529).
Tamerlane who managed to temporarily interrupt their advance
by beating the Turks at Ankara, in the heart of Anatolia, in
1402. But the Empire’s roots ran deep and once Tamerlane’s
reign of terror has dissipated the Ottomans continued their
conquests. In 1443 they were beaten at Nish by the joint for-
ces of Hunyadi and Scanderbeg, then at Tirana in 1444 by
the latter. A truce was signed but it was broken a few weeks
later after pressure was brought by the Pope. In November
1444 the Ottomans massacred the “Crusaders”, led by the
Hungarians, at Varna.
In 1453 Sultan Mehmed (Maometto II, 1451-1481), known as
“the Conqueror”, took Constantinople which, now called
Istanbul, became the new capital of an Empire that would be-
come a bigger and bigger threat to Christianity. The Ottoman
forces invaded Serbia but were stopped at the gates of
Belgrade by Hunyadi.
After Hunyadi’s death his son Mattia Corvino, with the help
of vassal Vlad III of Wallachia, fought against the pressure in-
flicted by the Sublime Porte on Christianity.
In 1463 the Ottomans invaded Argo and lay siege to Napulia, Vlad’s camp - 15mm East Riding (collection Massimiliano Conti)
which were Venetian lands – the Venetians, in turn, invaded


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)


1 - OTTOMAN TURKS (1281-1362 AD)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-8 CM Siphais* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Siphais * 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
8-20 CL Ghazi* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
2-6 T Azab archers* 6 3 0 C 1/3 11 Comp. bow A
or S Azab archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 S Azab javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-3 FP Levantine infantry 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-2 FL Iaylars 8 4 4 C 1 12 Impetuous
0-2 FL Spearmen 8 4 1 B 1 16
Notes and options. This list covers the Ottoman armies until the creation of the Janissaries. In this period
the army was based around the Ghazi, who were basically booty-hungry fanatics. The Sipahis, on the other
hand, are feudal cavalry who gave service in return for land.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL Ghazi to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

2 - OTTOMAN TURKS (1362-1529 AD)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-4 CM Qapukulu* 10 6 3 A 3 38 Comp. bow C
4-12 CM Siphais* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Siphais * 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
4-12 CL Akinjis* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
0-1 CP Serbian nobles 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-2 CL Turkomans 12 4 1 B 2 27 Comp. bow B
0-1 CL Delis 12 4 2 B 1 21
1-4 T Janissaries* 6 6 3 B 3 33 Comp. bow B
2-6 T Azab archers* 6 3 0 C 1/3 11 Comp. bow A
or S Azab archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 S Azab javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-2 FP Voynuks 5 5 2 B 2 19
0-2 S Harquebusiers 8 2 0 B 1 16 Harquebus B
0-3 FP Levantine infantry 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-2 FL Iaylars 8 4 4 C 1 12 Impetuous
0-2 FL Spearmen 8 4 1 B 1 16
0-2 ART Bombards 1 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-8 FOR (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Serbian allies
1-2 CP Serbian allies* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-2 S Serbian archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-1 Turkoman allies
0-1 CM Nobles* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
0-4 CL Turkomans* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
0-1 Albanian allies
0-4 CL Albanian* 12 3 2 B 1/3 19
0-1 Beduin allies
0-3 CL Beduin* 12 3 1 B 1/3 21 Javelin
Notes and options. The list covers the Ottoman Empire from the start of their expansion in the Balkans to
the destruction of the Hungarian kingdom and the siege of Vienna in 1529. The Ottomans were feared for
their agile cavalry and for the famous Janissaries, one of the best infantry in the medieval period.
You can deploy up to two allied contingents. If you field an allied contingent it must include only troops
of that nationality. You can arm one or more of the Janissary units with Harquebus B.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed T Archer Azab units to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 13
points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed CL Akinjis to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 24 points per
Note for the Turkoman ally. You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed CL Turkoman to VBU=4 and VD=2 for
a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-5 CP Condottieri * 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
0-4 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
4-8 CL Stradiots* 12 3 2 B 1/3 19
0-4 T Mercenary Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-4 S Militia crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-10 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
or T Harquebusiers 6 4 0 B 1 21 Harquebus A
or S Harquebusiers 8 2 0 B 1 16 Harquebus B
0-4 FL Light infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 16
0-3 T Archers 6 4 0 B 1 18 Comp. bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Comp. bow B
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
Notes and options. Venetian colonies (Stato da Màr) included Istria, Dalmatia, Morea, Candia (Crete) and
the Aegean Islands. The Venetian colonial empire had spread massively after the fourth crusade thanks to
the break-up of the Byzantine Empire. This list covers Venetian troops that defended their colonial territo-
ries against the Ottomans.
You can give Mercenary Crossbowmen a Pavise for an extra 3 points per unit.
You can upgrade deployed Stradiot units to VBU=4 and VD=2 for 21 points per unit.
Harquebus can be used after 1490.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
1-6 CP Hungarian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
2-10 CL Hungarians and Cumans* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
2-8 CL Szekelers or Tartars 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
0-4 FP Spearmen* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16 Long spear
0-8 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-4 CP German Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
or CP Men at Arms wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
0-8 FOR (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Crusader allies
1-2 CP French nobles* 8 8 5 C 3 40 Impetuous
1-2 CP Burgundian and German nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-2 T Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 21 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-1 Valacchian allies
0-1 CM Boiari* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
1-4 CL Viteji* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
0-4 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
Notes and options. Sigismund Luxemburg became King of Hungary in 1387 and Emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire in 1433. In 1398, after the defeat at Nicopolis, Sigismund reorganised the Hungarian army
that was anyway beaten several times by the Hussites under Jan Zizka.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL (Hungarians and Cumans) to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of
24 points per unit. You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL (Szekeli and Tartars) to VBU=4 and VD=2 for
a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Note for Wallachian ally. You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL Viteji to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total
cost of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CP Royal Guard* 8 8 5 B 3 47
1-6 CP Hungarian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
2-10 CL Hungarians and Cumans* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
2-8 CL Szekelers or Tartars 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
1-3 CL Serbian hussars 12 4 2 B 2 21
0-4 FP Clipeati* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long spear
0-4 FP Armati* 5 5 2 B 2/3 19
0-3 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-8 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-6 CP German Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
or CP German MAA wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
2-4 T German and Bohemian Handg. 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S German and Bohemian Handg. 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-6 FP Fanatical levies 5 4 1 C 1 9 Impetuous
0-2 W Wagenburg 5 5 0 B 3 21 Various weapons
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art. B
0-8 FOR (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Serbian allies
1-2 CP Serbian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-2 S Serbian archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
Notes and options. This list covers the Hungarian army under Janos Hunyadi and his son Matthias
Corvinus. The latter created a permanent army called the Black Army, one of the few armies able to keep
the Ottomans in their place. Hunyadi’s army has an Average Command Structure while Matthias Corvinus’
is Good.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL (Hungarians and Cumans) to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of
24 points per unit. You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL (Szekelers and Tartars) to VBU=4 and VD=2
for a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Average (12 pts) or Good (20 pts)


Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CP Royal Guard* 8 8 5 B 3 47
1-6 CP Hungarian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
2-10 CL Hungarians and Cumans* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
2-8 CL Szekelers or Tartars 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
1-3 CL Serbian hussars 12 4 2 B 2 21
0-4 FP Clipeati* 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long spear
0-4 FP Armati* 5 5 1 B 2/3 18
0-3 S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-8 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-6 CP German Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
or CP German Men at Arms wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
0-6 T Harquebusiers 6 4 0 B 1 21 Harquebus A
or S Harquebusiers 8 2 0 B 1 16 Harquebus B
0-6 FP Italian or German pikemen* 5 4 2 B 2/3 18(13) Pike
0-2 W Wagenburg 5 5 0 B 3 21 Various weapons
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art. B
0-8 FOR (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
Notes and options. Ladislaus II King of Bohemia, also known as Ladislaus VII Jagiellon, became King of
Hungary in 1490 after Matthias Corvinus’ death. Ladislaus was the son of the King of Poland and was elec-
ted sovereign in the hope that the union of the Polish, Hungarian and Bohemian crowns would make a sta-
te that was powerful enough to stop the Ottoman advance. However the new King was weak and his only
military decision was to disband the Black Army that his predecessor had founded.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL (Hungarians and Cumans) to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of
24 points per unit. You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL (Szekelers and Tartars) to VBU=4 and VD=2
for a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

7 - SERBS (1340-1459)
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
6-10 CP Serbian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-4 FP Voynuk* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16 Long spear
or FP Voynuk* 5 5 2 C 2/3 14
0-6 T Serbian and Bosnian archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Short bow A
4-12 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-6 CL Serbian Hussars* 12 4 2 B 2/3 21
0-3 CL Hungarian and Cuman cav. 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-5 CL Turkoman and Valacchian cav.12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
0-4 FL Krayishnici 8 4 2 C 1 12
0-2 CP Mercenary Men at Arms* 8 6 3 B 3 28
or CP German MAA wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
0-2 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-1 T German and Bohemian handg. 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S German and Bohemian handg. 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art. B
0-6 FP Levies* 5 3 1 C 1/3 7
0-1 Albanian allies
1-2 CL Veteran light cavalry* 12 4 2 B 2/3 21
0-2 CL Light cavalry 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
Notes and options. The Kingdom of Serbia reached its peak halfway through the 14th Century. In 1345
King Stefan Dusan declared himself Emperor. Dusan’s expansionist policy was continued at the expense
of Byzantium. But, prosperous as it was fragile, the Empire fell into anarchy when its founder died. His
son Uros proved unable to oppose the advance of the Ottomans, who destroyed the Empire in 1371. The
Serbs resisted for some years despite heavy defeats (Battle of Marica 1371 and Kosovo Polje in 1389) but
were finally beaten in 1459.You can upgrade up to 1/3 of deployed Serbian Nobles Units to Veterans with
VBU=8 and I=4 for 39 points per unit.You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL (Turkoman and
Wallachians) to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts)

8 - ALBANIANS (1345-1430 and 1443-1479)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CL Scandenberg Guard* 12 5 3 B 3 26
5-10 CL Veteran light cavalry* 12 4 2 B 2/3 21
5-20 CL Light cavalry* 12 3 1 B 1/3 21 Javelin
0-10 CL Mounted crossbowmen 12 3 0 B 1 18 Crossbow B
4-12 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-1 T Veteran Crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 2 16 Crossbow A
0-3 T Crossbowmen 6 3 0 C 1 14 Crossbow A
or S Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-4 FL Javelinmen* 8 4 1 C 1/3 14 Javelin
0-1 FP Halbardiers* 5 5 2 C 2/3 14
0-6 FL Peasant levies* 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
or FL Kosovarian mountaineers 8 5 1 C 2 18 Long spear
0-2 CP Mercenary Men at Arms * 8 6 3 B 3 28
or CP German MAA wedges* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21(16) Large Unit
0-1 T German and Bohemian handg. 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S German and Bohemian handg. 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art. B
0-1 Neapolitan allies
1-2 CP Condottieri * 8 7 4 B 3 36
or CP Cavalli Leggeri* 8 6 3 B 3 28
0-1 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-1 S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Comp. bow B
0-1 FL Catalan infantry* 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
Notes and options. This list covers the armies led by Albanian nobles John Castriot and his son George
Castriot Scanderbeg, indomitable opposers of the Ottoman occupation. The number of deployed Veteran
CL Light Cavalry units cannot exceed the number of deployed CL Light Cavalry units.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

9 - WALLACHIANS (1330-1476)
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-6 CM Boiari* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Boiari* 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
4-12 CL Viteji 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
0-2 CP Mercenary Men at Arms* 8 7 4 B 3 36
0-4 T Veteran archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
6-16 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 FP Voynuk* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16 Long spear
or FP Voynuk* 5 5 2 C 2/3 14
0-2 T Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-6 FP Peasant levies* 5 3 1 C 1/3 7
or FL Peasant levies* 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art. B
0-10 FOR (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Hungarian allies
0-1 CP Hungarian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-2 CL Veteran Hungarian cavalry* 12 4 0 B 2/3 24 Comp. bow B
2-4 CL Hungarian and Cuman cav.* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
0-1 Ottoman allies
1-2 CM Siphais* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Siphais * 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
2-6 CL Akinjis* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
1-3 T Azab archers* 6 3 0 C 1/3 11 Comp. bow A
or S Azab archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-1 Moldavian allies
0-1 CP Boiari* 10 6 3 C 3 25
1-4 CL Viteji 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
2-6 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
Notes and options. Wallachia obtained independence from Hungary in 1330 after having stopped the Tartars and
having beaten the Hungarian army under Charles I. The Principality was immediately faced by the Ottoman threat.
After the Christian defeat at Nicopolis (1396) Wallachia became a tributary state of the Sublime Porte. Between 1462
and 1476, led by Prince Vlad Tepes (Vlad III, also known as the “Impaler” or “Dracula”) the Wallachians were a con-
stant thorn in the side of Mehmed II. You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed Viteji CL to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a to-
tal cost of 27 points per unit. Veteran Archers T cannot outnumber Archers T.
Note for the Hungarian ally. You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed CL (Hungarian and Cumans) to VBU=4 and
VD=2 for a total cost of 24 points per unit.
Note for the Ottoman ally. You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed Akinjis CL to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost
of 24 points per unit.
Note for the Moldavian ally. You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed Viteji CL to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost
of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

10 - ANATOLIAN TURKOMAN (1260-1515 AD)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-8 CM Nobles* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Nobles* 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
6-20 CL Turkomans* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
0-10 FL Infantry* 8 4 1 B 1/3 19 Javelin
or T Archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Comp. bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-4 FP Levies 5 3 1 C 1 7
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of the various Turkoman Emirates in Asia Minor that were
created after the fall of the Sultanate of Rum. Between the 14th and 15th Centuries these Emirates fought
for independence from the Ottoman Empire, finding allies in the Timurids and later the Mamelukes.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL Turkoman to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per
The number of deployed FL Infantry cannot exceed the number of deployed T or S Archer units.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

11 - MOLDAVIANS (1330-1504)
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
2-6 CP Boiari* 10 6 3 C 3 25
0-6 CL Veteran Viteji* 12 4 1 B 2/3 27 Comp. bow B
4-6 CL Viteji 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
0-4 T Veteran archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
6-16 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 FP Voynuk* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16 Long spear
or FP Voynuk* 5 5 2 C 2/3 14
0-2 T Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-6 FP Peasant levies* 5 3 1 C 1/3 7
or FL Peasant levies* 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
0-1 Art Ligh artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art. B
0-30 FOR (Earthworks, etc) - - - - - 5
0-1 Hungarian allies
0-1 CP Hungarian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-2 CL Veteran Hungarian cavalry* 12 4 0 B 2/3 24 Comp. bow B
2-4 CL Hungarian and Cuman cavalry* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
0-1 Polish-Lithuanian allies
1 CL Lithuanian nobles* 12 4 1 B 2/3 23 Javelin
1-2 CL Lithuanian cavalry 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-1 CP Rycerz* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-1 CP Czeladz 8 6 3 B 2 21 Impetuous
0-1 Tartar allies
1-2 CL Veteran Tartars* 12 4 1 B 2/3 23 Javelin
1-2 CL Tartars 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-1 Ottoman allies
1-2 CM Siphais* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Siphais * 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
0-2 CL Veteran Akinjis* 12 4 0 B 2/3 24 Comp. bow B
2-4 CL Akinjis* 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
1-3 T Azab archers* 6 3 0 C 1/3 11 Comp. bow A
or S Azab archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
Notes and options. This list covers the army of the Principality of Moldavia from its independence from Hungary un-
til the death of Stefan III (the Great). Under his reign (1457-1504) Moldavia managed to block the expansionist plans
of Hungary, Poland and the Ottoman Empire, the latter of which was beaten in the battle of Vaslui (1475).
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed Viteji CL to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Veteran Archers T cannot outnumber Archers T. You can give one or more units of Archers a mount for 1 point per unit.
These allow the archers to move 10U in the first activation phase.
Note for the Hungarian ally. You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed CL (Hungarian and Cumani) to
VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 24 points per unit.
Note for the Ottoman ally. The number of deployed Veteran Akinjis CL cannot exceed the number of CL
Akinjis deployed.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

12 - PERSIAN SAFAVIDS (1499-1520 AD)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-4 CM Qizilbashes* 10 6 3 A 3 38 Comp. bow C
5-16 CM Feudal cavalry* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Feudal cavalry* 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
0-4 CL Turkomans* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
0-8 T Persian archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Persian archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
1-4 FP Levies 5 3 1 C 1 7
Notes and options. The Safavids were a Sunnite confraternity that conquered Persia in 1501 proclaiming
themselves descendents of the Sassanids.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed CL Turkoman to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points
per unit.
You can give the T Persian Archer units stakes for 3 extra points per unit.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
4-6 CM Stratiotai* 10 6 2 B 3 29
1-2 CP Kavallarioi 8 7 4 B 3 36
0-8 CL Cuman cavalry 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-10 CL Vardariotai, Tourkopouloi or Turkoman12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
0-2 CL Catalan Guard 12 3 0 B 1 18 Javelin
or FL Catalan Guard* 8 5 2 B 2/3 24 Dart
0-3 FL Tzakones* 8 5 2 B 2/3 21
0-4 FP Kontaratoi* 5 5 1 C 2/3 16 Long spear
0-4 T Veteran archers or Mourtatoi 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
4-12 T Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-10 FP Peasant levies* 5 3 1 C 1/3 7
0-1 Serbian allies
1-3 CP Serbian nobles* 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-3 S Serbian archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
Notes and options. This list covers the last massive armies deployed by Byzantium. You can upgrade up
to 1/2 deployed Turkoman CL to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per unit. The Cumans can-
not be used after 1292. The dart uses the same rules as the Pilum.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

14 - ORDER OF St. JOHN 1291-1522

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-2 CP Orders Knight* 8 8 5 B 3 47
or FP Dismounted Men at Arms 5 6 2 B 3 25
1-3 CP Orders Men at Arms* 8 7 4 B 3 36
or FP Dismounted Men at Arms 5 6 2 B 3 25
0-1 CP Colonial Men at Arms 8 7 4 C 3 29 Impetuous
0-6 FP Spearmen 5 4 1 C 1 12 Long spear
4-8 T Greek archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Greek archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-6 T Colonial crossbowmen 6 3 0 C 1 14 Crossbow A
or S Colonial crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-4 T Mercenary crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
0-4 T Handgunners 6 4 0 B 1 14 Handgun
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-2 FP Halberdiers* 5 5 2 B 2/3 19
0-1 Art Heavy artillery 2 1 0 B 1 20 Art A
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
Notes and options. After abandoning the Holy Lands the Hospitallers (known at that time as the Order of
St. John) moved to Cyprus, Rhodes and then finally Malta, which they defended heroically for six months
against a much larger Ottoman army.
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)

15 - AK KOYUNLU e KARA KOYUNLU(1378-1504 d.c.)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
1-4 CM Pushan-push* 10 6 3 B 3 33 Comp. bow C
6-18 CM Tirkash-band and Qullughchi*10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Tirkash-band and Qullughchi*10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
or CL Tirkash-band and Qullughchi*12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
2-8 CL Turkomans* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
3-8 T Archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Comp. bow A
or T Persian archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
1-4 FP Levies 5 3 1 C 1 7
Notes and options. This list covers the armies of the Turkoman Confederations in eastern Anatolia, also known as the
Horde of the Black Sheep (1378-1469) and the Horde of the White Sheep (1387-1504). The latter won after decades of
fighting. Threatened by the Ottoman Empire the confederation was beaten and surrendered to the Persian Safavids in
You can upgrade up to 1/2 the deployed CL Turkoman to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per unit.
Command Structure Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

16 - MAMELUKES (1389-1517 AD)
Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-6 CM Royal Mamluks* 10 6 3 A 3 38 Comp. bow C
4-8 CM Mamluks* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
0-1 CM Kurdish or Sirian cavalry 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
2-10 CL Turkomans* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
0-4 CL Beduins 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-4 T Halqa archers* 6 4 0 C 1/3 13 Comp. bow A
0-4 S Ashir archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow. B
0-3 FL Jabaliyya 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
0-1 T Crossbowmen 6 3 0 B 1 19 Crossbow A
0-2 FL Ghazi 8 4 4 C 1 12 Impetuous
0-2 S Naffatun 8 3 0 C 1 9 Various weapons
or S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-3 FP Levies 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-1 Art Light artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art. B
Notes and options. The Mamelukes were slave-soldiers of non-Muslim origins. Trained from childhood
they became the most efficient cavalry force in Islamic armies. Some of them took power in Egypt, pus-
hing out the Ayyubid dynasty in around 1250. On the 3rd September 1260 the Mamelukes stopped the
Mongol advance at the Battle of Ayn Jalut, allowing both the Islamic and Christian worlds to breathe a sigh
of relief. The list covers the Mameluke army from their coming to power right up to their defeat against
the Ottomans in 1517 at the Battle of Raydaniyya.
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL Turkoman to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per
Command Structure Average (12 pts)

17 - TIMURIDS (1360-1506 AD)

Nr Unit M VBU I D VD Pts Notes
0-4 CM Veteran Timurids* 10 6 3 A 3 38 Comp. bow C
4-12 CM Timurids and Georgians* 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
or CM Timurids and Georgians* 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
0-7 CL Turkomans* 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. bow B
0-4 T Timurid archers 6 4 0 B 1 18 Comp. bow A
0-4 T Persian archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
or S Persian archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-3 T Afghan archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Comp. bow A
or S Afghan archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-3 FL Afghan infantry 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
or FL Afghan infantry 8 4 2 B 1 20 Long spear
0-4 FP Hostages 5 2 0 C 0 2
0-2 EL Elephants 8 5 5 C 1 22
0-2 S Handgunners 8 2 0 B 1 12 Handgun
0-2 CF Buffalo herds 8 2 5 C 0 7
0-1 Art Trebuchets or bombards 0 1 0 B 1 20 Art. C
Notes and options. Son of a Mongol tribal chief, in 1369 Timur Barlas, better known as Tamerlane, beca-
me Emir of Transoxania and established his capital at Samarqand. From here he began the conquest of
Persia and then Azerbaijan with the consequent conflict against the Mongol Golden Horde under his old
ally Toktamis. The war with the Golden Horde was fought as far as Siberia. In 1398 Tamerlane began his
expedition to India where, despite the resistance of Rajput, he conquered and badly sacked Delhi, where
the population was either killed or enslaved. Not satisfied with an Empire that spread from the Caspian to
the Indus, Tamerlane turned towards Egypt and the Mamelukes and the Ottoman Empire, also helped by
legations from Europe and especially from Byzantium, since the Christians saw the Timurids as a useful
ally to help stop the Ottomans. Tamerlane invaded Syria (controlled by the Mamelukes) and sacked Aleppo
and Damascus. Even Baghdad was not spared these atrocities. The Ottomans were beaten at the Battle of
Ankara (1402) where the Sultan Bajazet was captured (he had been the victor at Nicopolis). But the Emir’s
real goal was to restore the Mongol Empire and thus he embarked upon the conquest of China, now under
the Ming dynasty. This expedition failed immediately when the conqueror caught pneumonia and died in
January 1405 in modern-day Kazakhstan. After his death his huge Empire was split between the various
You can upgrade up to 1/2 deployed CL Turkoman to VBU=4 and VD=2 for a total cost of 27 points per
Command Structure Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

Amendment to Paragraph 5.10.1
Voluntary Interpenetration.
Units of Missile troops (T) and Light Infantry (FL), except for


Impetuous troops, can be interpenetrated by any type of
troops and for the purposes of Interpenetration they beha- T
ve like units of Skirmishers (S), and so are placed behind FP
the interpenetrating unit even if the interpenetration is not
complete. Ex.1: a Large Unit of billmen (FP) in-
Missile troops and Light Infantry (not impetuous) can also terpenetrates a Unit of Longbowmen
interpenetrate any type of Unit or Large Unit (including (T). The Large Unit of billmen per-
Schiltron, Pikemen and Impetuous troops). forms a movement (5U) and the Unit
of Longbowmen moves behind it as
Amendment to Paragraph 5.10.2 Involuntary
soon as interpenetration begins.
In reference to the last sentence, we no longer allow the 2
forward involuntary interpenetration of troops that cannot FP FP
normally be interpenetrated voluntarily.
b b
Ex.2: CPa and CPb are two units of impetuous Heavy CP CP
Cavalry. CPa cannot involuntarily interpenetrate CPb using its
impetuous move to charge FP, but if let run out of control, it CPa
stops as soon as it contacts CPb. CPa


Amendment to Paragraph 5.3 wheel is not an autonomous movement phase
The free wheel allowed to impetuous troops in and so can be combined with a straight move-
order to point towards the closest enemy or to ment, but the total distance covered cannot
avoid Difficult or Impassable ground is now exceed the maximum speed allowed for the
subtracted from the movement. This initial unit in a movement phase.


Amendment to Paragraph 6.2. lee with only mounted troops. Large Units of
Heavy Infantry has an extra +1 bonus in the Pikes, when comprising three units, benefit
Cohesion Test if it is the target of missile fire from an extra +1 bonus if in melee against only
(except for Artillery A and C) or if it is in a me- mounted troops.
Amendment to Paragraph 7.6.2. ter a melee do not cause Disorder and a Loss
Units of non-impetuous Light Infantry (FL) to units that are closer than 5U behind them.
and Missile troops (T) that are destroyed af-


Amendment to Par 7.1 Amendment to Par. 7.6.4
Light Cavalry units (CL) with I=0 can charge: CL units with I=0 can pursue if they win a me-
1) Skirmisher units (S) lee as long as the pursuit does not bring them
2) Disordered units into contact with units that they could not have
3) Units on rear/flank charged. In this case the pursuit does not take
The charge can only be against these ene- place.
mies and not also involve others that are not
on this list.


mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

IMPETUS is a set of wargames rules that allows 1479, Castilian-Aragonese 1482-1492,
you to recreate miniature battles set in the Ancient, Portuguese, Polish-Lithuanians, Teutonic Order.
Medieval and Renaissance periods.
The Wars of the Roses
EXTRA IMPETUS is a Supplement that contains Lancastrians, Yorkists, Richard III Yorkists, Tudor,
official army lists and more in-depth information Yorkist Pretenders.
about the historical periods covered, as well as
campaign games and tutorials (with rules clarifica- The Ottoman Empire
tions, examples and advice on tactics). Ottoman Turks 1281-1362, Ottoman Turks 1362-
1529, Venetian Republic in the Colonies,
In this book you can find 46 army lists from four Sigismund’s Hungarians, Hungarians under
different periods Hunyadi and Corvinus, Jagiellon Hungarians,
Serbs, Albanians, Wallachians, Anatolian
Italy in the 15th century Turkoman, Moldavians, Persian Safavids,
Duchy of Milan, Venetian Republic, Papal States, Paleologian Byzantine, Order of St. John, Ak
Republic of Florence, Minor Italian States, Koyunlu and Kara Koyunlu, Mamelukes, Timurids.
Kingdom of Naples.
2 campaign games: The Salt War, The Pretender.
Europe in the 15th century
Hussites, Sigismund’s Imperials, Frederic III’s Historical background
Imperials, Minor German Armies, Low Countries, Tutorial: Zone of Control and visibility
Kalmar Union, Swedish, Armagnacs, Swiss
Confederates, Burgundian Ordonnance, French Official amendments
Ordonnance 1453-1478, French Ordonnance Photos
1479-1494, Nasrids, Castilian-Aragonese 1475-

For more information, and to find other Impetvs players from all over the world, come and

mathieu allard (Order #13032891)

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