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A to D

I just need to I want to answer Can I ask you some To begin the game, Did you break the
add some salt. your question. questions? press “play”. window?

add answer ask begin break

They are building a She is buying some He is carrying a lot of I just hope he catches
new house. food for dinner. He is calling for help. luggage. the ball.

build buy call carry catch

I must learn how to Which tie should I I hate cleaning the Have you ever I am trying to close
change the diapers. choose? house. climbed a mountain? the door.

change choose clean climb close

Why is the baby Do you want to Why are you digging

He is cooking chicken
Come with me. a hole in the ground?
for dinner. crying? dance with us?

come cook cry dance dig

She often dives in the I drink milk all the You are dropping all
I love drawing. I drive a very fast car.
ocean. time. your things.

dive draw drink drive drop

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