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Anchoring Script for 15 August

A very warm welcome to all of you on this glorious day as we gather here to celebrate the spirit of
freedom and mark the occasion of Independence Day. Today, we pay homage to the brave souls who
fought for our liberty, and we reflect on the values and principles that define our great nation.

We stand here with a sense of pride, knowing that we are fortunate to live in a country where freedom
and democracy prevail. Independence Day is not just a day to hoist our national flag and enjoy a day
off; it is a reminder of the sacrifices made by our forefathers and the responsibility we have to uphold
their legacy.

Today, as we embark on this auspicious occasion, we have a lineup of events that will remind us of the
significance of this day and reignite our love for our motherland. Let us begin with the flag hoisting
ceremony, where we will witness the unfurling of our national flag. Let us begin with the flag hoisting
ceremony, where we will witness the unfurling of our national flag. I would like to request that Chairman
Sir and Vice President Mam hoist the flag

Thank you all for joining the National Flag Hosting And National Anthem

(After the flag hoisting And National Anthem)

Now I would like to call Saraswati Bandana Girls Group on stage to sing Saraswati Bandana
Welcome Song

Speech By Chairman Sir

“Let’s carry that love forward as we invite Chairman Sir to share a message on this auspicious occasion
with us all.”

(After Chairman Sir Speech)

Thank you sir for your words--------------------

Indeed, and today we are the flag bearers of that grandeur. Moving forward, we have some fascinating
speeches and patriotic performances lined up.

To start with, We Invite students of (Class), as they fill our hearts with patriotic spirit through their song.”

What a stirring performance! Given By Primary Kids “Give A huge round of applause”

(After Primary Kids Performance)

Now I would Like to Call Primary and pre primary kids for their Fancy dress Competition
Vice President’s Speech)
we invite our respected Vice President mam for her words of wisdom

Thank you, Madam, for your enlightening words. As the tricolour flutters high, let our hearts also flutter
with love, respect, and duty towards our nation.

Dance Performance on Independence Day

“We thank Vice President Mam for those words. Now, we have the Primary Group ready to showcase
the diversity of our nation through their dance.”
(After the dance performance)

(Speech BY PGT BOY)

we invite [Student’s Name] from Class [X] to deliver a speech on the significance of Independence Day.
we invite [Student’s Name] from Class [X] to deliver a speech on the significance of Independence Day.
Special Speeches and Performances on Independence Day
Anchor 1: What enlightening words and enchanting performances! Each word echoed the sentiment of
a proud Indian, and each performance made our hearts brim with patriotism.
Anchor 2: Absolutely. We can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the courage and valour of our freedom
fighters. On this note, let’s move forward with the Thought for the Day presented by [Student’s Name]
from Class [X].

Patriotic Song Performance

Anchor 1: now let’s turn our attention to the students of (Class), as they fill our hearts with patriotic
spirit through their song.”
(After the patriotic song performance)
Anchor 2: “What a stirring performance! It reminds us of the love we hold for our nation.”

Special Message on Independence Day

Anchor 1: “Let’s carry that love forward as we invite (Name of the dignitary) to share a special
message with us all.”
(After the Special speech)

Dance Performance on Independence Day

Anchor 1: “We thank (Name of the dignitary) for those words. Now, we have the (Name of the dance
group) ready to showcase the diversity of our nation through their dance.”
(After the dance performance)

Independence Day Quiz Competition

Anchor 2: “That was an enchanting display of our nation’s diverse cultures. Next, we’re turning to a fun
yet informative part of our program – a quiz on our nation’s history and culture.”
(After the quiz competition)

Anchor 2: “A round of applause for our quiz participants! Remember, knowing our past helps us
appreciate our present and look forward to a brighter future.”

Thought for the Independence Day

“Freedom is not just about living in an independent country; it’s about having an independent mind,
independent thoughts, and independent actions that contribute positively to the nation.
On this Independence Day, let’s pledge to be responsible citizens contributing to the country’s growth
and prosperity.”
Anchor 1: What an inspiring thought! As we progress in today’s assembly, we want to highlight the
importance of this day not just as a national holiday, but as a day of introspection, a day of recognizing
our duties towards this great nation.
Anchor 2: True. And as a part of our duties, let’s not forget the importance of being a good citizen, of
being kind, respectful, and understanding. To imbibe these values better, let’s proceed to the Value
Education Talk by our respected [Teacher’s Name].
(Value Education Talk)
Anchor 1: Thank you, [Teacher’s Name], for your inspiring words. Now, before we conclude, we invite
our respected Principal, [Principal’s Name], for his/her words of wisdom and to hoist the National Flag.
(Principal’s Speech)
Anchor 2: Thank you, Sir/Madam, for your enlightening words. As the tricolour flutters high, let our
hearts also flutter with love, respect, and duty towards our nation.
Anchor 1: As we conclude our Independence Day special assembly, let’s carry forward the spirit of
patriotism not just today but every day. May we all strive to do our bit in making our nation a better
Anchor 2: With this, we conclude today’s assembly. Jai Hind!
Both Anchors Together: Jai Hind!

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