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Civil Engineer

Job Qualification Job Description

To become a Licensed Civil Engineer in the Philippines, you must A Civil Engineer, uses math and science to solve different
be a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. To obtain technical problems. Civil engineers create, improve and
your license you have to pass the Civil Engineering Licensure Board protect the environment in which we live. They plan,
Examination conducted by the Board of Civil Engineering under the design and oversee construction and maintenance of
supervision of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). building structures and infrastructure, such as roads,
railways, airports, bridges, harbours, dams, irrigation
projects, power plants, and water and sewerage systems.
Long Term Goals They also design and build tall buildings and large
structures that can withstand all weather conditions.
Accredited structural engineer.
Accredited Project Engineer as required by Law A Civil Engineer, or Licensed Civil Engineer, is responsible
Must be financially stable. for overseeing the design and construction of roads,
bridges, waterways, sewage treatment plants and other
Short Term Goals types of infrastructure. Their duties include using software
programs to design structural blueprints, adhering to
To obtain a master's and doctorate degree in Engineering
construction laws and environmental constraints and
Management. visiting construction sites to monitor the building process.
To obtain a Career Executive Service Officer Course(CESO)
Travel the World


My plans to achieve these specific goals is to engage in the following: recognition
My life goals as an adolescent towards my
3. education
family is to stay away from habits and bad
4. physical and athletic.
company. As an adolescent I should respect
FAMILY the elders and love the youngsters and the
5.Improve my growth mindset
6. I'll be more productive
whole family. I should participate in the
7. Learn to understand more of myself
Family's cultural and traditional activities.
8. Learn to accept my limits.
9.To be persistent despite of life's obstacles
10. Learn to make effective decisions.

My life's goal as an adolescent towards my Plans to achieve this goal is through the help and guidance of my parents and
relation to my family and others is that i have other responsible adult person in the family to strengthen more my ties and
RELATIONAL to be responsible enough to make my own relationship with them and to others. Oftentimes, I as a teen ager want more
decisions. I have to overcome my yes, no and independence and emotional distance and more often my focus is on social
maybe approach. social interaction and friendships.

My life's goal as an adolescent towards my

education is to achieve more knowledge,
My plans to achieve this goal is to focus more on my studies, to be aware and
gained through good and effective education
avoid of what could distract me, to learn more on new technology that would
EDUCATION that empowers me as a teenager and to be
help ease everyday life's burden, to learn time management, exercise, meditate
able to evaluate problems and make better
and motivate myself.
quality decisions that will improve myself and
will give more confidence in my life.

My life's goal as an adolescent towards Social

needs is that to know more where I belong My plans to achieve this specific goals is to have a healthy social development, I
most, exercise and practice power enjoyment and other teens of my age need to form a social bonds that can be a model, that
SOCIAL and responsible independence. Considering encourage positive social values and behavior, to gain opportunities for social
this time of my life of tremendous social and interaction, to have active participation and meaningful engagement with others
emotional growth where this needs grows including family members, educators and peers.
more stronger.

My life's goal as an adolescent towards Civic

engagement is that as teen ager I must have a
strong views on the policies and programs
My plans to achieve specific goals is to actively participate in a civic engagement
that will shape our lives and the community
CIVIC we live in. Teen agers have the right to be
like economic stability, education, health and health care, neighborhood, built
environment, social and community context.
heard, the right to engage with government
and businesses, the right to influence matters
that would affect us teens.

My life's goal as an adolescent towards my

religion/spirituality is to actively participate My plans to achieve specific goals is to get involved spiritually with objectives
RELIGION/ and invite other teens in religious practices of that I have to set for myself to get more closer to God. We may have different
SPIRITUALITY which gives a positive effect, the feeling of
belongingness and it lowers incidence the use
religious beliefs but one thing that binds us all is the thirst for spiritual
of substance abuse.

1. How does it feel looking at your life goals?

Looking at my life's goals I feel that fulfilling it I could finally get to the top of the tallest mountain in the world. I feel I would see
the view I've been dreaming of since I put my climbing gear. As if I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face from a place I
fought to reach.

The most amazing realization is that the destination, though breath taking, it's not the greatest gift after all. I have now
experiencing an endurance I didn't have before and I know no matter what life throws at me, I can overcome. I become disciplined
and stronger now more than ever.

Getting up everyday to climb that mountain, even when I'm sick, discourage, lost or hopeless, still I have to climb. I have proved to
myself that I can achieve anything. I mean anything, with determination and refusal to quit. I have learned I can withstand pain and
disappointment over and over and still not lost focus on what I am doing right now.

I also learned that maybe I will not climb the path the experts recommend, or go the way my friends did, but I am right with my
goals in life already set I could reach the top just like what the others did, but I will do it on my own, and I am so proud of myself,
the person I've become on the course of a climb.

I smile as I understand that it is my destination all along. Not on the top of the mountain, but I can do anything I've decided to and
that's a gift I never saw coming.

2. How feasible are your plans to accomplish your goals?

the feasibility of my plans or the level of difficulty to achieve or accomplish my goal is not just too light and not too simple but it's
not that hard at all. First things first, I have to consider what I want to achieve and then commit to it. and then set the so called
SMART: S-specific, M-Measurable, A- attainable,
R- relevant, T- Time bounded.

With this it will motivate myself, I will write it down to make them feel tangible. I'll set and plan my steps that I will take and
realize my goal, and cross of one by one as I work and accomplish each one of them and to reward myself for every endeavor and
accomplishment that I will achieve and never forget to learn from any mistakes.

Personal Factors
Attitude- A very inspiring quotation from mahatma gandhi Abilities - At my age as a teenager I would like to
"A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he develop my abilities, to be able to understand abstract
becomes." In terms of perception in life I would like to be a ideas: establish and maintain satisfying relationships,
positive thinker. for a positive thinking is often associated move towards a more mature sense of myself and for
with positive actions and outcomes. Positive, optimistic the purpose I want it to be, I would like to question old
people are happier, healthier, and enjoy more success that values without losing my identity, I would like also to
those who think negatively. The difference a positive and develop my abilities in psychosocial competencies and
negative thinker is how they think about and interpret the interpersonal skills.
events in their life.

Interests - One of the sports activities that caught my attention Ambitions - It refers to strong wish to achieve a stated
and I feel high tendency to keep on doing it is by playing indoor goal, and implies that reaching that goal will take a lot of
games like table tennis. It is one of too many sports activities effort. For me, I want to become a full pledge licensed
that induces flow, intense focus on techniques and pacing Civil Engineer someday. That is one of my goal and
means that mental strength, physical strength, and physical desires that I want to achieve in particular. It is something
ability is important. I really want to do or accomplish even if I don't have
complete control over it, or over the situation.

Resources - It can be also describe as assets meaning time, Limitations - these are some of the limitations and
money, energy, materials or funds that can be used to conditions that may block or hinder me in achieving or
accomplish my goals, aside from that, there are also different accomplishing my goal: failure, excuses, perfectionism,
kinds of life resources that I can learn and use for to help me focusing on the end result, action of delaying or re-
accomplish or achieve my ambition, goals, desire and overcome scheduling something that should be done timely, too
obstacles, these life resources are: time management skills, many expectations, lack of consistency, lack of self-
negotiation skills, meet working skills, persuasion skills, esteem, distraction.
fighting skills, marketing skills and communication skills.
External factors and Issues

For me I would consider and focus on these things as my external factors and
issues and what possible options do I have to overcome these concerns:


Find a part time job for additional Income

Installing measures to save energy,
electricity and water.
Limited family Income Considering to bring vegetables from our
Prospected university is little bit backyard garden at the province and
expensive. other goods whenever I can go home to
Currently renting a room pad. save money for food expenses
Monthly bill both electricity and water To conduct walking as an exercise
Food allowance/ pocket money whenever I'm going to a nearby place or
mall to save money for fare
to wash my clothes once a week to save
water and money for monthly bills.


In five years, I see myself working at Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)-
Regional Office X at Bulua Cagayan De Oro City as a RESIDENT ENGINEER.

In ten years, I see myself working at the same Office and Department as a PROJECT

In fifteen years, I see myself working at DPWH-Bukidnon 3rd District Engineering Office at
Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon as a Chief Engineer of the Construction Section.
Engineering is
the art of
directing the
great sources of
power in nature
for the use and
convenience of

The road to success is always under

construction, Get it right….CIVIL

Engineers like to solve problems.

If there are no problems handily
available, they will create their
own problems

E N G R. P R I N C E S S A R I E L L E B. K I N T A N A R

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