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6836 Bee Caves Rd.

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Quarterly Review and Outlook

Third Quarter 2015

Economic Realities per capita GDP has grown just 1% per annum,
much less than the 1.9% pace from 1790 to 1999.
Future business activity will reflect two
economic realities: 1) the over-indebted state These results indicate that the relationship
of the U.S. economy and the world; and 2) the between debt and economic growth is non-linear,
inability of the Federal Reserve to initiate policies or progressively negative, as debt advances to
to promote growth in this environment. higher levels, a pattern confirmed by academic
research (Chart 2). The latest information further
The first reality has been widely supports this relationship. The current expansion
acknowledged, as developed and developing began in 2009, and since then real per capita GDP
countries both have debt-to-GDP ratios sufficiently growth has been 1.3%, less than half the 2.7%
large to argue for a slowing growth outlook (Chart average growth in all expansions from 1790 to
1). 1999.

U.S. government debt now stands at 103% The Bank of International Settlements
of GDP. If private debt is included, the ratio released a report last month stating that total
climbs to about 370% of GDP. Scholarly studies public and private debt relative to GDP for
indicate that real per capita GDP growth should the entire global economy stands at 265%,
slow by about one-quarter to one-third from the up from 219% at the peak of the prior credit
long-run trend when the total debt-to-GDP ratio cycle. Additionally, the global rate of growth is
rises into the range between 250% and 275%. decelerating significantly while debt levels are
Since surpassing this level in the late 1990s, real continuing to rise, indicating an increasing debt
drag. Researcher Chris Martenson calculated that

Total Private and Public Debt as a % of GDP Real Per Capita GDP Growth, Selected Periods
average annual growth
Major Countries 2.5% 2.5%
700% 700%

2.0% 1.9% 2.0%

600% 600%

500% 500% 1.5% 1.5%
400% 400% 1.0%
U.S. 1.0% 1.0%
300% Australia 300%
250% -275%
0.5% 0.5%
200% 200%

100% 100% 0.0% 0.0%

1979 1983 1987 1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011 2015 1790-1999 2000-2015
Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Congressional Budget Office, Office of Management and Budget,
Source: Bank of Japan, Cabinet Office, Statistics Canada, Federal Reserve, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Office for National Statistics of
U.K., Statistical Office of the European Communities, Reserve Bank of Australia. Haver Analytics. Through 2014. U.S. through Q2 2015. N.S. Balke & R.J. Gordon, C.D. Romer, Measuring Worth. Through Q2 2015.

Chart 1 Chart 2

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Quarterly Review and Outlook Third Quarter 2015

since 2008 total public and private debt rose by M2 Money Stock
annual % change
$60 trillion while GDP gained only $12 trillion. 30% 30%

25% 25%

The second economic reality is the failure 20% 20%

of the Federal Reserve to produce economic 15% 15%

progress despite years of wide-ranging efforts. 10% 10%

The Fed’s zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) and 5%

Avg. = 6.6%

quantitative easing (QE) have been ineffectual, if 0% 0%

-5% -5%
not a net negative, for the economy’s growth path.
-10% -10%

-15% -15%
Short-term interest rates in the U.S. have -20% -20%
fallen to near zero, restraining the central bank’s 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Sources: Federal Reserve Board. Bureau of Labor Statistics;

ability to lower them further. None of the more Monetary Statistics of the United States. Through September 2015.
Chart 3
powerful channels of monetary policy, including
money growth, have been responsive to Fed money under present laws.
actions. When the debt overhang is excessive, the
Fed and other central banks cannot control money The Fed, of course, has the authority to
and velocity, real long-term interest rates or the buy certain assets, including government bonds, in
Wicksell Effect. Over the summer, the Wicksell the open market, but that is where their authority
effect has become more adversarial to economic starts and stops. They create excess reserves
growth in the U.S. as nominal GDP growth has by buying securities in the open market, which
slowed, while the market rate of interest, as are then owned by the depository institutions.
measured by the BAA corporate bond yield, has However, the Fed does not have the direct
risen. Treasury bond yields, in real terms, have capability to move these funds and therefore place
remained stubbornly unchanged since 1990 even them in the hands of households, businesses, and
though the nominal bond yield has dropped 600 other nonbank sectors. It is this transaction that
basis points. creates money. Keeping short-term interest rates
low for an extended period of time will not change
Despite the unprecedented increase in the the trajectory of the economic growth path as long
Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, growth in M2 as the massive debt overhang persists.
over the first nine months of this year fell below
its average rate of growth over the past 115 years, Finally, policy actions have worked
a time when the growth in the monetary base was at cross-purposes. The current zero interest
stable and quite modest (Chart 3). In addition, rate policy has rendered mass distortions in
velocity of money, which is an equal partner to the allocation of capital and mispricing of
money in determining nominal GDP, has moved risk assets. Such repressed interest rates have
even further outside the Fed’s control. The drop contributed to more excess capacity that, in turn,
in velocity to a six decade low is consistent with has reduced inflation. The ZIRP policy allows
a misallocation of capital and an increase in debt low quality borrowers access to debt markets,
used for either unproductive or counterproductive creating untenable balance sheet exposure when
purposes. economic activity slows. In the meantime, such
actions undoubtedly contributed to the slumping
The evidence speaks for itself: the Fed velocity, which means that even if the Fed could
cannot print money. The Fed does not have the have printed money, any impact on the economy
authority or the mechanism to print money. They would still have been thwarted.
have not, they are not and they will not print

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Quarterly Review and Outlook Third Quarter 2015

New Proposals No guarantees exist that such an action

would be efficacious. Heavily indebted economies
The evidence is clear that ZIRP and QE are not very responsive to such small changes in
have been ineffective and a net negative for short-term interest rates. Many negatives would
economic growth. The Fed appears to have outweigh any initially positive psychological
few new policy tools. However, new proposals response. Currency in circulation would rise
now make it seem like the Fed could provide a sharply in this situation, which would depress
quick solution should a slowdown or recession money growth. The Fed may try to offset such
eventuate. currency drains, but this would only be achievable
by further expanding the Fed’s already massive
The problems facing the economy are balance sheet. If financial markets considered
structural, and cyclical factors are now beginning such a policy inflationary over the short-term, the
to interact with longer run forces to create an more critically sensitive long-term yields could
increasingly delicate economic outlook. If rise and therefore dampen economic growth.
enacted, these new proposals, or “quick fixes”,
could over time create a set of unintended An extended period of negative interest
consequences that might easily produce serious rates would lead to many adverse unintended
damage to the economy, more than outweighing consequences just as with QE and ZIRP. The
any short-term gains. initial and knockoff effects of negative interest
rates would impair bank earnings. Income
These “quick fixes” include: 1) an to households and small businesses that hold
implementation of negative overnight and other the vast majority of their assets with these
short-term interest rates; 2) an additional round of institutions would also be reduced. As time
QE; 3) a program proponents call monetization of passed a substantial disintermediation of funds
government debt that is really just another round from the depository institutions and the money
of QE; and 4) a plan to have the Fed print money market mutual funds into currency would arise.
by directly funding federal tax cuts or spending The insurance companies would also be severely
plans, commonly referred to as a “helicopter challenged, although not as quickly. Liabilities
drop”. The Fed has authority to implement the of pension funds would soar, causing them to be
first two proposals. Option three has already been vastly underfunded. The implications on corporate
tried and has failed. Option four would require capital expenditures and employment can simply
massive law changes. not be calculated. The negative interest might also
boost speculation and reallocation of funds into
Negative Short-Term Rates risk assets, resulting in a further misallocation
of capital during a time of greatly increased
The Fed could achieve negative rates corporate balance sheet and income statement
quickly. Currently the Fed is paying the depository deterioration.
institutions 25 basis points for the $2.5 trillion in
excess reserves they are holding. The Fed could Hypothetically, due to the severe currency
quit paying this interest and instead charge the disintermediation during prolonged negative
banks a safekeeping fee of 25 basis points or short-term interest rates, the U.S. government
some other amount. This would force yields on would probably need to call in all currency in
other short-term rates downward as the banks, circulation, which currently totals about $1.3
businesses and households try to avoid paying for trillion. The banks would then hold these
the privilege of holding short-term assets. additional excess reserves and would have to pay
a safekeeping fee. Many of the general public

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Quarterly Review and Outlook Third Quarter 2015

would view such a move as highly suspicious, a negative outcome of earlier QE programs.
if not confiscatory. In such an environment, Without any improvement in economic activity,
legislation would have to be passed and the rules QE4 would aggravate the misallocation of capital
and regulations of a pure bank deposit system caused by previous efforts, resulting in more
would need to be established. If such a regime excess capacity and additional downward pressure
could be enacted, which is highly debatable, the on inflation, which is already subdued.
process might take many years.
Called Monetization
Due to recognition that three QE rounds
In spite of all the problems and lack of in the United States and many more in Japan have
empirical support for the efficacy of earlier QE produced neutral, if not negative results, some
programs, some still promote another round. The recommend expanding QE but with new wrinkles.
boost to risk markets from QE4 would be much One of these QE variants would combine even
more short-lived than in earlier QEs because larger central bank bond purchases with “wise”
today the initial conditions are far worse. In the Federal spending or lower taxes. The idea is that
earlier cases the economy was either just coming Congress and the President would pass bills to
off or close to a deep 2008-09 recession. When spend $1 trillion for infrastructure projects or tax
inventories are depleted and pent-up demand is cuts. The Federal Reserve would purchase the
high, the economy is like a coiled spring ready federal debt created to fund the $1 trillion dollar
to snap back. That is not the current situation. project through the open market.
Today’s unprecedentedly weak expansion
has passed the six-year mark, which is old by This policy is typically referred to as
historical standards. monetizing federal expenditures. These proposals
recognize that the Congress and the administration
Other differences exist. QE1 and QE2 first have to enact the expenditure and tax changes,
did lower the dollar, and the resultant gains and then the President has to sign them into law.
in U.S. manufacturing came at the expense of However, they assume that this can be done
manufacturing elsewhere in the world. As this because of a promise from the Fed to purchase
became apparent, the dollar started moving higher all of the new debt caused by the tax cut or the
before QE1 and QE2 ended. It is unlikely that higher infrastructure spending.
QE4 would result in any significant short-run
decline in the dollar since the effect of QE3 on the This program, which is merely open-
dollar was almost nil due to the learning curve. ended QE, has already been tried unsuccessfully.
Weak economic conditions in major trading Without fanfare, during QE 3, the Federal Reserve
partners suggest that another round of QE might expanded its balance sheet by $1.6 trillion by
evoke a much faster retaliation, particularly by buying U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities
the Chinese who have already taken small steps while the U.S. budget deficit was a considerably
to stimulate their economy through currency lesser $1.2 trillion. Japan has often funded tax
depreciation. This might risk a round of currency cuts and expenditure programs with purchases of
moves like those that resulted in a “race to the debt from the Bank of Japan. Growth, however,
bottom” from the mid-1920s until World War II. has continued to stagnate.

To the extent that risk assets receive Aside from being ineffective, huge
a short-term boost, this would further worsen political obstacles exist since Congress and the
the income and wealth divide, which has been President would have to increase the gross federal
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Quarterly Review and Outlook Third Quarter 2015

debt by the amount of the proposed change in of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
taxes or spending. This is not a small matter; it has (RFC), which was created by FDR in the Great
proved extremely difficult to fund even ongoing Depression in 1932 and lasted until 1957, was
activities for the current year. Then the Fed for the Fed to fund various infrastructure projects
would have to agree to buy additional government by writing checks on itself just as it does when it
securities in the face of evidence indicating no buys government or agency securities. This was
economic benefit. determined to be illegal since the Fed, with its
open market powers, can only purchase certain
History, economic studies and practicality “market-tested” securities. The Fed can buy
of politics suggest this is just another red herring government paper but only after it has been sold
trying to solve over-indebtedness with more debt. in the market place and a fair price is determined.
This is not monetization of debt but just another After the funding scheme for the RFC was not
QE program. January 2017 would be the first permitted, the Treasury issued debt and the RFC
time this could happen, and it would depend on was funded.
the 2016 election results. Of course, nothing
guarantees that the fiscal policy process will be Every Federal Reserve Chairman from
more viable then than now. William McChesney Martin through Ben
Bernanke, with the exception of G. William Miller
Helicopter Drop who served only briefly, has been requested to
directly fund some type of federal activity. Each
An extremely controversial line of of these requests has been refused. The most
reasoning is that a total rework of monetary policy recent proposal occured in 2013 (the 'Platinum
will energize economic activity, cause inflation to Coin') which was rejected by the Treasury and
surge, bond prices and the dollar to plummet and the Federal Reserve.
stocks and commodities to soar. The basic plan
is to have the Federal Reserve write checks to Debt still rises, parties harmed. In a
pay directly for increased government spending, scheme where the Fed directly writes checks,
tax cuts and/or cancel the federal debt. Some of government debt still rises; however, assets of the
these proposals call for $1 trillion or more of either Fed would not rise at the same time. Therefore,
infrastructure spending or tax cuts. The objective capital requirements of the Federal Reserve
here is to take fiscal actions without adding to banks would be impaired in contradiction with
excessively high debt levels. the terms of the Federal Reserve Act. The legally
required dual entry accounting system would
Prominent economists such as Milton be violated. This is not a technicality since the
Friedman, Ben Bernanke and others have private depository institutions that contributed
discussed such proposals. However, these ideas two-thirds of the capital of the Federal Reserve
are theoretical and do not take into consideration banks would be harmed. In all likelihood the
three formidable problems. First, the Fed banks would take various actions to protect their
does not have this authority under present law. position, which includes a legally mandated 6%
Second, federal debt still goes up and parties dividend on their contributed capital.
with rights would be harmed and have potential
avenues of redress. Third, numerous unintended Unintended Consequences. Forming a
consequences would arise even if new legislation comprehensive list of legal changes needed and
were enacted to resolve the first two issues. anticipating unforeseen economic consequences
is impossible. For example, this transaction
Legal Obstacles. The original idea would run afoul of the extremely broad and

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Quarterly Review and Outlook Third Quarter 2015

comprehensive Federal Debt Limit Statutes. complicated law and constitutional changes
Hiding federal debt on the books of the Federal enacted, to carry out the helicopter drop.
Reserve would not change the fact that a Federal
Reserve IOU is a U.S. government IOU. Another The lessons of history strongly suggest
form of a helicopter drop is to have the U.S. that the helicopter drop will fail in the long
Treasury issue its own currency, as in the U.S. run, as do all regimes that try to use inflation to
Civil War, which the Fed would fund by balance promote real economic growth. Time and again
sheet expansion. This proposal would encounter in the countries that have tried such approaches,
all the same legal difficulties. The Federal Debt inflation has ultimately outpaced nominal GDP,
Statutes would require that this U.S. currency resulting in a reversal in any initial gains in real
be classified as debt, or essentially something GDP. The standard of living has contracted and,
equivalent to tax anticipation notes issued by state like in previous periods of rampant inflation,
and local governments. The Fed could not buy households of modest means fell further behind
this currency since it would not be market-tested. those with higher income.

Serious problems would emerge for All of these new proposals are reflective
the depository institutions. They would be left of the recognition that the U.S. economy has
with the IOU on the Fed, a zero maturity asset a slowing growth path. Global conditions are
they are only permitted by law to trade amongst similar, so goods prices are in a decreasing trend
themselves. How would the U.S. find a way to and inflation is waning. These new proposals
retain a central bank based on a fractional reserve all have serious flaws and will do nothing to
requirement banking system? What mechanism ameliorate the over-indebtedness of the nation or
would determine how the banks would be paid address the structural problems of future claims
for these zero maturity assets? on our federal and state budget revenues. History
suggests that such a condition engenders a long
Another unknown is how this system period of low inflation and thus low long-term
would work when inflation became a problem. interest rates. Therefore a position in long-term
If this new system were put into place and the government bonds continues to be our investment
drop effectuated, the central bank would not have stance.
the tools to contain future inflation. The money
created under this proposal would be “wild”
in the sense of being held by untold numbers
of economic participants. How would they be Van R. Hoisington
retrievable by the Fed when its marketable assets Lacy H. Hunt, Ph.D.
do not equal its liabilities? The Fed would have
an insufficiency of assets to sell in order to be able
to reverse the helicopter drop. At the point that
inflation became a problem, the Federal Reserve
would have to transfer its debt back to the U.S.
Treasury, and possibly even need to reverse

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