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How to write a curriculum vitae

Article in American journal of health-system pharmacy: AJHP: official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists · March 2010
DOI: 10.2146/ajhp090222 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Jason Gallagher
Temple University


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W. J. Copeman

How to Wrte A Currculum Vitae

Dr. Copeman is in charge of the with the curriculum vitae. Another lum vitae. Areas of experience after
Underserviced Area Program, way to do this is to get your references graduation should be briefly and se-
Ontario Ministry of Health, which in advance and send carbon copies of quentially described so that a potential
is designed to attract doctors and these with your curriculum vitae, employer can see from the type of
dentists to establish practice in showing originals only if and when work you have done what your inter-
areas of the province designated as asked to do so. If your referees have a ests are and what your level of experi-
underserviced. This is the largest copy of your curriculum vitae, it's eas- ence is likely to be. Never leave any
program of its kind in the world ier for them to recommend you to po- unexplained time gaps in your re-
and currently has 275 doctors and tential employers. sume.
75 dentists. Your qualifications should be listed Always send a typed covering letter
in a concise and sequential order, with your curriculum vitae, indicat-
VERY PHYSICIAN will be asked showing when and where they were ing:
for a curriculum vitae at some gained. Modesty may inhibit you from -How you became aware of the prac-
point in his career. A curriculum vitae talking about the honors and awards tice opportunity.
is literally a summary of your life's you have won at school, citations you -Your type of practice.
studies. However, I suggest that more have received, records you have estab- -Any special professional interests
than just studies be included, since a lished, the fact you were class presi- you have.
summary of your academic accom- dent, but these can and should be listed -When you will be available.
plishments tells nothing about the kind clearly and factually in your curricu- -Your willingness for interview at
of person you are.
A well prepared curriculum vitae
will be your greatest asset when you Fig. 1.
go job hunting. Every doctor should
Title page of curriculum vitae
write one and review it regularly. A re-
sume is an absolute necessity when
you are applying for a position or Curriculum Vitae
going for an interview.
John Smith MD, CCFP, DPH
General Points
A curriculum vitae should always be
dated-preferably on the front page. It
should be professionally typed-hand-
writing or poor typing makes a bad im-
pression. A recent personal picture
should be included. References should
be on a separate page and not submit-
ted with the application. This avoids
your referees receiving numerous re-
quests for references. You should, of
course, have their permission before
using their names. Give the list of re-
ferees to a prospective employer only
when your negotiations reach the stage
where you may enter his employ. A TORONTO
statement that "references are avail- JULY 1980
able on request" should be included
CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 26: JULY 1980 973
the convenience of the prospective em- vitae should list personal data, as logically, with a brief description of
ployer. shown in Figure 2. the type of practice, e.g. "1977-78:
Review, revise and update your cur- Six months locum tenens in James
riculum vitae at least annually. Partic- Education Bay. Two doctor partnership with
ularly at interviews, presenting your practice population of 6,000, predomi-
curriculum vitae well typed on good This section is a chronological re- nantly Indian. 1978 to present: family
paper in a clear plastic cover makes a port of your education, and should list practice in group of six doctors. Urban
good impression. all elementary and secondary schools practice population of 12,000."
attended, during what years and to
The Title Page what grade. University education Appointments
should follow, with dates and places You should indicate any profes-
This contains only the words Curric- where degrees were obtained.
ulum Vitae plus name of the doctor Postgraduate training should come sional appointments you may have
followed by his or her professional de- next, again reporting chronologically held and the dates-i.e., 1972 to pres-
grees in the order in which they were where and when you received your ent: Coroner, District of Nipissing.
acquired. The date and the location trainiqg. Parts of a rotating internship Memberships
can be typed in the lower right or left should be specified, and brief descrip-
Indicate dates and names of organi-
corner of the page. A typical first page tions given of additional training for
is shown in Figure 1. zations, both medical and non-medi-
diplomas or special interest areas.
cal. If you have been honored in some
way by these organizations or have re-
The First Page Professional Experience ceived awards from them, these facts
The beginning of your curriculum Again, this should be listed chrono- can either be mentioned here or in a
separate subsequent section.
Fig. 2.
Personal Information. Hobbies
A brief list gives a prospective em-
Full name: ployer some idea of your interests, and
whether the practice area would be ap-
Place of birth: propriate to your interests.
Date of birth: Publications
Citizenship: This can be an important consideration if you Give the correct Index Medicus ref-
are applying for a position in a country erence to any published work, e.g. au-
elsewhere than that in which you hold thors' names, title of article, title of
citizenship. journal, year of publication, volume
and inclusive page numbers.
Marital status: Community Involvement
You may be active in your commu-
Details about your family give some idea of your nity, in business, the church, politics,
family responsibilities and interests; for example, service clubs or other activities. De-
it may be very important to you to have good tails of these should also be included in
Spouse's occupation: schools in your future practice area. your resume. Such information gives a
good indication to your prospective
Number and ages of employer of what kind of person you
children: are and assists a great deal in assessing
your application.
Health: Certain types of work may be more suitable for
you if you have a particular health problem. Referees
Always obtain consent before using
Address: anyone's name as a referee. List name,
Make sure that these details are complete, professional status, address and tele-
especially if any changes are foreseen during phone number of each, including
the time that your application would be under postal codes and telephone area codes.
consideration. Referees should ideally be people in
Telephone: positions of authority who can com-
ment knowledgeably on your work,
Religion: Include these details if they are applicable and e.g. chiefs of staff, chiefs of service,
Non Smoker important to you. The Human Rights Code professors, deans of medicine, and
Non Drinker forbids hiring on the basis of sex, age or creed. people for whom you have worked. i)
974 CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 26: JULY 1980

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