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Name ______Noah Montgomery____________

Observational Research Project (15 points)

1. Using observational research during lunch over the next two days, gather data on one or
two peoples’ eating habits. Record your findings below:

Person A. Pack their own lunch, always eats their sandwich first, usually forgets their
water and needs someone to get one for them from the snack line, there lunch is also always
the same.

Person B. both packs and buys lunch, they tend to eat their packed lunch during 2 nd mod
and then buys more food from the school lunch and snack line, they also have others buy them
things in exchange for a ride home.

2. What do your findings tell you? More importantly, what do your findings NOT tell you about
his/her eating habits?

My findings told me that most people end up sticking to their habits regardless of others
around them. Also found out that people love to use the snack line, it also told me about how
they keep their dietary habits even in school.
My finding did Not tell me much about who they are as a person, hobbies, or how they
make their food (if they make it, mom makes it, ect)

3. What conclusions about observational research can you make from your study? What are
some of the advantages and disadvantages of observational research? When would this
method work best?
Observational research can tell us a lot about people actions but not why they make those actions, thus
if you have a long enough study, you can find out the habits and actions people take on the daily. This
Name ______Noah Montgomery____________

would be very useful if you were a business owner and watched your customers you can learn more
about what people buy and why they buy it.

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