The Year Was 2021

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The year was 2021, my uncle had just help start an Airbnb company in Smithville, Tennessee and

needed help making social media content to promote the company. During this time, I happen to be
doing a lot of video and photography work for school and my church, so it was a no brainer. After a quick
phone call, he told me that they would need one to two videos a week to post on Instagram and
Facebook. I was off to the races! Although still very new to video editing and social promotion I found it
very enjoyable, and it gave me a goal to work towards every week. I started doing all the research I could
to learn more about video editing and basic graphics.

Video editing started to become part of my everyday routine; I would get home from school and
immediately start learning and working to become better and better at this newfound passion. It wasn’t
until 2022 where I realized that this passion could become my future career, in order to make this a
reality I had to take things a bit more seriously. By the late months of 2022 I had come up with a whole
brand and even logo for myself; now instead of learning how to edit videos, I had to learn how to market
and sell myself to brands and influencers that needed help with their online videos. Minutes turned to
hours and hours too days, after enough time I started reaching out to companies and personal brands on
Instagram and through email marketing.

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