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The Shadow was behind him! JL had one choice and one choice only, fight!

His years of
marshal arts had led up to this very second. JL made the first move, throwing a right hook with
his bloody fist, BAM! The shadow vanished, Gone but not dead…… it was at once quiet. With
salty tears slowly falling from his cheek wept at the loss of his fellow LifeLiners; Charis and
2 hours Earlier: It was the annual LifeLine From, everyone was celebrating ( although
some unhappy ) Nathan had just won best dressed, ( he had dressed well indeed ) nothing too
fancy, he had a navy blue suit, with a purple undershirt and bowtie. Although the bowtie was
obnoxious made his eyes pop as if he were an anime character. can't forget his brown dress
pants that matched perfectly, putting it all together were his spotless, shiny black shoes that he
had just picked up from a Good Will.
“OK, everyone!” Josiah said into the microphone, with a sort of rough voice that only a
montgomery girl could like. Keria turned and shrugged in disappointment.
“We are about to announce the winners for king and queen”
Pat pat pat pat! Hands-on knees everyone waited eagerly for Josiah to open the envelope.
“Here we go! Ben H and K……….”
FLICK, the lights when out, the room went dark and an eerie chill filled the room.
“What the heck,” Said Miriam in a sassy tone snapping her fingers together.
“Ugh my first From” charis finished “I can't even see how everyone looks”
“Relax someone probable just tripped a breaker,” Stephen said tripping over his steps, trying to
flip the light switch, but nothing, no light, not even a hint of it.
“Um I know I'm a construction worker, but I'm not sure what the problem is”
Meanwhile, the lobby was in pure chaos, people screaming left and right. Dave had just run
face-first into the wall.
“Oowy!!!” he screamed,
“Oowy? Dave your a grown man why are you saying owwy?!” Micah snarled
“Because…..I hurt my nose”
“Ohh buck up your fine. I'm gonna try to go fix this. come to look for me if I don't come back.”

slowly but surely everyone gathered in the middle of the lobby.

Dave holding his shirt up to the bloody nose spoke up
“O…k… everyone, I'm not sure what's happening and I'm also not sure where Micah went, I
think he said he was going to fix this but I'm not sure. Has anyone seen ( hehe ) him” ( he
chuckled under his breath )
“Your not funny dave even Mercy's dad jokes are better than that”
Ben B. chimed in “Keria’s right! We need to stop with the jokes. We have a serious problem on
our hands. We could use your phones as a flashlight but Miriam made us put them all away,
and I can't find the basket!”
“I'm sorry!!! I didn't think we would lose power, and worst of all I can't see Josiah's face!”
Keria tried to slap her across the face but missed and hit dave in the nose.. again.
“Oops sorry dave I was aiming for Miriam. But more importantly we are stuck, I tried to unlock
the doors but there locked shut, and I'm not sure how we can get out.”

The room was silent, no one knew what to do.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Micah sprinting as fast as he could ran up the

front stairs.
“G..g..g Guys Th…Th..Theres something down there, It touched me, but I didnt feel anything. I

Dave with his bloody hand grabbed micahs shaking arm and started slowly
“Hey,, Micah listen to me,,, we are going to be ok, Im sure it was just your imagination”

“y…y…You d..d..dont understand what I saw it was dark but was glowing like a sun, It moved
fast, It was like a ghost”

“Ok!” Dave standing up straight, “then lets get a team together to go check things out.”

“I dont think this is a good idea Dave we dont even know what it is.” Mercy Stated

“But we dont have anyother choice, we cant get out and we cant call for help, JL, Charis and
Emily come with me”

“Its your call dave, just be carful, we will be praying for you.” Micah said still shaking from fear.

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