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Health statistics

Vital statistics

Statistics on population and the characteristics such as age and sex

Refers to the systematic study of vital events such as births, illnesses, marriages, divorces/separations and deaths

Source data (SoFamPoRegHealStudRes)

1. Social observation 2. Family records 3. Population

4. Registration of vital data 5. Health survey 6. Studies and

Technique in collecting data

a. Observation b. Interviews c. Survey

Measure of central tendency distribution

a. Mean

b. Median

c. Mode

d. Rates -number of probability events -rapidly but specific events occurring

e. Ratio -comparison -describe the relationship between 2 identical or distinct numerical

Health indicators

List of information w/c determines the health of a community particularly population

Types of health indicators

1. CBR – Crude Birth Rate

2. CDR – Crude Death Rate
3. IMR – Infant Mortality/ Morbidity Rate
4. . MMR – Maternal Mortality/ Morbidity Rate
5. . NDR – Neonatal Death Rate
6. Swaroop’s Index – deaths of people fifty (50) years old and above

Importance/ implication of health statistics

1. It is a tool in planning, implementation and evaluating health programs.

2. Serves as indexes of the health condition obtaining in a community or population group.

3. Provide variables dues as to the nature of health services or action needed.

4. Serves as a basis for determining the success or failure of such services or actions

• Crude Birth Rate (CBR) – number of live birth/1000 population, fertility rate.

CBR = # of total registered live birth/ Estimated mid year population X 1000
• Crude Death Rate (CDR) – deaths/1000 population, measures the force of mortality in a 1 year calendar.
CDR = # of total deaths/ Estimated mid year population x 1000

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) – 3 of death under 1 yr./1000 live births

IMR = # of deaths under/# of registered live births x 1000

• Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) – deaths related to pregnancy/1000 population.

MMR = # of deaths related to pregnancy/ # of registered live births x 1000

• Neonatal Death Rate –

NDR= # of deaths under 28 days/# of registered live birth x 1000

Functions of the nurse (ColTabAnEvaRecom)

• Collects data

• Tabulates data

• Analysis and interprets data

• Evaluate data

• Recommends redirection and strengthening of specific areas in health program as needed


1.UNCOOPERATIVE COMMUNITY - most commonly encountered problem especially in urban areas. Most people do
not cooperate in surveys, especially if they are not well informed of the purpose and the community officials or
researchers did not meet with them to show their objectives.


 proper information dissemination

 Conducting a general assembly or meeting with the community and barangay officials
 Proper explanation and showing the proper attitude in conducting the survey

2. DEFECTIVE OR INAPPROPRIATE QUESTIONAIRES- especially if the researcher will be using ready – made questionaire
that are not appropriate for the community.


 Proper observation in the part of the researcher.

 Formulating appropriate survey forms for the target community.
 Avoid using ready – made survey forms that are found in books or previous COPAR documents,

3. TOO MANY DEADFILES- Deadfiles are answered survey forms that are incomplete, inconsistent inadequate,doubled
or lost.


 The researchers should be will taught on bow to fill up questionaires.

 Proper observation in the part of the researcher.

 The source of the information should be reliable.

 Questioning techniques should be reviewed and practiced.

 Marking of the interviewed families should be properly observed

4. INCONSISTENT DATA- the data gathering process as much as possible the credible and the most reliable source
should be interviewed


 Proper observation in the part of the researcher

 Inform the source of information to answer the questions as honestly and as sincerely as possible

5. LOST/MISPLACE DOCUMENTS- One of the most simple but common problem in COPAR process. These documents
maybe a quistionnarie a tally sheet or a table.


 At least two copies of documents must be kept by two different researcher

 -Consistency of the two copies should be maintained
 -Documents used of unused must be kept with strict confidentiality

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