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Course & Section: BSTM 2A Date: MAY 25, 2023

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which among the choices is considered as a primary source of information
during the 20th century?
A. Newspaper C. Internet
B. Cellphone D. All the above
2. Which among the choices is considered as the secondary source of information?
A. Radio C. Television
B. Newspaper D. Mobile Phone
3. It is considered as online prostitution.
A. Phishing C. Scam
B. Phone sex D. Cybersex
4. It is defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or
defect, real or imaginary.
A. Cyber Crime C. Cybersex
B. Cyber Extortion D. Cyber-libel
5. It is a crime involving a computer or computer network.
A. Cyber Extortion C. Cybersex
B. Cybercrime D. Cyber-libel
6. “We've updated our login credential policy. Please confirm your account
by logging into Google Docs.” This is an example of .
A. Phishing C. Cyber bullying
B. Cyber extortion D. Cybersex
7. It is an act of cyber-criminals demanding payment using threat of some
form of malicious activity against a victim.
A. Cyber bullying C. Cyber extortion
B. Cybercrime D. Cybersex
8. It is an incident where information is stolen or taken from a system
without the knowledge or authorization of the system's owner.
A. Phishing C. Data breach
B. Scam D. Data hack
9. It is a term use to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully
obtains and uses another person's personal data.
A. Identity theft C. Data hack
B. Data breach D. Scam

10 It is unwanted behavior which you find offensive, or which makes you

feel intimidated or humiliated.
A. Data breach C. Harassment
B. Identity theft D. unwanted behavior
11 It is the ability of a computer, or a robot controlled by a computer to do
A. Artificial Intelligence C. Artificial craft
B. Artificial insemination D. Scam
12. This period where the information disseminated through writing laid the
advent of civilization.
A. Scientific age C. Information age
B. Industrial age D. Neolithic age
13. This period where telecom network was developed.
A. Scientific age C. Information age
B. Industrial age D. Neolithic age
14. This period where steam engine was developed.
A. Scientific age C. Information age
B. Industrial age D. Neolithic age
15. This period where printing press was developed.
A. Scientific age C. Information age
B. Industrial age D. Neolithic age

II. Enumerate the following.

1-3 give the primary source of information.

1. Newspaper
2. Radio
3. Television

4-5 give the secondary source of information.

1. Internet
2. Satellite Televisions

6 give the tertiary source of information.


7-10 give the different stages of information age.

1. Primary Information Age
2. Secondary Information Age
3. Tertiary Information Age

11-15 Top 5 Human act under Cybercrime.

1. Phishing
2. Cyber Extortion
3. Data Breach
4. Identity Theft
5. Harassment

III. Essay 10 points each.

1. Explain comprehensively how does social media be used to stop
human trafficking?

Social media platforms have emerged as crucial tools in combating human trafficking. They
can be utilized comprehensively to raise awareness, facilitate reporting, enable collaboration
among stakeholders, and provide a platform for intervention and support. Here's a
breakdown of how social media contributes to combating human trafficking:
Awareness and Education: Social media platforms provide a powerful means to raise
awareness about human trafficking. Organizations, activists, and individuals can utilize social
media to share stories, statistics, and educational content to inform and engage the public.
Leveraging the viral nature of social media, they can reach a wide audience and foster a
greater understanding of the issue.

Prevention and Identification: Social media can play a vital role in identifying potential victims
and preventing trafficking incidents. By sharing content that highlights warning signs,
common recruitment techniques, and red flags associated with human trafficking, law
enforcement agencies, NGOs, and concerned individuals can educate people. This empowers
users to identify and report suspicious activities, thus thwarting trafficking situations before
they escalate.

Reporting and Coordination: Social media platforms provide accessible channels for reporting
suspected trafficking cases. Social media companies, in partnership with law enforcement
agencies and relevant organizations, can establish clear reporting mechanisms. These
mechanisms allow users to submit tips and information regarding potential trafficking
situations, leading to timely interventions and investigations.

Mobilizing Communities: Social media enables the formation of online communities dedicated
to combating human trafficking. These communities comprise survivors, activists, NGOs, law
enforcement agencies, and concerned individuals. By creating dedicated groups, pages, and
hashtags, these communities can collaborate, share resources, exchange information, and
work collectively towards preventing human trafficking.
Victim Support and Rehabilitation: Social media serves as a platform for victims of human
trafficking to connect with support networks and access vital resources. NGOs and support
organizations can utilize social media to share information about safe houses, counseling
services, legal aid, and job training programs. Survivors can find solace and connect with
others who have experienced similar traumas, fostering a sense of community and support.

Advocacy and Fundraising: Social media amplifies the voices of anti-trafficking advocates,
allowing them to share stories, campaigns, and petitions with a wider audience. Activists
leverage social media platforms to advocate for policy changes, raise funds for prevention
programs, and lobby for better victim protection and support systems.
International Collaboration: Social media platforms facilitate cross-border collaboration in the
fight against human trafficking. Organizations and activists from different countries can
connect, share best practices, and exchange information to enhance global efforts. Social
media serves as a tool to unite stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, and law
enforcement agencies, in a coordinated response to combat trafficking globally.

It is essential to address the challenges associated with using social media in anti-trafficking
efforts, such as combatting misinformation, protecting privacy and security, addressing
ethical concerns, and implementing effective policies and guidelines to prevent the spread of
harmful content. Despite these challenges, social media remains a powerful tool in the fight
against human trafficking, offering avenues for awareness, prevention, reporting,
collaboration, support, and advocacy. By harnessing the reach and influence of social media
platforms, individuals and organizations can make a significant impact in stopping human
trafficking and supporting its victims
2. How does information develop throughout the globalization of
In an era defined by interconnectedness, globalization has permeated every facet of our lives. With the
advent of technology and the rise of the internet, information has become the lifeblood that courses
through the veins of our global society. This heartfelt essay aims to explore how information develops
throughout the process of globalization, illuminating the profound impact it has on our collective
consciousness and the intricate webs that bind us together.

1. Breaking Barriers: Globalization dismantles the barriers that once isolated societies,
facilitating the flow of information across borders. Through technological advancements, the
dissemination of knowledge and ideas transcends geographical limitations, allowing
information to flourish and permeate every corner of the world. As societies become more
interconnected, a globalized exchange of information emerges, enriching our collective
understanding of diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences.
2. Bridging Cultures: Information serves as a bridge, connecting cultures and fostering mutual
understanding. Globalization enables the sharing of traditions, beliefs, and practices,
promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. As information traverses borders, it breaks
down stereotypes and prejudices, promoting empathy and compassion. By embracing the
diverse tapestry of human experiences, globalization empowers societies to learn from one
another, cultivating a more interconnected and harmonious world.
3. Accelerating Knowledge: The globalization of society propels the rapid acceleration of
knowledge. With the exponential growth of information, access to a vast array of resources and
expertise becomes readily available. Advancements in technology, particularly the internet,
have transformed the way knowledge is generated, shared, and disseminated. As a result,
information becomes more accessible to individuals across the globe, leveling the playing field
and creating opportunities for learning and innovation.
4. Challenging Power Structures: The development of information throughout globalization
challenges traditional power structures. Information empowers individuals and communities,
enabling them to voice their opinions, demand accountability, and advocate for change. Social
media platforms, in particular, have provided a platform for marginalized voices to be heard,
amplifying the power of grassroots movements and social activism. Through the
democratization of information, globalization disrupts existing power dynamics, fostering a
more inclusive and equitable society.
5. Ethical Considerations: While information dissemination is a cornerstone of globalization, it is
vital to address ethical considerations. The abundance of information, coupled with the rise of
misinformation and fake news, poses challenges to societal cohesion. It becomes crucial to
promote critical thinking, media literacy, and responsible information sharing. By nurturing an
ethical framework, we can harness the transformative potential of information while
safeguarding against its potential misuse or exploitation.

The development of information throughout the globalization of society is a testament to our collective
progress and interconnectedness. As barriers crumble, cultures converge, and knowledge proliferates,
we are embarking on a journey of shared learning and understanding. However, this journey also
demands responsibility and ethical stewardship of information. By embracing the transformative
power of information and leveraging it for the betterment of society, we can build a global community
that cherishes diversity, empowers individuals, and fosters empathy and compassion. Let us navigate
the currents of globalization with open hearts and minds, ensuring that the development of
information remains a force for positive change in our interconnected world.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of WISDOM.”

Prepared by:
Mr. Joean A. Geresola, LPT, MAEd
Instructor I
West Visayas State University

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