Essay 3 Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review Questions 1

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TAMIU FYWP Essay 3 Rhetorical Analysis 1301

Unit3 Peer Review Workshop

Directions: Mark your responses directly onto the paper you are editing. Or, you can write your
answers here. If you are unsure, simply state that something seems off but you are unsure of

1. Is the essay in MLA format? If not, what suggestions can you make to the author to get it
to MLA format? Here is the link to OWL Purdue MLA so you can check:
The essay is in MLA format

2. What is the thesis statement? Mark it in the essay.

In this essay, we will explore the economic impact of this crisis on significant

economies, explicitly focusing on the USA, Canada, the UK, and Europe.

3. Is the author’s thesis statement clear and direct? Does it mention the name of the article
and the author of the article? Does it contain the 3-5 subpoints (rhetorical strategies) that
each body paragraph will discuss? Does it mention what the article/author’s argument is?
Does it mention if the argument is successfully, strongly, or persuasively made? If not,
give the author suggestions for revision.

The thesis is clear, but it does not mention the article or author of the article. It does
mention the three subpoints that each body paragraph will talk about. It does not
mention the articles argument and it needs to be added into the thesis.

4. Does the author primarily focus on discussing what rhetorical strategy the author is using
and how/why it is effective given who the intended audience for the source is in each
paragraph? If not, what are they focusing on? How can they switch their focus?

No, the author is not describing what rhetorical strategies the specific article is using.
The intended audience is whoever comes across the article in my opinion. They are
focusing more on what the author is talking about rather than the argument and how
they are using it to persuade the audience.

5. Does each paragraph contain relevant topic sentences that let the reader know what the
paragraph is about and aren’t too vague or too specific? How can the author improve
their topic sentences if you believe they need revision?

The topic sentences in each paragraph is relevant to the paragraphs.

TAMIU FYWP Essay 3 Rhetorical Analysis 1301

6. Where could the author use more detail to further illustrate their explanation of the
rhetorical strategy being used and/or how/why it is effective? Mark these areas in the

The author could add in sentences directly from the source as an example rather than
just information they got from the source. Every or almost every paragraph should
have one example.

7. Does the author avoid using words like “we, me, my our, I, us, etc.”? Mark in the text
where the author is getting distracted from what should be the main focus of the
paragraph or where they are not conducting a rhetorical analysis.

The authors uses “we” in the thesis statement. In this essay, we will explore the
economic impact of this crisis on significant economies, explicitly focusing on the
USA, Canada, the UK, and Europe.

8. What are three things that this author does very well?

The author is very informed on their topic, the author added in relevant information,
and the essay has good grammar.

9. What are three revision suggestions you have for the writer?

Write the essay on topic (what is the article doing to persuade readers), delete
irrelevant information, and try to have the essay with paragraphs all having around 5-
7 sentences/

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