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The story of paulus and jenny who silently followed pak stone to his house. they crawled
to the window and looked into the house, they saw pak stone take out a bottle of green
horrible drink then pak stone moved upstairs so jenni climbed into the tree. it turns out
pak stone noticed jenni's reflection in the mirror. pak stone was bald and on his head
was covered with brown warts. Jenni saw Mr. stone sitting in front of the mirror, Mr.
stone was bald and on his head was covered with brown warts. it turned out that Mr.
stone noticed Jenni's reflection in the mirror. Mr. stone was not angry and asked them
to come in. they sat in the living room, Paul asked about the warts. Mr. stone said the
warts were caused by a throat tumor, he smoked since he was a teenager. he took anemo
so that his hair was bald and grew warts. his vocal cords were missing, so he used a
voice implant. he was depressed, Mr. stone felt lonely because people
stayed away from him.
PENDAHULUAN are vibrant with educational
materials and posters. Mr. Stone in
A. Background
particular, stands out with his
The story is set in a typical
unconventional appearance, which
suburban school, nestled within a
adds an air of mystery to the story.
quiet neighborhood. The school
The story's setting captures the
building is a modest two-story
essence of a typical school
structure with large windows that
environment while adding a touch
allow natural light to filter into the
of intrigue and uncertainty through
classrooms. The cafeteria, where
the strange behaviour and
the protagonist usually has lunch
personalities of the characters,
with their friends, is a bustling
creating an engaging backdrop for
place during lunchtime, with tables
the unfolding narrative.
and benches for students to gather.
Paul Miller's home is depicted as a
B. Writing purpose
tranquil yet somewhat lonely place,
The purpose of this story is to
situated on the outskirts of town.
depict the social and emotional
It's a cozy house with a small front
dynamics within a school
yard where Apollo, the black cat,
environment, particularly in the
often roams. The divorce of Paul's
context of friendship, loneliness,
parents has left an emotional void
and the perception of those deemed
in the house, which is palpable in
different. The story also aims to
the story. The teachers in the new
build an element of mystery and
school come from diverse
discomfort in an otherwise
backgrounds, and their classrooms
ordinary school setting through 6. What underlying themes or
characters with mysterious aspects. messages does the story convey
Furthermore, the story seeks to about the challenges of fitting in,
illustrate how changes in the school the consequences of being
environment and the introduction perceived as different, and the
to unique characters can influence impact of personal circumstances
children's feelings and perceptions on one's social life and
of the world around them. It is a interactions?
narrative that attempts to blend
elements of social realism with D. Conceptual framework
fiction to create a deep and
engaging story. COMMON NOUNS
C. Formulation of the problem
Based on the text provided, we can Basic words used for people,
formulate several problems or places, things, or ideas that are not
questions in the story: specific
1. How do the protagonist and their or unique. Do not start with a
friends, Dana and Paul Miller, capital letter unless it appears at the
navigate the challenges of beginning of
maintaining their friendship while a sentence. Ex: animals, fruit,
dealing with personal issues, such plants, professions, objects,
as divorce, loneliness, and materials, colours, food, emotions.
academic pressures?
2. How do the classmates' PROPER NOUN
perceptions of Paul Miller as being (SPECIFICALLY)
too intelligent affect his social
relationships and sense of Types of nouns that refer to people,
belonging in the school? places. Or specific and unique
3. What is the significance of the objects. Always start with a capital
mysterious and unsettling letter. Functions to identify specific
behaviours exhibited by the new entities. Ex: names of people,
teacher, Mr. Stone, including his countries, cities, mountains, titles
consumption of a green liquid and of books, films, songs, brands.
black pills during lunch?
4. How do the strange behaviours ABSTRACT NOUNS
and changing eye colour of Mr.
Stone contribute to the sense of A type of noun that refers to a
mystery and discomfort in the concept, idea, quality, or emotion.
classroom? Not physical or concrete (feelings,
5. How does the interaction concepts, and beliefs) Ex: love, joy,
between the students and Mr. Stone beauty, justice, honesty, kindness,
during his inquiry about his peace
students' personal lives increase the
suspicion and intrigue within the CONCRETE NOUN
Types of nouns that refer to Refers to a particular person or
physical and real objects (can be thing. can indicate singular or
felt by the five senses) such as plural.
being kissed, heard, touched and • Subjective pronouns (I, you, he
felt. It can be a countable or she,
uncountable noun. it, we, they)
Ex: animals, plants, objects, • Objective pronouns (you, him,
substances. her,
it, us, them)
COUNTABLE NOUNS • Possessive pronouns (mine,
Types of countable nouns (plural or his, hers, its, ours, theirs)
singular). Refers to specific
individuals, animals, objects, or REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS
ideas that can be separated into
different units/groups. Ex: car, cars, Used when the subject of the
cat, cats. book, books, One, two, sentence and the object of the verb
three….., some, many, few, several, or preposition are the same person
a, an, the Possessive adjectives: or thing. Ex: Myself, yourself,
my, your, his, her, our, their himself, herself, itself (singular)
Ourselves, yourselves, themselves

A type of noun that cannot be DEMONSTRATIVE

counted. Represents things that are PRONOUNS
not considered as individual
objects. Ex: water, water, sand. Indicates specific people, places,
Sugar, music objects. Used to differentiate
between items and provide clarity
COLLECTIVE NOUNS in communications. Ex: this, that,
these, those
A type of noun that refers to a
group or individual. Represents a INDEFINITE PRONOUN
group or group of
people, animals, objects. Ex: Refers to something non-specific.
family, team, herd, flock, crowd, Ex:
army, class, pack • Singular indefinite pronoun:
Someone, anyone, something,
POSSESIVE NOUN everything, nobody, somebody,
A type of noun that shows • Plural indefinite pronouns: Some,
ownership. Ex:…’s > The cat’s tail many, few, several, both, others
Of > The car of Sarah
Used to ask about people, places, ACTION VERB
or things. Can only be used at the
beginning of a sentence to ask a A verb that expresses the action
question. Ex: Who > to ask performed by the subject in the
someone/some people Whom > to sentence. It can be a physical or
ask for the object of a sentence mental action. Ex: run, jump, sing,
Whose > to ask for ownership dance, write, laugh
What > to ask for an object or
several objects Which > to ask for LINKING VERB
several specific Verbs that connect subjects in
Options sentences. This verb does not
indicate action but connects the
RELATIVE PRONOUNS subject with a complement. Ex:To
be>is, am, are Become, seem,
Used to connect two clauses that smell, look, taste, sound, feel,
have the same noun or pronoun. grow, remain
Ex: Who > to refer to people
Whom > to refer to people but in HELPING VERB
format Whose > to ask for Used together with the main verb
ownership That > to ask about to form a verb phrase. Expresses
objects or people the time, mood, or
Which > to ask about objects or formation of the main verb. Ex: To
people but when the information be (is, am, are), have, will, should,
does not affect the meaning might, must, could


Used to replace nouns that show Express attitudes such as necessity,

possession or possession. possibility, ability, permission, and
Ex: Mine> to indicate that willingness. Ex: can, could, may,
something belongs to the speaker might must, should, shall, will,
Yours> to indicate something that would, ought
belongs to the listener His> to
indicate something belonging to a TRANSITIVE VERB
Her> to show something belonging A type of verb that requires an
to a woman Its> to indicate that object to receive the action.
something belongs to a non-human Transitive verbs are followed by a
subject Ours> to show that direct object that receives the
something belongs to a group action of the verb (answering the
including the questions what and who).
Speaker Theirs> to indicate
something belonging to a group not INTRANSITIVE VERB
including the speaker
A type of verb that does not require
an object This adverb shows the degree or
intensity of something. This adverb
BASIC VERBS answers the question "to what
extent" or how much" something is
A verb form that is not conjunct or done. Examples: very, extremely,
modified to indicate time, mode, or moderately, quite, absolutely,
aspect. Add "to" before the base completely, totally, partially, nearly,
form of the verb. almost


Used to emphasize the way an Adverbs of place are used to

action occurs. Answering the modify verbs and indicate where an
question "how" or "in what action is performed. This adverb
manner" something is done. answers the question "where"
Examples: quickly, slowly, something is done. Examples: here,
carefully, loudly, angrily, gently. there, everywhere, anywhere,
nowhere, upstairs, downstairs,
ADVERB TIME outside, inside, abroad.

Used to modify verbs and indicate DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVE

when an action is performed.
Answering the question "when" or Used to describe the quality or
"how often" something is done. characteristics of a noun.
The placement of these adverbs Examples: beautiful, tall, delicious,
often depends on the writer's blue, soft, strong, angry, spacious,
wishes or the emphasis they want shiny, cold.
to give to the sentence. Example:
today, tomorrow, later, early, soon, DEMONSTRATIVE
already. ADJECTIVE

ADVERB FREQUENCY Demonstrative adjectives

(demonstratives) are used to
To modify verbs and show how indicate or point to specific people,
often an action is performed. places or things. Examples: this,
Answering the question "how that, these, those.
often" something is done.
Examples: always, often, POSSESIVE ADJECTIVE
sometimes, rarely, never, daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly, The adjective of ownership is used
occasionally. to show ownership or possession of
a noun
Story in English Story in Indonesia
Chapter 5 mr stone Chapter 2 pak stone
when the school day finished, paul and I hid ketika hari sekolah selesai, Paul dan aku
behind some bushes and watched the school bersembunyi di balik semak-semak dan
gate. We saw many classes go home, and mengawasi gerbang sekolah. Kami melihat
some teachers. But we didn't see Mr. Stone. banyak kelas pulang, dan beberapa guru.
The minutes passed. Maybe he went home Tapi kami tidak melihat Tuan Stone. Menit-
by car, I said. At that moment, through the menit berlalu. Mungkin dia pulang naik
bushes, we saw a man with black hair and mobil, kataku. Saat itu, melalui semak-
very high cheek bones walk past. It's him, I semak, kami melihat seorang priadengan
whispered. Wait. He mustn't suspect that rambut hitam dan tulang pipi yang sangat
weare following him, Paul said. We waited tinggi berjalan melewatinya. Itu dia,
two minutes. Okay, we can go, I said. We bisikku. Tunggu. Dia tidak boleh curiga
followed him at a distance, and finally we bahwa kita mengikutinya, kata Paul. Kami
saw him go into a house. It was a pretty menunggu dua menit. Oke, kita bisa pergi,
pink two story building. There was a lawn kataku. Kami mengikutinya dari kejauhan,
in front of it and a big tree on the side. We dan akhirnya kami melihatnya masuk ke
crept up to the window and carefully looked sebuah rumah. Itu adalah gedung dua lantai
inside. Mr.Stone put his briefcase down and yang berwarna merah muda. Ada halaman
opened the refrigerator. He took out another rumput di depannya dan pohon besar di
bottle of that horrible green liquid and put it sampingnya. Kami merangkak ke jendela
on the table. Then he went upstairs. Now dan dengan hati-hati melihat ke dalam.
what can we do? Paul whispered. No pak.Stone meletakkan tasnya dan membuka
problem. I can climb the tree, I said. Are kulkas. Dia mengeluarkan sebotol minuman
you sure? Of course. Don't forget I play mengerikan itu lagi cairan hijau dan
volleyball. Be careful. I went to the tree. It menaruhnya di atas meja. Lalu dia naik ke
wasn't very high and it was easy to climb. atas. Sekarang apa yang bisa kita lakukan?
From my position, I could see his room. Paulus berbisik. Tidak masalah. Aku bisa
Mr.Stone was there.What's happening? memanjat pohon itu, kataku. Apa kamu
Whispered Paul. He's sitting in front of a yakin? Tentu saja. Jangan lupa aku bermain
mirror, I said softly. His hands are on his bola voli. Hati-hati. Saya pergi ke pohon itu.
head. Oh, no. What? What? Asked Paul. The Itu tidak terlalu tinggi dan mudah untuk
teacher was totally bald and hishead was didaki. Dari posisiku, aku bisa melihat
covered with disgusting brown warts. I felt kamarnya. Pak stone ada di sana. Apa yang
sick. Suddenly I noticed my reflection in Mr terjadi? Bisik Paulus. Dia duduk di depan
Stone's mirror. And Mr Stone noticed it too. cermin, kataku lembut. Tangannya ada di
He brusquely turned around and stared at kepalanya. Oh tidak. Apa? Apa?tanya
me. I was paralyzed with fear. My mouth Paulus. Guru itu benar-benar botak dan
fell open. I was expecting the worst. Instead, diakepala ditutupi dengan kutil coklat yang
Mr.Stone didn't look angry. He actually menjijikkan. Aku merasa sakit.Tiba-tiba aku
seemed very sad. He opened the window. menyadari bayanganku di cermin Mr Stone.
You students think I'm weird. Come inside. I Dan Tuan Stone juga menyadarinya. Dia
want to tell you something. Oh, Mr.Stone, dengan kasar berbalik dan menatapku. Saya
I'm terribly sorry, I started to say. I was lumpuh karena ketakutan. Mulutku
extremely embarrassed. Don't worry. Since ternganga. Saya mengharapkan yang
you're here, please come in. I climbed down terburuk. Sebaliknya, Tn.Stone tidak terlihat
the tree. Paul was very nervous. Come on, marah. Dia sebenarnya terlihat sangat sedih.
Jenny. Let's go away before it's too late. No, Dia membuka jendela. Kalian para siswa
Paul. I'm going in. But I went towards menganggapku aneh. Masuk ke dalam. Saya
Mr.Stone's front door, so Paul followed. The ingin memberitahu Anda sesuatu. Oh,
teacher opened the door and madeus sit Tuan.Stone, aku minta maaf, aku mulai
down in his living room. Do you want berkata. Saya sangat malu. Jangan khawatir.
something to drink? He asked. No, nothing, Karena Anda di sini, silakan masuk .Saya
thank you, I answered. Well, what are those turun dari pohon. Paulus sangat gugup.
warts on your head? Asked Paul, ignoring Ayolah, Jenny. Ayo pergi sebelum terlambat.
the look I gave him. These warts are the Tidak, Paulus.aku akan masuk.Tapi aku
results of a throat tumor. You see, I started pergi ke arah Tuan. Pintu depan Stone, jadi
smoking as a teenager, and I continued until Paul mengikutinya. Guru membuka pintu
the tumor chemotherapy made me loseall of dan membuatkami duduk di ruang tamunya.
my hair, and I developed these warts. You've Apakah Anda ingin minum sesuatu? Dia
probably noticed my voice. Unfortunately, bertanya. Tidak, tidak apa-apa, terima
the tumor destroyed my vocal cords, so now kasih, jawabku. Nah, apa sajakah kutil di
I speak with a voice implant. The tumor has kepalamu itu? Tanya Paul, mengabaikan
caused very serious changes in my life. I tatapan yang kuberikan padanya. Kutil ini
started to suffer from depression, and I still disebabkan oleh tumor tenggorokan. Anda
see a psychiatrist. I also moved, hoping to tahu, saya mulai merokok saat remaja, dan
start abetter life in a new environment. In Saya melanjutkannya sampai kemoterapi
fact, I'm from Wisconsin. You see, I'm not tumor membuat saya kalah seluruh
married and theillness has made me very rambutku, dan aku mengembangkan kutil
lonely. People don't like illnesses. They stay ini. Anda mungkin memperhatikan suara
away from sick people. Sick people bother saya. Sayangnya, tumor itu menghancurkan
them. Mr.Stone, we really feel terrible about pita suaraku sekarang saya berbicara dengan
our behavior, I said. Yes, we really implan suara. Tumor telah menyebabkan
apologize. We hope you can forgive us, perubahan yang sangat serius dalam hidup
added Paul. Don't worry. In a sense, I'm glad saya.Saya mulai menderita depresi,dan saya
this happened. I haven't talked like this to masih menemui psikiater.Saya juga pindah,
anyone for a long time. You see, I want to berharap untuk memulai kehidupan yang
be friends with my students. That's why I lebih baik di lingkungan baru.Sebenarnya,
asked your class so many questions. But it's saya dari Wisconsin.Anda tahu, saya belum
very hard for me to smile or be cheerful. Try menikah danpenyakit membuatku sangat
to understand if I'm strict or unpleasant. I kesepian.Orang tidak menyukai
smiled at Mr. Stone. I was very moved. We penyakit.Mereka menjauhi orang
understand, I said softly. May I ask you a sakit.Orang sakit mengganggu mereka.
question? Said Paul. Paul. I exclaimed. It's Tn.Stone, kami benar-benar merasa tidak
okay. Ask me anything you want, answered enaktentang kelakuan kami, kataku.Ya,
Mr. Stone. What's that stuff you eat at kami sungguh meminta maaf.Kami harap
lunch? Did that scare you? The green liquid Anda dapat memaafkan kami, tambah
and the black pills are part of my treatment. Paul.Jangan khawatir.Sedikit banyak, saya
They include protein and other nutritional senang hal ini terjadi.Sudah lama aku tidak
substances. And why, excuse my curiosity. berbicara seperti ini kepada siapa
Were your eyes amber colored yesterday? pun.Soalnya, saya ingin berteman dengan
Well, I tried some colored contact lenses. I murid-murid saya.Itu sebabnya saya
wanted to do something different. I thought menanyakan begitu banyak pertanyaan
that a new look could makeme feel better, kepada kelas Anda.Tapi sangat sulit bagiku
but it didn't work. Mr.Stone, I began, I saw untuk tersenyum atau ceria.Cobalah untuk
you at the park this morning. Gee, I memahami apakah saya tegas atau tidak
probably appeared very strange toyou with menyenangkan.Aku tersenyum pada Tuan
all those movements, he said. My doctor Stone.Saya sangat tersentuh.Kami mengerti,
suggested early morningexercise in fresh, kataku lembut.Bolehkah saya mengajukan
clean air. You really have watched me pertanyaan? Kata Paulus.
theselast few days, I must say. Paul and I Paulus.seruku.Tidak apa-apa.Tanyakan apa
looked at each other. We felt rude and very saja yang kamu mau, jawab Pak
silly. We were ashamed for being so Stone.Makanan apa yang kamu makan saat
inconsiderate. Well, Mr.Stone, we don't makan siang?Apakah itu membuatmu takut?
know how to thank youfor your hospitality Cairan hijau dan hitampil adalah bagian dari
and kindness, I said. We really don't deserve perawatan saya.Ini termasuk protein dan
it.Our behavior that's enough. That's nutrisi lainnya.Dan mengapa, maafkan rasa
enough. Don't worry. Thank you for your penasaran saya.Apakah matamu berwarna
company. I'll see you tomorrow at school. kuning kemarin?Ya, saya mencoba beberapa
And remember, if you ever want tocome lensa kontak berwarna.Saya ingin
and visit me, you're always welcome. Thank melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda.Saya pikir
you very much. We'll come again, said Paul. tampilan baru bisa dibuatsaya merasa lebih
Paul and I left Mr.Stone's house and walked baik, tapi itu tidak berhasil. Tn.Stone, aku
home. Well, I think we've learned a lesson, mulai, aku melihatmu di taman pagi
Paul said .We must remember that many ini.Wah, aku mungkin terlihat sangat
peoplein this world are suffering. Many anehkamu dengan semua gerakan itu,
people have problems, and if theyact in katanya.Dokter saya menyarankan pagi
strange ways, there are reasons. There isn't hariberolahraga di udara segar dan
an alien behind every bush. There's a person bersih.Anda benar-benar telah
just like you and me. And maybe this person memperhatikan saya inibeberapa hari
needsfriendship and a helping hand. I terakhir, harus kukatakan.Paul dan aku
looked at Paul with affection and saling berpandangan.Kami merasa kasar dan
admiration. His words expressed my own sangat konyol.Kami malu karena tidak
thoughts perfectly. We had let our pengertian. Ya, Pak.Stone, kami tidak tahu
imaginationand superficiality dominate us. bagaimana harus berterima kasihatas
This made us forget human feelings and keramahtamahan dan kebaikanmu,
problems. I thought about Mr.Adams and kataku.Kami benar-benar tidak pantas
his artificial arm. Even in that case, I mendapatkannya.Perilaku kita itu sudah
hadoverreacted with my ridiculous cukup. Cukup.Jangan khawatir.Terima kasih
suspicions. US.Hey, Paul, I said, I want to untuk perusahaan Anda.Sampai jumpa
celebrate. This adventure is over.I feel besok di sekolah.Dan ingat, jika Anda
relieved. Let's go to the Rainbow and buy an menginginkannyadatang dan kunjungi saya,
ice cream. Okay, Jenny. Good idea.Let's terima kasih selalu.Terima kasih
call Dana too. I added, thinking it was banyak.Kami akan datang lagi, kata
themoment to inform her about everything. Paul.Paul dan aku meninggalkan Tn.Rumah
Sure. We stopped at Dana's house Stone dan berjalan pulang.Baiklah, saya
and invited her. pikir kita telah mendapat pelajaran, kata
Paul.Kita harus ingat bahwa banyak orangdi
dunia ini menderita.Banyak orang
mempunyai masalah, dan jika memang
demikianbertindak dengan cara yang aneh,
ada alasannya.Tidak ada alien di balik setiap
semak.Ada orang seperti Anda dan
saya.Dan mungkin orang ini
membutuhkannyapersahabatan dan uluran
tangan.Saya memandang Paul dengan kasih
sayang dan kekaguman.Kata-katanya
mengungkapkan pikiranku dengan
sempurna.Kami telah membiarkan imajinasi
kamidan kedangkalan mendominasi kita.Hal
ini membuat kita melupakan perasaan dan
masalah manusia.Aku memikirkan tentang
Tuan.Adams dan lengan buatannya.Bahkan
dalam hal ini, aku sudah
melakukannyabereaksi berlebihan dengan
kecurigaan konyolku. KITA.Hei, Paul,
kataku, aku ingin merayakannya.
Petualangan ini telah berakhir.Saya merasa
lega.Ayo pergi ke Pelangi dan membeli es
krim.Oke, Jenny. Ide bagus.Ayo telepon
Dana juga.Saya menambahkan, berpikir itu
adalahmomen untuk memberitahunya
tentang segalanya. Tentu.Kami singgah di
rumah Dana dan mengundangnya.

Alur Cerita/Storyline Kalimat pendukung/Supporting sentences

Aku selalu makan siang di sekolah, aku juga I always eat lunch at school, I also have a
mempunyai teman satu kelas yang Bernama classmate named Dana and Paul Miller. Paul
Dana dan Paul Miller. Paul adalah orang was a very intelligent boy.
yang sangat cerdas.Dia selalu menjadi yang He was always the best in math.
terbaik di Pelajaran matematika. Orang His parents were divorced and he lived with
tuanya bercerai dan dia hidup Bersama ayah his father and his black cat, Apollo.
dan kucing hitamnya, yang Bernama He missed his mother. She lived with
Apollo. Paul sangat merindukan ibunya, another man and didn’t want to see Paul.
tetapi ibunya sudah tinggal Bersama pria His father was never at home, so Paul was
lain dan tidak ingin melihat Paul lagi. very lonely.
Ayahnya tidak pernah dirumah jadi dia He didn’t have many friends at school
sangat kesepian,di sekolah dia juga tidak because he was too intellectual.
mempunyai banyak teman karna dia juga He loved Apollo very much and spent a lot
inelektual, dia sangat mencintai kucingnya of time with him.
dan menghabiskan banyak waktu “I think Mr. Adams is very sexy!” said
bersamanya. Dana.
Menurut Dana Pak Adams adalah seseorang “Did you see how he looked at the airplane?
yang sexy. Kata Paul saat Pak Adams The sun didn’t bother him!” exclaimed Paul.
melihat kearah pesawat matahari sama “You right!” I said “But did you hear Mr.
sekali tidak menganggu pandangannya. Aku Stone? He speak like a robot! His voice is
memberitahu rumor yang sedang beredar cold and metallic!”.
tentang Pak Stone, dia berbicara seperti “He’s unfriendly too! Added Dana “That’s
robot, suaranya dingin dan serak. Dia juga true!” I said “Look!” said Paul.
bukan orang yang ramah, Ketika makan “Look what he’s eating!” We looked at Mr.
siang dia duduk jauh dari guru-guru yang Stone.
lainnya dan tidak makan siang seperti He sat away from the other teachers and he
biasanya. Ada gelas di depannya yang didn’t have a normal lunch.
penuh dengan cairan hijau pekat,ada There was a glass in front of him.
beberapa pil berwarna hitam ditangannya, It was full of a dense, green liquid.
dia memasukkan 2 pil kedalam gelasnya There were some black pills in his hand.
cairan hijau itu mulai bergelembung dan He put two of them in the glass.
berubah warna menjadi merah. Kemudian The green liquid started to bubble; and it
Pak Stone meminum cairan itu, Dana changed colour: it started to become red!
mencoba berpikir rasional dan menganggap Then he took the glass and drank the red
itu adalah sebuah diet baru, karena pak formula. The afternoon and the next day we
Stone sangat kurus. Sore dan keesokan met our new teachers.
harinya kami bertemu dengan guru baru We also had English again. Mr. Stone came
kami. Pak Stone mengajar Bahasa inggris in and sat down. Paul was surprised. English
Ketika beliau dating ke kelas, beliau teachers don’t usually ask personal
langsung menanyakan tentang hal pribadi questions!
semuanya Nampak kaget, karena tidak Then, I looking at him more carefully, I
biasanya guru Bahasa I nggris bertanya noticed something: his eyes weren’t green
tentang hal pribadi. Aku lebih berhati-hati anymore! They seemed a darker, different
Ketika melihat pak Stone, dan kemudian colour! I raised my hand.
aku menyadari sesuatu matanya tidak hijau “May I go to the bathroom?” I asked.
lagi! Warnanya tampak lebih gelap dan As I walked towards the door, I looked at
berbeda. Aku mengangkat tanganku. Saat Mr. Stone’s eyes again.
aku berjalan menuju pintu, aku melihat ke I was right! They were yellowish brown.
mata pak Stone lagi, dan aku benar Warna They looked like amber!
matanya berubah coklat ke kuningan.

e pronoun:
There was "There"
1 a glass in
7 front of (menunjukka
him. n sesuatu
Him There yang ada di
pronoun: "It"
n sesuatu
yang telah
It was full
of a sebelumnya)
dense, Demonstrativ
green e pronoun:
n sesuatu
It yang telah
It disebutkan
There Some Demonstrativ
1 Them e pronoun:
black pills His He "There"
in his There (menunjukka
n sesuatu
yang ada di
hand. He n jumlah yang
put two of
them in tidak spesifik)
the glass. Personal
n orang ketiga
n sesuatu
yang telah
e pronoun:
The green
liquid n sesuatu
started to yang telah
bubble; disebut
2 and it
0 changed sebelumnya)
colour: it Personal
started to pronoun: "it"
n sesuatu
yang telah
It It disebut
2 Then he He The Personal
1 took the
glass and
pronoun: "he"
drank the (menunjukka
mysteriou n orang ketiga
s red tunggal)
e pronoun:
n sesuatu
yang telah
e pronoun:
n sesuatu
yang telah
pronoun: "I",
"he", "me",
"We", "Dana"
I looked at (menunjukka
Paul and n orang
he looked
at me. We
were tunggal,
disgusted orang ketiga
and tunggal,
Dana tried orang kedua
to be tunggal,
rational. I orang
He pertama
We jamak, dan
Me orang ketiga
e pronoun:
“Maybe (menunjukka
it’s a new n sesuatu
Maybe yang telah
2 that’s why disebut
3 he’s so sebelumnya).
thin!” she
said. I
didn’t pronoun:
agree. I "he's"
He (menunjukka
She That’s New n
2 There was There Somethin Indefinite
4 something
g pronoun:
about Mr. "something"
Stone. (menunjukka
n sesuatu
yang tidak
tersebut tidak
apapun. Ini
and the kalimat
next day sederhana
we met
our new yang
teachers. menyatakan
dengan guru-
guru baru.

We also Personal
had pronoun:
English "We"
2 again. Mr.
6 Stone (menunjukka
came in n orang
and sat We pertama
Miller. Tell n diri sendiri)
me Possessive
something pronoun:
yourself.” "yourself"
Yoursel (menunjukka
f n
Paul was
don’t Paul
usually Menunjukkan
personal diri sendiri
“Well Paul pronoun:
don’t you "you"
anything (menunjukka
to say?” You n orang kedua
“Uh, Well I
enjoy Personal
, I have a My I pronoun: "I"
cat” (menunjukka
n orang
Mr. Stone (menunjukka
everyone n orang ketiga
3 to say tunggal)
1 something Possessive
about their
life and
hobbies. "their"
Their Everyone n
pronoun: "us"
“maybe he pronoun:
wants to
create a "myself"
relationshi (dalam
p with us, penggunaan
3 but he’s
2 such a yang tidak
cold terlihat di
person! kalimat ini)
thought e pronoun:
n sesuatu
Myself yang telah
Us Such How dijelaskan
Then, "him", "I"
looking at (menunjukka
3 him more
3 carefully, i n orang ketiga
noticed tunggal dan
something Him Somethin orang
i g pertama
His eye
green n
anymore! kepemilikan)
They Reflexive
seemed a
darker, pronoun:
different "myself"
colour! I (dalam
raised my
hand penggunaan
His Myself They yang tidak
terlihat di
kalimat ini)

No Adjective
Kalimat Penjelasan
. Possesive Descriptive Demonstrative

I always eat
lunch at school.
    "That" adalah kata sifat
demonstratif yang menunjukkan
hari yang spesifik, yaitu "that
 "my" adalah kata sifat
That day I ate
kepemilikan (adjective
with Dana and
possessive) yang menunjukkan
2 Paul Miller,
bahwa kelas tersebut adalah
another friend
milik penutur.
from my class.
 "another" adalah kata sifat
kuantitatif (adjective descriptive)
yang menggambarkan bahwa
Paul Miller adalah teman
tambahan dari kelas yang sama.

Paul was a very  kata sifat "intelligent" yang

3 
intelligent boy. merupakan kata sifat deskriptif
(descriptive adjective).
He was always
the best in math
   "His" adalah kata sifat
kepemilikan (adjective
His parents
possessive) yang menunjukkan
were divorced
bahwa orang-orang yang
and he lived
5 bercerai adalah orangtuanya.
with his father
 "black" adalah kata sifat
and his black
cat, Apollo. deskriptif (adjective descriptive)
yang menggambarkan warna
kucing Apollo.
   "His" adalah kata sifat
He missed his kepemilikan (adjective
mother. She possessive) yang menunjukkan
lived with bahwa "mother" adalah ibunya.
another man  "another" adalah kata sifat
and didn’t want deskriptif (adjective descriptive)
to see Paul. yang menggambarkan pria lain
yang hidup bersama ibu Paul.
His father was
never at home,  Kata sifat "His" digunakan untuk
7 
so Paul was
menunjukkan bahwa ayahnya
very lonely.
adalah miliknya atau milik Paul.

He didn’t have
many friends at
8 school because
he was too

He loved Apollo  "His" adalah kata sifat

very much and kepemilikan (adjective
9 
spent a lot of possessive) yang menunjukkan
time with him. kepemilikan terhadap
kucingnya, Apollo.

“What do you
think about our
10 new teachers?”
I asked my

“I think Mr.  Kata sifat "sexy" digunakan

Adams is very untuk menggambarkan
11 
sexy!” said pendapat atau pandangan Dana
Dana. tentang Mr. Adams.

“Did you see

how he looked
at the airplane?
12 - - -
The sun didn’t
bother him!”
exclaimed Paul.

 Karena berisi pertanyaan dan


“You right!” I
said “But did
you hear Mr.
Stone? He
speak like a
 "cold" dan "metallic" adalah kata
robot! His voice
sifat deskriptif (descriptive
is cold and
adjective) yang
menggambarkan bagaimana
suara Mr. Stone.

“He’s unfriendly
too! Added
Dana “That’s  "unfriendly" adalah kata sifat
true!” I said deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
“Look!” said yang digunakan oleh Dana
Paul. untuk menggambarkan sifat Mr.
“Look what he’s
eating!” We
15 - - -
looked at Mr.
 Karena berisi perintah.

He sat away
from the other
16 teachers and he
didn’t have a
normal lunch.

There was a
17 glass in front of
  "dense" adalah kata sifat
deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
yang menggambarkan cairan
It was full of a
sebagai padat atau tebal.
18 dense, green
 "green" adalah kata sifat
deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
yang menggambarkan warna

There were
some black pills
19 in his hand. He
put two of them  "black" adalah kata sifat
in the glass. deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
yang menggambarkan warna

The green liquid

started to  "green" adalah kata sifat
bubble; and it deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
changed colour: yang menggambarkan warna
it started to cairan.
become red!
 "red" adalah kata sifat deskriptif
(descriptive adjective) yang juga
menggambarkan warna cairan.
  "mysterious" adalah kata sifat
deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
Then he took yang menggambarkan sifat
the glass and cairan atau formula tersebut
21 drank the sebagai misterius.
mysterious red  "red" adalah kata sifat deskriptif
formula. (descriptive adjective) yang
menggambarkan warna cairan
atau formula.

 "disgusted" dan "frightened"
adalah kata sifat deskriptif
I looked at Paul
(descriptive adjectives) yang
and he looked
menggambarkan perasaan atau
at me. We were
emosi yang dirasakan oleh "We"
22 disgusted and
 "rational" adalah kata sifat
Dana tried to be
deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
yang menggambarkan upaya
Dana untuk bersikap rasional
dalam situasi tersebut.

“Maybe it’s a
new diet. Maybe
that’s why he’s
23  "new" adalah kata sifat deskriptif
so thin!” she
said. I didn’t (descriptive adjective) yang
agree. menggambarkan jenis diet yang
mungkin diterapkan oleh

There was  Kata sifat "strange" digunakan
something untuk menggambarkan sifat
24 atau karakteristik yang tidak
strange about
Mr. Stone. biasa atau aneh yang terkait
dengan Mr. Stone.

The afternoon
and the next
day we met our
new teachers.

We also had
English again.
Mr. Stone came
in and sat down.

‘Miller. Paul
Miller. Tell me
about yourself.”

Paul was
28 teachers don’t   "personal" adalah kata sifat
usually ask deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
personal yang menggambarkan jenis
questions! pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh
guru bahasa Inggris.

“Well Paul don’t

you have
anything to
N Conjunction Penjelasan
Kalimat Coordinati Correlati Subcoordinati
ng ve ng
konjungsi. Ini
adalah kalimat
“Uh, Well I enjoy
30 I always
astronomy, I
1 eathave
luncha cat” yang
at school.
Mr. Stone asked
everyone to say makan siang di
31 something sekolah.
about their life
That day I
Dana and idak terdapat
2 Paul Miller, konjungsi. Ini
friend from adalah kalimat
my class. kompleks
“maybe he
Paul was ato create
3 a relationship
intelligent Tidak ada
boy.with us, but he’s konjungsi
32 
such a cold
He was
always the How
4 bizzare!”i
best in
Tidak ada
 "bizarre" adalah kata sifat
maththought konjungsi
deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
parents yang menggambarkan sesuatu
were konjungsi sebagai aneh atau tidak biasa.
divorced koordinatif
he looking at
5 him
lived more And
33 hiscarefully,
father i menghubungk
his an dua klausa
black cat,
Apollo. sejajar
He missed
his mother. (konjungsi
She lived koordinatif  "darker" adalah kata sifat
6 His eye weren’t
another And
yang deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
man green
and anymore! menghubungk yang menggambarkan
didn’t wantseemed a perubahan warna mata Mr.
34  an dua klausa
darker, different
to see Stone.
colour! I raised sejajar)  "different" adalah kata sifat
Hismy father
hand deskriptif (descriptive adjective)
was never yang menggambarkan bahwa
at home, Tidak ada warna mata Mr. Stone bukan
so Paul konjungsi
was very lagi warna aslinya.
an klausa
utama ("He
didn’t have
many friends
at school")
dengan klausa
("he was too
He didn’t subordinatif ini
have many
friends at memberikan
8 school Because alasan
he was too mengapa
intellectual. subjek "he"
tidak memiliki
banyak teman
In confusion, the students continue to look for answers to the strange behavior of Mr. Stone,
their English teacher who seems not like other teachers. Did the mysterious red potion he
drank have something to do with the striking change in eye color?
When the student telling this story looked into Mr. Stone's previously green, fawn eyes,
questions mounted. The mystery of their new teacher's true identity becomes increasingly
confusing. Is there something Mr. Stone is hiding from them? How will this change affect
their relationship with that teacher and the dynamics in the classroom?
With so many unanswered questions, one thing that is certain is that this story still has many
chapters to uncover. The new principal, Mr. Stone, is an ever-deepening mystery, and the
students have begun their journey to pursue the truth behind his changing eye color and
unpredictable behavior.
This article will continue to follow the development of this story and try to uncover the
mystery hidden behind this mysterious and strange new teacher. Is there something deeper
than what appears on the surface? All will be revealed as the story continues.

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