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RISE ABOVE PLASTICS. 1, Whois the audience and what is the purpose? What is the genre? I would say anyone who lives near the ocean/beach and realizes how much cleaning must be done since animals are suffering from all the plastic. Its genre would be a flier. 2. What do you notice first? Where are your eyes drawn immediately’ This is the image's focal point. You will be drawn toward a focal point by lines, shadows, and the way elements of the image are arranged. What isthe image’s focal point? ‘And, what meaning does this focal point create? How do you know? ‘The deceased bird in the picture caught my attention intially. All the plastic surrounding the dead bind caught my attention secondly. think the image's main goal was to make the viewer aware of how much pollution affects our ecosystem and its inhabitants. It concentrated a lot on the bint's decomposition when it washed up on the shore. Basically, the focal point is to persuade anyone who is open to helping clean up some of the ovean's trash 3. Doesthe background compete with, complement, or highlight the foreground? What meaning does the background create?” How do you know? - The background competes with the foreground since the background represents nature and the foreground represents something unnatural. The background signals to the audience what is at risk because the element ofthe image that creates the probiem is over the ground. 4, Isthere harmony between the elements of the image, or do they clash? What isthe eflect? How does the symmetry of the image help to ereate meaning? How do you know? - They clash because the foreground has an opposite meaning to the background. This makes the auxience think that the ‘elements presented in the image do not go with each other. When the audience views the image, the asymmetry can cause discomfort, reinforcing the idea that the unnatural should not interfere with the natural. 5. Doesthe image suggest a point of view, and, if so, what is this point of view? How does the point of view ereate meaning? How do you know? ~The point of view is a dead bird filled with plastics. It sugzest that its not natural fora bird to die with plastics filled in its stomach therefore was his demise. The meaning hence is plastic is bad for the ocean and these around its environment. 6, How do the elements in the image work together? How does the arrangement or proximity create meaning? How do you know? = Nature, Dir, and Animal(Bird), but something is wrong, Obviously the bird is dead but why? Hence the plastic in his stomach which doesn’t belong there. They work together to show that there's a foreign substance that its out ofthe place of “elements of nature” like the dirt and the tock,

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