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Name(s): Loren & Madison

Lesson Title: Color Wheel Flower/Pinwheel

Grade Level: Kindergarten

S & S Statements:
This activity will focus on the construction and, usage of previous crafting skills to build a simple color
wheel, that is presented in the shape of a flower, or a pinwheel. This will help build on the function of
demonstrating the skill set of where colors go on the color wheel and applying this knowledge to other
areas of their craft.

Concepts and Skills:

The students, under instruction, and given demonstration, will work to assemble shapes together using
primary and secondary colors. Students will be aided in the process of
assembling these projects to improve previous skills, and to learn how a
basic color wheel works.

Academic Language: Craft, gluing, design, assembly, pattern, setting, primary, secondary, color.

Purpose of Lesson (Overall Lesson Objective):

This lesson will be an introductory lesson to provide motivation, and explanation through both thought
process and demonstration. The aim, and purpose of this project will be provided through questioning
and discussion that establishes objectives, goals, and progress reviews all done in a mannerly time
frame by the teachers. Once complete, a small discussion and check by teachers will be made to
ensure the success of all student’s project outcomes.

Learning Objectives (List National Standard(s):

Given materials such as paper, crayons, scissors, and glue, during one class period, students will be
able to assemble a functioning, and basic color wheel, with at least three of the primary colors, and
three of the secondary colors, within a setting of their choosing. This will allow students to explore and
demonstrate their own interests, while building the skillset of creating a functioning color wheel.
State standards: (State standard: VA: Cr1.1.1), and (State standard: VA: Re 7.1.K).

Assessment Criteria:
Successful presentation of all six primary, and secondary colors in color wheel present. Addition of
personalized petals, and/or setting added to their work for narrative.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Providing our own art examples, and how to build the color wheel lesson demonstration.
Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson: Most materials students already have such as glue,
scissors, drawing materials (crayons, markers, or pencils).
Required materials: paper.

Teacher Directed Activities Student Activities

Introduction: Introduction
Introduction to example of color wheel and how Have students listen to our instruction and
colors relate to one another. Explain the difference presentation of what kinds of colors are found
between the Primary (warm) and Secondary (cool) on a color wheel, then follow up with a question
colors. on where they see these kinds of colors in their
lives. Leave room for questions and discussion.

We will then move onto getting our flower petal Development
pieces together to start assembling our Students will be able to follow along with our
flower/pinwheel color wheels. The paper will be pre- demonstration of how to assemble the color
cut so this will give the students time to think about wheel flower/pinwheel shapes and think about
the kinds of designs they want to add to their work. their backgrounds and designs.
While this is going on, time for progress checks, and
individual help will be made.
Conclusion: Conclusion Once finished with project,
Once the flower is assembled, the students will finish students will have the opportunity to share their
their designs, wheels, and their backgrounds on color wheel flower/pinwheels in a discussion
paper to conclude their project color wheel projects. with the class, and cleanup the room in time for
their next class.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, differentiated learners, and what to think about for next lesson)

This lesson will work best as a one-day lesson introduction to the color wheel, and its processes. The
students will primarily be working on a very basic color wheel given
examples, and then bringing in an imaginative side with their
personal design(s), that will build on previous skills and knowledge.
It will be important for us to engage the students that have their seats
turned towards the back to make sure that they are following along
and understanding each step in the process. We think that through
the process of group repetition, and individualized help that each
student will successfully be able to create this design, and work
through the process. We also believe that for the next lesson that
this project will help the students understand color theory of both
primary (warm) and secondary (cool) colors, that will benefit them in
future projects.

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