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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)

Food Allergens: Molecular and

Immunological Aspects, Allergen
Databases and Cross-Reactivity
Anne-Regine Lorenz · Stephan Scheurer · Stefan Vieths
Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen, Germany

Abstract class II allergens display different clinical significance in

The currently known food allergens are assigned to a children and adults and are characterised by different
relatively small number of protein families. Food aller- molecular features. In line with this, high stability when
gens grouped into protein families share common func- exposed to gastrointestinal digestion and heat treat-
tional and structural features that can be attributed to ment is attributed to many class I food allergens that
the allergenic potency and potential cross-reactivity of frequently induce severe reactions. The stability of a
certain proteins. Molecular data, in terms of structural food allergen is determined by its molecular character-
information, biochemical characteristics and clinical rel- istics and can be influenced by structural (chemical)
evance for each known allergen, including isoforms and modifications due to thermal processing. Moreover, the
variants, are mainly compiled into four open-access da- immunogenicity and allergenicity of food allergens fur-
tabases. Allergens are designated according to defined ther depends on specific T cell and B cell epitopes. Al-
criteria by the World Health Organization and the Inter- though the T cell epitope pattern can be highly diverse
national Union of Immunological Societies Allergen No- for individual patients, several immuno-prominent T cell
menclature Sub-committee. Food allergies are caused epitopes have been identified. Such conserved T cell epi-
by primary sensitisation to the disease-eliciting food al- topes and IgE cross-reactive B cell epitopes contribute
lergens (class I food allergen), or they can be elicited as to cross-reactivity between food allergens of the same
a consequence of a primary sensitisation to inhalant al- family and to clinical cross-reactivity, similar to the birch
lergens and subsequent IgE cross-reaction to homolo- pollen-food syndrome. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel
gous proteins in food (class II food allergens). Class I and - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM
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Molecular Features of Food Allergens that form three or four intra-molecular disul-
phide bonds and the presence of an alpha-helical
Allergen Families globular domain. Members of the prolamin su-
Only a small number of proteins to which hu- perfamily include, among others, cereal proteins
mans are exposed via the inhalative, ingestive or such as glutenin and gliadin, the non-specific lip-
cutaneous route are known as allergens. In order id transfer proteins (nsLTPs) (e.g. Pru p 3 from
to attribute the allergenic potency of a certain peach, Hel a 3 from sunflower seed) and the 2S
protein to molecular features, known allergens albumins, which are seed-storage proteins (e.g.
have been grouped into protein families accord- Sin a 1 from yellow mustard, Ber e 1 from Brazil
ing to common structural features [1]. nut, Jug r 1 from English walnut, Cor a 14 from
Currently, more than a thousand allergens are hazelnut, and Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 from peanut).
included in the AllFam (http://www.meduniwien. Cupins are a large superfamily of proteins that
ac.at/allergens/allfam/) database. The protein have a common origin and immensely diverse
families in AllFam refer to those of the Pfam functions. Allergenic cupins comprise the 7/8S
database (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/), which is a globulins (vicilins) (e.g. Ara h 1 from peanut, Jug
large collection of protein families. Proteins gen- r 2 from walnut) and the 11S globulins (legumins)
erally comprise one or more functional domains, (e.g. Ara h 3 from peanut, Fag e 1 from buck-
and identifying the domains present in a protein wheat). Proteins with EF-hand domains include
can provide insights into the function of that pro- calcium-binding proteins such as parvalbumins,
tein. The Pfam 27.0 (March 2013) database con- which are allergens from fish (e.g. Sal s 1 from
tains 14,831 protein families and includes about salmon) and amphibians (e.g. Ran e 1 and 2 from
80% of all sequence entries in the UniProt Knowl- edible frog), as well as troponin C and sarcoplas-
edgebase. The majority of allergens in the AllFam mic calcium-binding protein in crustaceans (e.g.
database belong to a restricted number of 186 Hom a 6 from lobster and Cra c 4 from shrimp,
protein families, and the current AllFam database respectively). Tropomyosins have been identified
includes 399 food allergens that are grouped into as food allergens in crustaceans (e.g. Pen a 1 from
71 protein families. Remarkably, the majority of shrimp, Cha f 1 from crab) and molluscs (e.g. Hel
food allergens (>60%, n = 257) are assigned to as 1 from snail, Tod p 1 from squid). Interesting-
only 10 protein families: ly, vertebrate tropomyosins seem to be non-aller-
1. Prolamin superfamily (n = 65). genic. Profilins are ubiquitous in all eukaryotic
2. Cupin superfamily (n = 41). cells and therefore constitute a pan-allergenic
3. EF-hand domain protein family (n = 37). structure. However, allergenic profilins are found
4. Tropomyosins (n = 35). almost exclusively in plants. Bet v 1-like proteins
5. Profilins (n = 25). belong to the pathogenesis-related PR-10 protein
6. Bet v 1-like proteins (n = 18). family and are known as birch pollen-related food
7. Alpha/beta caseins (n = 10). allergens (e.g. Mal d 1 from apple, Cor a 1.04 from
8. Hevein-like proteins (n = 9). hazelnut, Dau c 1 from carrot, Gly m 4 from soy-
9. Thaumatins (n = 9). bean, and many others). The allergens from the
10. Class I chitinases (n = 8). alpha/beta caseins include milk allergens from
The prolamin superfamily derives its name cow, sheep and goat. Hevein-like proteins are
from the alcohol soluble proline- and glutamine- characterised by a hevein-like domain, which is
rich storage proteins of cereals. Members of this thought to be involved in the recognition or bind-
family are characterised by the presence of a con- ing of chitin subunits (e.g. the hevein-like domain
served pattern of six or eight cysteine residues is the N-terminus of the major latex allergen pro- - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

Food Allergens: Molecular and Immunological Aspects 19

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
hevein (Hev b 6.01)). A number of plant and fun- (nsLTP, serum albumin, caseins); and (3) Cellular
gal proteins contain one or more copies of the component: e.g. cytoskeleton (profilins). As aller-
hevein-like domain (e.g. wheat allergen Tri a 18, gen families without GO annotations, tropomyo-
which contains four hevein-like domains). Thau- sins and thaumatin-like proteins, among others,
matin-like proteins in plants are pathogenesis-re- were described by Radauer and colleagues.
lated proteins of the PR-5 family that are induced Intrinsic immune-modulating properties sim-
during ripening (e.g. Cup a 1 from bell pepper, ilar to the MD2/TLR2-binding activity of the
Pru av 2 from cherry). Class I chitinases catalyse house dust mite allergen Der p 2 [2] have not yet
the hydrolysis of chitin polymers and function in been described for food allergens. However, few
the plant’s defence against fungal and insect studies have investigated the influence of food al-
pathogens by destroying their chitin-containing lergens, e.g. milk proteins, on the tight junctions
cell wall (e.g. Mus a 2 from banana, Cas s 5 from of intestinal epithelial cells that form a barrier
chestnut, and Pers a 1 from avocado). Notewor- against paraepithelial transport of ingestive pro-
thy, class I chitinases contain an N-terminal hev- teins. The milk allergens β-lactoglobulin and bo-
ein-like domain that is homologous to latex hev- vine serum albumin have a stabilising effect on
ein. Consequently, the above-mentioned class I intestinal tight junctions, whereas hydrolysed
chitinases also belong to the group of hevein-like peptides of the two allergens have an opposite ef-
domains. fect on tight junctions [3]. Moreover, a peptide of
In addition to allocating allergens to protein cow’s milk, derived from casein Bos d 10, en-
families, Radauer and colleagues classified aller- hanced epithelial barrier function [4].
gens by their structural and functional features
[1]. Using the Structural Classification of Pro- Allergen Databases
teins database, allergens with known 3-dimen- Apart from the above-mentioned AllFam data-
sional structure were grouped into 138 structural base, more open-access databases have compiled
families, representing only 5% of all known fami- molecular and sometimes clinical data of aller-
lies in the Structural Classification of Proteins da- gens. The Allergen Nomenclature database repre-
tabase. Functional features were assigned to aller- sents the official list of allergens that have been
gens according to the Gene Ontology (GO) data- approved by the World Health Organization and
base, which discriminates the functions of protein the International Union of Immunological Soci-
families by hierarchical order. Radauer and col- eties (WHO/IUIS) Allergen Nomenclature Sub-
leagues [1] assigned many but not all of the aller- committee (http://www.allergen.org/). The Aller-
gens to 351 different GO terms, such as (1) Mo- gen Nomenclature system was founded in 1986
lecular function, (2) Biological process and (3) and was revised in 1994. This database lists all al-
Cellular component, which are three heading GO lergens based on an official denomination that
terms that contain many of the allergens. Within has been approved by the Allergen Nomenclature
these three major GO terms are subcategories Subcommittee. The criteria for official accep-
containing food allergen families. Examples of tance are that the allergen binds to specific IgE
such further GO terms and assigned protein fam- antibodies from the sera of at least 5 patients and
ilies are the following: (1) Molecular function, e.g. that the prevalence of IgE reactivity is at least 5%
calcium ion-binding (sarcoplasmic calcium- in the respective patient collective. The allergen
binding proteins, parvalbumins, troponin C), needs to be characterised by amino acid or DNA
nsLTPs, nutrient reservoir (prolamin and cupin sequence and by additional molecular character-
superfamilies) or hydrolase activity (class I chi- istics such as molecular weight or post-transla-
tinases); (2) Biological process: e.g. transport tional modifications. Two (or more) members of - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

20 Lorenz · Scheurer · Vieths

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
the Executive Committee of the Allergen Nomen- and isoallergens. Links are given to sequence da-
clature Subcommittee will review the submission tabases, and pictures of the allergen sources are
and assess whether the allergen fulfils the molecu- presented. Allergome started in 2002 but actually
lar and immunological requirements for inclu- contains data from back to 1987 and (with gaps)
sion into the Allergen Nomenclature database. even data from the early sixties of the last century,
The allergen’s official name is assigned according thus providing approximately 7,000 entries. Sim-
to the taxonomic name of the source organism ilar to the IUIS Database, Allergome focuses on
(used by UniProt and NCBI), in Latin, and con- molecules causing type I allergies. The informa-
sists of the genus (3–4 letters) and the species (1–2 tion in Allergome is extracted from international,
letters) as well as a subsequent numbering that peer-reviewed scientific journals, other publica-
usually indicates a certain protein family. Exam- tions, and web-based sources. Allergome not only
ple: The first birch (Betula verrucosa) pollen al- lists allergens that have been officially accepted by
lergen to be characterised according to the crite- the IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Subcommittee
ria of the Allergen Nomenclature Subcommittee but also additional molecules that have been re-
has been named Bet v 1. Additionally, the Aller- ported as potential allergens. The Allergome da-
gen Nomenclature database contains isoallergens tabase is usually updated several times per week.
that are of the same molecular weight, have iden- In contrast to the IUIS database, the scientific in-
tical biological function, belong to the same pro- formation in Allergome that has been extracted
tein family and share an amino acid sequence from the literature is not peer-reviewed by an in-
identity of at least 67%. An important prerequi- dependent expert panel.
site for acceptance is demonstration of the IgE- The database ‘Allfam – A Database of Allergen
binding activity of isoallergens, which are charac- Families’ (http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/aller
terised by the subsequent two numbers, e.g. Bet v gens/allfam/) is maintained by the Biochemistry
1.01 and Bet v 1.02. Allergen sequences with and Bioinformatics group located in the Depart-
closely related amino acid sequences (≥97% ami- ment of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research of
no acid identity) are called isovariants and are the Medical University of Vienna, Austria [1].
designated by two additional numbers, e.g. Bet v AllFam groups allergens into protein families and
1.0201 and Bet v 1.0202 (the first two numbers tries to help answer questions such as the follow-
characterise the isoallergen, and the last two ing: What makes a protein an allergen? Which
numbers identify the isovariant). The Allergen allergens potentially facilitate IgE cross-reactivi-
Nomenclature database represents a uniform sys- ty? However, it has to be kept in mind that the vast
tem of characterisation and denomination of al- majority of members of an allergen-containing
lergens and is widely accepted in the field of al- protein family are usually not allergenic and that
lergology. The database from March 2014 com- not all allergenic members of a protein family are
prises 771 allergens, of which 264 are food cross-reactive. The sources of AllFam are the two
allergens. databases Allergome and Pfam. In Pfam, aller-
The database ‘Allergome – The Platform for gens with known sequences are grouped into a
Allergen Knowledge’ (http://www.allergome.org) protein family based on sequence alignments and
provides comprehensive information on aller- hidden Markov models. Allergens that are multi-
genic sources and single allergens, including vari- domain proteins are merged into a single AllFam
ous aspects such as biochemistry, structure, func- family if the Pfam domain of these allergens oc-
tion, molecular biology, immunochemistry, aller- curs only in combination with a single other Pfam
genicity, genetics, and epidemiology, and provides domain (e.g. propeptides of proteases that occur
information on source tissues, route of exposure only with certain catalytic domains). Domains - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

Food Allergens: Molecular and Immunological Aspects 21

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
that are a part of proteins from different families crops by a Codex Alimentarius publication in
represent separate AllFam families, e.g. the hev- 2003. As a third option, eight identical consecu-
ein-like domain. The actual update of the March tive amino acids have been suggested in a Food
2014 AllFam is from 2011–09–12 and is based on and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/WHO 2001
Allergome version 2011–09–06 and Pfam 25.0 of document to assess the allergenicity of genetically
March 2011 (the current version in March 2014 is modified food, but this approach results in many
Pfam 27.0 of March 2013). The actual version of false-positive hits. The project is funded by the
the March 2014 AllFam contains 1,091 allergens, agro-biotech industry. AllergenOnline is updated
of which 995 are assigned into 186 protein fami- once a year, usually in February. The actual ver-
lies, and the 399 food allergens in AllFam are re- sion, #14, is from 2014–01–20 and includes 1,706
stricted to 71 protein families. sequences in 645 taxonomic groups.
Allergen Online (http://www.allergenonline.
org/) is a comprehensive allergen database that is
maintained by the Food Allergy Research and Re- Class I Food Allergens/Class II Food Allergens
source of the Department of Food Science and
Technology at the University of Nebraska in Lin- Food allergies are allergic reactions that occur af-
coln. AllergenOnline is intended for the identifi- ter ingestion of food. These allergic reactions are
cation of proteins that may present a potential either caused by primary sensitisation to disease-
risk of allergenic cross-reactivity, and it contains eliciting food allergens, leading to symptoms
allergen sequences that have been peer-reviewed upon secondary contact when ingesting the same
according to defined criteria. In Allergen Online, allergen (class I food allergen), or can be elicited
allergens are accepted only after a review process as a consequence of a primary sensitisation to in-
involving two international experts per allergen halant allergens and subsequent IgE cross-reac-
entry. According to the level of clinical informa- tion to homologous proteins in food (class II food
tion that is available for the respective protein se- allergens).
quences, potential allergens are classified as ‘al-
lergen’, ‘putative’, or ‘unproven’. The database is Class I Food Allergens
intended to compare the sequences of new pro- It is assumed that several food allergens act as a
teins (in genetically modified crops or in a novel primary sensitising agent via the gut and elicit an
food) with known allergens as part of the safety allergic reaction upon ingestion of the food. These
assessment of, for example, genetically modified class I food allergens are also called ‘classical’,
crop plants. Using the FASTA format, the data- ‘true’ or ‘complete’ food allergens. There is some
base performs full-length alignments of newly evidence that primary sensitisation to peanut
identified allergens with allergens already exist- may also occur by exposure to the skin [5]; how-
ing in AllergenOnline. It is assumed that cross- ever, urticaria elicited by skin contact with food
reactivity is not likely for proteins with less than proteins is not classified as a food allergy.
50% identity over the entire protein sequence, but Examples of class I food allergens include the
cross-reactivity is fairly common for those with peanut allergens Ara h 1 and Ara h 2, the crusta-
higher than 70% identity. As a second option, cean allergen tropomyosin, the bovine milk aller-
AllergenOnline offers scans of each possible 80 gens β-lactoglobulin Bos d 5 and α-lactalbumin
amino acid segment of the target protein, looking Bos d 4, the hen’s egg allergens Gal d 1 and Gal d
for matches of at least 35% identity; this method 2, soybean allergens (e.g. Gly m 5, Gly m 6), the
has been suggested as a more reliable threshold fish allergen parvalbumin (e.g. Gad c 1 from cod-
for evaluating proteins in genetically modified fish), and probably nsLTP allergens in plant-de- - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

22 Lorenz · Scheurer · Vieths

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
rived food (e.g. Pru p 3 from peach, Mal d 3 from tively low stability of these allergens. A typical
apple). Food allergy in infants and small children clinical symptom of pollen-related food allergy is
is usually caused by class I food allergens. It has the oral allergy syndrome.
been reported that several class I food allergens
display linear IgE epitopes (see the section on B
cell epitopes), and the presence of linear epitopes Resistance to Food Processing and Digestion
has been associated with food allergies persisting
after childhood [6]. Sensitisation to class I food Many class I food allergens are highly stable when
allergens is often associated with severe and exposed to gastrointestinal digestion and heat
sometimes anaphylactic reactions and is thought treatment. Stable allergens are presented to the
to be related to the high stability of most of these immune system of the gut in a more or less intact
allergens to digestive enzymes and high tempera- form. Examples of such molecules are Ara h 2 and
ture. Ara h 6 from peanut or nsLTP allergens from sev-
eral plant-derived foods. In contrast, class II food
Class II Food Allergens allergens, such as Bet v 1-related proteins or pro-
Class II food allergens are considered to possess filins, are relatively unstable when exposed to di-
low immunogenicity upon ingestion. IgE reactiv- gestive enzymes and thermal processing. Never-
ity to class II food allergens results from primary theless, the impact of the food matrix on the sen-
sensitisation to homologous allergens from a dif- sitisation capacity and properties eliciting allergic
ferent source, particularly inhalant allergens such symptoms needs to be considered for both, class
as weed, tree or grass pollen, and subsequent I and class II allergens.
cross-reactivity of IgE antibodies with the respec-
tive food proteins from the same protein family. Thermal Stability of Allergens
IgE cross-reactivity can develop upon primary Heat treatment is the most important step in food
sensitisation by a mechanism described as epit- processing, e.g. cooking, roasting, baking, sterili-
ope spreading [7]. Class II food allergens are sation or pasteurisation, for increasing the stor-
mainly involved in certain allergy syndromes, age stability of food products. Heat treatment re-
such as the birch-food syndrome (birch pollen- sults in denaturation of proteins, which is charac-
related food allergy), mugwort-celery/spices syn- terised by loss of tertiary structure and sometimes
drome, plane tree pollen-food syndrome, bird- oligomerisation and crosslinking of proteins, and
hen’s egg syndrome, or latex-fruit syndrome. therefore a loss of conformational IgE epitopes.
Several class II allergens are considered as pan- Other possible modifications of proteins during
allergens and are highly conserved in many plant heating are alterations of the amino acid side-
or animal species. Examples of class II allergens chains and reactions of the protein allergens with
are food allergens from the Bet v 1 family (e.g. other molecules (proteins, carbohydrates and fat-
Mal d 1 and Cor a 1.04), Bet v 6-homologous pro- ty acids) of the food matrix. Protein stability to
teins, profilins (e.g. Mal d 4 and Cor a 2), and se- thermal processing has been shown for several
rum albumins (e.g. Gal d 5 from hen’s egg, which class I food allergens, e.g. the peanut allergens Ara
contributes to the bird-egg syndrome). In con- h 1 and Ara h 2, nsLTPs in plant food, the hen’s
trast to class I food allergens, sensitisation to class egg allergens Gal d 1 and Gal d 2, the bovine milk
II food allergens is more prevalent in adolescents allergens casein, β-lactoglobulin, Bos d 5 and im-
and adults. Sensitisation to class II food allergens munoglobulin Bos d 7, allergenic tropomyosin
is frequently associated with mild oral or mild from crustaceae and other seafood, as well as the
systemic reactions, presumably due to the rela- fish allergen parvalbumin. Molecular features en- - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

Food Allergens: Molecular and Immunological Aspects 23

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
hancing the thermal stability of proteins include the allergenicity of food proteins. Glycation, the
the following: reaction of reducing sugars with free amino
Intramolecular Disulphide Bonds. Prolamins groups on proteins, can take place during thermal
(including 2S albumins and nsLTPs) are small, processing or storage of food and is called the
tightly packed, globular, alpha-helical proteins Maillard reaction. Glycation of proteins often im-
characterised by up to five intramolecular disul- pacts the tertiary structure of proteins and may
phide bonds that contribute to their high thermal consequently affect IgE-binding capacity, den-
resistance. In line with this, the 2S albumin-like dritic cell activation, and T cell reactivity. Studies
peanut allergens Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 showed no have been performed using diverse allergens,
change in secondary conformation when heated such as the egg allergens ovalbumin (Gal d 2) and
to 90 ° C [8]. Like prolamins, the β-lactoglobulins ovomucoid (Gal d 1) or allergens from peanut,
are globular proteins that are stabilised by two di- milk (Bos d 5), soybean, seafood, hazelnut, apple,
sulphide bonds, and their folding is not altered cherry and buckwheat. However, potential in-
when heated to 65 ° C [9]. Likewise, the apple al- crease or decrease of allergenicity caused by the
lergen nsLTP Mal d 3 was found to be very stable, Maillard reaction cannot be predicted. Often, gly-
and only intense heating led to the loss of one di- cation of proteins induces a reduction of IgE-
sulphide bond through oxidation and the de- binding activity, but an increase in IgE binding or
crease of IgE-binding activity and biological ac- T cell reactivity has also been reported.
tivity [10]. Usually, the heat stability of allergens is as-
Ion-Binding. Parvalbumin, a protein with sessed by monitoring the integrity of their sec-
three EF-hands is considered to be stabilised by ondary structures using circular dichroism spec-
Ca2+-binding, which is required for its structural troscopy, their potential degradation by SDS-
integrity. Calcium depletion resulted in a change PAGE or chromatography, and their immune
in its structure, as determined by circular dichro- reactivity by IgE-binding assays with protein ex-
ism spectroscopy [11]. This might explain why tracts or purified allergens. Thermal stability test-
parvalbumin, despite it being cooked, retains the ing using this experimental setting has been
capacity to sensitise patients [12]. In contrast, it shown to be strongly pH-dependent [16].
has been reported that no differences in thermal
stability were found for the calcium-bound or cal- Influence of Digestion on Allergic Reaction to
cium-depleted form of natural cod parvalbumin Food Allergens
[13]. Enzymatic digestion of food proteins takes place
Protein Oligomerisation. It has been suggested in the stomach, which secretes hydrochloric acid
that the tendency of certain parvalbumin iso- and pepsin and proceeds in the small intestine
forms to form oligomers might contribute to the due to pancreatic enzymes, preferably trypsin
maintenance of its allergenicity during heat pro- and chymotrypsin. In order to assess the stability
cessing [14]. Furthermore, the secondary struc- of food allergens to digestive enzymes, protein
ture of amandin, a hexameric major allergen of extracts or purified allergens were subjected to
approximately 370 kDa from almond, was not af- gastrointestinal fluids or purified enzyme prepa-
fected by temperatures up to 90 ° C, whereas mo- rations such as pepsin and trypsin, either sepa-
nomeric basic and acidic polypeptides showed rately or sequentially combined. Although food
lower thermal stability [15]. is frequently processed by heating, previous heat-
Chemical Modification. Among several chemi- ing of allergens before simulating gastrointesti-
cal reactions that are triggered by thermal pro- nal digestion has not been performed in the ma-
cessing, glycation has been described to modulate jority of studies. However, heating is known to - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
modify the digestibility of proteins. On the one and subsequent binding to other food proteins,
hand, the accessibility of peptide bonds to prote- which was associated with a reduced allergenicity
ases is enhanced by the unfolding of proteins of β-lactoglobulin [26]. The Maillard reaction of
upon heating. In line with this, the defolding of ovalbumin with carbohydrates of the food ma-
nsLTP Pru p 3 from peach results in enhanced trix, enhances the T cell immunogenicity of oval-
enzymatic digestion by pepsin [17]. On the other bumin [27].
hand, aggregates of allergens that are potentially
formed after heating can display a reduced pep-
sin digestion rate, as reported for the legumin Immunological Features of Food Allergens
Ara h 3 from peanut and soy glycinin Gly m 6
[18]. T Cell and B Cell Epitopes of Food Allergens
In comparison to class I allergens, class II al- The allergenicity of allergens is determined by the
lergens often present reduced stability to diges- humoural and cellular immune responses as well
tive enzymes. Strong protein degradation upon as the reactivity of effector cells with allergen-spe-
pepsin treatment was reported for profilin (class cific epitopes. Epitopes are the specific binding
II allergen) and Bet v 1-like (class II) allergens but sites of allergens for either IgE antibodies (B cell
was less pronounced for nsLTPs (class I allergens) epitopes) or the T cell receptor on T lymphocytes
[19, 20]. In line with this observation, the IgE re- (T cell epitopes).
activity of class II allergens upon digestion was
diminished, whereas the allergenic potency of T Cell Epitopes
class I allergens, such as Ara h 2 from peanut, was T cell epitopes are short, linear peptides of 12–15
retained [21, 22]. amino acids in length. Allergens are internalised
by antigen-presenting cells (APCs), processed
Influence of the Food Matrix on Digestion and and presented to T cells, with MHC class II mol-
Allergenicity of Food Allergens ecules, on the surface of APCs. The allergen-
The first studies demonstrated a potential impact MHC II complexes on APCs are recognised by
of the food matrix, which mainly consists of other CD4+ T helper cells via specific T cell receptors,
proteins, lipids and polysaccharides, on the di- which subsequently induce the maturation and
gestibility or epithelial uptake of allergens and expansion of B cells and the production of aller-
consequently on their stability, sensitisation ca- gen-specific IgE. Multiple T cell epitopes have
pacity and allergenic potency. The pepsin diges- been identified on several food allergens, and nu-
tion of kiwi allergen Act c 2, for example, is ham- merous T cell epitopes on one food allergen can
pered by adding pectin from apple fruit [23]. Us- be recognised by individual patients [27]. More-
ing representative class I (Bos d 5 and Cor a 8) and over, T cell epitope diversity has been reported
class II (Mal d 1) allergens, a delayed gastrointes- between food-allergic subjects. Nevertheless, in
tinal degradation and epithelial transport of all several cases, immuno-dominant T cell epitopes
three allergens was observed when in the pres- were identified that were recognised by, for ex-
ence of a protein-rich food matrix (here, hazelnut ample, more than 50% of allergic individuals.
and peanut extracts) [24]. When heating egg Those allergen-specific T cell epitopes are impor-
white protein, e.g. ovomucoid together with tant during the sensitisation phase and for the in-
wheat gluten, which mimics the baking process, duction of peripheral tolerance. Rarely, an over-
the solubility of ovomucoid is reduced [25]. In lap between T cell and B cell epitopes has been
addition, heating β-lactoglobulin results in the found, as reported for Gal d 1 (chicken ovomu-
formation of intermolecular disulphide bonds coid), a class I food allergen [28]. - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
B Cell Epitopes e 1, Pan b 1, Pen a 1, Pen I 1, Pen m 1, Por p 1) and
B cell epitopes are areas on the surface of allergens other seafood, like lobster, fish and squid (Pan s 1,
that bind to IgE antibodies. On many class I food Ore m 4, Tod p 1) or garden snail (Hel as 1). How-
allergens, consecutive amino acid stretches are ever, cross-reactivity of food tropomyosins, in
found that bind IgE and have been termed se- theory, is also possible with allergic tropomyosins
quential epitopes. Examples of allergens with se- from mites, such as German cockroach (Bla g 7),
quential IgE-binding epitopes are Bos d 8 (ca- house dust mite (Der p 10, Der f 10) or other mites
seins), Bos d 5 (β-lactoglobulin) and Bos d 4 (Blo t 10, Chi k 10, Lep d 10, Per a 7, Tyr p 10),
(α-lactalbumin) in milk; Gal d 1 (ovomucoid) and which are known elicitors of respiratory sensitisa-
Gal d 2 (ovalbumin) in eggs; Gad c 1 (parvalbu- tion. Another well-known example of IgE cross-
min) in cod; tropomyosins in shrimp species (Pen reactivity occurs in allergic subjects sensitised
a 1, Cra c 1, Met e 1 and many more) and other against the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1.
seafood (lobster, crab, fish); and Ara h 1 (7S glob- The so-called Bet v 1 family comprises a large
ulin vicilin), Ara h 2 (2S albumin conglutin) and number of structurally related allergens in various
Ara h 3 (11S globulin glycinin) in peanut. It re- food plants. Patients may develop clinical symp-
mains unclear whether these short IgE-binding toms while consuming other foods containing Bet
sequences present complete B cell epitopes and v 1-related allergens, such as apple (Mal d 1) and
are able to fully account for the IgE-binding ca- other Rosaceae fruit, kiwifruit (Act d 8), carrot
pacity of a given allergen or, in some cases, just (Dau c 1), celeriac (Api g 1), tomato (Sola l 4), pea-
represent substructures of conformational epit- nut (Ara h 8) soybean (Gly m 4), hazelnut (Cor a
opes. The second type of B cell epitope is confor- 1.04) and several others (see table 1). It is very like-
mational, i.e. the amino acids involved in the con- ly that sensitisation is caused by birch pollen via
tact with the antibody are located discontinuous- the respiratory route because it has been observed
ly in the protein sequence but are presented in the that, in most cases, (i) the pollen allergy precedes
same area on the surface of a folded protein. Nor- the food allergy, (ii) the food allergy against ho-
mally, 20 or more amino acids are involved and mologues of Bet v 1 without pollen sensitisation
cover a relatively large part of the protein surface. practically does not exist, and (iii) allergen-specif-
The majority of B cell epitopes of food allergens is ic T cells proliferate more strongly upon stimula-
thought to be conformational. tion by Bet v 1 compared to its food homologues.
Apart from allergens of the Bet v 1 family, pollen-
related food allergies can also be based on profil-
Cross-Reactivity ins, proteins of the Bet v 6 family, or nsLTPs (in
Southern European countries). In addition, inha-
Antibodies against a certain allergen potentially lation of pollen is known to cause sensitisation to
bind to other homologous allergens of the same particular cross-reactive carbohydrate determi-
protein family even though the subject has not nants (CCDs) that are found on plant glycopro-
been sensitised to the homologous allergen. This teins. The clinical relevance of IgE to CCDs is a
phenomenon is called cross-reactivity, and it in- subject of controversial discussion. It seems that
creases the number of allergic sources against CCD-specific IgE correlates only weakly with
which a subject displays allergic reactions. For ex- clinical food allergy. The plant species most clini-
ample, patients with allergy to tropomyosin from cally relevant to pollen-related food allergy in Eu-
lobster (Hom a 1) may display allergic reactions to rope are birch, mugwort and plane pollen. Latex
other foods containing highly similar tropomyo- is another non-pollen type of allergen source that
sins, such as shrimps (Cha f 1, Cra c 1, Lit v 1, Met causes food-related allergies of the so-called latex- - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
Table 1. Protein families containing cross-reactive food allergens

Protein family Cross-reactivity possible between Sources with potentially cross-reactive


Bet v 1-related Food – Food Food allergens in apple, cherry, apricot,

family = pear, peach, raspberry, strawberry, kiwi,
pathogenesis-related carrot, celery, tomato, hazelnut, peanut,
PR-10 proteins soybean, mung bean, etc.
Food – Inhalant (Pollen: ‘Pollen-related food Inhalative allergens in pollen from birch,
allergy’, especially based on birch) alder, hornbeam, oak, hazel tree, chestnut
Profilins Food – Food Food allergens in apples, sweet cherry, peach,
pear, strawberry, orange, pineapple, kiwi,
banana, melon, litchi, carrot, celery, tomato,
bell pepper, mustard, peanut, soybean,
hazelnut, almond, wheat, barley, rice, etc.
Food – Inhalant (Pollen: ‘Pollen-related food Inhalative allergens in pollen from birch,
allergy’, especially based on birch, ragweed ragweed, mugwort, Bermuda grass,
and mugwort) pellitory, timothy grass, annual mercury,
lamb’s quarters, Russian thistle, redroot
pigweed, olive, date palm, hazel, sunflower,
saffron crocus, rice, maize, etc.
Food – Latex1 (‘Latex-fruit syndrome’) Latex
Lipid transfer Food – Food Food allergens in peach, apricot, cherry,
proteins pear, apple, strawberry, plum, grape,
mulberry, raspberry, orange, lemon,
tangerine, kiwi, banana, celery, tomato,
asparagus, lettuce, cauliflower, kidney bean,
mustard, hazelnut, walnut, almond,
sunflower seeds, peanut, maize, wheat,
chestnut, etc.
Food – Inhalant (Pollen: ‘Pollen-related food Inhalative allergens in pollen from ragweed,
allergy’) mugwort, pellitory, olive and, plane tree

Food – Latex1 (‘Latex-fruit syndrome’) Latex

Bet v 6-related Food – Food Food allergens in pear, carrot
Food – Inhalant (Pollen: ‘Pollen-related food Inhalative allergen in pollen from birch
allergy’, based on birch)
Thaumatin-like Food – Food Food allergens in bell pepper, apple, cherry,
proteins = PR-5 peach, kiwi, banana
Food – Inhalant (Pollen: ‘Pollen-related Inhalative allergens in pollen from cypress,
food allergy’) cedar

* The listed allergen sources contain allergens belonging to the respective allergen family. A cross-reactive reaction
among the allergens of the same protein family is potentially possible but not inevitable. The food sources contain
allergens that have been officially added to the IUIS list of official allergens.
Latex can be an inhalant as well as a contact allergen. - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)
fruit syndrome. However, due to the reduced use g 1 (celeriac) occurs independently of IgE cross-
of latex derived products in hospitals, the impor- reactivity. Remarkably, T cell-activating regions
tance of this syndrome is decreasing. have been identified in corresponding homolo-
Cross-reactivity not only exists because of gous regions of all three allergens. In line with
cross-reactive IgE antibodies but also on the T cell this, T cell cross-reactivity between Bet v 1 and
level. T cell cross-reactivity between Bet v 1 and the two food allergens Mal d 1 and Api g 1 could
the related food allergens Mal d 1 (apple) and Api be demonstrated [29].

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Stefan Vieths, PhD

Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse 51–59
DE–63225 Langen (Germany)
E-Mail stefan.vieths@pei.de - 5/25/2015 6:30:05 PM

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Ebisawa M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Wood RA (eds): Food Allergy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Practice.
Chem Immunol Allergy. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 101, pp 18–29 (DOI: 10.1159/000371647)

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