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Hi there, how are you doing and hope you had a lovely day?

I`m new here and trying to see how it works, i enjoys reading your profile and
messaging you to see if we can communicate and see where it leads.


START HERE......................................................

I would like to know more about you and see where it goes, how about you message me
through my mobile 310-596-2330.

Can i have your number??

I live in Harbor city is in West Carson, close to long beach. Have you been to that
part of CA before?

How long have you been into online dating and have you used any other dating
websites before??
I just joined and still finding my way around.

Have you met anyone, what are your experience since you joined?

Hi There

Hello, Did you have a good night rest?

Good Morning Handsome, Hope you are having a wonderful weekend?

Hi there, How are you doing today ?

My night was great.

Can you share your experience of online dating with me?

I`m having a good day, but great now that you are replying my message....

I was glancing through profiles when your cute pictures and amazing profile got me
attracted while your lovely words had me write you..

Glanced through your profile when your gorgeous pictures and amazing profile got me
attracted while your lovely words had me replied you..
What are your expectations on the dating site?
Mine are to get into a relationship with someone that would love and understand me
but been a friend for a start, then we can see where it lead us.

First i have to tell you i`m looking for a relationship and not here to play games
or send nude pictures.

What do you think ??

With the right person i`m interested in moving anywhere in this world...

How long have you been single ?

I was separated for 3yrs before my divorce was finalized 2yrs ago. My married
lasted for 16yrs and also have a son who`s 8yrs old.

So why do you think it`s high times you enter into a new relationship?

Yeah, tired of being lonely and not having someone to share things with..

What do you do for a living?

I`m a Fashion Designer, And right now i`m Currently in the West Coast of Africa,
working on a project of getting my clothing design on track. This my first time
going to work on a long distance, my project would be over soon and i would like if
we could seize the opportunity to get to know each other better before i could get
back in the states.

Have you ever traveled out of the states before for work or pleasure??

Why are you in Africa?

Well, a friend of mine was the one who got the project offer, he also got one in
Netherland at the same time, so he asked me if i would be willing to take on the
project i, so i thought about it, it pays well and i really lost so much after my
divorce, So i had to take the job to help me financially and also an opportunity to
see new places, learn different cultures.
I think my match IM is acting up so bad, I have problem seeing what you wrote and
its so slow, I think we should chat on messenger
Do you have a yahoo ID??
give me your id so we can get on there together.
my mail id is

can you tell me about your past relationship?

I was married for 26yrs, I have a 16yrs old daughter, Divorced about 2yrs ago....

what happened between you two?

Well, for the story of me and my ex-wife, we were deeply in love and never thought
of anything or the future, just the thought of been together forever, so soon after
so many years together, she got pregnant, and then the bad time of the relationship
started. Unlucky for me she`s isn`t looking to have kids, and i want kids. So we
did so much couples counselling, talk and discuss but at the end, the love fades
away with time but she decided to give birth to the baby. It hits me really hard
but i was over her even before the divorced was finalised.
How did your kid deal with your divorce?
It wasn`t easy but she adapted and doing fine now.

Do you had any relationship after your divorce ?

Well, we met at a business meeting, hit it off from there. Get to know each other.
But as times goes she has little time for me, its all business for her and only
when we have time together, sheonly want to engage in her interest, which i sees as
been slefish. Also when i have something to say that`s bothering me, she care less
about it and only wanna discuss her issues. Well she`s lovely and sweet but i want
a mutual relationship where we would always be there for each other.

What qualities are important in your partner?

For me I would say someone that is Honest, kind, romantic, passionate, kid loving,
generous also respects others.

Also in a relationship i want someone that is honest and truthful, someone who can
control her anger. we must feel easy together, be able to talk about anything, or
nothing. We must love to cuddle, touch, kiss a lot, laugh, make love and do things
either on the spur of the moment or with planning. I like to feel a man`s body,
arms around me, holding me, i love to walk and hold hands.

How about you?


Can you Describe a romantic evening!!!!!

My idea of a perfect evening out would start with a picnic on a very secluded bluff
overlooking the ocean. Dinner would consist of a variety of finger foods that we
could feed to each other as sit closely together and watch the waves roll in. After
we would eat, we would watch the sun set, wrapped in each others arms. Snuggling,
we would then talk about whatever we felt like talking about or just enjoy the
warmth of each other's arms as the stars one by one would fill the night sky. The
radio would be playing softly, of course tuned into a love songs only station. When
our favorite song would start to play on the radio, we would dance slowly under the
stars, holding each other tightly. Letting the words of the song speak to each
other's heart, we would begin to give into our passion. And then under the stars,
with the sound of the gentle waves caressing the shore, we would ....

What is your idea of a perfect date? This is a tough one for me... Well, not tough,
but it's gonna sound really sappy... I would love to show up on your doorstep, all
suited up with flowers in my hand to give to you, then we would go out to eat -
somewhere decent, but not extravagant (I wouldn't know how to act at a place too
nice) and then go to a show or somewhere to watch live music, then come home and
light a bunch of candles, take a bubble bath together and talk all night - make
love if it feels right and wake up in his arms the next morning. OBVIOUSLY this is
not a first date...
I would love to show up on your doorstep, in a comfortable wears with flowers in my
hand to give to you, then we would go out to eat somewhere nice and quiet, like a
beach side, with just the sound of waves. talk about anything and try to get
comfortable with each other, and then go to a show or somewhere to watch live music
or movies, then come home and light a bunch of candles, take a bubble bath together
and talk all night with my arms wrap around you, kiss and make love if it feels
right, well i wouldn`t really call it a first day or maybe it is Lol.
Go to the beach,Go to a dancing Club,Go to Live Blues Concert,Having Dinner
together when we get home with Bunch of Red Candles tighten up,Holding hands and
telling how we feel about each other,Well i think i will kiss her on Cheek as soon
we are thru with her Dinner,make her feel like a Queen..


An i deal of a first date could be a walk in the park, picnic by the beach or nice
dinner at a quiet and nice environment, as we feel comfortable and talk about
anything. The rest of the night would speaks for itself.


Do you kiss on a first date? If there is chemistry and it feels right - yes. Well
it depends,If i think that Person is the Right person for me,Sure i will

Send Intro 1 female.....

So tell me about where you live, how long you`ve been living there and do you live
alone,Do you own where you live ??
I rent an apartment and hoping to buy in the future or hopefully buy a house with
my partner in the future and make it our home.

What things can't you stand in a relationship ?

Lies, Cheats, dishonest people and everything bad..

What do others admire about you?

They think I am smart and hard working. I am always kind, nice, and caring. I am
understanding and easy to talk to.

What do you do on a free time??

My free time is spent on reading books, swimming, also like playing volleyball with
friends and watching sport, I do enjoy cooking, watching great movies, love the
outdoors just out for a walk or just chill and talk over a good cup of coffee or
just a glass of wine. I do love to workout at the gym too.

What do your friends mean to you?

Friends are very important. I love having friends to laugh and hang out with. I
have few close friends. I trust them and they are very loyal.

What is one thing your friends would say about you?

I am hot and can always have my way with any woman...
What physical features are a turn off?
Bad character,messiness and jealousy..

Tell me one of your bad habits?

Snoring but that has stopped.

What did you notice first about my picture?

Your charming and amazing beauty.

What is your best feature?

My eyes

What makes you laugh?

I like to tease and kid each other a bit, nothing mean, you can tease me about my
lovely eyes lol ! I love laughing with others, when we are all looking at the cute
antics of kids, or animals, funny movies.

If you could be anything you wanted, what would you be?

Who I am right now..

Do you have any pets?

What are some of your faults?

I would say i do snore, but its all okat now, i don`t anymore.

Hope i did not scare you ??

Are you neat person, messy or somewhere in between ?

Always neat

What is one thing you should do, but you don't?

Wake up very early.

Are you quiet? the life of the party?

I am a very quiet and understanding person and always ready to listen..

What`s your Date of birth ?

Mine is Dec 15, 1975

How did you celebrate your previous birthdays?

Well, its always fun celebrating with friends but the last time was with my
daughter... my last birthday i was still asleep, she woke me up with a mini cake,
telling me to make a wish and blow the candle lol... Its was really amazing. Just
wish that special woman is right there to make it more fun and special.

Did you blew any candles on your birthday ?


What were your wishes ??

My wish was for the remaining years of my life, i want to always see her smile...

Do you drink, smoke or have a tattoo ?

I do like to grab a bottle of beer or glass of wine or champagne, hate been drunk
and acting stupid.. But only occasionally.. Don`t smoke and no tattoo..

Have you ever had a drunk experience before ?

Few in college..

What are the fun things you would like to do with a partner ?

what is your favorite vacation spot that you would like to go with me?

Well i would love to be by the beach with that special man

What is your favorite food?

Chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes

Can you cook? if so, what do you like to make?

I sure love to cook baby,..Mexican burittos,tamales and Shoofly pie learnt that in

Do you enjoy ice cream and what`s your fav??

Mine is chocolate moose tracks

What types of wine do you enjoy?

Merlot wine for me

What car do you drive ?

I drive a toyota matrix. But sold it when i was about to travel to fund for my
expense here.

How do you like your coffee?

I like a medium roast with lots cream & sugar.
What`s your favourite sport
Hockey and European football
What`s your fav. sport team??
Tom Brady plays for my fav team New England Patriots and manchester united
What is your favourite color?
My favorite color is Blue
What do u like for breakfast foods??
sandwich or pancake
Do you have a favourite season? My favorite season is Spring and fall, I like the
cool mornings and warm days, the grass turning green and the flowers blooming, well
winter would be good when i have you with me to keep each other warm.
What activities do you like during summer ?
I do Ride a roller coaster with my daughter also Eat a whole lobster with hands.
Pick berries and peaches at a neigbour`s farm. Roast marshmallows over a fire and
make s�mores..
What would you like to do with a partner during summer ?
Have a picnic in the park or beach, Sit on a porch swing together an also Get
caught in a summer rainstorm
Do you have a hobby or something you enjoy doing with a partner?
I love swimming, playing chess, fishing, camping going out but since i am all alone
i hardly go out cos is not fun to go out all alone.
Are you a Christian? I am a Christian, Born into a catholic family but don`t visits
the church often due to my tight working. I believe that the lord listens to my
prayers and he will always take care of me even when I don�t think he is listening.
Is religion something you want in your life?
I love the Lord and hope that whomever I have in my life will be someone who knows
and loves him too.
Can you tell me what kind of a person you want to grow old with? I want to grow old
with someone that is serious, confident, purposeful, persistent, smart,
responsible, honest, modest, kind, flexible, elegant, sociable, communicative,
sensitive, gentle, cheerful, romantic, considered, responsible,someone that still
believes in true love, soul mates, love notes, walks, holding hands, and talking to
each other,That special someone would be attractive, intelligent, sexy, romantic,
affectionate, caring, funny, confident, and family oriented, LOVES KIDS. Sorry, but
they're an important part of my life, and expect the person im with to accept that.
Someone who will work at keeping the relationship alive... Want that feeling of
looking forward to seeing each other after work, and when were away from each
other, we cant wait to go home!
What kind of music do you like?
I listen to blues, oldies, jazz and country music
Is there somewhere you want to go that you have never been before?
I would love to go to somewhere nice anywhere romantic, all that matters is i`m
with the person i have share so much great feelings with..
Be able to share a train trip with that special someone through the mountains and
valleys,that would be so beautiful to see all the flowers growing and the beautiful
ocean waters
Can you tell me what the saddest moment has been in your life?
that was when i was in the hospital.
Do you like sports or outdoor activities? i like going to ball games i like
watching them on TV. I do like to watch the skaters on TV sometimes, i love
football so much.
Do you like to shop?
i love shopping so much and i do go out to shop but not all the time.
Are you into politics? No, cos i dont like politics
Do you like to watch the sunset or rise? Yes I love to see the sun set but don�t do
that much. Would love to have someone to sit and watch with me
Do you dance? I�m not much of a dancer, been a long time since I�ve danced, and i
can dance so much, cos i am going in slow dance and blues.
Do you like places like flea markets, etc.? I like concerts
If you are not too tired I have a few more? i am not tired baby, cos i need more
cos i wanna know a lots abt u too...
Do you like going on trips? I love road trips, traveling, cruising,
Have you ever done anything crazy just for the fun of it?
Tell me some of the things you might want me to do with you?I always thought of
some things i would do for fun you know, I don�t care because as long as I�m not
hurting someone else it is okay or at least I think it is. I always thought of
dancing on the beach naked with someone special so as long as no one is around to
see us, jump in the rain, also dance to music while running and having fun in it
Tell me what you think will make you happy in a relationship?
I love to hold hands, hug for no reason, kiss or just put my hand on your leg. Be
comfortable and easy to express anything with each other. be open to each other`s
interest.. I guess you can say I�m one of those people who like to touch a lot..
make love and french
Do you do special things on holidays? Most holidays now I spend with kelvin my son,
cos he will be back from school in UK London, since i am the only son and my mum
and dad are late so i have only my kid who is my life now.
Are you one to have several projects going at the same time? Or do you start
something else before you have completed the first one?I guess you could say there
are several things I have going on all the time or someone is calling wanting me to
help them with something, i do care a lots and i help people who is in need,i like
house work and my house cant be a mess cos is big and i own a house of my own is
duplex i am even scared staying all alone..
Do you smoke or drink? I don�t smoke. I drink on occasions
How long have you being staying in your current place??
Are you financially stable? I�m financially okay and stable, my mum own a company
in UK and before she died she invested on me my son and the woman i will be with,
but my ex did not know abt that.... i am just looking for real woman that can share
life with me and i will make her happy forever.I get the bills paid and paid on
time and we haven�t starved yet
What is your education?i graduated from university of Manchester England and i did
my masters after graduating.
Where have you lived?i hve lived in uk london and california.
Would you rather be in a crowd or by yourself? I�m okay in a crowd as long as I
know someone but more comfortable
I think I am responsible or at least I try to
Tell me if there anything someone could do to you that would make you hate that
person? I hate being lied to or accused of things that I�ve not done and playing
games.I think the thing that upsets me the most is someone to lie to me and after
they get caught not admit it. You know I understand that we do things that are not
right but when you are wrong you need to be responsible for it and admit you are
wrong. Be big enough to say you are sorry. That is something I think a lot of
people have a hard time doing.
Are you the kind of person who enjoys people (party) or would rather be alone
reading? i like reading and love to be around people so I guess the party or just
being with that special someone talking would be great too.
Are you a trusting person or a controlling person? I do trust my feelings and I
think sometimes I trust them too much and that gets me into trouble because I
believe what you tell me until you do something to make me stop. it`s really very
hard to trust but i am looking forward to trust someone and i want the person to be
you, But i am never a controlling person.
Who is the most important person in your life right now?
My son for now i think if i can have someone i can share my life with i think that
we be both her and his family..
Who is your best friend?
My son..
Do you like to be on time, late or early when you go somewhere? If I know I have
something to do on a given day that�s fine but most of the time I just do what
comes up at the time.
Do you get your feeling hurt easily, upset or cry just because? Yes I do. I cry for
no reason sometime, just because my ex cheated on me and make me look like a
So have I scared you yet?nope baby i am enjoying it.
Are you one who will laugh just because? I laugh at most anything, people, kids, it
does not matter.
What would your family tell me about you?I think my family would tell you that I�m
a loving, kind, caring person how wish they are alive now.
Do you get into a hurry when you are doing something? I don�t think I hurry when
doing a job, I try to do it right and if it takes a while then that is what I�ll do
How old were you when you first fell in love?i was 20 years
Do you get bored easily? I do get bored easily but I get over it quick too, just go
to town for a ride and I�m okay after that.
Are you one who watches the clock? I�m not a clock-watcher, but I do like to be on
time for things. I don�t like to come into Church late. I would rather be early
than late.
Favorite day of the week? Sunday
How many states have you lived in? 3(PA ,Arkansas and London
How many cities have you lived in? 3(Bear Lake, Mtn View and Queen's park)
what do you like to do when you're in crowd where you know no one? Initiate
What would you do the first day we'll meet?welcome you with a big hugssssss and
smiling kisss
Living arrangements? I live alone
When was the last time you cried? while listening to a devotional and while my
parent passed out and if i do remember they always touch my heart to tears
Do you wear contacts or glasses? glasses sometimes
Favorite smell? Lily of the Valley
Do you like the person who sent this to you? yes
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple
Do you believe in God??
How often do you go to church??
When was your first sexual experience?
when i was 19 with my first girl friend...
How important is having children to you?
Important..but if you cant have anymore its fine by me, we could adopt.and take
good care of the one we have already
What is your occupation? Selling cars import and export development from one
countrie to another...
Favorite dog breed? love them all
What are you listening to now? nothing
What was the last thing you ate?
rits and an egg
Favorite car? Toyota
What inspires you? The word of God
How is the weather right now?; cold but sunny and breezy
What did you do last night? Reading Poetry
How old are you today? 49
Favorite drink? Alcohol: White Russians....Soft drink...Reg. Coke
Favorite sport to watch? Football...wrestling entertainment
How LONG AT YOUR CURRENT JOB? Hmmm 8year now
Who is the friend you have had the longest?Thomas
Pets? cat,dog and rabbit
Favorite month? May
Favorite food? Chinese
What was the last movie you watched? Con Nocholas Cage
Favorite day of the year? Christmas
What do you do to vent anger? stay alone
What was your favorite toy when you were little? a doll that looked exactly like
me. When I held his hands and walked, he walked too...LOL
Do you want me to email you back? Yes
What is on the floor of your closet? boots, an inflatable full sized bed for
company, a tool box, and who knows what else LOL
What are you afraid of? growing old alone
Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Plain
Do you wish on stars? yes
What color is your underwear today? White
Number of keys on your key ring? 4
Have you ever dyed your hair? no
Fall or Spring? Spring
Cherry or Blueberry? blueberry
How long have you been on the dating site? joinedthis week and no luck yet you are
my luck i talk with
How many people do you like enough to go out with after work, at your job? No one
else ..only my son weekend
Have you ever loved someone so much to only have them turn around and treat you
like a dog? No
What is ur favorite song of all time? Eamon(I Don't Want You Back).
Where did you grow up and what colledge did you attend? Grow up in itlay and attend
London,Queen's colledge.
How do you manage your finances?I have an account with Bank of America where i
store my proceed after sales and i do not have a financial adviser.
5. How do you define success?
I define success as being at peace with God . Also being able to take care of
myself financially.
6. What makes you proud?
I am very proud of my Self, and my Carrier. I am proud of myself for having the
courage to Live with out my Family, even though it was not easy.
7. What are you afraid of?
I am afraid of dying sometimes. I want to find "true love" again and have that
wonderful person by my side for all kinds of fun, travel and just being with each
8. How important is money to you?
We both should have a steady income or savings, so that we can travel in the future
and enjoy ourselves - as well as meeting basic necessities.
9. Do you like animals?
I love dogs. Cats and I can sometimes cohabitate, but I have never been around them
10. How do you manage your finances?
I have an account with Bank of America where i store my proceed after sales and i
do not have a financial adviser
11. How many pillows do you use for sleeping?
12. Where did you go on your last vacation?
I went to Montego Bay, Jamaica with tony a couple years ago...just the two of us -
very relaxing...we stayed at a villa that had a staff to take care of us and a
private pool...spent a lot of time in the pool, at the beach and reading books...
13. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I am the only child,No Silblings
14. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
ford taurus
15. What is your favorite beverage?
Hot chocolate with a little bit of peppermint schnapps or peppermint
flavoring.......I like Hot Chocolate too
16. What is your favorite restaraunt and why?
Ok...I have 2 answers for this...Fast type food - Chipotle - reason? one word -
Barbacoa!!!! Sit down type - Olive Garden - cheese ravioli with alfredo and black
tie mousse cake - YUMMY
17. Do you have a favorite flower?
I'm a man- I love roses, fire and ice ones to be specific I love Red Roses
18. What is your favorite food?
It can be normal food or dessert - whatever...Chocolate... the chocolate espresso
fudge cake I make is incredible.... and I'm a sucker for Godiva...or German
chocolate...just chocolate - no fillings - well, nuts are ok - just no fruit
things...Yuck... I like Chocolate and my Son does too..i like Mexican Food,Chinese
19. Do you have any hang-ups about getting married again if you found the right
No hang-ups here! Looking for my soul mate - want to find someone and grow old
together.Well if i get that right person,it will be so nice to be happily married
again Only with the right person
20. Do you have any pets?
I have a dog - he's 1/2 German Shephard and 1/2 Siberian Husky, I've also had cats
in the past, but they are all gone now...Eventually I want to get a little dog - a
Shih Tzu - they are about 15 pounds No pet but i once have a pet,Type - Beagle and
his name is Droopy but he fell so sick and died
21. Are you close to your parents?
i Lost my Parent
22. What is your favorite TV show?
Like I said - I'm addicted to American Idol. But I also watch 24, The Unit and
CSI.i like Charmed ones because thet kicked Ass
23. What is your favorite kind of music?
I kinda switch back and forth between rock and country. I like Country
Music,Rock,R&B and Blues,i really like blues and i love listening to it most of the
24. What is your favorite musical artist?
At the moment - Daughtry... Also really like Evanescence. ( 1 ) Daniel Bedingfield
( 2 ) Celine Dion ( 3 ) Dido (4) WestLife
25. What is your idea of a perfect date?
This is a tough one for me... Well, not tough, but it's gonna sound really sappy...
I would love to have a woman show up on my doorstep, all decked out in dressy
clothes with flowers in her hand to give to me, then we would go out to eat -
somewhere decent, but not extravagant (I wouldn't know how to act at a place too
nice) and then go to a show or somewhere to watch live music, then come home and
light a bunch of candles, take a bubble bath together and talk all night - make
love if it feels right and wake up in her arms the next morning...........
(OBVIOUSLY this is not a first date... Go to the beach,Go to a dancing Club,Go to
Live Blues Concert,Having Dinner together when we get home with Bunch of Red
Candles tighten up,Holding hands and telling how we feel about each other,Well i
think i will kiss her on Cheek as soon we are thru with her Dinner,make her feel
like a Queen..)
26. Do you kiss on a first date?
If there is chemistry and it feels right -yes. Well it depends,If i think that
Person is the Right person for me,Sure i will
27. Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet!! I will someday though... Welli don't have any Tatto os but when you get
one,Just let me know so i can see it
28. What is your occupation?
Project Mananger
29. Favorite dog breed?
love them all
30. What are you listening to now?
31. What was the last thing you ate?
grits and an egg
32. What inspires you?
The word of God
33. How is the weather right now?
cold but sunny and breezy
34. What did you do last night?
Reading Poetry
35. Favorite sport to watch?
Football...wrestling entertainment
36. Favorite month/day?
37. Favorite day of the year?
38. What do you do to vent anger?
stay alone
39. What was your favorite toy when you were little?
a doll that looked exactly like me. When I held his hands and walked, he walked
40. How many states have you lived in?
3(Missouri , California and Milano
41. Do you want me to email you back?
42. What do you like to do when you're in crowd where you know no one?
Initiate conversation
43. What would you do the first day we'll meet?
welcome you with a big hugssssss
44. Who did you live with?
I live with my son(tony)
45. When was the last time you cried?
when i lost my parents
46. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
glasses sometimes
47. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
48. Favorite smell?
Lily of the Valley
49. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
50. What are you afraid of?
growing old alone
51. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?
52. Do you wish on stars?
53. What color is your underwear today?
54. Number of keys on your key ring?
55.. Have you ever dyed your hair?
56. Fall or Spring?
57. Cherry or Blueberry?
58. How long have you been on this dating site?
joined lately.
leftover roast, potatoes and carrots
smile and eyes
61. FAVORITE DRINK ? chocolate, with alcohol...raspberry kami
62. SUMMER OR WINTER? the snow - and I am not a HOT weather person
Both at the same time, but if I had to pick...kisses
65. How much personal space do you need in a relationship?
not much...I believe in sharing everything and spending all of my free time
66. Do you believe in love at first sight?
67. What are your three main goals in life?
to help Tony be successful in whatever he chooses to do, get my future partner, to
find the love of my life and live happily ever after
68. Name five things you can't live without?
Tony, love, trust, my family, friends
69. What three things do you always keep in your wallet/bag?
my check card, my driver's license, cell phone
70. If you were a comic book character, what superpower would you possess?
to fly
Why?- I know I'm afraid of heights, I just think it would be the coolest thing in
the world...
71. If you started a tree house club and could only invite three members, who would
you pick?
you and tony.
72. How do you celebrate the holidays (Christmas)?
i always got excited about Christmas,But if I had to pick something I guess it
would be to have someone to share the day and year with. I think I miss that the
most about Christmas not having someone who loves Christmas and makes it fun.
73. Do you have a hobby or something you enjoy doing?
i love swimming, playingchess, pool, fishing, camping going out but since i am all
alone i hardly go out cos is not fun to go out all alone.
74. Can you tell me what kind of a person you want to grow old with?
someone that is serious, confident, purposeful, persistent, smart, responsible,
honest, modest, kind, flexible, elegant, sociable, communicative, sensitive,
gentle, cheerful, romantic, considered, responsible, someone that still believes in
true love, soulmates, love notes, walks, holding hands, and talking to each other,
That special someone would be attractive, intelligent, sexy, romantic,
affectionate, caring, funny, confident, and family oriented, love kid. Sorry, he is
an important part of my life, and expect the person i am with to accept that.
Someone who will work at keeping the relationship alive. Want that feeling of
looking forward to seeing eachother after work, and when were away from eachother,
we cant wait to go home!
75. Do you want this relationship to be more than a one-night stand or what?
I want to find someone who wants to get to know me and love me for me and yes I
want a long term relationship, hopefully someday that special person would ask me
to marry her and we would live the rest of our life together as friends, partners
and lovers.
76. Will you tell me about your relationships?
I�ll ever forget the relationships before because I�m just that kind of person, but
I do know that I have enough love and forgiveness in my heart for someone else.
well my ex did stupid things, i was thinking she was nice, that mend away with my
heart and made me go through so much emotional trauma,i give her whatever she
needs,she just changed all of a sudden due to the kind of friend she mingle with
bad company smokes,come home late being drunk, flex around with men, then one day i
caught her sleeping with a man in my house she pleaded and i forgive her the second
time i caught her sleeping with my best friend, i fainted and i was rushed to the
hospital and i was unconscious for 3 days,that is what the doctor said to me, cos i
went through alots, after then she stole some of my money after being discharged
well i have not seen her till now cos i dont wanna see her anymore, cos the more i
see her the more annoying i will be that is why i need someone special in my life,
cos i am tired of being lonely i need somone to love me for whom i am, cos i
promise to make my woman happy forever, cos my son is also lonely cos he needs a
step mum she can play with and spend time with anytime he comes back from school
holidays.......i hope u will be the right woman for me?
77. Are you over your feeling for her and are you ready to go on with life?
I do want to go on with my life and I�ve asked God to bring someone into my life
who will want me for who i am and be good to me and my boy because I know that
there has to be someone out there for me because she never does anything without a
reason even if we can�t figure it out. I know just because the lord has someone
else in mind for me to share the rest of my life with because she doesn�t want us
to be alone or lonely..
78. Are you a Christian?
I am a Christian and do go to church, I try to go every week. I attend the st
micheal catholic church in california, learning about the lord. I know that if the
lord wasn�t in my life that there are days I would just give up but because he is
he keeps me going. Sometime I do the wrong things but I know he will forgive me if
I ask and I do that daily because I believe that the lord listens to my prayers and
he will always take care of me even when I don�t think he is listening.
79. Is religion something you want in your life?
I love the Lord and hope that whomever I have in my life will be someone who knows
and loves him too.
80. Is there somewhere you want to go that you have never been before?
I would love to go to knoxville in tn someday, Be able to share a train trip with
that special someone through the mountains and valleys,that would be so beautiful
to see all the flowers growing and the beautiful ocean waters.
81. Is there something special you remember in your relationships that was good and
made you happy?
well that was when i first met her she was nice but she changed all of a sudden.
82. Can you tell me what the saddest moment has been in your life?
That was when i lost my parents.
83. What do you like to do with that special someone when it is raining?
I like snuggling on the couch or holding hands watching the rain or when it is just
raining a little sitting on the porch in the swing watching and talking. we can
also be playing kissing sharing jokes and telling stories.
84. Do you like to shop?
I love shopping so much and i do go out to shop but not all the time..
85. Are you into politics?
No, cos i dont like politics
86. Do you like to watch the sunset or rise?
Yes I love to see the sun set but don�t do that much. Would love to have someone to
sit and watch with me
87. Do you dance?
I can dance so much, cos i am going in slow dance and hip hops and blues.
88. Do you like going on trips?
I love road trips, traveling, cruising,
89. Have you ever done anything crazy just for the fun of it?
Tell me some of the things you might want me to do with you?
I do a lot of crazy things but you know I don�t care because as long as I�m not
hurting someone else it is okay or at least I think it is. I have never danced on
the beach but no one has ever asked me, stop for ice cream just because, I think is
great, haven�t jumped in the rain but sounds fun
90. Tell me what you think will make you happy in a relationship?
I love to hold hands, hug for no reason, kiss or just put my hand on your leg. I
guess you can say I�m one of those people who like to touch a lot. make love and
french kiss.
91. Do you do special things on holidays?
Most holidays now I spend with tony my son, cos he will be back from school
in ................., since i am the only son and my mum and dad are late so i have
only my kid who is my life now.
92. Do you smoke or drink?
I don�t smoke. I drink on occasions
93. What is your education?
i graduated from university of manchester england and i did my masters after
94. Tell me if there anything someone could do to you that would make you hate that
I hate being lied to or accused of things that I�ve not done and playing games.I
think the thing that upsets me the most is someone to lie to me and after they get
caught not admit it. You know I understand that we do things that are not right but
when you are wrong you need to be responsible for it and admit you are wrong. Be
big enough to say you are sorry. That is something I think a lot of people have a
hard time doing.
95. Are you the kind of person who enjoys people (party) or would rather be alone
i like reading and love to be around people so I guess the party or just being with
that special someone talking would be great too.
96. Do you like to be on time, late or early when you go somewhere?
If I know I have something to do on a given day that�s fine but most of the time I
just do what comes up at the time.
97. Do you get your feeling hurt easily, upset or cry just because?
Yes I do.. I cry for no reason sometime, just because my ex cheated on me and make
me look like a stalion.
98. So have I scared you yet?
nope baby i am enjoying it.
99. What would your family tell me about you?
I think my family would tell you that I�m a loving, kind, caring person how wish
they are alive now.
100. Do you get into a hurry when you are doing something?
I don�t think I hurry when doing a job, I try to do it right and if it takes a
while then that is what I�ll do
101. How old were you when you first fell in love?
i was 18 years
102. Do you get bored easily?
I do get bored easily but I get over it quick too, just go to town for a ride and
I�m okay after that.
103. Do you forget and forgive someone who has done something to you or do you hold
a grudge?
I guess you could say I forgive easily because I don�t like conflict. I would
rather just walk away that to fight but after things are over I don�t hold a grudge
against you because I would have said what I wanted to and you would have said what
you wanted and then it would be over.
104. Are you adventures?
I think I like adventures mostly. I will usually try new things..
105. Are you someone who avoids your obligations?
I do not avoid my obligations; if I�ve done it I�ll take responsibility for it.I
love you by no stretch of your imagination
i'm sorry it's alot of questions at the same time but i believe after these,we
would have known each other better than we expect so we could then talk more about
our love life to see if we really are perfect fits.................................
I`m Eric, currently widower... have a son... I am a true romantic and believe that
there is such a thing as a soul mate, but they are not easily found... out of
millions of people those 2 souls must meet by chance and circumstance. I believe
that you should consider your soul mate, your best friend and be able to talk about
any and everything, not feel strange if there is silence between you. I feel true
love and connection doesn't require constant talking, as a glance or longing stare
says every thing and more than words could ever convey. I believe in holding hands,
and public displays of affection, as I would want everyone to know that the person
who I am with is truly special to me. I believe that being able to be your true
self with someone with out judgment is one of the best things in life...i'm on
tagged to find that last love of my life i have been so lonely with my son for some
years now so i believe it high time for me to look for love again....and you tell
me more about your self and what you're really looking for on tagged..
I am looking for someone to love and someone to love me. A person to whom I enjoy
serving and giving. A woman who wants to celebrate life and explore each day, with
me! Someone to share those good memories with. I am in no hurry. Laughter must come
easily. Do you live on the funny side of life, not the fearful side? Do you think
the best, not the worst? Are you secure enough in yourself to use words that edify,
not criticize? I look for truth, integrity and character in people. You must
appreciate the value of a good man with good intentions; a woman that can rejoice
in my desire for her. This lady will have my loyalty and all that I am. Life is
great because we will make the best of everyday and every gift. If you can relate
to these words, you have the heart I seek.
Hi pretty@};-@};-, how are you doing.. I'm Eric, I hope you get this IM and it
finds you well, I was glancing through profiles when your gorgeous picture got me
attracted ''re drop dead GORGEOUS.. Lol... So i thought i would take out
time to introduce myself..I am a simple, caring, humble, honest, romantic. I am a
man who knows what love is, what it takes to love and be loved, who will go extra
miles to make my woman happy, respect her, protect her, care for her and handle her
with great tenderness as I believe women are born with a tender heart and needs
tenderness to thrive, I love swimming, fishing, cooking, Spending time with family
and friends, having a laugh and meeting new people...i hope to hear from you soon..
Yahoo! ID &
BirthdayJune 30, 1973
Secret Question 1Where did you spend your
My AnswerTaxes
Secret Question 2What is the name of your
favorite sports team?
My AnswerLiverpool
Postal Code11791
Hello Handsome. i came across your profile which is very lovely ... I'm Helen, Am
from dallas , texas ... I'm 35, I have a son his name is Mike and he lives with me
full time, I love him very much and he come first in everything i do ... Well i am
single and have been for 8 years now ... so i joined this site to find someone i
feel i can trust, I mean someone very honest, caring, loving and God fearing... i
saw your profile and i liked it and i thought maybe you will be interested also...
If you're, You can write me back and tell me more about yourself .. If you would
love to chat and get to know me more you can add me on yahoo instant messenger my
name on yahoo is I would love it more if you can write me
to my personal email or add me on my yahoo chat, Hope to hear from you soon
more about me..
For starters I want to get acquainted with someone that shares common interests and
values - to have fun and go out on a date, or two� eventually to find someone with
whom we say we�re boyfriend-girlfriend, and to follow best friends who, when I�m
old (always 20 years ahead of where I�m at today) we still say we�re dating, we�re
having fun, we�re still boyfriend-girlfriend, still exploring our common interests
and values, growing together always and forever in every respect.
I�m a passionate, open minded, honest man who enjoys the outdoors, listening to
others, exploring new places and ideas. If I succeed in making you smile, feel
important, and accepted, then I�ve made a good start! To make another person feel
amazing is, well, amazing. Attraction happens on many levels, including physical,
mental, spiritual and emotional. I value the pursuit of being healthy and want to
be in a relationship that encourages and grows a healthy lifestyle in all aspects
for life, one day at a time, one step after the other...
I think what a person believes, whatever it is,defines them and is reflected in
their daily life. My goal is to be more a pilgrim, less a settler. The more I grow
to understand, the more I realize how much more there really is to experience and
discover. I just don�t see myself fitting into a box with a label. It�s important
to me that my companion, my partner, share the value of growth and transformation
in all aspects in life, including spirituality�celebrating both what we share in
common and what makes each of us unique and special.
Ultimately I�m searching for the woman, whom I want to be with and she with me, for
the woman I want to love, to laugh and have fun with, holding hands, and
embrace...sharing and facing all that our journeys bring us, together. I should
become her devoted and best friend, she should become mine. I want to be the
special spark in her life, and for her to be that spark in mine. All fires begin
with a spark, and all fires to persist and grow, require fuel. Honesty,
Communication (including the art of listening) Integrity, Laughter, and Romance are
some of those elements that fuel the fire between loving committed partners. For a
beginning? Great friendship, discovery,...a relationship with the potential to
become what we each seek and long for.
I practice opening doors for others, especially for the women in my life (I do have
two daughters smile emoticon ). In a way I guess I've tried to do that here for
you! If you're interested in getting to know each other let me know...or ask any
question(s) you like if you have them. Stepping through the door is but one step in
our journeys. Care to make a next step? Maybe I've spent more time on my ultimate
goals and interests than what you're interested in, maybe not. I do know this
though, all great "ends" have small beginnings. I'm interested in the next step and
then what follows should flow from that, whatever it is!
Thanks for taking the time to read my "profile". I wish you the best in your
search! -M
p.s. I'm a believer in non-verbal communication... that being said, I don't read
TOO much into a "wink" but I do appreciate it as a way of saying, "I'm interested
in getting to know you...want to break the silence?" Just so you know wink
I do hope to come across someone who will love me for me, who will be there for me
always and making our relationship an understanding one. I know there are ups and
downs on one's path but I'll hopeful believe that in the rest of the time we have
things done in common. Life is beautiful and we can accomplish the beauty of life.
I am a family oriented woman and I want to meet someone with some good qualities.
Honest, caring, not self centered and a goal getter. I love to keep my sanity and
integrity intact.
I am not looking for a one night stand. I am looking for that honest and happy

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