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There is a lot of talk about Christmas, some people say that it is the date on which our Lord Jesus
Christ was born, tradition assures that it was December 25, but the most important thing is what the
word of God says about the birth of our Lord, let us remember that Traditions often come from
pagan cults, some are based on saying "Doesn't the Bible prove otherwise?", but today we will see
that it does.
The Birth of John the Baptist
The Bible, which is the word of God, is so beautiful and perfect that all the events narrated have a
relationship with each other. We will begin by knowing the date of birth of John the Baptist.
Why? Because the scripture tells us that John was six months older than Jesus (Luke 1:36), that is,
he was born ĺ months earlier, so knowing when John was born will reveal to us when the Lord ĺ was
born. For this we will begin by saying that the parents of John the Baptist were the priest Zechariah
and Elizabeth;
Luke 1:5
In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a certain priest named Zechariah, of the company of
Abijah, who had as a wife one of Aaron's daughters, whose name was Elizabeth. The scripture tells
us that Zechariah was from the priestly group of Abijah, here is the key to this mystery, in 2
Chronicles 24 we find the 24 priestly orders that King David established of the descendants of
Aaron to minister in the temple, in the verse 10 of that same chapter we find that the Priestly order
of Abijah was the eighth, remember that the Father of John, Zechariah was from this priestly order.

I will explain to you how the 24 priestly orders took turns, each order ministered in the temple for a
week, then it was the turn of the other order, and so on, the first order began:
The first Jewish month, which was the month of Nissan, the month that They left Egypt (Exodus
12:2), in our calendar it corresponds between March-April, which means that the order of Abijah,
which was the eighth, ministered eight weeks after the first month, this would be between the
months of May-June, in The Hebrew calendar would be the month of Sivan. Now we know that
Zechariah was ministering in the temple between the month of May-June, let's continue with the
biblical story: Luke 1:8 But it happened that while Zechariah was exercising his priestly ministry
before God according to the order indicated to his group, Luke 1:9 according to the custom of the
priesthood, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense. Luke 1:10 And
all the multitude of the people stood outside praying at the time of the offering of incense. Luke
1:11 And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense.
Luke 1:12 When Zechariah saw this, he was troubled, and fear took hold of him. Luke 1:13 But the
angel said to him, Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your request has been heard, and your wife
Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. Let us note that while Zechariah was on
his priestly turn (between the month of May-June) the Angel of the Lord told him that Elisabet was
pregnant, that is, John the Baptist would be born 9 months after that moment, if we add nine months
from May-June then we have that John the Baptist was born in March. We already have when John
the Baptist was born, now let's see what else the scripture tells us:

Luke 1:26 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee called
Nazareth, Luke 1:27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of
David; and the name of the virgin was Mary. Luke 1:28 And the angel came in and said to her, Hail,
highly favored one! The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women. Note that it says "at the
sex month", if you read the previous verses you will realize that it is in the sixth month of Elisabet's
pregnancy (John the Baptist's mother), the Angel Gabriel visited Mary to notify her that she was the
one chosen to give birth. gave birth to the son of God, that is to say that John the Baptist was six
months older than Jesus, it means that if John was born in the month of March, 6 months later our
Lord Jesus was born, this is in the month of September, in the month of Tishri according to the
Jewish calendar.
We realize through the Gregorian calendar, which is also the calendar in Israel, and the time of each
event in the Bible, the Lord Jesus was not born on December 25 as tradition says, the Bible tells us
that he was born in the month of Tishri. , I will tell you an additional fact, in this month the Jews
celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, and the scripture tells us about the coming of the verb: John 1:14
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, glory as of the only
begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

The word "dwelt" is said in Greek "skenoo" and means he tabernacled, that is, he put his tabernacle
among us. By studying the Jewish festivals and their fulfillment in Jesus, we can see that Jesus our
Lord was born for the festival of tabernacles. in the month of September-October of the Jewish
calendar. December is cold season in Israel Another interesting fact is to know that in Israel during
the month of December it is the cold season, and from the month of October the shepherds guard
their sheep, and the biblical story says: Luke 2:8 In the same region there were shepherds who were
in the field, guarding their flocks during the night watches. Luke 2:9 And an angel of the Lord stood
before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Luke 2:10
But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that be
for all the people; Luke 2:11 For to you has been born today in the city of David a Savior, who is
Christ the Lord.

We see that the scripture, which is the word of the Lord, shows us that it was not on December 25
as tradition says that our Lord Jesus was born. Tradition says that there were 3 kings who visited
Jesus at the time of his birth, but when looking at the biblical text it does not say that there were 3
kings: Matthew 2:1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold,
wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, Matthew 2:2 Where is he that has been born
King of the Jews? Because we saw his star in the east and we have come to worship him.

Let's notice that it says "wise men", and Isaiah clarifies that there were definitely not 3, that at the
time of the savior's birth there would have been a multitude of camels: Isaiah 60:6 A multitude of
camels will cover you, young camels from Midian and Ephah; All of them will come from Sheba,
bringing gold and incense, and bringing good news of the praises of the LORD.


Now that we know that the Christmas custom is totally outside of biblical reality, let's see where it
comes from. In the days when the Roman Empire ruled, Christians of the first century were
persecuted for confessing the Lord Jesus, Rome maintained that only Caesar was the only Lord,
some time later an emperor in a vision saw a cross in the sky says the history, and ordered the entire
Roman Empire to convert to Christianity, but far from converting what happened was a mix
between Christianity and Rome, where the leaders of that time began to give in to the pressure of
the Roman Empire, and ended up adapting the pagan customs of Rome and ensuring that they had a
place in biblical history and that is how they declared the date of December 25 as the date of
Christmas, but when we scrutinize history we realize that on that date the festival of Saturnalia was
celebrated , a festival dedicated to the sun god and characterized by the consumption of liquor,
idolatry and the exchange of gifts.

In a Babylonian fable, it is said that Nimrod, who is the first hunter against the souls of Jehovah
(Genesis 10:8-9), married Semiramis and they had a son named Tammuz. Upon the death of
Nimrod, Tamúz marries his mother (incest), Semiramis claimed to have seen in a vision a green
shoot from a dead tree (Nimrod), signifying the resurrection of Nimrod in Tamúz. So what is
celebrated for the "Christmas season"? The scripture exhorts us to be careful with the customs of
the people, it even mentions that they work the trees for their idolatry: Jeremiah 10:3 For the
customs of the people are vanity; For a log of the forest is cut, the hands of an artisan work it with
the adze; Jeremiah 10:4 They decorate it with silver and gold, with nails and hammers they fasten it
so that it does not move.

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