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hMETIS∗ A Hypergraph Partitioning Package

Certainly! Here are the key points about hMETIS:

1. **Overview of hMETIS:**

- hMETIS is a software package designed for partitioning large hypergraphs, particularly those
encountered in circuit design.

2. **Algorithm Basis:**

- The algorithms within hMETIS are based on multilevel hypergraph partitioning. This approach is
an extension of the METIS graph partitioning package.

3. **Issues with Traditional Graph Partitioning:**

- Traditional graph partitioning algorithms operate directly on the original graph, but they are often
slow and may produce poor-quality partitions.

4. **Multilevel Partitioning Approach:**

- Multilevel partitioning algorithms take a different approach. They reduce the graph size by
collapsing vertices and edges during the coarsening phase, then partition the smaller graph, and
finally uncoarsen it to construct a partition for the original graph.

5. **hMETIS Process:**

- hMETIS uses novel approaches during coarsening to reduce the size of the hypergraph and during
uncoarsening to refine the partition further.

6. **Coarsening Phase:**

- During coarsening, hMETIS employs algorithms that simplify the process of finding a high-quality
partition for the coarsest graph.

7. **Refinement Phase:**

- In the refinement phase, hMETIS focuses on the part of the graph close to the partition boundary,
enhancing the quality of the partition.

8. **Efficiency and Quality:**

- The algorithms in hMETIS are highly tuned, enabling the software to quickly produce high-quality
partitions for a wide range of hypergraphs.

Overall, hMETIS employs a multilevel approach, incorporating coarsening, initial partitioning, and
uncoarsening with refinement to efficiently and effectively partition large hypergraphs, especially
those arising in circuit design.

the advantages of hMETIS compared to other similar algorithms:

1. High-Quality Partitions:

• hMETIS is demonstrated to provide partitions of high quality. Experiments conducted

on a diverse set of hypergraphs from various domains, including VLSI, databases, and
data mining, consistently show that hMETIS outperforms other widely used
algorithms like KL, FM, LA, PROP, CLIP, etc.

2. Performance Across Domains:

• The effectiveness of hMETIS spans multiple application domains, emphasizing its
versatility and suitability for hypergraphs encountered in different fields, including
VLSI design.

3. Speed:

• hMETIS is exceptionally fast, exhibiting performance that is one to two orders of

magnitude faster than other commonly used partitioning algorithms. This speed is
observed in experiments across a wide range of hypergraphs.

4. Scalability:

• The algorithm's efficiency is evident in its ability to produce high-quality bisections

for hypergraphs with up to 100,000 vertices. Even on standard workstations, such as
an R10000-based SGI workstation or a Pentium Pro-based personal computer,
hMETIS achieves this in well under 3 minutes.

5. Practical Performance:

• The practical application of hMETIS is highlighted by its ability to quickly generate

quality partitions on commonly available hardware, making it a feasible and efficient
choice for a variety of computing environments.

6. Comparison with Other Algorithms:

• Comparative experiments against well-known algorithms such as KL, FM, LA, PROP,
CLIP, etc., indicate that hMETIS excels in both the quality and speed of partitioning,
further establishing its superiority.

These advantages collectively position hMETIS as a powerful tool for hypergraph partitioning,
offering a combination of high-quality results and efficient computational performance across
diverse applications and domains.

Overview of the Algorithms used in hMETIS

Coarsening Phase

• During the hypergraph coarsening phase, a sequence of successively smaller hypergraphs is

• The purpose of coarsening is to create a small hypergraph, such that a good bisection of the
small hypergraph is not significantly worse than the bisection directly obtained for the
original hypergraph.
• In addition to that, hypergraph coarsening also helps in successively reducing the size of the
hyperedges. That is, after several levels of coarsening, large hyperedges are contracted to
hyperedges connecting just a few vertices.
• This is particularly helpful, since refinement heuristics based on the Kernighan-Lin algorithm
are very effective in refining small hyperedges but are quite ineffective in refining
hyperedges with a large number of vertices belonging to different partitions.
• The group of vertices that are contracted together to form single vertices in the next level
coarse hypergraph can be selected in different ways.
Initial Partitioning phase

• During the initial partitioning phase, a bisection of the coarsened hypergraph is computed.
Since this hypergraph has a very small number of vertices (usually less than 100 vertices)
many different algorithms can be used without significantly affecting the overall runtime and
quality of the algorithm.
• hMETIS uses multiple random bisections followed by the Fiduccia-Mattheyses(FM)
refinement algorithm.

Uncoarsening and refinement phase

• During the uncoarsening phase, the partitioning of the coarsest hypergraph is used to obtain
a partitioning for the finer hypergraph.
• This is done by successively projecting the partitioning to the next level finer hypergraph and
using a partitioning refinement algorithm to reduce the cut and thus improve the quality of
the partitioning.
• Since the next level finer hypergraph has more degrees of freedom, such refinement
algorithms tend to improve the quality.
• hMETIS implements a variety of algorithms that are based on the FM algorithm.

V -Cycle Refinement

• The idea behind this refinement algorithm is to use the power of the multilevel paradigm to
further improve the quality of a bisection.
• The V-cycle refinement algorithm consists of two phases, namely a coarsening and an
uncoarsening phase.
• The coarsening phase preserves the initial partitioning that is input to the algorithm. We will
refer to this as restricted coarsening scheme. In this restricted coarsening scheme, the
groups of vertices that are combined to form the vertices of the coarse graphs correspond to
vertices that belong only to one of the two partitions.
• As a result, the original bisection is preserved through out the coarsening process, and
becomes the initial partition from which we start performing refinement during the
uncoarsening phase.
• The uncoarsening phase of the V -cycle refinement algorithm is identical to the uncoarsening
phase of the multilevel hypergraph partitioning algorithm described earlier. It moves vertices
between partitions as long as such moves improve the quality of the bisection.
• Note that the various coarse representations of the original hypergraph, allow refinement to
further improve the quality as it helps it climb out of local minima.

hMETIS’s Stand-Alone Programs

hMETIS provides the shmetis, hmetis, and khmetis programs that can be used to partition a
hypergraph into k parts. The first two programs (shmetis and hmetis) compute a k-way partitioning
using multilevel recursive bisection [10]. The shmetis program is suited for those users who want to
use hMETIS without getting into the details of the underlying algorithms, while hmetis is suited for
those users that want to experiment with the various algorithms used by hMETIS. Both shmetis and
hmetis can also compute a k-way partitioning when certain vertices of the hypergraph have
preassigned partitions (i.e., there are at most k sets of vertices each fixed to a particular partition).
The third program (khmetis) computes a k-way partitioning using multilevel k-way partitioning [8].
This is a new feature of hMETIS 1.5, and the underlying algorithms are still under development.

Multilevel partitioning
## Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning: A Comprehensive Overview
### Introduction
Hypergraph partitioning is a critical task in various fields, including VLSI design, database
storage, and data mining. It involves dividing a hypergraph into multiple parts, or partitions,
while optimizing certain objectives. One of the key challenges in hypergraph partitioning is
the NP-completeness of finding the optimal bisection. As a result, heuristic approaches have
been widely adopted to address practical instances of the problem. In this context,
multilevel hypergraph partitioning has emerged as an innovative technique that seeks to
enhance the quality of partitions, particularly for larger hypergraphs.
### Hypergraph Basics
A hypergraph, denoted as \(H = (V, E_h)\), is characterized by a set of vertices \(V\) and
hyperedges \(E_h\). Unlike traditional graphs where edges connect two vertices, hyperedges
in a hypergraph can connect more than two vertices, forming a more expressive
representation. This flexibility makes hypergraphs applicable in various domains where
complex relationships need to be captured.
### Challenges in Hypergraph Partitioning
The complexity associated with finding an optimal bisection of a hypergraph poses a
significant challenge. The NP-completeness of the problem implies that, in general, there is
no known polynomial-time algorithm that can find the optimal solution. Consequently,
heuristic algorithms have become the go-to approach. These algorithms prioritize
computational efficiency and ease of implementation, providing near-optimal solutions for
practical instances.
### Existing Heuristic Algorithms
One common heuristic approach is iterative refinement. This iterative process involves
computing an initial bisection and then iteratively moving vertices between partitions to
reduce the hyperedge cut, aiming for an improved partitioning quality. Despite their
prevalence, existing heuristic algorithms often face limitations, especially when dealing with
larger hypergraphs. These limitations stem from their reliance on local information and their
tendency to get stuck in suboptimal solutions due to issues with hyperedge cuts.
### The Multilevel Paradigm
The multilevel hypergraph partitioning paradigm offers a promising alternative. It introduces
a hierarchical strategy, constructing a sequence of successively coarser hypergraphs. This
sequence begins with the original hypergraph and progressively simplifies it, obtaining a
bisection of the smallest hypergraph. This initial bisection is then projected and refined back
to the original hypergraph, resulting in a high-quality partition.

### Coarsening Phase:

#### Objective of Coarsening:
- **Objective**: Create a smaller hypergraph with a bisection not significantly worse than
the original.
- **Secondary Objective**: Reduce hyperedge sizes successively, critical for effective

#### Coarsening Algorithms:

1. **Edge Coarsening (Figure 2(a)):**
- Strategy: Compute a heavy-edge maximal matching for vertices, merge matched pairs.
- Rationale: Heavy-edge matching considers important connections, influencing better

2. **Hyperedge Coarsening (Figure 2(b)):**

- Strategy: Select an independent set of hyperedges, contract vertices within these
- Rationale: Prioritize large-weight and small-size hyperedges for more efficient coarsening.

3. **Modified Hyperedge Coarsening (Figure 2(c)):**

- Strategy: After hyperedge coarsening, reconsider uncontracted hyperedges.
- Rationale: Match vertices not belonging to any other contracted hyperedge, refining the

#### Importance of Hyperedge Reduction:

- **Challenge Addressed**: Refinement heuristics like Kernighan-Lin are more effective on
smaller hyperedges.
- **Benefit**: After coarsening levels, large hyperedges contract to connect fewer vertices,
aiding subsequent refinement.

### Uncoarsening and Refinement Phase:

#### Initial Partitioning:

- **Method**: Use a "balanced" random bisection to initiate the partitioning.
- **Purpose**: Serve as a baseline for uncoarsening phase, ensuring a balanced start.

#### Uncoarsening Process:

- **Procedure**: Project partitioning from coarser to finer hypergraphs.
- **Refinement Strategy**: Utilize partitioning refinement algorithms to minimize cuts and
enhance partition quality.

#### Refinement Algorithms:

1. **FM Algorithm:**
- **Strategy**: Iteratively move vertices between partitions to enhance the cut.
- **Modifications**: Limited passes (two) and early exit after k non-improving moves (FM-

2. **Hyperedge Refinement (HER):**

- **Strategy**: Move groups of vertices to eliminate entire hyperedges from the cut.
- **Advantage**: Refines large hyperedges effectively, overcoming limitations of the FM

#### Experimental Results:

##### Bisection Quality Comparison (Table 1):

- **Dataset**: ACM/SIGDA circuit partitioning benchmark suite.
- **Metrics**: Size of hyperedge cut produced by the algorithm.
- **Algorithms Compared**:
- PROP, Opt. KLFM, CLIP-PROPf, PARABOLI, GMetis, and the proposed hMETIS-EE20 and
- **Comparison Criteria**: Quality and runtime efficiency.

##### Observations:
- **Quality Comparison**:
- hMETIS-EE20 outperforms other algorithms by 4.1% to 21.4%.
- hMETIS-FM20 demonstrates a 1.1% improvement over hMETIS-EE20 and outperforms
other schemes by 1.7%.
- **Runtime Efficiency**:
- hMETIS-EE20 is four times faster than PROP, nine times faster than CLIP-PROPf, ten times
faster than PARABOLI, and fifteen times faster than Opt. KLFM.
- Comparable runtime to GMetis, but hMETIS-FM20 is about twice as slow.
- **Power for Larger Hypergraphs**:
- hMETIS-FM20 performs 4.8% better than the "Best" for larger hypergraphs (10K or more

### Conclusion:

- **Algorithm Effectiveness**: Both hMETIS-EE20 and hMETIS-FM20 demonstrate superior

bisection quality compared to existing algorithms, particularly advantageous for larger
- **Runtime Efficiency**: Notable speed improvements over several algorithms, making the
proposed schemes efficient choices for practical applications.
- **Flexibility and Adaptability**: Algorithm performance improvements validate the
effectiveness of the proposed coarsening and refinement strategies, offering potential
benefits in diverse hypergraph partitioning scenarios.
### Advantages of Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning
One of the primary advantages of the multilevel paradigm is its ability to overcome the
limitations of iterative refinement algorithms. As hypergraphs are successively coarsened,
the algorithm gains a global view of the structure, enabling it to capture more information
about the hypergraph. This global perspective is then leveraged during the refinement
phase, leading to improved partitioning quality.
### Experimental Results
The effectiveness of the multilevel hypergraph partitioning algorithm is demonstrated
through comprehensive experimental evaluations. In these experiments, the algorithm
exhibits high-quality partitioning in significantly shorter runtimes compared to other state-
of-the-art schemes. The results indicate a notable improvement in partitioning quality,
ranging from 4% to 23% better than existing schemes.
Moreover, the multilevel approach proves to be substantially faster, requiring only 4 to 15
times less time than its counterparts. This efficiency is crucial, especially in applications
where rapid decision-making or real-time processing is essential. The algorithm's
performance is not only commendable in terms of quality but also in its scalability, making it
particularly suitable for large hypergraphs.
### Conclusion and Implications
In conclusion, the multilevel hypergraph partitioning algorithm emerges as a robust solution
to the challenges posed by hypergraph partitioning. Its ability to provide high-quality
partitions, even in a single run, showcases its reliability. Additionally, its scalability to large
hypergraphs positions it as a valuable tool for applications in diverse domains.
The availability of the algorithm in C language further facilitates its adoption and integration
into existing workflows. Researchers and practitioners can access the implementation,
contributing to the algorithm's wider applicability and adoption in various domains.
As hypergraph-based models continue to gain prominence in diverse fields, the multilevel
hypergraph partitioning technique stands out as a powerful method for optimizing the
structure and organization of complex systems. Its success in achieving superior partitioning
quality and efficiency underscores its significance in advancing hypergraph-related research
and applications.
### Availability
The multilevel hypergraph partitioning algorithm is publicly available in the C language,
providing an accessible implementation for interested users. The source code and additional
documentation can be found [here](˜karypis/metis), facilitating
easy integration into research projects and applications.

This expanded version provides a more in-depth exploration of multilevel hypergraph

partitioning, covering its principles, advantages, experimental results, and implications for
various applications.

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