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take part in engage in 从事、参加

And companies engage not just in trade, but in cross-border investment too. 而且企业

2. ban/prevent sb from doing sth bar…from…禁止、阻止某人做某事

In May American companies were barred from selling components and software to
Huawei on the ground that it posed a national-security risk. 今年 5 月,美国公司被

3. spend time in doing sth bother to do sth 花费时间精力做某事

The poor statesman is an eloquent flatterer, who relies on his ability to entertain the
masses with speeches and comic turns, but doesn’t bother to develop a coherent view
of the world. 这个可怜的政治家是一个雄辩的奉承者,他依靠自己的能力用演讲

4. sth be highly thought of sth is highly rated/rate sth high(受到)高度评价

Now schools are more likely to put in place one-to-one tuition and pupil feedback—
both of which are highly rated. 现在学校更有可能实施一对一的教学和学生反馈—

5. cooperate with sb team up with sb 与某人合作

Last year Alibaba, China’s online titan, teamed up with, a Russian internet
firm.去年,中国在线巨头阿里巴巴与俄罗斯互联网公司 合作。

6. becausesth can be attributed to 因为

They concluded that 15% of the upgrading of technology in Europe between 2000 and
2007 could be attributed to the increase in imports from China. 他们的结论是,在
2000 年至 2007 年间,欧洲的技术进步有 15%可归因于中国进口产品的增加。

7. refuse to do sth decline to do sth 拒绝做某事
An official at Peru’s Foreign Ministry declined to comment on the repatriation, saying
the country was focused on regional solutions to address the situation. 秘鲁外交部一

8. A lead to Bthere is a causal relationship between A and B 某两件事之间有因果

There is a causal relationship between unemployment and crime. 失业会导致犯罪。

9. make the most of wring the most out of 最大限度地利用

Advocates of “circularity” welcome such initiatives, which aim to wring the most out
of available resources. “循环性”的倡导者欢迎这类意在最大限度利用现有资源

10. attract attention court attention 吸引注意力

They scold men for courting attention by showing off their legs, and male children are
looked down upon and considered useless. 她们责骂男人靠秀大腿来吸引别人的注

11. many deluge/flood of sth(大量涌来;大批泛滥);droves/throngs of sb(一

大群人);myriads/ a myriad of(无数的,大量的);a plethora of(大量;尤指
过多,过剩);a scaffolding of sth(大量的)

12. in line with in lockstep with 与……一致的

Yet, rather than climbing in lockstep with the economy, the self-reported happiness of
the Chinese fell sharply from 1990, reaching a nadir in 2000-05 (a time of breakneck
GDP growth) before recovering. 然而,中国人自我报告的幸福感却并未与经济同
步攀升,反而从 1990 年开始大幅下降,在 2000 至 2005 年间(GDP 飞速增长的

13. not only…but also… go beyond不止怎样,还要怎样
An advance in integrating knowledge would then have to be married to another
breakthrough: teaching text-generation systems to go beyond sentences to structures.

14. A is different from B A is (much of) a departure from B A 与 B 不同

In reality, that may not be much of a departure from the tenor of such websites now,
nor much of a disaster. 实际上,现在此类网站的情况可能差不多已经如此了,这

15. A is because of BA be justified by B 因为

The tariffs are justified by “national security”, a ruse to render them legal at the World
Trade Organization (WTO).征收关税是出于“国家安全”,这是一个让关税在世

16. invest money into sth plough money into sth 投资于
It plans to plough a further $100bn into new plants over the next decade. 该公司计划
在未来 10 年再向新工厂投资 1000 亿美元。

17. with the support/help ofunder the auspices of 在……的帮助下

Last year the International Resource Panel, an independent scientific body under the
auspices of the UN Environment Programme, suggested that wiser use of resources
could add $2trn, or roughly the GDP of Italy, to the global economy by 2050.去年,
由联合国环境规划署主持的独立科学机构国际资源小组( International Resource
Panel)提出,到 2050 年,更明智地利用资源可以为全球经济增加 2 万亿美元,

18. restrict sth from ring-fence…from…把某事限制起来

This leads to a final concern about “closing the loop” of circularity: that it can ring-

fence parts of economy from globalisation. 这导致了对循环的“闭环”的最后一个

19. to a great extent/largely in large part 很大程度上

Silicon Valley first bloomed, in large part, because of government largesse. 硅谷最初

20. live base oneself in somewhere 某人定居在某地

She could have based herself in either city, but living costs were much lower in Wuxi.


21. popular/prevalent be in vogue 流行、时髦、时兴

“Cluster policy” has been in vogue in urban planning for years, with governments
trying to devise the right mix of infrastructure and incentives to conjure up the next
Silicon Valley, or something like it. 多年来,城市规划中一直盛行“集群政策”,

22. catch up with sb be at parity with 赶上,追上

At the present pace China’s tech industry will be at parity with America’s in 10-15
years. 按现在的发展速度,中国的科技产业会在 10 到 15 年后赶上美国。

23. end up inculminate in 最终

The effort failed spectacularly, culminating in mass resignations. 结果却一败涂地,

24. be filled with/be full ofbe swarming with 挤满、充满

The museum was swarming with tourists.博物馆里挤满了观光客。

25. come across/run across run up against: 遇见,遇上

Outsourcing ran up against technological limitations. 外包遇到了技术上的限制。

26. spread  sweep从...扩展至...,从...到...

It sweeps beyond business to society at large, where it warns of an “overthrow of the
people’s sovereignty” by the surveillance capitalists.它的视野从商界扩展至整个社

27. cause/lead tomake for 导致、有利于

A happy parent makes for a happy child.父母保持快乐的心态,才会教育出快乐的

28. recentlyof late 最近、近来

Of late the popularity of “little fresh meats” has been adding fuel to an old debate
about whether young Chinese men are manly enough.最近,“小鲜肉”的盛行给一

29. recover/reviveclamber back to one’s feet/be on one’s feet

Sales of magazines and books declined rapidly and have continued to fall ever since,
despite the economy clambering back to its feet.自那以后,尽管经济恢复了,但杂

30. try againwant/give/have another shot 再试一次

Many of them were sitting it again not because they had failed, but because they
wanted another shot at getting into one of the best Chinese universities. 他们中的许

31. such as/for example range表示列

The complexity of the Chinese market will call for a variety of approaches, ranging
from expansion into smaller cities to online retailing.中国市场的复杂性要求采取多

32. want to do sthbe inclined to do sth 愿意做某事、想做某事

The rankings may be contributing to a deterioration in teaching. The quality of the
research academics produce has little bearing on the quality of their teaching. Indeed,
academics who are passionate about their research may be less inclined to spend their
energies on students.排名可能是导致教学质量下降的原因之一。学术研究成果的

33. control/command be in the driving seat 处于统领地位、掌握控制权

And workers will, at least partially, be in the driving seat. 而工人们将至少拥有部分

34. realize sth sth sinks in 人们认识到……

The full scale of the disaster has yet to sink in. 人们还没有完全意识到这场灾难的

35. complain about gripe about/grumble about 抱怨

There is much Chinese grumbling about security hawks working for Mr Trump, from
his national security adviser, John Bolton, to military commanders. 中国人对为特朗

36. be compared to be likened to 被比作

Mr Han, meanwhile, is sometimes likened to Philip K. Dick, an American dystopian.


37. compete forvie for 争夺

But the software giant has made a startling comeback, regularly vying for the title of
the most valuable company on global stockmarkets, with a market capitalisation
above $1trn. 但是这个软件巨头已经卷土重来,争夺全球股市上最有价值的公司
的头衔,其市值已超过 1 万亿美元。

38. instead of in lieu of 代替(或补充)罚金,代替,作为……的替代

The Green New Deal has two problems. The first is that it is only skeletally sketched,
with handwaving in lieu of details for the massive economic reorganization it
envisages. 绿色新政有两个问题。第一个是,它只是草案,而没提到其设想的大

39. unrelated to tangentially related to: 与...无关;没什么关系

The second is that it includes a gratuitous list of progressive measures—including a
federal jobs guarantee, a universal basic income, and universal health insurance—only
tangentially related to climate policy. 第二,它包含了一份不必要的渐进措施清单

40. with good grades/successfully with flying colours 成绩优异

On June 21st the Fed announced that America’s banks passed this year’s tests with
flying colours. 6 月 21 日,美联储宣布美国的银行成功通过了今年的测试。

41. poorindigent
indigent 意思是 very poor 十分贫穷的。比如 Indigent places are often racked by
chaos; but somewhat better-off ones are not necessarily more stable. 贫困的国家经常

42. always/constantly invariably
invariably 意思是始终如一地、一贯地。比如 This is not invariably the case.事情

43. strictstringent
stringent 意 思 是 very strict and that must be obeyed 严 格 的 ; 严 厉 的 。 比 如 Its
drugtesting procedures are the most stringent in the world. 其药物检测程序是世界上

44. confusingperplexing
perplexing 意思是令人不解的、不知如何处置的。比如 It took years to understand
many perplexing diseases. 许多疑难病症要耗时数年才能搞明白。

45. respectdeference
deference 意思是 behaviour that shows that you respect sb / sth 尊重;遵从;听
从。比如 The flags were lowered out of deference to the bereaved family.降旗是出

46. succeedtriumph
triumph 意思是 to defeat sb / sth; to be successful 打败;战胜;成功。比如 As is
usual in this kind of movie, good triumphs over evil in the end.像这类电影的一贯结

47. imagineenvision
envision 意 思 是 to imagine what a situation will be like in the future, especially a
situation you intend to work towards 展望;想像。比如 In the future we envision a
federation of companies. 我们设想将来会成立一个公司联盟。

48. profitablelucrative
lucrative 意思是 producing a large amount of money; making a large profit 赚大钱

的;获利多的。比如 He inherited a lucrative business from his father.他从父亲那

49. popularsought-after
sought-after 意 思 是 wanted by many people, because it is of very good quality or
difficult to get or to find 争相获得的;吃香的;广受欢迎的。比如 By the mid-
1920s, she had become one of Broadway's most sought-after actresses.到 20 世纪 20

50. rise/grow proliferate

proliferate 意思是 to increase rapidly in number or amount 迅速繁殖(或增殖);猛
增。比如 Books and articles on the subject have proliferated over the last year. 过去

51. important pivotal

pivotal 意思是 of great importance because other things depend on it 关键性的;
核心的。比如 The talks are pivotal to the success of the country.那些会谈是该国兴

52. think/believereckon
reckon 意思是 to think sth or have an opinion about sth 想;认为。比如 He'll be
famous one day. What do you reckon (= do you agree)?总有一天,他会成为名人

53. improvelevel up
level up 意思是 to make standards, amounts, etc. be of the same high or higher level
把 ( 标 准 、 数 量 等 ) 拉 平 ; 使 达 到 更 高 水 平 。 比 如 Defeating enemies and
completing courses will earn you experience and help you level up your in-game

54. expensivepricey
pricey 意思是昂贵的。比如 Medical insurance is very pricey.医疗保险费用昂贵。

55. discoveryfinding
finding 意思是 information that is discovered as the result of research into sth 调查发
现;调研结果。比如 The findings of the commission will be published today.委员

56. pressurestrain
strain 意思是 pressure on sb / sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth
very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces 压力;重
负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等)。比如 Their marriage is under great strain at
the moment.眼下他们的婚姻关系非常紧张。

57. throwtoss
toss 意思是 to throw sth lightly or carelessly(轻轻或漫不经心地)扔,抛,掷。比如
I tossed the book aside and got up.我把书丢在一边,站了起来。

58. extremelysupremely
supremely 意思是极其。比如 They managed it all supremely well.这件事他们干得

59. task/work/joblabors
labors 复数时,意思是 a task or period of work 任务;(一段时间的)工作。比如
He was so exhausted from the day's labours that he went straight to bed.他工作了一

60. supportunderpin
underpin 意思是 to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.加强,巩
固,构成(基础等)。比如 The report is underpinned by extensive research.这份报告


61. reducelessen
lessen 意思是 to become or make sth become smaller, weaker, less important, etc.(使)
变小,变少,减弱,减轻。比如 Make sure that your immunisations are up to date
to lessen the risk of serious illness. 要确保接种最新的疫苗,以降低患上严重疾病

62. cause/lead towrought

wrought 意思是 caused sth to happen, especially a change 使发生了,造成了(尤指
变化)。比如 This century wrought major changes in our society.本世纪给我们的社

63. stopdiscourage
意思是 to try to prevent sth or to prevent sb from doing sth, especially by making it
difficult to do or by showing that you do not approve of it 阻拦;阻止;劝阻。比如
His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.他的父母试图阻止他去当演

64. destroy/ruinravage
ravage 意思是 to damage sth badly 毁坏;损坏;严重损害。比如 His health was
gradually ravaged by drink and drugs.他因喝酒和吸毒,身体渐渐地被毁了。

65. use-employ
employ 意思是 to use sth such as a skill, method, etc. for a particular purpose 应
用;运用;使用。比如 The police had to employ force to enter the building.警察不


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