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Productivity of a spinning mill

Abstract: This chapter deals with the various factors influencing the productivity
of the ring spinning. The various productivity indices with their definition and
application for finding out the mills productivity for comparison are also provided
in this section. The mechanism of end breakage, types of end breaks in ring
spinning and the control of end breakage in ring frame are also discussed. The
effects of atmospheric conditions and process parameters on end breakage rate
are also provided.
Key words: Productivity, HOK, OHS, SH, end-breaks

12.1 Introduction
All spinners wish that the spinning productivity of their mill (ring frame
production in grams/spindle shift) has the optimum level of efficiency. Though
there are many aspects that limit the actual production like ring diameter and
its life, lift, life and make of the ring frame, its maximum mechanical speed,
type of spindle drive, lot size, fluctuating production program, poor control on
RH, lower HP of main driving motor, greater percentage of untrained workers,
impoverished technical knowledge of subordinates, etc.
Today, there is a pressure from the management to decrease the conversion
cost to its lowest possible level because of cut throat competition in both the
local and export markets. Ring spinning contributes approximately 70% to the
total conversion cost. Hence it is possible to speed up the ring frames to its
maximum speed mechanically possible considering that spinning preparatory
can feed ring frames at high speed. Also, neither the spinning performance
nor the yarn quality is adversely affected by such speeding up of the ring
frames. Currently many spinning mills in India are capable of managing their
ring frames at actual great speeds quite successfully counts 30s to 40s at
20,000–22,000 rpm and finer counts – 60s to 76s at up to 24,500 rpm and yet
maintaining identical breakage rate of 2–3 breaks per l00 spindle hours that
they were earlier performing at 15,000–16,000 rpm. Also, the yarn quality has
not been affected.

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344 Process control and yarn quality in spinning

12.2 Productivity indices

The definitions of the various productivity parameters are given in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1 Productivity parameters in spinning

Parameter Definition
HOK Operatives hours to produce 100 kg of yarn
Adjusted HOK The HOK (that is, the operative hours engaged to produce 100
kg of yarn) is adjusted to a common count of 40s by multiplying
the actual production in ring frame in different counts be relevant
conversion factors. The production so converted is termed as
“Standardized Production”. Thus the adjusted HOK is calculated
Operative hours
= × 100
∑ Count-wise standardized ring spinning production in kg

Conversion The conversion factors are the ratios of the HOKs of individual
factors for counts to that of 40s count under given conditions:
HOK • HOK for a given count
• HOK for 40s count
The count-wise HOKs are estimated taking into account count-
wise production rates, work assignments, etc., that correspond
to those of standard mill. The conversion factors are different for
different departments, and for the count of 40s, it is unity for all
departments. Another major practical advantage of the method
is that it is not required to obtain a break-up of the operatives
according to each count.

Standard HOK HOK for 40s count under the specified conditions. Standard HOKs
for different categories of operatives are given in Table 12.2 and
the conditions under which they can be attained are given in the
footnote to this table. As can be seen, the total standard HOK up
to ring frames is 12.

Composite A measure of productivity calculated by expressing the standard

Productivity total HOK of 12 as a percentage of the mill’s total actual HOK
Index (CPI) adjusted to 40s count and reflects the effect of both labor and

P Production per spindle per 8 hours shift adjusted to 40s count in

grams. The overall production per spindle in ring frames, adjusted
40s count, can be obtained by using the conversion factors.
∑ Count-wise standardized ring frame production in kg
= × 1000
Total spindle shifts (of 8 hours each) corresponding to
the above production


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Productivity of a spinning mill 345


Parameter Definition
Conversion These conversion factors are the ratios of the standard production
Factor for P per spindles in 40s count to the standard production per spindle in
the given count. That is:
110 g
Std. production per spl per 8 hour (g) in the given count

OHS Number of operatives employed per 1000 spindles adjusted to 40s

= , where HOK and P are adjusted to 40s count

OHSAM OHS modified to allow for a valid comparison of a mill’s OHS with
the standard OHS of 1.65 taking into account the deviation of the
mill’s production per spindle from the standard production per
165 × OHS
[1.65 – 0.0065 (110 – P)]

SH A measure of spindle utilization expressed in terms of number of

hours worked per spindle per day. It is calculated by dividing the
total spindle hours worked per day by the installed spindles. The
spindle utilization is also expressed as percentage, i.e.
× 100

MPI A combined measure of production per spindle and spindle

utilization. It is calculated by expressing the product of production
per spindle (P) adjusted to 40s count and spindle utilization (SH)
as a percentage of 2640 (110 × 24). The index would be reduced
by one-seventh if the mill works for only 6 days a week.
= × 100
110 × 24

The norms for HOK and OHS in different departments are given in
Table 12.2.

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346 Process control and yarn quality in spinning

Table 12.2 Norms for HOK and OHS in different departments

Categories of operatives HOK OHS

Mixing attendant 0.6 0.08

Blow room tenter 0.2 0.03
Card tenter (chute feed) 0.2 0.03
Draw frame tenter 0.3 0.04
Fly frame tenter 0.4 0.06
Fly frame doffer 0.5 0.07
Ring frame tenter 3.1 0.42
Ring frame doffer 2.7 0.37
Ancillary operatives* 4.0 0.55

Total 12.0 1.65

Production per spindle per 8 hours

adjusted to 40s (g)

1. Level of modernization assumed is as follows: Chute feed blow
room line, cards fitted with automatic can changer, automatic waste
evacuation system and auto leveller, draw frames fitted with automatic
can changer for 1st passage, draw frames fitted with automatic can
changer and autoleveller for 2nd passage, high speed fly frames and
long length ring frames.
2. For work assignments, ancillary operatives as well as production rates
assumed in various departments, reference may be made to SITRA
publication ‘Norms for Spinning Mills’, 2010 edition.
3. HOK for combers and preparatory tenters and maintenance operatives
may be taken as 1.0 (40s count).
4. 40s or 40s count always refer to 40s cotton carded yarn, unless
otherwise qualified. Also, the phrase ‘adjusted to’ or ‘conversion to’
or ‘standardized’ or ‘conversion’ are used interchangeably

12.3 Control of end-breakage rate in ring spinning

One basic way to increase profit and quality in the ring spinning process is
to keep the end breakage rate to a minimum level. The end breakage rate
is a critical spinning parameter that not only affects the maximum spindle
speed but may also indicate the quality of yarn, the mechanical condition of
the machine and the quality of raw materials. Therefore, it is an important
parameter which determines the overall working of a spinning mill.

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Productivity of a spinning mill 347

12.3.1 End breakage mechanism in ring spinning

The mechanism of end breakage in the ring frame is significantly different
from the failure mechanism of yarn in a tensile tester. In ring spinning, the
end breakage occurs due to the imbalance in the tension imposed on the yarn
and the yarn strength at the weakest portion. It is an observed fact that almost
all end breaks in the ring frame take place just after the delivery from the
front nip in the spinning zone, i.e. between the front rollers’ nip and the thread
guide. Therefore, an end will break when the spinning tension exceeds the
strength of the weakest portion of the yarn in the spinning zone. The end
breakage phenomenon in ring spinning is absolutely slippage-dominated, i.e.
there is no evidence of fibre breakage. The strength of yarn at the spinning
zone is significantly less than the yarn strength obtained by a tensile tester.
In general, the spinning tension is considerably greater than one-third of the
single thread strength. In fact, a very thin portion of yarn just after the delivery
from the front nip causes an end breakage in ring spinning.

12.3.2 Classification of end breaks

The end breaks can be classified into four categories in respect of their causes:
catastrophic end breaks, end breaks due to gross faults, end breaks due to
avoidable imbalance in the strength–tension interaction in spinning and end
breaks due to unavoidable imbalance in strength–tension interaction.
The occurrences of catastrophic breaks are due to the traveller flying off,
collision between the balloons, floating fluff, failure of suction clearers, and
so on. Torn aprons, faulty cradles, etc., which seriously disturb the drafting
are examples of gross faults in spinning that causes end breaks. End breaks
can also occur, when the yarn strength is not adequate to withstand the
prevalent tension. The occurrence of such end breaks would depend upon the
instantaneous tension and twist in the yarn as well as on the distribution of
mass along the length of yarn.
Some of the occurrences of the strength–tension imbalances are avoidable
and are caused by mechanical faults in the machinery or by incorrect choice
of spinning parameters which give rise to unfavorable levels of tension or to a
markedly irregular yarn. Examples of these deficiencies are: vibrating or out-
centre spindles and vibrating bobbins which result in frequent occurrences
of peak tensions; or an improper choice of traveller weight or interval for
traveller replacement or of the ratio of bare bobbin diameter to ring diameter
which give rise to a high level of tension or twist; or eccentric rollers or
inappropriate drafting parameters which results in numerous potential weak
places in the yarn.

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348 Process control and yarn quality in spinning

Obviously, even in the absence of these deficiencies in the drafting

system, there will always be a certain minimum number of places of potential
break in the yarn. Such places are the result of unavoidable irregularities
introduced during drafting. In most situations, the incidence of catastrophic
breaks accounts for only a small fraction of the total breaks. More attention,
therefore, needs to be paid to causes which lead to end breakages due to gross
faults and avoidable imbalances in strength–tension.
An end will fail in spinning when the tension in the balloon exceeds the
strength at the weakest point in the yarn. The yarn is at its weakest at the point
of twist insertion, before the fibres are fully twisted together. When a very weak
place or a gross fault, such as a slub, occurs in the yarn, the balloon tension may
be, or may become, greater than the strength at the twist triangle. In a well-made
roving there should be no slubs, nor the potential for slubs to form in the spinning
operation, although slubs can arise from poorly made joins in the slivers fed
to the roving frame, for example. Very weak places, however, can occur when
even the best spinning practice is followed, because of the random distribution of
fibres and the quasi-periodic variations induced by drafting; these are the major
cause of end breaks. These very weak places are generally very thin places.

12.3.3 Balloon tension and end breaks in spinning

The primary factors determining the tension in the spinning balloon are
spindle speed, balloon diameter, yarn linear density and traveller weight.
The balloon tension defines the maximum strength of a weak place that will
break in spinning. The maximum local linear density of a thin place at a break
could be estimated if the instantaneous strength of the yarn at the point of
twist insertion could be related to the instantaneous linear density. Although
yarn strength at the point of twist insertion cannot be measured directly, the
maximum linear density of a thin place which might break during spinning
can be estimated from actual measurements of the spinning performance.

12.3.4 Effect of atmospheric conditions on end breakage

The atmospheric conditions with respect to temperature and humidity play
very important part in the manufacturing process of textile yarns and fabrics.
The properties like dimensions, weight, tensile strength etc. of almost all textile
fibres whether natural or synthetic are influenced by climatic conditions.
The importance of atmospheric conditions in the processing and testing
of cotton textiles is well known. There is evidence that the ability of cottons to
resist damage during mechanical treatment is directly related to the moisture
content of the cotton. Any level of RH within the range 46–55% is adequate to
ensure low-end breakage rate. There will be a rapid increase in end breaks with

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Productivity of a spinning mill 349

increase in temperature of the spinning room 70°F to 90°F at below 48% RH.
At 70°F and RH% above 62% caused difficulties by way of end breaks, roller
lappings, etc., due to mechanical adhesion of fibres to the film of water on the
rollers. At these levels, the number of end breaks significantly decreased when
the temperature of the spinning room was increased from 70° to 77°F.
The combinations of (1) high temperatures with low humidities and (2)
low temperatures with high humidities adversely influence the end breaks. The
difficulty under the first condition may be the lack of good cohesion between
the fibres in the drafted rovings, and their consequent rupture at the spinning
zone under the influence of spinning tension. On the other hand, in the second
case, trouble might arise from the particles of water deposited on the rovings,
rollers, and other machine parts. Under these conditions, the Pneumafil system
of the spinning frame becomes less effective, and there is mechanical adhesion
of fibres to the film of water on the rollers. Further, at high humidities, the
friction between rings and travelers also increases, with a consequent increase
in spinning tension. The adverse effects of extreme conditions can be avoided
by employing a sufficiently low temperature and relative humidity in the
spinning room. For attaining the optimum temperature and relative humidity,
air conditioning of the spinning room might be necessary.

12.3.5 Effect of spinning process parameters on end

breakage rate
The number of end breaks systematically increased with increase in spindle
speed, the rate of increase being higher for higher speed levels.
It is well known that twist in yarn has a significant influence on the
number of end breaks during spinning. On an average, there will be decrease
in end breaks with increase in TM from 4.2 to 4.8.
An increase in count would be expected to increase the number of breaks
due to the smaller number of fibres in the cross section of the yarn and the
greater draft required to for spinning the yarns.
The percent changes in end breaks due to these parameters are sometimes
influenced by changes in temperature and relative humidity of the spinning
room. It may be that high temperatures, combined with low TPI, reduce the
cohesion between fibres and increase the number of end breaks at the spinning
zone. The lack of cohesion between fibres at high temperatures may also be
contributing to the higher number of end breaks with increase in spindle speed.
There will be an increase in end breaks due to increase in spinning draft.
There is a consistent decrease in the percent change of breaks due to draft
with increasing relative humidity at all temperature levels. On an average,
the percent increase in breaks decreases rapidly for a change in RH% from

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350 Process control and yarn quality in spinning

lower (35%) to higher (70%). This implies that high relative humidity levels
permit the use of higher spinning drafts. Low drafts and high humidities
lead to unsatisfactory drafting conditions. It may be that at high humidities
the cohesion between fibres is great and the surface friction between fibres
increases, thereby requiring a higher draft to draft the roving evenly.

12.3.6 Effect of mechanical condition of machine on end

The cleanliness and mechanical condition of the machinery play a major factor
on end breakage rate in ring spinning. Eccentric rollers, worn-out arbors,
inadequate pressure on rollers, worn-out cradles, grooved aprons, under-size cots
and such other deficiencies in the drafting system; and vibrating bobbins and
spindles, eccentric spindles, worn-out and tilted rings and such other deficiencies
in the twisting-winding mechanism were often seen to account for a considerable
proportion of end breaks. The mechanical condition of machinery at carding and
combing was also a contributing factor for end breaks in ring spinning.

12.3.7 Possibilities of reducing end breaks in ring

To reduce end breaks, the following aspects should be taken into consideration:
• Since end breakage in ring spinning is related to slippage of fibres
at the spinning triangle as a result of peaks occurring in the spinning
tension fibre, the grip at the front drafting rollers should be increased
by having a higher top roller pressure. The use of softer cots also
enhances the grip at the front rollers. If the total pressure on the rollers
cannot be increased, the grip at the front rollers’ nip can be improved
by reducing the width of the cots.
• A reduction in friction between ring and traveller could reduce the
peak tension during the rotation of the traveller.
• Measures should be taken to reduce the mass irregularity of yarn
straight after carding.
• The width of the drafted ribbon at the front roller nip should be reduced.

12.4 Control of end breaks in ring spinning

12.4.1 Carding
• Proper feeding of material and chute filling
• Proper working of chute photo cell sensors
• Wire condition of cylinder and doffer

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• Proper air cleaning of machine

• Teflon coated tongue and R.D. roller under cover should be cleaned
• RH% should be maintained 50–55% to avoid web falling and web
transfer problems
• Under casing should be smooth and clean
• There should not be any side-fly in the card
• All timing belt tension and chain tension has to be ensured
• Proper seating of stripper in the crush roller. There should not be any
gap between the stripper and crush roller which leads to crush roller
• Web doffing unit should be kept clean and smooth. During piecing the
sider has to clean the lay down sheet and clean crush roller strippers
• Delivery and feed sensor calibration should be done as per schedule
to avoid unnecessary stoppage of machine
• Coiler calendar roller area and friction ring area should be clean
• The condition of condenser, scanning roller and coiler calendar roller
should be ensured
• Proper selection of tension draft
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Drawing Only Message
• Proper selection of trumpet size and web guide tube is to be ensured
• Web guide tube setting should be proper
• Free rotation of creel rollers is to be ensured
• The strippers should be cleaned periodically
• Correct sliver path in drafting
• Optimum top roller pressure should be maintained
• Quality of piecing should be good in creel
• Top rollers should be cleaned and interchanged with periodic intervals
• Top roller cots changing and buffing should be done as per schedules
• Proper suction at draft zone to be maintained
• All the belts and running parts condition should be good

12.4.3 Comber
• Ensure uniform web
• Detaching roller pressure to be maintained as per recommendation
• Stripper setting in draw box should be correct
• Suction in draw box should be maintained
• Detaching and draw box top roller cots changing/buffing should be
done as per recommended schedule

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352 Process control and yarn quality in spinning

• RH% should be maintained in the range of 50–55%. Detaching roller

lapping should be avoided
• Correct size of trumpet to be selected
• Periodic cleaning of the draw box, detaching top roller cots to be
• Proper brush setting to be ensured
• Periodic cleaning of the top comb to be ensured
• Top comb, Unicomb, brush changing should be done as per
• Use of top combs and clearer rollers
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• Proper stop motions in creel area
• Optimum roving tension
• Adequate TPI
• Condition of false twister has to be ensured
• Optimum break draft, roller settings and spacer
• Condition of top and bottom aprons
• Ensuring proper working and condition of the clearer cloth
• Top arm load to be checked and corrected as per recommendation
• Drafting zone cleanliness is to be ensured
• Flyers should be cleaned with air regularly
• Minimum variation in bare bobbin diameter

12.4.5 Ring frame

The types of breaks in ring frame and the reasons for the same are given below:
• Higher roving TM
• Lesser Break draft
• Improper spacer size
• Low top arm load
• Cots buffing frequency
• Higher RH%
• Shore hardness of cots / cots diameter
• Top roller setting
• Old bottom aprons
• Low total draft
• Worn out gears / bearing failure

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Productivity of a spinning mill 353

Creel breaks:
• Free rotation of bobbin holders
• Low roving TM
• Bigger bobbins
Traveller fly:
• Lighter traveller
• High of
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• Ring life Only Message
• Mix-up of travellers
Yarn accumulation in lappet hook:
• Indication of balloon collapse/low tension
• Lighter traveller
• Improper lappet setting/squaring
• Improper traveller profile
Fluff accumulation inside the traveller:
• Higher cop diameter
• Improper ring centering
• Improper ring rail play
• Fluff accumulation in department
• Traveller burning
Fluff accumulation outside the traveller:
• Traveller clearer setting
• Fluff accumulation in department
Fluff accumulation in eyelet:
• Undrafting
• Over head clearer wastes falling on eyelets
• Blowing points in OHTC
• Reserve bobbin roving falling over eyelet
• Fluff accumulation in department
Tension breaks:
• Heavier/lighter traveller
• Ring rail jerking /ring centering
• Lappet height setting
• Higher chase length
• Higher winding length
Repeat breaks:
• Rogue spindles
• Defective bobbins

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354 Process control and yarn quality in spinning

Thin yarn:
• Low spindle tape tension
• Less TPI

12.5 Effect of climatic conditions on spinning

12.5.1 Blow room
For the cotton process, excessive humidity impairs trash extraction particularly
the micro dust. There is less risk of fibre damage. Rayons display opposite
behavior. On the other hand, with too low humidity severe dust incidents fly
liberation and fibre damage results. Also too dry atmosphere generates more
static electricity. For the synthetic process, higher relative humidity is more
useful than low humidity. Low humidity causes bulky laps, split and licking
laps and too much static electricity.
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12.5.2 CardingOnly Message
The cleaning efficiency of carding with cotton process goes down with higher
RH%. Sticking web, cylinder loading, etc. are noticed with high RH%. With
too low RH% fiber damage, more fly liberation, web splitting, etc are observed.
With high RH% the tinted and dyed synthetic material may lead to sticking
problems due to deposition of tint or dye material on card surface. Too low
humidity causes generation of static electricity leading to web splitting and
uncontrolled fibres.

12.5.3 Preparatory and spinning

The effect of high RH% with cotton process in drafting is reflected in roller
lapping and difficulty in drafting. Drafting requires more fleece, wider settings
and higher drafts. Too low RH% on the other hand leads to more fly liberation,
uncontrolled fibres and loss of twist. For processing synthetics, higher RH%
is more useful than low RH% because of static electricity problems.

12.5.4 Winding
Higher RH values of about 60% are required for processing the yarn in winding
department. The higher rate of winding speed requires more strength in yarn
and minimum fly generation to avoid breakages. With the above information
it is clear that the climatic conditions have complex effect on textile material
and therefore, optimum levels have to be maintained.

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12.5.5 Recommended levels of conditions (Table 12.3)

Table 12.3 Norms for atmospheric conditions in various departments

Department Temperature °C RH%

Blow room 28–30°C 45–60%
Carding 28–30°C 50–55%
Preparatory 25–30°C 50–55%
Ring spinning 25–30°C 50–60%
Winding 25–35°C 60–65%

12.6 References
1. Bhaduri, S.N., Paltwal, M.C., Sharma, R.S. and Subramanian, T.A. (1967). Towards
increased productivity: The need for quantitative thinking. Proceedings of the All
India Textile Conference, p.11.
2. Bhaduri, S.N., Subramanian, T.A., Sharma, R.S., Ghosh, G.C. and Raj, B.S. (1967).
Scope for improving productivity and quality in spinning with existing machinery,
Proceedings of the ATIRA Technological Conference, p.1.
3. ATIRA, AHMEDABAD (1971). Break spinning: Part II—Techno-economic studies
of drum spinning, Monograph.
4. Srikantaiah, G. and Ramachandran, N. (1973). Conditions for high productivity in
spinning. Proceedings of the ABS Joint Technological Conference, p.147.
5. Owalekar, R.G. and Nerukar, S.K. (1974). Getting higher productivity with high
speed ring frames: Parts I and II. Journal of Textile Association, 35.
6. Mahajan, S.D. and Krishnaswamy, R. (1976). Study of some of the factors controlling
end breaks on speed frames, Proceedings of the ABS Joint Technological Conference,
7. Garde, A.R. (1976). Scope for improving productivity in spinning and weaving,
Proceedings of the ABS Joint Technological Conference, p.89.
8. How to assess spinning mill’s productivity? (2010). The South India Textile Research
Association, 55, p.1.
9. Garde A.R. and Subramanian T.A. (1978). Process Control in Cotton Spinning, 2nd
Ed., Ahmedabad, ATIRA.
10. Ratnam, T.V. and K.P. Chellamani, (1999). Quality Control in Spinning, SITRA,
11. Nilesh P Patil, (2011). Improving productivity of ring frames, Indian Textile Journal,
12. Steiger, J.U. (1947). Some factors affecting end breakage in ring spinning, Journal of
the Textile Institute Proceedings, 38, p.561.

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