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Name: Bria McChesney Date: 11/17/2023 Lesson Start and End Time: 1:20-2:45 pm

Academic Area: Biology Grade Level: 9th Grade Co-op initials with date:

Pre-Instruction Planning
Topic Studying academic research articles regarding life processes at the cellular
PA Anchor/Standard or 3.1.B.A2 Explain the importance of enzymes as catalysts in cell reactions.
Eligible Content Identify how factors such as pH and temperature may affect enzyme
3.1.B.A3 Explain how all organisms begin their life cycles as a single cell
and that in multicellular organisms, successive generations of embryonic
cells form by cell division.
3.1.B.A4 Examine how interactions among the different molecules in the
cell cause the distinct stages of the cell cycle which can also be influenced
by other signaling molecules.
3.1.B.A5 Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function (energy
capture and release, transport, waste removal, protein synthesis,
movement, etc). Explain how the cell membrane functions as a regulatory
structure and protective barrier for the cell.
3.1.B.A6 Explain how cells differentiate in multicellular organisms.
[Students’ choice of topic and article could apply to many diverse topics
within the broader topic of biology, so many standards could apply.
Students will be required to submit their article for approval to ensure that
it is a primary research article and to ensure that the topic fits the
Lesson Objectives TSWBAT
 Find a current research article regarding the organelles or proteins or
enzymes found within a cell and their function(s).
 Present their findings to the rest of the class displaying and articulating
a basic understanding of the information as it relates to material
covered in the class.
Materials  Online database containing recent primary sources/research articles
 Chromebooks or laptops (1 per student)
 Colored highlighters
Planning for Learners Differentiation (content, process, product, learning env.):
 Students can choose to work on their own or with a partner.
 Students can choose if they want to create a poster, PowerPoint
presentation, or summary essay.
 Students can either print out their article to highlight it or simply read it
on their laptop.
 Students with IEPs or 504 Plans will be provided with a basic primary
research article to read; colored highlighters will be given for reading
through the article. An organizational guide will be provided for taking
notes on the article. A detailed list of requirements will be provided for
the poster, essay, or presentation that the student chooses to create.
Lesson Presentation
Introduction Review how to log in to the online database and how to search for primary
research articles. Review the difference between a primary and a
secondary source.
Present a short PowerPoint of the data found in a sample primary research
article, complete with graphics, citations, and short bullet points of
information as an example.
Sequence of activities 1. Show an example of a primary research article with pre-highlighted
including assessments main points, starting with the abstract to get a basic idea of the article
and the research performed.
2. Explain how to fill in a graphic organizer using the main points of the
research article: (a) problem, (2) hypothesis, (3) methods, (4) results,
and (5) possible further studies to be conducted.
3. Provide students with in-class time to search for primary research
articles on the topic of their choice. Provide students with in-class time
to ask questions regarding possible topics to search and final articles to
4. Provide materials for students, including access to a printer and
highlighters for those students who would prefer to print out their
5. Homework assignment: choose a research article and get it approved.
Read through it once; on the second read-through, highlight the main
points of the article, referring back to the requirements for the
presentation, summarizing essay, or poster.
Assessment: Write a summary or give a summarizing presentation or a
summary poster of the research article.
Lesson Wrap-up 1. Review: students must have an article chosen, approved, read, and
highlighted by the end of the week.
2. Go over the due dates for the article submission for approval, as well
as the due dates for the bibliography and final project, and then
presentation dates.

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