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The Cask of Amontillado (Summary)

Fortunato made fun of Montresor and his family repeatedly every single
day while Montresor suffered quietly. Until one day, Montresor decided to
take revenge for his family but Montresor had to figure out how to do his
revenge, so Montresor told Fortunato that he had the “Cask of
Amontillado”, and then he lured him into a cave and gave him the best wine
Montresor could get. Then as Fortunato and Montresor walked through the
cave, They reached the back wall, where he stood there for a moment
wondering. As soon as Montresor saw Fortunato, he immediately chained
him up tightly against the wall and closed the lock. After that, he found the
bricks he took down earlier and began to rebuild the wall where Fortunato
was chained up; leaving Fortunato there crying and trembling.

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