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Douala, November 17, 2023



His Excellence Minister of Arts and Culture


Subject: Request for a letter of support from MINAC to facilitate obtaining USA visas for the film's
producer, his assistant and his interpreter.

Attach: Copy of acknowledgement of receipt ''Request of recommendation''

Copy Request for the President of the Republic to autorise the signing of Completion BOND
by the Minister or Economy, Planning and Regional Developpment on behalf of Cameroon
Passport scanning

Your Excellency the Minister of Arts and Culture,

Once again we write to thank you for your personal involvement in our international film project, the action thriller
blockbuster "THE LAW OF DESTINY".
Without your action, our production file would not have reached this crucial stage, which only requires the approval
of the Head of State to obtain the guarantee of the State of Cameroon.

We are grateful for your involvement, which has aroused the interest of the State of Cameroon.
Before presenting our request, we would like to remind you that your colleague, His Excellency the Minister of the
Economy and Territorial Planning, asked for a series of documents proving the relevance of our case before
initiating the verification process leading to the granting of the sovereign guarantee of the State of Cameroon, which
will be adapted to the field of cinematographic art, which we call the "Completion Bond".

Thanks to your diligence, this guarantee is the only way to obtain advance payments from broadcasters, advances
from distributors and financial support from investors and other stakeholders - a first in the history of Cameroon's
arts and culture.

With this in mind, our production team and the DCPA, under your guidance, have deposited most of the documents
requested by MINEPAT with the department in charge of our file.
Two documents remain: the Certificate of Promise of Financing and the Term Sheet from the financial backers.
This requires our presence in the US to negotiate with the financial partners.

And once we've received them, we'll add them to the rest of the MINEPAT file with the help of the DCPA.
That is why we sent an initial request for a recommendation on 22 May this year, a letter that has remained

Given the time, we would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that this film project has opened other
doors for us. Another American producer who heard about our project has just commissioned a script for another
film project in Cameroon. This means that your letter of support in helping us to obtain American Business VISAS
will enable us to go on a real business trip.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards


BLACKSTONE ENTERTAINMENT CO.; LTD Douala- Bonapriso .Activities: Cultural and Creative Industries, Influencers management. Registration:
RC/DLN/2021/B/166 Tax payer's number: M012118440288R/ P.O Box: 8180 Douala, Republic of Cameroon@+237-656674393

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