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Ana Granados

Dr. Sharity Nelson

English 1301

October 25, 2023

Reflection Essay 2

During this past couple of weeks, I got to work on analyzing a visual text or better called

an image. Dr. Nelson gave us the advantage of choosing the image on our own and I decided to

choose Bohemian Rhapsody´s movie poster. At first, she guided each one of us on how to

analyze each detail of an image. When she described each detail I realized that each detail has its

way and why the creator wanted something that way. Then as usual we worked on our outline

and the drafting process.

While analyzing my image I realized that especially movie posters are designed to give

us a hint of what the movie is going to be about. Before that, I thought the posters were just a

cool image of a scene from the movie and not about what the movie was going to be about. I

already had watched that movie before and after watching it I only thought that the movie poster

I chose was just a scene from the movie. I was wrong, the creator of the poster literally thought

about every single detail inside the image for the poster. Like why there´s only a silhouette of a

man, and the audience was not able to see his complete face. Well, the reason was because the

author wanted to give mystery to the story or that the movie was going to tell all the secrets

behind Freddie Mercury.

While drafting It was pretty easy for me. I started thinking of what 3 most important

things I was going to talk about in the movie poster. From this, I chose the silhouette, the sunset,

and the big stadium. All these three things together had a big role in the poster. Since I had
already watched the movie before drafting the essay I think that´s why it was pretty easy for me.

I already had the background of the story, but sometimes I wished I had tried to describe each

detail and then watched the movie to see if I was right. Also doing the outline helped me a lot to

stay focused on the main topics I was going to talk about in each paragraph.

I think receiving feedback from Dr. Nelson was very helpful. I was not explaining enough

each detail and I was just describing it very shortly. She gave me feedback on things like that,

and she helped with my sentence structures. Based on the feedback Dr. Nelson gave me, I

changed the introduction to be more specific and detailed about the movie poster. She also gave

me feedback on how I was describing the details and how the essay was going to be better if

corrected some things.

Peer review was also very helpful since I got to see one of my peer's opinions on my

essay. He helped me grammatically with some words I could change so that my essay sounded

better. He also told me about how my essay was going to be better if I described with more detail

each thing in the poster and not just gave an overview about it.

After all the feedback I got from Dr. Nelson and from my peer it was time to put it all

together and work on my essay. I applied everything I was given and I started liking my essay

better and thinking that I was way better than the first draft. After having it ready I checked it

one last time for any errors or things I could change so that it could be way better than it was. I

think this helps so that if you still have a grammatical mistake, you can notice this and correct it.

That´s what I did and I was very happy with the result.

The most challenging part about this essay for me was to find a way to describe all the

visual details I had in the movie poster I chose. I knew what I was seeing but it was hard for me

to find the words to describe it. What helped me a lot with this was the feedback that Dr. Nelson
gave me, she gave some examples of how I could describe some details in my movie poster. The

easiest part of this was probably drafting because I already had an idea of how I wanted my essay

to be structured. I was able to finish it very fast and it wasn´t hard for me to brainstorm ideas for

it. In the end I did change some details but not a big deal and I liked drafting this essay.

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