NARA Letter To Comer

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December 11, 2023

The Honorable James Comer

Committee on Oversight and Accountability
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-6143
By Email

Re: 2d Interim Release of Records in Response to August 17, 2023, PRA Special Access

Dear Chairman Comer:

I write in response to your August 17, 2023, letter requesting access to certain Presidential and
Vice Presidential records from the Obama Administration. The request is being processed in
accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. § 2205(2)(C), which provides
for an exception to restricted access for records that are requested by any committee or
subcommittee of Congress if such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of
its business, as well as under NARA’s regulations at 36 C.F.R. Part 1270 and Executive Order
13489. You requested the following records:

1. Complete, unredacted versions of all documents from Case Number 2023-0022-F;

2. Any document or communication in which a pseudonym for Vice President Joe Biden
was included either as a sender, recipient, copied or was included in the contents of the
document or communication, including but not limited to Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and
JRB Ware;
3. Any document or communication in which Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, or Devon
Archer was included either as a sender, recipient, copied, or was included in the contents
of the document or communication; and
4. All drafts from November 1, 2015 to December 9, 2015 of then-Vice President Biden’s
speech delivered to the Ukrainian Rada on December 9, 2015.

As we have explained to your staff, we are conducting a rolling notification process to the
representatives of the former and incumbent Presidents.
The representatives have completed their review of an additional portion of the responsive
records, and NARA is now able to provide the Committee with access to the following records,
which are responsive to Parts 2 and 3 of your request, as described above:

• 1799 emails, and attachments, totaling 62,610 pages

The records will be provided by a secure, web-based file-sharing portal; my colleague will send
the links separately to your staff.

Please note that some of these records contain personally identifiable information (PII),
including personal addresses, phone numbers, and other nonpublic information. Accordingly, we
ask that the Committee protect such information from public disclosure.

We will continue to keep you and your staff apprised of the status of this request.

GARY Digitally signed

STERN Date: 2023.12.11

10:57:07 -05'00'
Gary M. Stern
General Counsel

cc: The Honorable Jamie B. Raskin, Ranking Member

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