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Lugo 1

Damian Lugo

Mr. O. E. Martinez

English 1301-119

15 September 2023

Laredo College Cyberfest

In today's digital age, the importance of safeguarding our online information cannot be

overstated. With the ever-increasing prevalence of cyber threats, gaining knowledge about

cybersecurity has transitioned from a choice to an imperative. In this context, Laredo College

stands as a beacon of education and community engagement through its annual event, Laredo

College Cyberfest.

One of the primary reasons why Laredo College Cyberfest employs visually captivating posters

as its genre of choice is to provide event attendees with essential information in an easily

digestible format. These posters act as event guides, offering details such as the event's date,

location, featured speakers, and contact information. In an age where information overload is

prevalent, these posters serve as concise and accessible sources of information, simplifying the

process of planning one's visit without overwhelming attendees with an excess of data. They

serve as a gateway for community members to access the event.

However, the effectiveness of these posters extends beyond their function. What sets them apart

and makes them a crucial genre for this community is their ability to captivate the viewer's

attention. Thoughtfully designed with visually appealing features, including catchy event names

and a sleek, tech-inspired blue background, these posters do more than convey

information—they evoke curiosity. The visual appeal of these posters sparks a desire to delve
Lugo 2

deeper into the event's offerings, transforming a simple announcement into an invitation to

engage with the subject matter.

Moreover, Laredo College Cyberfest employs this genre because it aligns with the event's

broader mission: to generate interest in cybersecurity, computer technology, and related fields

through engaging, hands-on activities. The posters serve as an initial point of contact, drawing

individuals into the event's vibrant, knowledge-sharing community. By conveying a sense of

excitement and curiosity through their design, the posters play a vital role in piquing the interest

of community members who share a passion for technology, computer engineering, software

development, programming, and, of course, cybersecurity.

The event itself, scheduled for October 29th, offers a diverse range of activities such as

lockpicking, drones, soldering, encryption puzzles, computer technology activities, and

student-run cyber activities. These activities further bridge the gap between the digital world and

tangible, real-world participation, fostering a sense of belonging within the community. Through

the posters and the hands-on activities, Laredo College Cyberfest encourages individuals to come

together, learn, connect, and grow within the field of cybersecurity and technology.

The choice of posters as the primary mode of communication for Laredo College Cyberfest not

only reflects the event's commitment to inclusivity and accessibility but also underscores the

community's shared values of education and engagement. These posters are more than just

informational tools; they are a testament to the community's dedication to spreading knowledge

and fostering a sense of unity. By using a genre that transcends language barriers, the community

demonstrates its belief that cybersecurity is a universal concern that knows no linguistic

boundaries. This commitment to inclusivity and shared values is evident in the very fabric of the
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posters, which are designed to be welcoming to all members of the community, regardless of

their background.

Furthermore, these posters play a vital role in building anticipation and excitement among the

local community. As they are displayed in various locations across the campus and in the broader

community, they serve as visual reminders of the upcoming event. This consistent visual

presence keeps the event in the forefront of the community's mind, encouraging them to mark

their calendars and prepare for a day of learning, exploration, and engagement. In this way, the

posters not only communicate event details but also act as catalysts for action, motivating

community members to take part in an event that aligns with their values of education,

technology, and community building.

In summary, Laredo College Cyberfest's strategic use of visually captivating and

information-rich posters serves as an invitation to the local community to engage with

technology and cybersecurity. These posters convey essential event details, ignite curiosity,

foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals, and reflect shared values. By doing

so, Laredo College Cyberfest not only demonstrates its commitment to cybersecurity education

but also leaves an indelible mark in both the realms of knowledge sharing and community

building. These posters exemplify how a community can effectively utilize a specific genre to

communicate its values and engage its members. Through their inclusivity, accessibility, and

power to build anticipation, these posters are a vital tool in promoting cybersecurity education

and engagement within the local community, reflecting the community's shared goals, beliefs,

values, actions, and interactions.

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