Accesibility and Affordability

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According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2023, around

2.6 billion people, , were without internet access.. ITU recognizes that those
who have not used technological tools are the most deprived ones. In addition
to the "coverage gap," the internet must also be accessible and affordable to
address the "usage gap."

The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board is providing purpose-bound money to

people who don't have bank accounts. The Monetary Authority of Singapore
(MAS) is exploring ways to use this money in other instances, such as children
using digital pocket money at their school's bookstore and canteen. Banks may
also release mortgage loans only when specific parts of a home have been

sSingapore's efforts to ensure digital inclusion include two approaches. Firstly,

SG Enable provides training to web and app developers and designers to create
accessible digital products. Secondly, SG Enable trains people with disabilities
to conduct e-accessibility testing for organizations that want to improve the
accessibility of their digital products. Singapore has also developed Enabling
Masterplans, which are national roadmaps that chart how society can enable
persons with disabilities to participate fully as integral and contributing
members of society. For example, in the latest Enabling Masterplan 2030,
Singapore aims to ensure that 100% of high-traffic government websites are
accessible by 2030.
. The Remote Area Connectivity Solution (RACS) allows government agencies to
use technologies like robotics, drones, and underwater communications in remote
areas. A local startup has also connected remote islands up to 10 km apart.
This kind of programme would foster last mile connectivity in nations such as
mauratius and Maldives considering the similar geographical conditions
Singapore's Assistive Technology Fund, which SG Enable administers, provides
subsidies for persons with disabilities to purchase assistive technology devices,
enabling their independent living in the digital world. This should be
implemented strongly within the eu because it has 450 million disabled ,
implementing t, even those who couldn’t walk can even be productive
Ongoing partnerships and initiatives, such as the Microsoft APAC Enabler
Program and the Digital for Life movement, will bridge the digital divide and
help the disabled chart their own path in society. Together, these efforts will
foster a culture of inclusivity and make technology accessible for all, as
Singapore builds a resilient, digitally inclusive nation. Singapore along with
Microsoft can build a digital nation where each and everyone has acces to
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has launchede Seniors Go
Digital program to help seniors build digital capabilities, addressing their skills,
affordability, and mindset gap. This should be specially implemented in France
singapore has the second-most affordable internet in the world, and
telecommunication services may be cheaper due to expansions in network
capacity and competition among service providers. This should be also done in
the countries with low rates of gst like Japan , jersey and rok . The Singapore
government's digitalization policy is critical to its Smart Nation vision. By
continuing to invest in digital technologies, the government can create a more
efficient, effective, and inclusive government for not only the citizens of the
country but for the world

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