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Vocabulary - 8th Grade / Unit 2

after-school activity ● phr. (okul sonrası aktivite) call ● v. (birisini belli bir isimle çağırmak) My name is
Which after-school activity do you prefer doing? Alexander, but my friends call me Alex.
alone ● adj, adv. (yalnız, tek başına) Robert was calligraphy ● n. (güzel yazı sanatı) My brother is
alone in the house last night. She enjoys drinking her interested in calligraphy.
coffee alone on the balcony. campfire ● n. (kamp ateşi) In the evenings we sit
amazing ● adj. (harika, şaşırtıcı, inanılmaz) India is around the campfire and sing songs.
an amazing and lovely country. camping ● n. (kamp yapma) We went camping in the
archer ● n. (okçu) I think he is the most talented mountains last summer.
archer. can’t stand ● phr. (dayanamamak, tahammül
archery ● n. (okçuluk) My father is interested in edememek) To be honest, I can’t stand sci-fi movies.
archery. He doesarchery twice a week. I think they are boring.
attend ● v. (1. katılmak, yer almak 2. devam etmek) casual ● adj. ((giysi) günlük, gündelik) I always feel
Thank you for your invitation. I am sorry, but I can’t more comfortable in casual clothes.
attend the party.
cell phone ● n. (cep telefonu) She listens to music on
backpack ● n. (sırt çantası) You can’t carry this her cell phone on the way to the school.
backpack because it’s too heavy.
chat ● v. (sohbet etmek) I usually chat to my mother
bake ● v. (fırında pişirmek) Bake the cookies for after school. I meet with my friends from primary
about 25 minutes at 170°C. My mother often bakes a school once a year and we chat about good old days.
chocolate cake for me.
chat online ● phr. (internette sohbet etmek) She
basic equipment ● n, phr. (temel malzeme, araç usually chats to her friends online.
gereç) You need some basic equipment for camping
such as a tent, a sleeping bag, etc. chess ● n. (satranç) I am really interested in board
games. Chess is my favorite one.
be fond of sth ● adj. (çok hoşlanmak, -e düşkün
olmak) He is fond of playing football. My sister was classical music ● n. (klasik müzik) He listens to
very fond of books when she was a middle school classical music to feel relaxed at work.
student. comment ● n, v. (1. yorum yapmak 2. yorum) He
be keen on sth ● adj. (düşkün olmak, hevesli olmak) commented on my latest photo on Instagram. Her
I was keen on classical music. Sam is really keen on i>comment on my photo on Facebook is lovely.
playing chess. compass ● n. (pusula) A compass will be very useful
beatbox ● n. (ağızla çeşitli enstrüman sesleri on your trip. He usually carries a compass in his bag.
çıkarma) I prefer listening to beatbox. I think it is contact ● n, v. (irtibat kurmak, iletişime geçmek,
more interesting. iletişim) I am always in contact with my friends from
behave ● v. (davranmak) Mary always behaves well high school. If you have a problem with the internet
at school, so all her teachers love her. connection, contact your service provider.
bhangra ● n. (kuzey Hindistan ve Pakistan’a özgü cook ● v. (yemek pişirmek) I always help my mother
geleneksel müzikten oluşan bir tür pop müzik) cook dinner. Put the cookies in the oven and cook
Bhangra is one of the most popular music in India. them for twenty minutes at 180 °C.
biographical ● adj. (yaşam öyküsüne dair, ilişkin) countryside ● n. (kırsal bölge) I prefer living in the
The book gives biographical information about the countryside . I grew up in the countryside, but we
famous scientist. I am fond of reading biographical moved to the city when I started university.
novels. course ● n. (kurs, ders) I attend a language course
board game ● n, phr. (oyun tahtasında oynanan here in London.
oyun) We enjoy playing board games together in the cultural heritage ● n, phr. (kültürel miras) Countries
evenings. should protect their cultural heritage.
book genre ● n, phr. (kitap türü) Nowadays, the most dessert ● n. (tatlı) My favourite dessert is apple pie.
popular book genre is detective books. detective ● adj. (dedektif) I am keen on detective
boring ● adj. (sıkıcı) London is never boring because books. Sherlock Holmes is my favourite one.
there are many places to go. difficult ● adj. (zor) It is really difficult to get a ticket
branch ● n. (dal, branş) My sister is a university to this concert.
student. Her branch is Zoology. do crunches ● v, phr. (mekik çekmek) My brother
burn ● v. (yakmak) Last week we went camping in the does crunches 100 times a day to keep fit.
forest. We burned a campfire and told stories. do exercise ● phr. (egzersiz yapmak) My mother
by the way ● idm. (bu arada, aklıma gelmişken) Oh, does exercise every morning because she wants to
by the way, Tom called while you were out. be fit and healthy.
Vocabulary - 8th Grade / Unit 2
do karate ● v, phr. (karate yapmak) She is interested get excited ● v, phr. () She gets excited because
in doing karate. she is going to Italy next month.
downtown ● adj, adv, n. (şehir merkezi, çarşı, go camping ● v, phr. (kampa gitmek) In summer, we
şehrin merkezinde, çarşıya) The downtown is very usually go camping in Antalya.
crowded on weekdays. I have to go downtown to do
goal ● n. (amaç, hedef) My goal is to be very
some shopping. I live in the countryside, but I work
gothic ● adj. (gizemli, gotik) I never read gothic
drummer ● n. (baterist) Tina is a drummer in the
novels. I find them boring and unrealistic.
greet ● . (selam vermek) I greet my classmates every
duty ● n. (görev, iş) It is our duty to obey the rules.
elderly ● adj. (yaşlı) I usually visit my elderly relatives
on special days. gym ● n. (spor salonu) I take swimming classes at the
gym behind the library.
energetic ● adj. (enerjik, canlı) I don’t feel energetic
enough to go for a walk on cloudy days. harmonic ● adj. (uyumlu, ahenkli) She is a great
musician. Her songs are harmonic.
enormous ● adj. (kocaman, devasa) Tom gets up
early in the morning and has an enormous breakfast healthy ● adj. (sağlıklı, sağlığa yararlı) Going for a
with his family. walk in the morning is so healthy.
excellent ● adj. (mükemmel, harika, çok iyi) It is an heavy metal ● n. (çok yüksek sesle çalınan modern
excellent film about friendship. It was an excellent müzik türü) She never listens to heavy metal
party. We really had a great time. because she thinks it is too loud.
exercise ● n, v. (1. (n) egzersiz 2. (v) ezgersiz highly recommend ● phr. (şiddetle önermek,
yapmak) You should get up early in the morning and tavsiye etmek) It is a fantastic movie. I highly
do some exercise. He exercises for three hours recommend it if you love sci-fi movies.
every day.
hip-hop ● n. (hip-hop) I like listening to hip-hop
expensive ● adj. (pahalı) I can’t buy this computer because it makes me more energetic.
because it is too expensive.
huge ● adj. (çok büyük, kocaman) My grandparents
fairly ● adv. () Mrs. Jones behaves fairly to all her
live in a huge house downtown.
impressive ● adj. (etkileyici) Sandra is pretty and
fantasy ● n. (fantazi, hayal ürünü) I enjoy reading
impressive. Italy is famous for its modern and
fantasy books.
impressive architecture.
fascinating ● adj. (etkileyici, büyüleyici) Venice is a
fascinating city with its world-famous canals. Indian music ● n, phr. (Hint müziği) Some people
think that Indian music is relaxing.
fashion ● n. (moda) Red coats were in fashion last
winter. I am not interested in fashion. I prefer wearing indoor ● adj. (iç mekanlarda yapılan) His favourite
casual clothes. indoor sport is volleyball.
feed ● v. (beslemek, yedirmek) I feed my dog twice a insult ● v. (hakaret etmek, aşağılamak) She insults
day. everbody all the time, so nobody loves her.
fit ● adj. (formda) You aren’t fit because you don’t interest ● v. (ilgisini çekmek) Biographical books don’t
exercise. really interest me.
fizzy drink ● n, phr. (gazlı içecek) When you have a issue ● n. (konu, mevzu) Teenagers aren’t interested
stomachache, you shouldn’t have fizzy drinks. in environmental issues.
folk music ● n. (halk müziği) Do you prefer listening jazz ● n. (caz) She thinks jazz music is interesting.
to folk music or pop music?
keep up with ● phr v. (takip etmek, ayak uydurmak)
follow ● v. (uymak, talimatları takip etmek) Students
My father always watches the news to keep up with
should always follow the classroom rules.
the latest events.
fun ● adj, n. (1.eğlence, zevk 2.eğlenceli) Yesterday, I
keyboard player ● n, phr. (klavyeci) Tom Sandler is
went fishing with my dad and we had fun. Sure, that
sounds fun! a keyboard player.

gain ● v. (kazanmak, elde etmek) Jane gained a lot of latest ● adj. (en son, yepyeni) I watch the latest video
experience when working in that restaurant. clips on YouTube.
general ● . (genel) In general, men are more lazy ● adj. (tembel) He is such a lazy boy. She is too
interested in football than women. lazy to iron her own clothes. She asks her mother to
generally ● adv. (genel olarak) Teenagers generally do it.
send text messages to their friends. He generally lend ● v. (ödünç vermek) Could you lend me your car
takes the train to school. for an hour?
Vocabulary - 8th Grade / Unit 2
map ● n. (harita) I need a map of the world for my rarely ● adv. (nadiren) She rarely goes out. My
geography project. mother rarely does shopping online. She prefers
marshmallow ● n. (lokuma benzer hafif şekerleme) going to the shopping mall.
They made a campfire and roasted some read the news online ● v, phr. (haberleri
marshmallows for the kids. internetten okumak) My father prefers reading the
news online to reading a newspaper.
match ● n. (kibrit) Children shouldn’t play with
matches. realistic ● adj. (gerçekçi, gerçeğe uygun) Katty
enjoys reading realistic books.
miss ● v. (kaçırmak) I never miss my favourite soap
opera on Tuesdays. regularly ● adv. (düzenli olarak) He plays basketball
regularly. My sister practices playing the guitar
music band ● n, phr. (müzik grubu) The Beatles regularly.
is my favorite music band. I love listening to their
relative ● n. (akraba) George visits his relatives on
summer holidays.
nature ● n. (doğa) I love walking in the nature
relaxing ● adj. (huzur verici, dinlendirici) Every day I
because it makes me energetic. You only hear the go for a walk in the park. I think it is very relaxing.
sound of nature. There is no traffic here at all.nature
respect ● v. (saygı duymak, saygı göstermek)
newspaper ● n. (gazete) I don’t buy a newspaper Scientists respect Aziz Sancar for his greatest
every day. I prefer reading the news online. achievements.
on foot ● phr. (yayan, yürüyerek) My school is very respectful ● adj. (saygılı) Tom is always respectful
close to our house. I go to school on foot. to his teachers.
opera ● n. (opera) Would you like to go to the opera reward ● n, v. (1. ödül 2. ödül vermek) He is a great
with me? director. Last year he got a reward for his success.
ordinary ● adj. (sıradan) Rome is not an ordinary rhythm ● n. (ritim, uyum) I love the rhythm of her
city. It is an amazing city with its beautiful parks and songs.
old architecture. ride ● v. (binmek, sürmek) I often ride a bike in the
outdoor ● adj. (dışarıda yapılan, açık havada) My park at weekends.
brother prefers outdoor sports such as trekking and ridiculous ● adj. (gülünç, saçma, komik) She looked
cycling. ridiculous in that dress.
pay attention ● v, phr. (dikkat etmek, dikkatini roast ● adj, v. (1.(fırında/ateşte) kızartmak 2. fırında
vermek) Kevin doesn’t pay attention to his teachers kızarmış) My mother usually roasts chicken for dinner
at school. on Fridays.
pitch a tent ● v, phr. (çadır kurmak) Last weekend, rock ● n. (rock müzik) We love going to the rock
Tom and Jack went amping and they pitched their concerts.
tent by the river. rope ● n. (ip) You need a long rope to climb a
pocketknife ● n. (çakı) Give me your pocketknife. mountain.
save money ● v, phr. (para biriktirmek) I want to
pool ● n. (havuz) I go swimming in the pool once a
save money and buy a new computer.
science fiction ● n. (bilim kurgu) I love watching
pop music ● n. (pop müzik) Who is your favourite
science fiction movies. Isaac Asimov is my favourite
pop music singer?
science fiction writer.
practice ● v. (alıştırma/pratik yapmak) I want to live selfie ● n. (özçekim) She likes taking selfies a lot.
abroad and practice my English.
sensitive ● adj. (duyarlı, hassas) People should be
prefer ● v. (tercih etmek) I prefer coffee to tea. For more sensitive about the environment.
holidays, I prefer visiting historic places because I
skate ● v. (patenle kaymak) Let’s skate around the
think they are so fantastic. park. He is interested in skating.
prepare ● v. (hazırlamak) John prepared some food skilled ● adj. (yetenekli) She is skilled at playing the
for his guests. guitar.
protect ● v. (korumak) Players wear helmets to skydiving ● n. (paraşütle atlama sporu) I think
protect themselves from physical dangers in skydiving is for adventure lovers.
American football. sleeping bag ● n, phr. (uyku tulumu) Don’t forget to
push-up ● n. (şınav) He does push-up 15 times every take your sleeping bag when yo go camping.
morning to get fitter. slow dance music ● n, phr. (yavaş dans müziği)
rap ● n. (rap) He enjoys listening to rap music a lot. The band is playing a slow dance music.
Vocabulary - 8th Grade / Unit 2
snob ● n. (burnu havada kimse, züppe) Everybody traditional ● adj. (geleneksel) Turkey is famous for
knows Jack is a snob. its delicious traditional dishes.
success ● n. (başarı) Linda’s success is the result of training ● n. (antrenman) I have running training on
her hard work. Wednesdays.
surf the Internet ● v, phr. (internette gezinmek)
travel ● n, v. (1. (v) seyahat etmek, 2. (n) seyahat)
After dinner, my sister usually surfs the Internet.
Does she enjoy reading travel books?
surprisingly ● adv. (şaşırtıcı olarak) The film was
trekking ● n. (doğa yürüyüşü, kır yürüyüşü) Let’s go
surprisingly amazing. I loved it.
trekking this weekend. We will have lots of fun.
survey ● n. (anket, araştırma) A recent survey shows
that teenagers spend most of their time surfing the trending topic ● phr. (hakkında en çok konuşulan
Internet. konu (twitter’da)) She never writes comments on
take the dog for a walk ● v, phr. (köpeği yürüyüşe trending topics.
çıkarmak) I take the dog for a walk in the mornings. trendy ● adj. () She never wears trendy clothes.
techno ● n. (bir tür eloktronik dans müziği) My brother Sandra spent her money on buying trendy clothes.
loves listening to techno music. typical ● adj. (tipik,normal) A typical day in my life
terrific ● adj. (müthiş, olağanüstü, çok güzel) Wow! starts with the sound of the alarm clock.
He looks terrific in his new suit. We visited the
unbearable ● adj. (dayanılmaz, katlanılmaz) I never
Grand Canyon last year. The view of the canyon was
listen to hip-hop music. I think it is unbearable.
torch ● n. (el feneri) It is dark in here. I need a torch. vacation ● n. (tatil) How did you spend your summer
tradition ● n. (gelenek, görenek) It is an important
tradition to visit relatives during the Ramadan Feast voice ● n. (ses) I feel really relaxed when I hear her
in Turkey. voice.


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