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1. Посмотрите видеофрагмент об англоговорящих странах и ответьте на вопросы:
1) In what continents were English colonies in the 20th century? What percent of the world did
they make up?
2) How many countries have English as an official language?
3) Why is it popular to study English?
4) Which are the most popular English-speaking countries?

2. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме:

1) area – территория, площадь 17) plain – равнина
2) branch of power – ветвь власти 18) population – население
3) capital – столица 19) river – река
4) chamber – палата 20) sea – море
5) coast – побережье 21) state – государство, штат
6) colony – колония 22) surface – поверхность
7) consist of – состоять из 23) symbol – символ
8) executive – исполнительный 24) to be separated from... by – отделяться
9) flag – флаг от (чего-либо,чем-либо)
10) flat – ровный 25) to be situated on – быть расположен-
11) industry – индустрия, промышлен- ным на
ность 26) to be washed by – омываться (чем-
12) judicial – судебный либо)
13) lake – озеро 27) to consist of smth – состоять из чего-
14) legislative – законодательный либо
15) mild – мягкий 28) valley – долина
16) mountainous – гористый

3. Вставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу слова из предыдущего упражне-

1) The current _____ of Russia is over 144 million people.
2) The Government usually represents _____ branch of power.
3) The State power usually _____ _____ three branches.
4) The _____ of the Earth can be flat or mountainous.
5) The Russian Federation is _____ on the Eurasia continent.
6) The court system represents the judicial _____ _____ _____.
7) The climate in England is _____, but rather changeable.
8) The _____ Seine separates Paris into two parts.
9) His dream is to live on the _____ of the Black Sea.
10) The surface here is _____, because there are no mountains in this region.

4. Соедините страны с их столицами:

1) The USA a) Edinburgh
2) Canada b) Canberra
3) Wales c) London
4) New Zealand d) Ottawa
5) The United Kingdom e) Washington
6) Scotland f) Wellington
7) Australia g) Cardiff

1. Потренируйтесь в произношении географических названий по теме:
1) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Соединенное Королевство
Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
2) the British Isles – Британские острова
3) England – Англия
4) Wales – Уэльс
5) Cardiff – Кардифф
6) Scotland – Шотландия
7) Edinburgh – Эдинбург
8) Northern Ireland – Северная Ирландия
9) Belfast – Белфаст
10) the North Sea – Северное море
11) the Strait of Dover – Дуворский пролив
12) the English Channel – пролив Ла Манш
13) the Atlantic Ocean – Атлантический океан
14) the Irish Sea – Ирландское море
15) Ben Nevis – Бен-Невис (самая высокая вершина страны (1343 м)
16) Snowdon – Сноудон (гора в Уэльсе)
17) the Severn – Северн
18) the Thames – Темза
19) the Gulf-Streаm – Гольфстрим

2. Просмотрите видеофрагмент о Великобритании и заполните таблицу:

1. The full name of the country
2. Countries the UK consists of
3. The capital of the UK
4. The longest rivers
5. The highest mountain
6. The official language
7. The national flag

3. Узнайте о Великобритании, вставив пропущенные слова в текст:

a) capitals; f) language; j) consist of;
b) is situated; g) separated; k) flat;
c) mountains; h) area; l) population;
d) climate; i) Parliament; m) monarchy.
e) washed by;

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1) _____ on the British Isles in the
north-west coast of Europe. The British Isles (2) _____ two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland,
and many small islands. The country is usually called simply Great Britain.
The (3) _____of the UK is 244 sq. km so it is one of the world's smallest countries. The United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland. Their (4) _____ are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. Each country has its
floral symbol. The symbol of England is a red rose. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle, the symbol
of Wales is a daffodil and the symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock.

Great Britain is (5) _____from the continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English
Channel. On the west the country is (6)_____the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
The surface of England and Ireland is (7) _____. On the south of the country there are beautiful
valleys and plains which are called the Lowlands. But the surface of Scotland and Wales is moun-
tainous, so the north of Scotland is called the Highlands. The (8) _____ are not very high. The high-
est mountains are Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m) and the Snowdon in Wales (1038 m).
There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The longest river is the Sev-
ern, it is 350 kilometres. The Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
The warm waters of the Gulf Stream, the mountains, the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of
the British Isles. The (9) _____ is mild all year round. The summers are usually cool and rainy.
There is much rain and fog in autumn and in winter.
The (10) _____ of the UK is 57 million people. Four out of every five people live in towns and
cities. The largest cities are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh,
Cardiff and Belfast. The capital of the country is London. Its population is over 10 million. English
is the official (11) _____.
The UK is a constitutional (12) _____with a Parliament and the Queen as head of State. But the
power of monarch is limited by the Parliament. The British (13) _____ consists of two chambers:
the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Prime Minister, who heads the Government, is
usually the leader of the party, which has a majority in the House of Commons.
The United Kingdom is one of the world's most industrialized countries. The main industrial cen-
ters are Sheffield, Birmingham and Manchester. The United Kingdom has some mineral resources.
Coal and oil are the most important of them. Agriculture takes an important sector in economy of
the country.
There are many universities, colleges, libraries, museums and theatres in the country. The most
famous universities are Cambridge and Oxford University.

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1) северо-западное побережье 9) конституционная монархия
2) большие острова 10) глава государства
3) отделяться от континента 11) власть ограничена
4) долины и равнины 12) палата лордов
5) влиять на климат 13) палата общин
6) круглый год 14) высокоразвитая страна
7) прохладно и дождливо 15) сельское хозяйство
8) официальный язык

5. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам из текста:

1) large 6) short
2) mountainous 7) cold
3) ugly 8) severe
4) south 9) dry
5) low 10) minority

6. Дополните предложения словами и выражениями из текста:

1) The British Isles _____ _____two large islands.
2) The United Kingdom consists of four countries: _____, _____, _____, and _____.
3) Each country has its _____.
4) The surface of _____and _____is flat.
5) The _____of Scotland is called the Highlands.
6) The climate is _____all year round.
7) _____of the UK is over 57million people.

8) The British Parliament consists of _____.

9) The Prime Minister is the leader of the party, which has _____ in the House of Commons.
10) _____takes an important sector in economy of the country.

7. Соотнесите две части предложения:

1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and a) … limited by the Parliament.
Northern Ireland is situated b) …influence the climate of the British
2) Great Britain consists of four countries: Isles.
3) On the south of the country there are c) . …is called the Highlands.
beautiful valleys and plains d) …the longest river.
4) The north of Scotland is mountainous and e) …on the British Isles.
5) The Severn is f) …England, Wales, Scotland and North-
6) The warm waters of the Gulf-Streаm, the ern Ireland.
mountains, the Atlantic Ocean g) … which are called the Lowlands.
7) The power of monarch is

8. Вставьте подходящие слова в предложения:

a) industrialized; e) washed;
b) consist; f) mountainous;
c) mild; g) situated;
d) population; h) surface.
1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is _____ on the British Isles in
the north-west coast of Europe.
2) The United Kingdom is _____ of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ire-
3) On the west Great Britain is _____ by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
4) The _____ of England and Ireland is flat.
5) The north of Scotland is _____ and is called highlands.
6) The climate is _____ all year round.
7) The _____ of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people.
8) The United Kingdom is one of the world's most _____ countries.

9. Скажите, верны ли данные утверждения:

1) The UK is the largest country in the world.
2) Great Britain consists of three countries.
3) The territory of the country is mountainous.
4) The rivers in Great Britain are not very long.
5) There are two official languages in the UK.
6) The UK is a presidential republic.
7) The power of monarch is limited by the Parliament.
8) The most famous universities are Cambridge and Oxford University.

10. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1) Where is the United Kingdom situated on?
2) What islands does the British Isles consist of?
3) What is the area of the country?
4) What countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
5) What is Great Britain washed by?
6) How can you characterize the surface of the British Isles?
7) What are the highest mountains in Great Britain?
8) What are the longest rivers in the UK?

9) What is the climate of Great Britain?

10) What is the official language of the country?
11) What is Britain’s political system?

11. Составьте диалог с использованием изученных слов по шаблону:

 Hello! What do you know about Great Britain?
 Hello! I know that Great Britain ……
 What are the capitals of these countries?
 The capital of …. is…..
 What is the national flag of Great Britain?
 The national flag is….

12. Обсудите следующие темы, используя карту и дополнительные источники ин-

1) Geographical location of Great Britain.
2) Landscape and climate of Great Britain.
3) Countries of the UK.
4) Political system of the UK.

1. Составьте из данного набора букв слова по теме «Достопримечательности» :
1) numontme 5) umsemu
2) retteha 6) legalry
3) distamu 7) nemaic
4) liaparmetn 8) aresqu

2. Соедините слова из обеих колонок, чтобы получить названия достопримечатель-

ностей Лондона:
1) Big a) Palace
2) Trafalgar b) London
3) The London c) Bridge
4) Tower d) Eye
5) Buckingham e) Ben
6) Westminster f) Square
7) The Houses of g) Abbey
8) The Tower of h) Parliament

3. Просмотрите видеофрагмент о Великобритании и выполните задания:

1) Назовите достопримечательности Лондона в том порядке, в котором они названы в ви-
2) Соедините части предложения из левого и правого столбцов, чтобы узнать больше ин-
формации о достопримечательностях Лондона.
1) Hamleys is a) a famous monument in Trafalgar Square.
2) The Prime Minister and the b) in the middle of London.
government c) It’s next to the Tower of London.
3) That’s Buckingham Palace. d) work in the Houses of Parliament.
4) Nelson’s column is e) a big wheel.
5) Trafalgar Square is f) a toy shop.
6) The London Eye is g) The Queen lives there.
7) That’s Tower Bridge.

4. Прочитайте тексты о достопримечательностях Лондона и соедините их с подхо-

дящими заголовками. Один заголовок лишний:
1) Trafalgar Square
2) The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben
3) The Tower of London
4) Buckingham Palace
5) St. Paul’s Cathedral
6) Westminister Abbey
Every year thousands of tourists come to visit London. And this place is a place number one to
see. It is the official residence of British monarchs. The Queen of England lives there. It was built
for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it
which is the Queen Victoria Memorial. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place
daily at eleven o'clock in the morning there. It lasts about 30 minutes. Every day lots of people
gather to see this famous and traditional ceremony. When the Queen is here, the royal standard flut-
ters over the palace.

Tourists in London always want to visit this place. It stands on the river Thames. It is a long grey
building with towers. The British Parliament sits in this building. The are two houses: the House of
Lords and the House of Commons. The large clock is in one of the towers. It is the name of the
clock and the bell of the clock tower. You can hear its sound every hour in London. The clock got
its name after Sir Benjamin Hall, Ben for short. He was a tall man.
c) ___________________________
It is one of the most beautiful churches in London. The building with its two tall towers is really
wonderful. It is one of the oldest churches in London. It is more than one hundred years old. There
are many monuments and statues there. All English kings and queens are crowned and many of
them are buried here. Not only kings and queens but some of famous and important people of their
century are buried there.
It is the center of London. Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the mid-
dle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. This most impressive
monument is about 52 m tall. The statue of Nelson, placed facing towards the sea he loved, is more
than 5 m in height. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful
fountains in the square. It is the favourite place among tourists.
It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the king’s Zoo. Now it is the museum. You can see a lot
of interesting things in the halls of the White Tower. Its square walls are white and very tall. Wil-
liam the Conqueror built it in the 11th century. There are always black ravens there. People keep
them here and look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live

5. Прочитайте текст о еще одной достопримечательности Лондона. Озаглавьте каж-

дый абзац. Один заголовок лишний:
1) The symbol of London.
2) The importance of the river Thames.
3) Flora and fauna of the river Thames.
4) The usage of the river Thames in the past.
5) The river Thames during the Industrial revolution.
The Thames
a) _________________________________
The glory and wealth of London is connected with its river. London would not be London with-
out the River Thames. It flows 215 miles across the English countryside and then through the heart
of the great city before it reaches the sea. The Thames has played an extremely important part in
making England what it is today.
b) _________________________________
Since the creation of London the Thames has played an important role. England had very few
roads in the past, so the Thames provided a major highway between London and many parts of the
country. People could also send supplies of food and other goods to and from London by boat. In
times of war, London was protected from sea attacks because they built castles and forts at the
mouth of the river. People from the London area got their drinking water from the Thames, and
thirsty cows and sheep were a common sight along its banks.
c) _________________________________
With the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the Thames became one of the busiest water-
ways in the world. Factories made and exported goods of all kinds. So people became rich and
many of them built beautiful houses along the banks of the river. The famous writer Charles Dick-
ens spent part of his childhood there and later wrote about the Thames in his books.
d) _________________________________

Today the Thames has become a symbol of London, just as much as Big Ben or Buckingham
Palace. If you take a stroll along its banks, you’ll have a day full of pleasant surprises. You can ad-
mire bridges built in many different architectural styles. The most famous one is probably Tower
Bridge which actually opens up 1,000 times a year to let ships through. Or you might be lucky
enough to see London’s rowing event, the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place on
the river every spring. Whether you’re a Londoner or a visitor, the Thames will always have some-
thing to offer you.

6. Найдите в каждом абзаце ключевое предложение, отображающее его смысл.

7. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1) протекать 7) устье реки
2) сердце города 8) брать питьевую воду
3) достигать моря 9) самый оживленный водный путь
4) чрезвычайно важный 10) провести часть детства
5) главный путь 11) символ Лондона
6) защищен от атак с моря 12) прогуляться вдоль берегов

8. Скажите, верны ли данные утверждения:

1) There are many roads in England so the Thames didn’t play the important role in the
connection of London with the other parts of the country.
2) During the wartimes the castles and the forts which were built at the mouth of the river
protected London from sea attacks.
3) The Thames’ water is not suitable for drinking.
4) Many famous British writers spent their childhood on the banks of the river Thames.
5) There are many beautiful bridges across the river Thames built in different architectural

9. Расскажите об интересных фактах реки Темзы, используя информацию текста по

Модель: It was interesting to know that … .

1. Соедините слова из текста с их определениями:
1) reserve a) typical of a class, group, or body of opinion
2) emigrants b) a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for dis-
3) executive cussion
4) bill c) a territorial division with common government and lan-
5) judicial guage
6) legislative d) to locate
7) representative e) making laws
8) state f) people who came from other countries to live here
9) to be divided g) relating to the administration of justice
10) to be situated h) having the power to put plans or actions into effect
i) storage of something
j) to be shared or separated into some groups

2. Прочитайте текст о США и соедините каждый абзац с подходящим заголовком:

a) Famous cities
b) General information
c) Geographical features
d) Location of the country
e) Nationality
f) Power in the country
g) The main sources of income
1) Emigrants formed the United States of America in 1382. The country consists of 50 states.
Washington, the capital of the United States, is situated in Columbia District. The district is the land
that does not belong to any state but to all the states.
2) The United States of America occupy a huge territory of the central and southern part of
North America. There is the Atlantic Ocean in the east of the country and the Pacific Ocean in the
west. The USA have borders with Canada and Mexico.
3) Geographically, people usually divide the USA into Eastern area (a highland), central area (a
plain) and Western area (mountains). You can find five famous lakes (Michigan, Huron, Erie, On-
tario and Superior) in the north of the USA. Rivers connect them. One of the most wonderful nature
wonders in the world is also situated here. It is called Niagara Falls. States are famous for Missis-
sippi, including its tributary Missouri, the longest river in the world. Although The USA have
mountain ranges from north to south, it does not protect the country against cold and warm, so the
climate of the country is continental.
4) America is a highly developed industrial state. There are large coal, oil, iron and other miner-
als reserves. Heavy industries include mining, metallurgical, engineering, chemical and high-tech
manufactures. Light industry includes textile, tanning and footwear industries. The food and enter-
tainment industries are developed very much as well.
5) According to the Constitution of the USA, the power in the country is divided into legisla-
tive, executive and judicial branches. The Congress that represents the legislative power has two
houses: The Senate and the House of Representatives. The first has 100 senators and the second –
435 members. Every state elects two Senate members. The President is a representative of the exec-
utive branch, whose job is to propose bills to Congress. The President is also a commander-in-chief
of the Armed Forces. People all over the country choose The President every 4 years. Vice President
is the second person in executive branch who represents the same political party as the President.
The judicial branch is represented by Federal District Courts, 11 Federal Courts and the Supreme
Court. The President appoints Federal judges. The most important document in the USA is Consti-

tution, which had 26 amendments. Individual liberties (freedom of speech, religion and so on) in the
country are also guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
6) American people are of different races and nations, though mainly European and African, but
also include Chinese and Indian (Native American) origin.
7) New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco are the largest cities
in the country.

3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) When was the USA found?
2) How many states are the USA consist of?
3) What’s the full name of the country?
4) What territory does it occupy?
5) What areas are the USA divided into?
6) What’s the climate like in the USA?
7) What’s the most famous waterfall in the world?
8) What industries has the country got?
9) How many branches has the US government got?
10) What are the two houses of legislative power?
11) Who head the executive branch of power?
12) Who represents the executive branch?
13) What guarantees does the Bill of Rights provide with?

4. Найдите английские эквиваленты данных слов в тексте:

1) 50 штатов
2) быть разделенным на
3) включая
4) выбирать
5) высоко развитый
6) законодательная власть
7) занимать большую территорию
8) защищать от холода и жары
9) иметь границы с
10) исполнительная власть
11) коренные американцы
12) не принадлежать никакому штату
13) основана иммигрантами
14) политическая партия
15) самая длинная река
16) судебная власть

5. Узнайте интересные факты о США, соединив три части предложений:

1) The US gained its independence from Britain
2) The American Civil War was fought
3) The US suffered from a terrorist attack
4) the US entered into the Second World War

a) from 1861–1865
b) on December 7, 1941
c) on 4 July, 1776
d) on September 11, 2001

I. and it is now celebrated as Independence Day also called the Fourth of July.
II. during which the World Trade Towers in New York City were completely destroyed and the
Pentagon in Washington, DC was severely damaged.
III. 11 Southern slave‑keeping states declared their separation from the US and formed the Con-
federacy. They fought against the Northern States also known as the Union - the states where slav-
ery had been abolished.
IV. after the surprise Japanese attack on the US Naval base in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii

6. Соедините названия штатов США с их описанием:

1) Alaska a) is called «the Sunshine State» and is famous for the space-
2) California craft launchings from Cape Canaveral
3) Hawaii b) is the most popular state which has famous cities (San Fran-
4) Florida cisco, Los Angeles) and dessert valley (the Death Valley)
5) Louisiana c) is the biggest state with the longest coastline in the country
and it hasn’t got any border with the rest of the USA
d) is situated in the south of the country; its largest city is New
e) is located in Oceania consists of islands; the capital is called

7. Соедините названия известных городов США с их описанием:

1) Washington, DC a) is the largest city by population; an important center of
2) Detroit business, finance and art
3) New York City b) is the capital of the country
4) Los Angeles c) is famous for entertainment industry
5) New Orleans d) is the place where the Kennedy Assassination on No-
6) Atlanta vember 22, 1963 took place
7) Dallas e) is known as the birthplace of jazz and as the center of
French‑American culture
f) in Georgia, is the birthplace of Coca Cola and CNN
g) is famous for auto industry in Michigan

8. Подготовьте рассказ об одном из штатов или городов США.


1. Как вы думаете, верны ли эти факты о Нью-Йорке или нет? Прослушайте аудио
(SB 4.21) и проверьте свои догадки:
1) New York is the capital of the USA.
2) The population of New York is about 8.5 million.
3) People speak around 800 different languages in New York.
4) The Golden Gate is in New York.
5) The Empire State Building is in New York.
6) The White House is in New York.

2. Узнайте, какие достопримечательности можно посетить в Нью-Йорке, подобрав

подходящие заголовки к параграфам. Один из заголовков лишний:
a) The Statue of Liberty
b) The view from the top
c) The Brooklyn Bridge
d) Central Park
e) Visit a museum
f) Times Square
New York: The Top Five Things To Do
New York is one of the world`s most interesting cities. There are parks, rivers and famous build-
ings; there are great shops and interesting museums too. It is home to about 8.5 million people –
more than any other city in the USA. About 55 million visitors come to New York every year. Why
do they come?
1) __________________________________
Day or night, the view from the top of One World Trade Centre, the tallest building in the USA,
is fantastic. You can see islands, bridges, and some of the most famous buildings in the world
2) __________________________________
This is New York's busiest place. Over 300,000 visitors come here a day. People sell art, jewel-
lery on the street and you can buy cheap tickets for Broadway musicals, and plays, do not miss this
3) __________________________________
This is one of the most surprising places in the city. What can you do here? Visit the zoo or the
castle, Walk or jog on the grass and along the paths. Look at the beautiful lakes and gardens. In the
winter, you can go ice-skating, and in the summer, you can watch a Shakespeare play. There is
something for everyone.
4) __________________________________
Are you interested in art? What about science, history, or space travel? Between East 82nd and
East 105th Streets, there are eight amazing museums and art galleries. Do not miss one of the great
educational centres of the world.
5) __________________________________
A gift from the people of France in 1886, this is perhaps the city’s most famous tourist attraction.
It is a symbol of hope and freedom for people who arrive in America to start a new life.

3. Скажите, что означают данные цифры из текста:

1) 300 000 3) 55 million 5) 82 and 105
2) 8.5 4) 1886 6) One

4. Скажите, верны ли утверждения:

1) There are not many tourists in New York.
2) It is not allowed to sell jewellery on Times Square.

3) One World Trade centre is the tallest building in the world.

4) In Central Park, people can only walk and have picnic.
5) Between East 82nd and East 105th Streets, you can see lots of theatres and cinemas.
6) The Statue of Liberty is made in the USA.

5. Известно, что в Нью-Йорке огромное количество небоскребов. Посмотрите ви-

деофрагмент об одном из них и выберите подходящие ответы:
1) What can you find in Central Park?
e) A zoo f) A theatre g) A museum
2) Where did they build The Empire State Building?
a) In the 1980s b) In the 1940s c) In the 1930s
3) What is on the 102nd floor of the Empire State Building?
a) A restaurant b) A viewing platform c) A cinema

6. Посмотрите видеофрагмент еще раз и скажите, верны ли данные утверждения:

1) The Guggenheim Museum is a modern white building.
2) There are lots of cheap restaurants near the Empire State Building.
3) Some people call New York the Empire State.
4) The Empire State Building is 383 metres tall.
5) King Kong looked like a very large bird.
6) There are 1 860 steps to the top of the Empire State Building.
7) There are 360 floors in the Empire State Building.

7. Выберите любой город США и расскажите о его пяти достопримечательностях.



1. Узнайте о географическом положении Канады, вставив в текст пропущенные

a) continent; f) summer;
b) officially; g) temperatures;
c) population; h) waters;
d) situated; i) winters;
e) snow; j) world.
Canada occupies much of the (1)_____ of North America. Canada stretches from the Atlantic
Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west; to the north lies the Arctic Ocean; Greenland is to
the northeast. By total area (including its (2)_____), Canada is the second-largest country in the
(3)_____ , after Russia. Its border with the United States is the world's longest land border, the Can-
ada–United States border, (4)_____ known as the International Boundary, is the longest interna-
tional border in the world between two countries. It stretches 8,891 kilometres.
Canada's (5)_____ density is among the lowest in the world. The most densely populated part of
the country is the Quebec City, (6)_____ along the Great Lakes.
(7)_____ can be harsh in many parts of the country, which experience a continental climate,
where daily average (8)_____ are near −15°C (5 °F), but can drop below −40°C.
In some regions, (9)_____ can cover the ground for almost six months of the year, while in parts
of the north snow can persist year-round.
On the east and west coasts, average high temperatures are generally in the low 20s°C, while be-
tween the coasts, the average (10)_____ high temperature ranges from 25 to 30°C.

2. Найдите в тексте синонимы данных слов и выражений:

1) a section, piece or feature of something
2) all through the year
3) cruel, severe and unkind
4) in most cases, as a rule
5) in or into the space separating two or more points, objects, people, etc.
6) land next to or near to the sea or ocean
7) part of a place, town, etc., or a region of a country or the world
8) tall
9) to be somewhere, to take some place
10) to place something over or in front of something in order to hide, protect or decorate it

3. Составьте предложения, поставив данные слова в правильном порядке. Затем,

вставьте предложения в текст и узнайте о политической системе Канады:
a) Each / government / responsibilities / different / level / has / of .
b) Canadians / the House of Commons / to / elect / representatives .
c) The Prime Minister / MPs / to serve / as ministers / chooses / in / the cabinet .
d) Senators Canada / come / from / across .
In Canada, there are 3 levels of government. (1) _____
 federal government (the Government of Canada) are responsible for things that affect the
whole country, such as citizenship and immigration, national defence and trade with other countries;
 provincial and territorial governments (for example, the Province of Ontario) are responsible
for things such as education, health care and highways;
 municipal (local) governments (cities, towns, and villages in Ontario) are responsible for fire-
fighting, city streets and other local matters. If there is no local government, the province provides

Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, is Canada's formal head of state. The Governor General repre-
sents the Queen in Canada and carries out the duties of head of state.
At the federal level, there are 3 parts of government:
 The House of Commons makes Canada's laws. (2)_____. These representatives are called
Members of Parliament (MPs) and usually belong to a political party. The political party that has the
largest number of MPs forms the government, and its leader becomes prime minister.
 The Prime Minister is the head of government in Canada. (3)_____. There are ministers for
citizenship and immigration, justice and other subjects. The cabinet makes important decisions
about government policy.
 The Senate reviews laws that are proposed by the House of Commons. (4)_____. The Prime
Minister chooses the senators.

4. Узнайте о достопримечательностях Канады, соединив их описания с названиями:

a) Chateau Frontenac
b) CN Tower
c) Niagara Falls
1) This landmark is situated on the Niagara River, which lies on the border of the province of
Ontario and the state of New York. It is the largest waterfall in North America. It is also a great
source of hydroelectric power and a tourist attraction with about 30 million visitors each year. You
can take a boat cruise, which carries passengers very close to it.
2) This sight is a grand hotel located in Quebec City. The hotel was named after Louis de Bau-
de, who was the governor of the colony of New France. It first opened in 1893. Princess Grace,
Winston Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt also visited the hotel. With over 600 rooms and suites,
the place holds the Guinness World Record as “the most photographed hotel in the world”.
3) Located in Toronto, this sight is a communication and observation point used by radio and
television stations. Built in 1976, it is 550 metres tall. For 34 years, it held the record for the world’s
tallest tower until Burj Khalifa in Dubai. This point attracts more than two million visitors each
year. Many tourists take the elevator up to the world’s largest viewing platform for a breath-taking

5. Соотнесите данные слова и выражения с синонимами из текста:

1) a piece of electrical equipment with a screen on which you can watch programmes with mov-
ing pictures and sounds
2) a place where tourists can stay for their holiday
3) large, very big
4) not closed or blocked
5) the ability to control people or things
6) the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information
7) the line that divides two countries or areas
8) to be somewhere, to be situated somewhere
9) to interest somebody, to make somebody want it
10) to take pictures of somebody/something

6. Обобщите все, что вы узнали о Канаде, и заполните таблицу:

Name of the country
Geographical position
Border states and countries
Population density
Geography records

Levels of Government and

their responsibilities

Parts of Government at the

federal level

Famous Sights and reasons of



1. Просмотрите видеофрагмент об Австралии и вставьте пропущенные слова в

a) island; e) continent;
b) dessert; f) language;
c) population; g) situated;
d) cut off; h) capital

Australia is one of the oldest lands in the world. Australia is the largest (1)_____ in the world
and it is the smallest (2)_____ .
It is (3)_____ to the south of Equator, between the Pacific and the Indian oceans. Australia is the
flattest continent after Antarctica. It is also the world’s driest continent. Much of the land is a
(4)_____ . The (5)_____ is only 16,5 million and most of Australians live in the in the 10 largest
cities. Many people live far away in the outback. Canberra is the (6)_____ of Australia. But it is
not the biggest city. The biggest city of the country is Sydney. Australia’s official (7)_____ is Eng-
lish. Australia’s national day on 26 January.
As Australia was (8)_____ from the other continents very early in the history of the world,
there are some unique plants and animals there, for example, dingoes (wild dog), koala bears and

2. Составьте предложения из данных слов и узнайте новые факты об Австралии:

1) Australia / a part / millions / ago / continent / a / of / huge / years / was / of.
2) James Cook / east / Australia / the / in / discovered / 1770 / captain / the / of / English / coast.
3) Australia / land / the / in / Dutch / first / were / sailors / Europeans / to.
4) Is / Commonwealth / the / Queen / a / headed / the / Australia / British / member / of / by.

3. Скажите, верны ли данные утверждения:

1) Sydney is the capital of Australia.
2) Australia is one of the oldest lands in the world.
3) It’s located to the south of Equator
4) Australia’s national day on 15 January.
5) It often rains in Australia.

4. Прочитайте текст и узнайте больше об истории Австралии:

Australia was sighted by Dutch, Portuguese, and Spanish ships in the seventeenth century. No
colonies followed at the time, however, as these nations were less interested in colonizing than in
exploring. As in the early history of the United States, it was the English who established the per-
manent settlement in Australia.
The history and geography of these two former British colonies have some other things in com-
mon as well. Australia and the United States are about equal in size, and barren western portions of
the two bear a close physical resemblance.
It was the eastern coast of Australia and America that the English first settled, and both colonies
soon began to expand to the west. However, this westward expansion occurred more because the
colonists were searching for better land than because the population was increasing. Settlement on
the western part of both countries quickened after gold was discovered in America in 1849 and in
Australia two years later.
Although the parallels in the development of these two countries are striking, there are some
sharp contrasts as well. The US gained its independence from England by revolution, whereas Aus-
tralia was granted its independence without having to go to war. Australia, unlike the US, was origi-
nally colonized by English convicts, and its economy was rooted in wheat growing and sheep rais-

ing. By 1922, for example, Australia had 15 times more sheep than it had people or almost half as
many sheep as there are people today in the USA. Yet, in spite of these and other major differences,
Australia and the US have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest
of the world.

5. Соотнесите слова из левой колонки с их определениями из правой:

1) population a) a country or area under the full or partial political control
2) expansion of another country and occupied by settlers from that country
3) independence b) a large body of people united by common descent, histo-
4) nation ry, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or terri-
5) colony tory
6) settlement c) a place, typically one which has previously been uninhab-
ited, where people establish a community
d) the act of becoming bigger or of making something big-
e) all the inhabitants of a particular place
f) freedom from being governed or ruled by another country

6. Найдите английские эквиваленты данных слов и выражений в тексте:

1) исследование
2) постоянный
3) бывший
4) общий
5) равны по размеру
6) сходство
7) расширяться
8) резкий конфликт
9) получить независимость
10) существенное различие

7. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант ответа:

1) Australia didn’t become a colony straight away as…
a) there was no proper climatic conditions which made it impossible for the Dutch, Portuguese,
and Spanish to colonize it.
b) the people that discovered it were interested only in exploring.
c) at that time there was no such a phenomenon as colonizing.
2) The US and Australia have a lot in common, such as…
a) colonizing history, similar landscape, size.
b) physical resemblance, the period of gold rush, the same political and economic systems.
c) climate conditions, gold rush, revolutionary way to independence.
3) Expansion to the west has begun in both countries because…
a) gold deposits were discovered in both countries.
b) the population of the countries has increased.
c) the settlers wanted to find better lands.
4) Australian economy was originated by…
a) English shepherds who bred sheep.
b) English farmers who grew corn.
c) English prisoners who bred sheep and grew wheat.
5) Выберите правильный вариант перевода: «In spite of the differences, Australia and the US
have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world»

a) Несмотря на все различия, Австралия и США имеют больше общего друг с другом,
чем любые другие страны мира.
b) Несмотря на различия, Австралия и США имеют больше сходств друг с другом, чем с
любой другой страной мира.
c) Несмотря на различия, у Австралии и США больше общего друг с другом, чем у лю-
бой из них с большей частью остального мира.

8. Узнайте еще больше об Австралии и ее населении. Соедините абзацы текста с за-

головками. Один заголовок лишний:
a) Australian Holidays
b) An old custom on a new continent
c) The coexistence of two cultures
d) The water sports country
e) The Nation «Living» Outdoors
1) It's warm in Australia all year round. Therefore, Australians prefer to spend a lot of time out-
side. Most people live in their own houses; almost every house has a garden and a swimming pool.
Australians love gardening. They spend all their free time growing flowers, fruits and vegetables.
2) Australians observe some English traditions. At Christmas people send each other cards with
Christmas trees and snow, despite the fact that the temperature can be 25 degrees above zero, and
people can spend Christmas holidays on the beaches.
3) Australia is a country of sports and sports hobbies. Team, water and extreme sports are popu-
lar here. The greatest popularity and huge demand is for water sports, especially surfing, because
there are a huge number of beaches in Australia. Australia is generally considered to be the world
center of surfing and diving.
4) In Australia, you can find things of the English and Aborigines. Visitors to the country are
often surprised by this. For example, there are very English geographical names such as Melbourne,
Brighton or Liverpool next to places named by aborigines such as Wagga Wagga or Youndiwindi.

9. Опираясь на изученный материал, задайте 5 вопросов об Австралии и опросите

друг друга.

10. Посмотрите видеофрагмент о Новой Зеландии и заполните таблицу:

a) The name of the country
b) Population
c) The area of the country
d) The largest islands
e) What is it washed by?
f) The capital of the New Zealand
g) The landscape
h) The largest city

11. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста:

New Zealand is an island country, lying in the south Pacific 1600 km east of Australia.
It is a small, quiet and green country with only 3,5 million people in it.
New Zealand has two large islands, one smaller island and numerous much smaller ones. The
main island are the North Island and the South Island. Over70 percent of the population lives in the
North Island, which includes the capital city Wellington, and the largest centre of population, Auck-
Although there are several lowland areas around the coast, the mountainous nature of New Zea-
land is one of its most striking physical characteristics. A chair of mountains ranges provides a

backbone to both main islands. The islands of New Zealand are south of the Equator so the seasons
are reversed in this part of the world.
Volcanic action has played an important part in the formation of the islands, especially on the
North Islands, where the process still continues.
Earthquakes, although usually not severe, are frequent in the North Island. Every year there are
over 100 earthquakes.
There are many species of fauna or animal life which are native and unique to New Zealand.
Many New Zealand’s birds are flightless.
1) Where is New Zealand situated?
2) Name the New Zealand’s major islands.
3) Which is the most striking physical characteristics of the islands?
4) Are earthquakes frequent in New Zealand?
5) What are the features of animal life in New Zealand?
13. Выберите верный вариант:
1) In the New Zealand context, the term “kiwi” can mean:
a. A green oval shaped fruit covered in brown fuzzy skin
b. A flightless bird with no tail and coarse, bristly, hair-like feathers
c. Someone who is born in New Zealand
d. All of the above
2) What is the name of the New Zealand national tribe?
a. Crow
b. Maori
c. Aborigines
d. Cree
3) What is the capital of New Zealand?
a. Auckland
b. Canberra
c. Queenstown
d. Wellington
4) How many stars are there on the New Zealand’s flag?
a. 7
b. 4
c. 3
d. 5
5) What are the official languages?
a. English and Maori
b. English and New Zealand sign language
c. English, Maori and New Zealand sign language
6) Who was the first European navigator who visited New Zealand?
a) James Cook
b) Abel Tasman
c) Mathew Flinders
7. What kind of sports are popular in New Zealand?
a) Football
b) Rugby
c) Crocket
d) Tennis


1. Соедините английские поговорки с русскими эквивалентами и ответьте на во-
просы ниже:
1) Old customs are best. a) В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не
2) So many countries, so many customs. ходят.
3) When in Rome, do as the Romans do. b) Все новое – это хорошо забытое старое.
c) Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.
What do these sayings mean? Explain the meaning of each.
Can you agree with the first saying? The second? The third?

2. Дополните текст пропущенными фразами и узнайте о традициях Соединенного

a) “please, thank you and excuse me”
b) egoism, and intolerance of outsiders
c) in the company of their husbands or wives, children and pets
d) seldom in a hurry
e) show more intense love to their customs and traditions
f) the character of the nation
g) the short skirt for men
h) their favourite breakfast consists of
i) they do not like to change them
j) through the attitude to the monarchy
k) who does not like to drink tea
People from Britain are British. Some people believe that “English” is similar to “British”. How-
ever, Great Britain consists not only of England, so the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish are British
too. So, it is not right to call them “English”.
Customs and traditions can describe (1)_____. They say the British are very polite and have good
manners. When you are in the UK, you will hear (2)_____ everywhere. British sense of humour is
well-known in the whole world. They are also rather independent and comfort loving.
Negative features, which can be associated with them, are extreme self-confidence, (3)_____.
They also don’t like to share.
Food is also an important part of the British culture. The British like certain kind of food and
never get tired of it. For example, (4)_____ bacon, eggs, tomato, fried bread and some sausages. At
the end, they have a toast spread with orange marmalade and a cup of tea with milk or lemon. Now-
adays coffee is also very popular, but tea still takes the leading position, there is practically no per-
son in the country (5) _____.
People from Britain are called a nation of stay-at-homes. They have got a famous saying “There
is no place like home”. They prefer to spend their free time at home (6)_____.
However, their most famous thing is conservativeness. People there are proud of their customs
and (7)_____. It you want to see how conservative they are, you should recall their love for eating
traditional English food or reading newspapers in the morning. On a large scale, their conservatism
can be shown (8)_____.
However, the Scotts, the Welsh and the Irish have their own peculiarities.
The Scotts are rather kind, but at first, they do not seem as friendly as the English. Scottish peo-
ple like extremes; they are very coloured and extravagant. Scottish traditional costume, kilt,
(9)_____, is a very famous part of their culture. It has been their traditional clothing for very long
time and has been very comfortable for such a wet country.
Wales is home for national spirit and pride. They (10)_____ than in any other part of the UK.
Welsh highly developed artistic sense is also very famous.

In the Northern Ireland life is slower than in the rest of the country; people there are (11)_____.
People say that Irish are hard-headed, business-like, self-conscious and very superstitious. They are
also afraid of being laughed at.
Well, sometimes the world considers Great Britain as a strange island because of their love to
their customs, but they believe in their traditions very much and try to preserve them.

3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1) How many nations are there in the UK?
2) Why are the British polite?
3) What do the British like to drink?
4) What are the adjectives from the text describing the British?
5) What is the British main food for breakfast?
6) Do they like to stay at home?
7) What does their attitude to the monarchy show?
8) What nation likes extremes?
9) What is the Scott’s national costume?
10) What is Wales famous for?
11) What are the national features of the people from the Northern Ireland?

4. Заполните таблицу на основе прочитанного текста:

Feature Example
Positive personal characteristics
Negative personal characteristics
Traditional food
Attitude to home
Scottish personal characteristics
Welsh personal characteristics
Irish personal characteristics

5. Обсудите с другом традиции Великобритании с опорой на шаблон:

A: - Hello! I need to write a report. Can you help me?
B: - Yes, sure. How can I help?
A: - The topic of report is British customs and traditions. Do you know anything about them?
B: - Well, I know that the British are … As for their negative features, they are …
A: - Oh, that`s very helpful. I know that food …
B: - Great! You can use it in your report too. Do you know their attitude to their homes?
A: - Yes, I read about it. They …
B: - That’s right. They are also very conservative. As an example of their conservativeness, you
can write about … Do you need any information about the Scots, the Welsh and the Northern Irish?
A: - I know that Scottish people are … They also have a traditional clothing - … And what can
you add about other nations?
B: - Well, the Welsh are ... and the Irish are …
A: - Thank you very much!

1. Соотнесите черты характера на английском языке с их эквивалентами на рус-
1) attentive a) сдержанный
2) critical b) юмористический
3) humorous c) вежливый
4) independent d) индивидуальный
5) individual e) критический
6) moderate f) независимый
7) moody g) терпиливый
8) patient h) внимательный
9) polite i) угрюмый

2. Вставьте пропущенные слова из предыдущего упражнения в предложения:

1) Good and well-educated people are always ___, even under pressure they do not forget to say
“please” and “thank you”.
2) I believe that he is very ___, he notices everything.
3) I hate waiting! I am not a ___ person at all.
4) One of the most important skill nowadays is ___ thinking: when you do not believe to every-
thing, but check it yourself.
5) Only ___ people can take part in comedy shows.
6) People who seldom show their emotions are called ___.
7) Students have to be more ___, it is important for them to learn how to take responsibility.
8) Teenagers want to be ___ and move away from their parents, but they don’t know what the
grown-up live really is.
9) Why are you so ___ today? – The weather is bad and I didn`t have enough sleep.

3. Придумайте описание черт характера из упражнения 1 по образцу, а ваши одно-

группники угадают, какую черту характера вы имели в виду:
Образец: These people think about or watch something carefully. – Attentive.

4. Прочитайте текст и узнайте о характере англичан:

British Character
Every nation has its own features of character. Let’s learn about English ones.
Maciamo Hay, a Belgian-born historian, visited over 50 countries and spent a few months in
some of them, including Great Britain, where he studied the language, customs and characters of the
British. He says that it is very strange that the Russians were communists, though the British could
do it better. The British are good at working together; they also queue and wait for an operation or
the deliveries very patiently. Moreover, the British accept rather calmly the lack of food (for exam-
ple, in a supermarket on a Saturday afternoon). They feel comfortable with bureaucracy and tolerant
of dictatorship. They even have a natural talent for making excellent jokes about government and
they really like to bring the rich and the powerful low. According to his opinion, the British are pa-
tient, polite, attentive and humorous.
Britain is called the most individualistic country in the European Union. They enjoy their priva-
cy. The UK is unique country where flats are still not popular, because people need “their own door
and entrance”. In personal relationships, the British do not like the outsiders, they seldom invite you
to their place. In a business field, it is difficult to work with them for the first time until you know
each other better. In a large scale, Brexit (exit of Britain from the EU) is also a good example of
their independency and individualism.

Most British have a sweet tooth. They feel happy about teacakes, biscuits, jam, puddings or cake.
So, when you see a British, treat them with something sweet and your relationship will be better.
The British are famous for their moderation. They are good at avoidance of the extremes. Even
their political structure is a response to reformation and revolution – they have constitutional mon-
archy and the church still plays an important role in the life of the country.
Unrelenting optimism is another feature specific to them. Who can live in a constant rainy weath-
er? The British can. Moreover, they made the weather a kind of a national symbol.
In general, these are the adjectives that best qualify the national character of the British people:
 independent;
 polite;
 critical (both in the positive and negative way);
 moody;
 moderate;
 class-conscious (and people actually do look and behave quite distinctly according to their
social class);
 humorous (often in a sarcastic or ironic);
 individual.

5. Скажите, верны ли данные утверждения:

1) Maciamo Hay has never lived in any country except for Belgium.
2) The British cannot work together.
3) The British feel good about queuing.
4) The British hate bureaucracy.
5) France is the most individualistic country in the EU.
6) They do not like to make jokes about the rich.
7) The British like extremes, they are never moderate.
8) People in the UK are rather optimistic.

6. Представьте, что вы провели лето в Англии. Составьте диалог и обсудите харак-

тер англичан, опираясь на шаблон:
 Hello! I am glad to see you! I know that you have spent your summer in England. So, how
was it?
 Hi! Yes, that was amazing! The country is wonderful but I think the English are even more
 Oh, tell me about them. I heard that they are_____.
 Yes, they are also _____.
 And what about negative features?
 Oh, they are _____. For example, _____.
 I see. But what is the best thing about them?
 I really like their _____.I also think that their _____ is great.
 That Is Very Interesting! …

1. Вспомните, как говорить о характере на английском языке. Соедините синонимы
и переведите оба слова:
1) creative a) amiable
2) brave b) egoistical
3) friendly c) fearless
4) hard-working d) imaginative
5) honest e) impolite
6) patient f) inactive
7) polite g) industrious
8) sensible h) sad
9) kind i) sincere
10) lazy j) smart
11) mean k) sociable
12) evil l) tolerant
13) moody m) unpleasant
14) rude n) well-mannered
15) selfish o) wicked

2. Разделите пары из предыдущего упражнения на две группы: positive and negative.

3. Подберите антонимы к данным словам:

1) sensible
a) foolish b) smart c) intelligent
2) brave
a) courageous b) fearless c) fearful
3) hard-working
a) productive b) lazy c) industrious
4) kind
a) amiable b) evil c) sad
5) rude
a) polite b) mean c) angry
6) friendly
a) good b) hostile c) polite
7) selfish
a) altruistic b) egoistic c) kind

4. Вставьте в предложения слова, выбранные вами в предыдущем упражнении:

1) Her answer is rather _____, but she doesn’t even understand that! You’d better study well not
to be in such a situation!
2) He is a new student, but he is very _____ to others. I don’t think he will make friends here.
3) Heroes in books are always _____.
4) Volunteers are _____ and kind. It is great that people like them live among us.
5) Most people are _____ until they find what they really like doing.
6) Students should be _____ to the teacher and show their respect.
7) Sarah is an _____ person. She never says anything nice to anyone.

5. Подберите наиболее подходящую черту характера из упражнения 3 к описанию:

1) This person knows a lot.
2) This person always says “thank you” and “please”.

3) This person can’t make friends.

4) This person is frightened of everything.
5) This person succeeds at work.
6) This person thinks only of him- or herself.
7) This person can betray.

6. По примеру предыдущего упражнения составьте свои описания, а ваши одно-

группники догадаются, какое слово вы имели в виду.

7. Узнайте о характере американцев:

American character
Americans are more informal than the British, and the social distinction is less. For example, stu-
dents never stand up when a teacher enters the room. Unlike in Britain, one does not address a per-
son by his title, such as “Major” or “General” or “Doctor”. The respectful “Sir” is not often heard in
the country.
Instead, Americans use first names when calling each other, slap on the back, joke and feel much
freer in their speech. The language itself is more slangy than the British English. For example, you
will often hear the word “Hi” or “Hey” used instead of the usual “Hello”, and “What`s up?” instead
of “How do you do?”.
People in the USA are friendly, sometimes even too much: those who don't easily show the signs
of friendship are called “snooty” or “snobbish”. In contrast, people who always smile and are ready
to make friends anywhere and anywhen, particularly to their own economic and social inferiors, are
called “regular” or “truly democratic”. As a description of character, the word “democratic” usually
means that a person of high social or economic status acts in such a way that his or her inferiors are
not reminded of their inferiority.
Yet, in spite of all the informality, Americans still show consciousness of social distinction.
When you listen to the conversation between boss and inferior, you will hear language that is more
formal. The informal “Hello” is an acceptable greeting from employee to employer, the employee is
more apt to say “Hello, Mr. Ferguson”, while the employer may reply “Hello, Jim”.
Certain other forms of politeness are observed on social occasions. Women may wear hats in
churches and restaurants, social events and public places. Men usually take off their hats in eleva-
tors, churches, restaurants, private homes, business offices — in fact, in most public situations when
they wish to show respect.

8. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) Do students stand up when the teacher enters? Is it better than in Russia in your opinion?
2) Which is freer and more slangy, American or British English?
3) How are people, who don`t make friends easily, called?
4) What does the word “democratic” mean when we talk about people?
5) How do American employers and employees greet each other?
6) Who can wear hats on social occasions?


1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) What is a conflict?
2) Can people live without conflicts?
3) What are negative features of the conflict?
4) What are positive features of the conflict?
5) Often do you have conflicts with your parents? Why?
6) How often do your groupmates have conflicts?

2. Прочитайте текст и соотнесите названия стилей с их описанием:

a) accommodation d) competition
b) avoidance e) compromise
c) collaboration
There are some styles, which we use in conflicts. All of them have their advantages and disad-
vantages. Let’s have a look at some of them:
The first one is the turtle. These people think that almost all conflicts can be solved themselves.
They usually stay calm and help de-escalate emotions in conflict. The problem of turtles is their
tendency to minimize, deny and avoid conflicts, but some problems tend to become bigger and
worse when they are not solved.
The second style of the teddy bear. The strength of this style is how sweet this person is in most
situations. Nobody can be angry with them. It is important and even necessary for them to have
harmony. They often accept blame because they just want to bring peace to angry situations. Their
trouble is that people can take advantage of them, so the teddy bear becomes a doormat, but frankly
speaking, they are not self-confident and want everyone to like them.
The third type of style is the shark. People of this style are strong, courageous, they can start a
conflict very quickly. However, a shark is a leader that can confront bullies. Their problem is that
they can become tactless, and hurt others’ feelings.
The fox is the forth style of dealing with conflicts. They are great at communication and finding
compromises. Foxes often find smart solutions, but they are deceptive and manipulative. Be sure,
foxes will cheat you in a conflict.
The fifth style is called the owl. Their great side is integrity. They are good at building trust, re-
spect and deeper relationship. An owl creates a win-win experience, but the problem is that it is
necessary to have a second parties for collaboration. However, some conflicts need fast solutions
and owls are usually slow.
Of course, all people use different styles depending on the person, the situation and the level of
stress. For example, the way we communicate with the relatives is not similar to the communication
with teachers and friends.

3. Найдите эквиваленты данных словосочетаний в тексте:

1) сильная сторона 9) взять вину на себя
2) обманчивый 10) воспользоваться кем-то, получить
3) обмануть выгоду от кого-то
4) разжечь конфликт 11) избегать конфликтов
5) разрядить эмоциональную обстанов- 12) стать «половой тряпкой»
ку 13) самооценка
6) решиться само по себе 14) уверенный в себе
7) быть склонным к 15) мир
8) находить компромисс

4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1) How many styles of dealing with conflicts exist?
2) What problem with self-esteem do teddy bears have?
3) Why is the turtle style called avoidance?
4) What style can accept the blame just to bring peace?
5) What style can start a conflict very easily?
6) What is a positive feature of sharks?
7) What are the negative features of being the owl?
8) Whose negative features are deceptiveness and manipulation?

5. Выберите верный вариант:

1) Which is the most assertive and most cooperative style?
a) Shark b) Owl c) Fox
2) Which is the least assertive and least cooperative?
a) Turtle b) Teddy bear c) Shark
3) Which animal represents the collaborative style?
a) Shark b) Fox c) Owl
4) Which style is represented by the teddy bear?
a) Avoidance b) Accommodation c) Competition
5) When is the shark a good animal to be?
a) In an emergency b) When relationships are c) When a group decision
important is needed
6) What does the owl ensure?
a) That one side wins and b) That the solution helps c) Problems are solved
the other agrees. both sides. quickly
7) What is the negative about being a fox?
a) Both sides have to give b) It can be time consum- c) Both sides are satisfied
something up. ing in the end
8) What does the teddy bear care about?
a) The person b) The issue c) The solution
9) When isn`t the turtle good?
a) When emotions are b) When you are in a c) When you need to han-
running high dangerous situation dle life

6. Пройдите тест и узнайте свой стиль решения конфликтов, отвечая на вопросы

баллами от 1 до 5, где 1 – всегда, 2 – очень часто, 3 – иногда, 4 – редко, 5 – почти нико-
a) I like to demonstrate that I take the position higher than others do.
b) I try to find compromises through communication.
c) I try to meet the expectation of others.
d) I want to find solutions that are great for everyone.
e) I always protect my opinion and never hesitate.
f) I do not like to express my opinion when I disagree with others, so I keep my ideas to myself.
g) I still think that all my solutions to problems were great.
h) I compromise in order to find solutions.
i) I “trade” important information with others so we could solve problems together.
j) I hate discussing my differences with others.
k) I try to accommodate the wishes of my friends and groupmates.
l) I try to hear all people`s opinions in order to resolve disputes in the best possible way.
m) I like middle positions in conflicts.
n) I accept the recommendations of peers and groupmates.
o) I am never rude expressing disagreements with others to myself.

Впишите в таблицу результаты по каждому пункту и найдите общий результат

Style Total
Shark a e g
Owl d i l
Turtle f j o
Teddy Bear c k n
Fox b h m

My dominant style is _________________________________ (Your lowest score)

My back-up style is_______________________________ (Your second lowest score)


1. Соотнесите термины из левой колонки с определениями из правой:
1) a foreign language a) a means for solving world problems thought to be
2) an international language caused by misunderstandings of communication;
3) an official language b) a non-native language that is widely used for pur-
4) a second language poses of communication usually in education, business,
5) a widespread language or in regional or national administration;
6) a first language c) the language of communication in a country which
7) a mother tongue is also used in government, schools, etc;
8) a modern language d) a language spoken in many countries;
e) one that is spoken at the present time;
f) the first language you learned as a child, used espe-
cially when you are now living in a country where a dif-
ferent language is spoken;
g) the first language you learned as a child;
h) a non-native language taught in school.

2. Посмотрите о том, почему английский язык называется глобальным, и ответьте

на вопросы:
1) Has English become the world’s most important language? Why?
2) How many people speak it as a mother tongue?
3) In what countries do people use English as native language?
4) Can you name any English words that have entered the Russian language?
5) What is English to you?

3. Посмотрите видеофрагмент еще раз, соотнесите части предложений:

1) About 350 million people speak English as a a) different jobs
2) More than 450 million people speak English b) mother tongue
as an c) British English
3) English is necessary for a lot of d) official language
4) American English is based on

4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1) Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign …
a) people b) language c) countries
2) Those who knows … can communicate to people from other countries.
a) foreign literature b) foreign language c) foreign countries
3) Nowadays English has become … in politics, science, trade and cultural relations.
a) more important lan- b) is not important lan- c) the world’s most im-
guage guage portant language
4) Over 300 million people use it as a mother …
a) language b) tongue c) land
5) It is one of the official languages of the … organizations.
a) voluntary b) international c) independent

5. Вставьте пропущенные фрагменты предложений в текст и узнайте больше об ан-

глийском языке. Один из фрагментов лишний:
a) … has become the world’s top tongue…
b) … English is easier to learn…
c) … has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.
d) … helps the student to understand other peoples, their culture and ways of life.
e) … it is the most widespread language on the Earth.
f) … the best way of learning a language…
g) … you know English…

The English language

Today English is the most important international language. Geographically, (1) _____. 400 mil-
lion people speak English as their first language and 600 million people speak it either as a second
or as a foreign language.
There are many reasons for its popularity. English is so widespread nowadays because it (2)
_____. It is the language of business people and scientists, politicians and diplomats, sportsmen and
singers. The English language (3) _____and I think that it is going to become a global language,
dominating the world’s trade, computers and media.
Nowadays English is the most popular language in Russia. If you are interested in science,
business or literature, you can always read the latest reports in English and learn the latest infor-
mation. If (4) ____, you can enjoy foreign films and foreign music. More than that, it is very useful
when you travel abroad. You can communicate better if you know English. Besides, (5) _____than
any other languages.
There are a lot of useful learning strategies such as reading English books, using a cassette
recorder or watching English films. But in my opinion, (6) _____ is to practice a lot. Today we
have an opportunity to go to an English-speaking country and to talk to native speakers.
English is the most popular language. Millions of people study and use English as a foreign
language. English today is necessary for every educated person.

6. Скажите, зачем люди изучают английский язык?

7. Узнайте, как звучат некоторые слова на современном сленге, соединив слова из

двух колонок:
1) a quid a) a cup of tea
2) a cuppa b) a short sleep
3) a telly c) an umbrella
4) a loo d) £1
5) a brolly e) a television
6) a kip f) a toilet

8. С помощью дополнительных источников информации, попробуйте расшифро-

вать известные сокращения, используемые при Интернет-переписке. Какие аналоги
существуют в русском языке?
1) TTY 8) PLS
2) BTW 9) BFF
3) IMHO 10) 4U
4) FYI 11) B4
5) HAND 12) 2NITE
6) LOL 13) TX
7) OMG

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