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Lumbar puncture

Name/Shoroq Ahmed Masar

Dr/Umm Kalthum

 What is a lumbar puncture?

A lumbar puncture involves putting a needle into the lower back
to reach the fluid that sits around the spinal cord. This can help
to diagnose and sometimes treat problems of the brain and spinal
’.cord. Lumbar puncture is sometimes called a ‘spinal tap

 What is the reason for a lumbar puncture?

1. Bleeding in the brain.

2. Dementia.
3. Leukemia.
4. Meningitis and encephalitis.
5. Multiple sclerosis.
6. Myelitis.
7. Excess cerebrospinal fluid.

 Why is a lumbar puncture performed?

1.Presence of bacteria, fungi or abnormal cells.
2.Glucose (blood sugar) levels.
3.Protein types and levels.
4.White blood cell types and levels.
5.Relieve intracranial (head) pressure.

 How should I prepare for lumbar puncture)?

Stop taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin
and warfarin.
Tell your doctor if you’re allergic to povidone-iodine (an
antiseptic) or procaine (an anesthetic).

 How is a spinal tap (lumbar puncture) performed?

1.The procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes.
2.For the procedure, your provider may have you lie
on your left side with your knees pulled up to your
chin (fetal position.
3.Cleans your skin with an antiseptic.

4.Injects a local anesthetic into your lower back to
numb the area. You might feel a slight burning
5.Inserts a thin, hollow needle between two
vertebrae (spinal bones) in the lower part of the
spine. You may feel some pressure.
6.Draws fluid into the needle or injects medication or
7.Gently withdraws the needle.
8.Cleans the skin again with an antiseptic and covers
the puncture site with a bandage.

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