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Study Plan

Name:Kanwal Aziz

Country: Pakistan

Previous Qualification: B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture

Proposed Study: M.phil

In this letter, I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for CSC Scholarship Program 2023 . My
Bachelor's degree in Agriculture still continue that’s will be end in May , with a specialization in Plant
Breeding and Genetics from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur .Previously ,I studied the Molecular
genetics ,Plant Biometry ,Agricultural Economics ,Breeding of Oilseed crops ,Breeding of Pulses crops ,
Fundamental of Genetics and Cytogenetics etc.

I am passionate about plant genetics and breeding, and I want to contribute to the development of
sustainable and high-yielding oilseed varieties that can meet the growing demand for vegetable oils and
biodiesel. Today's Agriculture is the backbone of civilization. The agricultural industry has a vital role in
developing any nation, and as history shows, most developed nations today grew on the rear of a solid
agricultural industry.. Agriculture sector is indispensable to the country,s economic growth ,food
security,employment generation and poverty alleviation particularly,at rural level. This fact has rendered
me to understand agriculture and explore more of its aspects.

My research interests in Plant Breeding and Genetics include developing high-yielding and stress-tolerant
oilseed crops using conventional and molecular breeding approaches .Studying the genetic and epigenetic
factors that influence oil content and quality in oilseed crops .Understanding the molecular mechanisms
of seed development and germination in oilseed crops Developing tools and technologies for efficient and
cost-effective oilseed breeding and genotyping . Mustard has great potential for increasing farmers'
incomes and reducing import dependence as oilseed crop. Several challenges including low productivity,
susceptibility to diseases and pests, and environmental stresses for oilseed crops . In my proposed
research, I will use whole-genome sequencing , Marker Assisted Selection and traits associated with yield,
stress tolerance, and disease resistance in mustard .To enhance the food security the expected
consequence of my research including the development of of high-yielding and stress-tolerant mustard
varieties .

China is the largest consumer and is heavily dependent on imports to meet its demand of edible oils .
Recently the Chinese government has been promoting the cultivation and production of oilseed crops to
decrease its reliance on imports.So, there has been a growing interest and investment in research and
development of oilseed crops like mustard, which have high yields and are well-suited to China's climatic
conditions. Pursuing a scholarship in China will provide me with a unique opportunity to study and conduct
research on oilseed crops. I believe that the knowledge and skills I gain through this experience will enable
me to contribute to the development of sustainable and efficient agricultural practices, not only in China
but also globally. Growing up, I had an obvious idea of what I might wish to neutralize in the longer term,
and as I discovered new exciting fields, I also grew keen on Agronomy and environmental sciences .I expect
to get my Master's degree as a knowledgeable Breeder.

I have chosen to use it for the CSC Scholarship Program because it will help me achieve my dreams of
becoming a talented Breeder.

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