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Phlebotomy and Laboratory Management SAMPLEX/ REVIEWER

• Which blood specimen additive can inhibit the • What is the advantage of collecting STAT chemistries
metabolism of glucose by the cells?- NaF in a green top tube?- Plasma specimens can be
• Which of the following items is unnecessary when centrifuged right away, The turnaround time for results
performing a routine venipuncture?- Disinfectant is much shorter, Whole blood tests can be performed
• A serum specimen is requested. Which of the following right away
evacuated tubes can be used to- SST • This antiseptic has been traditionally used to obtain the
• Which of the following are all anticoagulants that high degree of skin antisepsis required when collecting
remove calcium from the specimen by forming blood cultures.- povidone-iodine
insoluble calcium salts and therefore prevent • Which of the following is the preferred solution to use
coagulation?- Sodium citrate, EDTA, oxalate to clean up blood spills?- An EPA-approved bleach
• In a successful venipuncture, evacuated tubes fit product
automatically as soon as the tube stopper is pierced • Antiseptics are- Safe for use on human skin
because of- Premeasured vacuum in each tube • A solution used to clean the site before routine
• Lavender stopper tubes are most commonly used to venipuncture is- 70% isopropyl alcohol
collect- hematology tests • Why are gauze pads a better choice than cotton balls
• Which of the following is one reason the evacuated for covering the site and holding pressure following
tube system (ETS) is the preferred blood collection venipuncture?- Cotton ball fibers can stick to the site
system?- Exposure of the blood to contaminants is • CLSI standards advise against using these on infants
avoided and children under 2 years old:- adhesive bandages
• Lithium heparin is a suitable anticoagulant for which of • Which of the following should be deleted from a list of
the following tests?- lytes required characteristics of a sharps container?- red in
• Which of the following additives can be found in a color
royal blue-top collection tube?- EDTA • It is best if tourniquets are- Used once and then
• Measurements of copper, trace element, requires blood discarded
collection in a tube with a- Royal blue top • Wearing gloves during phlebotomy procedures is
• The blood to additive ratio is most critical for a mandated by the following agency:- OSHA
specimen collected in this tube.- light blue top • What criterion is used to decide which needle gauge to
• If phlebotomists have dermatitis, they should- see if use for venipuncture?- Size and condition of the vein
wearing glove liners will help • To what does the "gauge" of a needle relate?- diameter
• Decontamination of hands after glove removal is • Which needle gauge has the largest bore or lumen?- 18
essential because- Hand contamination might not be • Multisample needles are typically available in these
visible to the naked eye gauges.- 20-22
• Which of the following is a disinfectant?- Household • The slanted tip of a needle is called the:- bevel
bleach • The purpose of the rubber sleeve that covers the tube
• Which disinfectant is preferred by the HICPAC for use end of a multiple-sample needle is to- prevent leakage
on surfaces and instruments?- EPA-registered sodium of blood during tube changes
hypochlorite product • A phlebotomy needle that does not have a safety
• After a blood spill, a disinfectant is applied and must feature- Must be used with a holder that has a safety
have at least_________________of contact time for feature
cleanup to be effective.- 10 minutes • Which of the following plays no role in deciding what
• If hands are heavily contaminated with organic material size tubes to use for ETS blood collection?- Patient's
and a sink is not available, the phlebotomist should allergy to antiseptics
clean them with?- detergent-containing wipes followed • Mixing additive tubes involves:- Slowly rocking them
by a sanitizer back and forth
• The purpose of a transillumination device is to- Locate • Which of the following stopper colors identifies a tube
veins for venipuncture used for coagulation testing?- light blue
• Which statement is incorrect? A properly applied • Which of the following tubes will yield a serum
tourniquet should- Restrict venous and arterial blood sample?- Red top
flow • The cleaning agent in hand sanitizers used in healthcare
• The needle gauge is used for autologous blood is?- alcohol based
collection.- 15 to 17 • Which of the following tube stopper colors indicates
• Needle safety features work by- All of the something other than the presence (or absence) and
above...Covering or shielding the needle, retracting the type of additive in the tube?- royal blue
needle after the use, using a device to blunt the needle • Heparin prevents blood from clotting by- inhibiting
• OSHA regulations require that after use- Tube holders thrombin
with needles attached be disposed of as a unit • Which department would most likely perform the test
• The headspace in an evacuated tube is- a consistent on a specimen collected in an SPS tube?- Microbiology
amount of air space left when a tube is filled properly • A royal blue-top tube with green color coding on the
• Tubes designed by the manufacturer to be "short draw" label contains- Heparin
are:- made to fill only partially • Which one of the following substances is an
• Types of ETS tube additives include- anticoagulants, anticoagulant?- Oxalate
clot activators, separator gels • It is important to fill oxalate tubes to the stated fill
• Plastic red-top tubes used to collect blood specimens capacity because oxalate- cause hemolysis of blood
usually contain:- clot activators specimens
• improper handling of lab specimens can result in- • Which of the following substances is continued in a
additive integrity, shape of the tube, vacuum of a tube serum separator tube?- Thixotropic gel
• This would be the best tube for collecting a STAT test • what is the purpose of an antiglycolytic-agent?-
that must be performed on serum.- RST preserve glucose
• Which additive is used to collect donor units of blood?- • Glass particles present in serum separator tubes-
CPD activate clotting
• A specimen collected in this type of additive will • Which is the best tube for collecting an ETOH
separate if allowed to stand.- Citrate, Heparin, Oxalate (ethanol) specimen?- Gray top

Gabriel, GC 1
Phlebotomy and Laboratory Management SAMPLEX/ REVIEWER
• Identify the tubes needed to collect a CBC, PTT, & is a permanently attached needle with a sleeve inside
STAT potassium by color and in the proper order of the transfer device
collection for a multi-tube draw:- light blue top, green • A prothrombin time (PT) and platelet count are
top, lavender top ordered on an 80 yr old female patient. Deciding to use
• During venipuncture the tourniquet should not be left a butterfly and "short draw" evacuated tubes on the
on longer than- 1 minute tiny cephalic vein on the dorsal side of her right arm,
• Which one of the following tubes is filled first when the phlebotomist collects one light blue top and then a
multiple tubes are filled from a syringe?- Blood culture lavender top. Why would you suspect that the PT test
tube be incorrect and the platelet count unaffected?- No
• This test is collected in a light blue top tube- tube was drawn to remove air in the butterfly tubing.
prothrombin time • A home care phlebotomist had a requisition to collect a
• Which of the following STAT tests is typically collected complete blood count (CBC), plasma K, partial
in a lithium heparin tube?- Electrolyte panel thromboplastin time (PTT), and prothrombin time
(PT). He collected the tubes from the client, who was
• This tube stopper color indicates that the tube contains
lying on the sofa with her arm elevated above her
EDTA:- lavender
shoulder on a table next to the sofa. As he collected the
• What anticoagulant is contained in a PST?- Heparin tests in the following order-CBC, K, & finally the PT &
• The purpose of sodium citrate in a specimen collection PTT-he was careful to invert the tubes as required.
is to:- protect coagulation factors Later that day, the lab called the phlebotomist to say
• The part of a syringe that shows measurements in cc or that three of the tests would have to be redrawn.
ml is called the:- barrel Which three test most likely had questionable results
• This part of the evacuated tube holder is meant to aid and needed to redrawn?-Potassium, PTT, and PT
in smooth tube removal:- flange • While collecting a STAT blood culture and electrolytes
• The best choice of equipment for drawing difficult on a child in the emergency room, the physician asked
veins is a:- Butterfly and ETS holder the phlebotomist to get an extra tube of blood to check
• Mixing equipment from different manufacturers can for metal poisoning. Which one of the following tubes
result in- Improper fit of the needle would the phlebotomist add to the ones already being
• You are most likely to increase the chance of collected?- royal blue
hemolyzing a specimen if you use a- 25 gauge butterfly • Which one of the following tubes/additives would be
needle to collect a specimen from a small child used to collect a DNA test?- yellow, ACD
• The purpose of a tourniquet in the venipuncture • Electrolytes should never be collected in a- Gray top
procedure is to:- Enlarge veins so they are easier to find • iodine solution- when drawing blood cultures, a
and enter medical assistant should prepare a patients skin using
• If a blood pressure cuff is used for venipuncture in which of the following products?
place of a tourniquet, the pressure used must be- Below • remove the tourniquet before 1 min has elapsed- to
the patient's diastolic pressure avoid hemoconcentration during venipuncture, which
• In general, an anticoagulant is unable to- Inhibit the of the following actions should the medical assistant
metabolism of glucose take?
• Needle safety devices must- Create a barrier between a • Yellow- which of the following tubes should a medical
user's hand and the needle after use. assistant select first when adhering to the proper order
• This gel separator tube contains EDTA:- PPT of draw?
• Which additive contains a substance that inhibits • Fourth- which of the following digits is the preferred
phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells?- sodium site for capillary puncture on an adult patient ?
polyanethol sulfonate • dispose of the needle- A medical assistant removes a
• Which type of test can potentially be affected by tissue needle from the antecubital space of a patient following
thromboplastin contamination- coagulation a phlebotomy procedure and applies pressure. which of
• Which of the following tests would be most affected by the following steps should the medical assistant take
carryover of K2EDTA?- Potassium next?
• Carryover from this tube has a greater potential to • 45min- A medical assistant should allow a red-top or
negatively affect the specimen in the next tube drawn.- serum-separator tube (SST) to stand for which of the
Underfilled EDTA tube following lengths of time prior to centrifuge
• A trace element specimen tube should be collected- • before the patient is discharged- at which point during
Separately or by syringe a venipuncture process should a medical assistant label
the blood specimen tube?
• A pink-top tube containing EDTA is primarily used
for:- Blood bank tests • verify that the requisition form has been completed- A
medical assistant has completed a blood collection.
• Identify the tubes needed to collect a PT, STAT lytes,
which of the following actions should the medical
and BC in the proper order of collection- Yellow, light
assistant take to ensure proper specimen processing?
blue, PST
• notify the patients provider of the results- when
• Which one of the following tubes is additive free?- BD
reviewing blood work results, a medical assistant
notices fasting blood glucose of 200 mg/dL. which of
• Which chemistry tube could contain either of two
the following actions should the medical assistant take?
different forms of an anticoagulant because both have
• have a provider review the lab results- after receiving
the same stopper color?- Green
blood test results from the reference laboratory , which
• Which additive can be found in four separate tubes
of the following actions should the medical assistant
with different stopper colors?- EDTA
• Which stopper color is the same for two completely
different types of additives used by two different
departments? - yellow
• Due to allergic reactions, which type of glove is not
recommended to be used in healthcare facilities?- Latex
• Which of the following additives is most commonly
used for chemistry tests?- Heparin
• An ETS holder and a syringe transfer device look very
similar. What is the difference between the two?- There

Gabriel, GC 2
Phlebotomy and Laboratory Management SAMPLEX/ REVIEWER
✓ Yellow Tube ✓ Pink Tubes
o Blood Culture Tube. o Contains EDTA with Spray-dried K2
o Collected first, right after skin o Used for blood bank collections
decontamination. o Invert 8 - 10 times
o Additives: Sodium polyanethal sulfonate Anticoagulants
(SPS), ✓ Acid Citrate Dextrose - additive used in specimens for
o Acid citrate dextose (ACD) preserves blood blood donations to prevent clotting and to ensure
for donations RBCs maintain their oxygen-carrying capacity.
o Used for specialty blood banking such as ✓ Oxalates - anticoagulants that prevent blood-clotting
leukocyte antigen typing and DNA testing. sequence by removing calcium and forming calcium
(paternity & organ donor compatibility salts.
testing) ✓ Citrates - anticoagulant additive for blood collection
o Invert 8 times tubes; prevents the blood from clotting sequence by
o .Vacuum vials can be purchased with various removing calcium and forming calcium salts.
culture media ✓ sodium citrate - anticoagulant, a collection tube additive
o unplugged venting unit for aerobic (involving used in specimen collections of whole blood, plasma,
free oxygen) incubation and molecular diagnositics.
o plugged venting unit for anaerobic (absence ✓ EDTA - anticoagulant additive used to prevent blood-
of free oxygen) incubation. clotting sequence by removing calcium and forming
✓ Light Blue Tubes calcium salts. Prevents platelet aggregation and is useful
o Used for coagulation procedures. (PT, APTT) for platelet counts and platelet function tests.Useful for
o Additives: sodium citrate at 3.2% to 3.8% making blood films and microscopic slides as there is
concentration. minimal distortion of platelets and WBCs.
o Underfilling causes erroneously prolonged ✓ heparin - anticoagulant that prevents blood-clotting by
coagulation results inactivating thrombin and thromboplastin, the blood-
o Invert 3-4 times clotting chemicals in the body.
✓ Mottled, speckled, & gold Tubes
o Serum separation tubes. Yellow Tube Additive: SPS OR ACD.
o (incudes BD VACUTAINER + SST or Tests: Blood cultures,
Greiner Bio-One VACUETTE serum tube) Paternity, DNA and tissue
o Contains polymer barrier at bottom of tube typing
Light Blue Tube Additive: Sodium Citrate.
(specific gravity lies between blood clot and
Tests: PT, PTT, Coagulation
o Invert 5 - 8 times. Red Tube Additive: None
o Set aside for 30 min prior to centrifugation. Tests: Gluclose, Rubella,
o Orange & gray/yellow tubes conatain group And Rh.
Thrombin and are used for STAT collections. Tiger Top/ SST Tube Additive: SST and
o (Glass non-additive serum tubes or plastic Anticoagulant.
tubes with no clot activator may be used Tests: Gluclose and Bun
before coagulation tube.) Green Tube Additive Sodium Heparin.
✓ Red Tube Tests: Gluclose, Electrolytes,
o No anticoagulant and Ammonia
o No polymer barrier Lavender Tube Additive: EDTA.
o Used for Serum collections Tests: CBC and HGB
o Clot takes 30 mins to form Gray Tube Additive Sodium Flouride or
✓ Green Tube Potassium Oxalate.
Tests: Fasting Blood Sugar,
o Contains Anticoagulants: Sodium heparin,
Alcohol Levels, and Lactic
ammonium heparin, lithium heparin Acid.
o Used for plasma & whole blood testing;
chemistry tests.
o Used for STAT and provides a fast TAT. • Sodium citrate- found in light blue stopper tubes. Used
o Used for potassium measurements for coagulation tests because it is the best at preserving
o Use lithium heparin tubes for; the coagulation factors
o Glucose, Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), Ionized • EDTA- found in lavender or pink stopper tubes. These
calcium, Creatinine, Electrolyte studies are mostly uses for hematology and some blood
o Do not use this tube for collections to be banking tests,respectively, because they help preserve
used on microscopes stained with Wright's the shape of the cells and reduce platelet clumping
stain. • Heparin- Found in green stopper tubes and used for
o Light green & green/gray tubes have gel to most chemistry tests that require plasma or whole
separate plasma from red blood cells. Used blood and STAT chemistry tests. Heparin separator gel
for assays requiring herparinized plasma. that is found in light green or black and green mottled
o Invert 8 times stopper tubes are used fr chemistry testing as well
✓ Purple (lavender) tube
• ACD- Found in the light yellow stopped tube and used
o Contains EDTA
for DNA testing because the additive has little impact
o used for hematology procedures; complete
on platelets and cells
blood count, RBCs, WBCs, Platelets,
• SPS- Found in yellow stopped tubes and are used to
Hematocrit, differentials (DIFF), hemoglobin,
draw cultures for microrganisms
and mean tests, molecular diagnostic testing,
immunology, hemoglobin A1c. • Potassium oxalte- Found in the gray stopper tube and
o Can be ordered as K2 spray-dried potassium used for testing blood glucose levels because combined
attached to EDTA or K3 liquid potassium with sodium fluoride it helps prevent glucose
attached to EDTA. deterioration
o invert 8 - 10 times

Gabriel, GC 3
Phlebotomy and Laboratory Management SAMPLEX/ REVIEWER
• Sterile bottles • PT Test
✓ Additive: nutrient broth o Prothrombin Time (LIGHT BLUE):
✓ Lab: Microbiology evaluates extrinsic system of the coagulation
✓ Tests: Blood cultures (Culture and Sensitivity) cascade
• Light Blue Vacutainer o therapeutic drug monitoring requires patient
✓ Additive: Sodium Citrate to be on coumadin regimen
✓ Yield: Plasma • PTT Test
✓ Lab: Coagulation o Partial Thromboplastin Time (LIGHT
✓ Tests: PT, PTT, APPT, PTINR, D-Dimer, BLUE): evaluates intrinsic system of
DVT, PE coagulation cascade
• Red Vacutainer o therapeutic drug montoring requires patient to
✓ Additive: None be on heparin regimen
✓ Yield: Serum • APTT Test
✓ Lab: Chemistry o Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
✓ Tests: Storage or Backup (LIGHT BLUE): same as PTT but activator is
added to increase coagulation
• Tiger-Top/Gold/SST Vacutainer
✓ Additive: Silica and Thixotropic Gel • PTINR Test
✓ Yield: Serum o (LIGHT BLUE) evaluates extrinsic system of
coagulation cascade for patients on blood
✓ Lab: Chemistry
thinners (e.g. warfarin)
✓ Tests: BMP, CMP
• D-Dimer Test
• Mint Green Vacutainer
o (LIGHT BLUE) helps to rule out the
✓ Additive: Lithium Heparin and gel
presence of an inappropriate blood clot
✓ Yield: Plasma
• DVT Test
✓ Lab: Chemistry
o (LIGHT BLUE) evaluates presence of deep
✓ Tests: STAT (lytes), hCG
vein thrombosis
• PE Test
• Dark Green Vacutainer
o (LIGHT BLUE) evaluates presence of
✓ Additive: Sodium Heparin
pulmonary embolism
✓ Yield: Plasma
• Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)
✓ Lab: Chemistry
o (TIGERTOP) group of tests ordered together
✓ Tests: Ammonia
that provides generl information about a
• Lavender/Dark Purple Vacutainer
patient's metabolism, kidney function,
✓ Additive: EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic electrolytes, and fluid balance
• Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP)
✓ Yield: Plasma
o (TIGERTOP) similar to BMP but more
✓ Lab: Hematology
comprehensive - also includes information
✓ Tests: ESR, Sickle Cell, CBC about liver function and performance
• Pink Vacutainer
• LYTES Test
✓ Additive: K2 EDTA o (MINT) STAT Electrolytes - measures
✓ Yield: Plasma electrolytes for the diagnoses and treatment of
✓ Lab: Blood Bank renal and endocrine conditions
✓ Tests: TSR, Cross-match o low = arrhythmia and tachycardia
• Gray Vacutainer o high = heart failure
✓ Additive: Sodium Fluoride and Potassium • hCG Test
Oxalate o (MINT) measures Human Chorionic
✓ Yield: Plasma Gonadotropin in the body (if present then
✓ Lab: Chemistry qualitative, if measuring amount then
✓ Tests: OGTT, Lactic Acid, A1C quantitative)
• Royal Blue Vacutainer (Red Stripe) • Ammonia test
✓ Additive: None o (GREEN) measures ammonia in the blood -
✓ Yield: Serum high volume is an indication that liver is not
✓ Drawn after Light Blue functioning properly
✓ Lab: Toxicology • ESR Test
✓ Tests: Lead Poisoning, Heavy Metal o (LAVENDER) Erythrocyte Sedimentation
Toxicology Rate - measures inflammation in the body due
• Royal Blue Vacutainer (Blue Stripe) to infection, cancer, etc.
✓ Additive: EDTA • Sickle Cell Screening
✓ Yield: Plasma o (LAVENDER) evaluates amount of
✓ Drawn after Lavender/Purple hemoglobin S to determine whether a patient
✓ Lab: Toxicology has sickle cell anemia or may be a carrier
✓ Tests: Lead Poisoning, Heavy Metal • CBC Test
Toxicology o Complete Blood Count (LAVENDER) -
• BCX Test extensive test that evaluates cellular elements
o Blood Cultures/Culture and Sensitivity of the blood including: wbc count, wbc
(BOTTLES): differential, hematocrit, hemoglobin, platelets,
o ordered in sets of two (aerobic and anaerobic) and differential
o most common cause of contamination is • TSR Test
improper site preparation o Type and Screen (PINK) - provides basic
o venipuncture site cleansed with iodine understanding of blood type and antibodies
o can only be drawn using butterfly so no broth present in the blood (hematocrit and
is introduced into the bloodstream hemoglobin)

Gabriel, GC 4
Phlebotomy and Laboratory Management SAMPLEX/ REVIEWER
• Cross-match
o (PINK) used to determine if donor blood is a
compatible "match" to the recipient (required
before blood influsion)
• OGTT Test
o Glucose tolerance test (GRAY) - performed
on both blood and urine samples and used to
evaluate blood sugar
o 3hr used to test hyperglycemia and diagnose
diabetes mellitus
o 5hr used to evaluate hypoglycemia for
disorders of carb metabolism
• Lactic Acid Test
o (GRAY) measures lactic acid in the blood -
abnormal levels are an indication the body is
not receiving proper oxygenation (NO
• Hemoglobin A1C Test
o (GRAY) evaluates an individuals three month
average plasma glucose concentration to
monitor diabetes
• ABG Test
o Arterial Blood Gas - used to determine blood
pH and blood gas levels, including carbon
dioxide, oxygen, and bicarbonate (MUST be
run within 15 minutes of collection and
delivered on ice)
o obtained from radial artery by a respiratory
therapist, nurse, or physician
• PKU Test
o Phenylketonuria - ordered for infants to
detect a genetic disease that causes mental
retardation and brain damage

Gabriel, GC 5

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